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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Flexible and easy to engineer servo-hydraulic actuators using 3D printing manufacturing process

Thienen, Stefan, Gellner, Thomas 25 June 2020 (has links)
Already since some time, Bosch Rexroth offers solutions as compact servo hydraulic actuators (SHA). Because there are lot of requests from the market, we thought about reducing the inquiry processing time and delivery time by designing a kit system for the SHA solutions. This system should be flexible enough to cover different technical solutions (e.g. cylinder), functionalities and design styles [... aus dem Text]

Assessing and Modelling the Structural Build-up of Concrete in the Context of Digital Fabrication

Ivanova, Irina 24 May 2023 (has links)
Nowadays, construction industry is rapidly moving towards digitalization and automation that should enable increased rates and efficiency of construction processes, as well as higher possibilities for customization and architectural freedom. Among all technologies under development, digital fabrication with concrete by means of layered extrusion appears to be one of the most promising for purposes of fast mass housing construction. It enables formwork-free production of structures via layer-by-layer concrete printing. Freedom from formwork potentially makes the construction process more cost- and time-saving, but poses multiple challenges to mix design and test methods, especially in terms of concrete rheology. A special focus must be put on the structural build-up of concrete at rest, which is related to its buildability, i.e. capacity of the material to retain the shape of the extruded layers under their own weight and the weight of the subsequently placed layers. This research investigates into the structural build-up of cementitious materials, i.e. evolution of their strength and deformation properties over time at rest, and includes development and refinement of methodology to assess the structural build-up, as well as its modelling and prediction. With respect to methodology, major attention was directed to the constant rotational velocity (CRV) test used for evaluation of the static yield stress development, and rationalization of its application under field conditions. Based on a large amount of experiments performed with two rheometers of different design, characteristic curves and points describing patterns in behaviour of cementitious materials during a CRV test were established. The experimental study also dealt with assessing the effects of alterations in main elements of the CRV test protocol, such as test approach (single- versus multi-batch), pre-shear regime, applied CRV, on the test results. Possible errors in CRV tests were addressed and methods to improve the procedures of testing and data evaluation were suggested. In particular, the single-batch approach was enhanced by implementation of the developed breaking criterion, a concept of zero measurement for non-pre-sheared samples was introduced, and a method for simplified evaluation of elasticity by a single-head rheometer was proposed. General methodological recommendations on the design of a CRV test protocol were formulated. The results are applicable for various cementitious materials and not limited to concretes for layered extrusion. Furthermore, test methods for assessing the structural build-up of printable concretes were studied in terms of their applicability under field conditions, potential for automation, descriptiveness of obtained data and efficiency in predicting the buildability of printed concrete structures. The methods under investigation included CRV test, unconfined uniaxial compression test (UUCT), fast penetration test and newly proposed confined uniaxial compression test (CUCT); all tests were performed on extruded samples of eight printable concrete mixtures with various compositions and rheological properties. The corresponding results were juxtaposed in order to establish correlations between the data and compared to the results of buildability tests, in which hollow cylindrical structures were produced using a laboratory-scale 3D printer. The developed methodology was further used to conduct an in-depth investigation into the influence of aggregates on the structural build-up of ordinary concrete. In the experimental program, the binder composition was kept constant while the aggregate was varied in terms of the volume fraction and the surface area (per unit volume of concrete); the main focus was put on compositions with elevated aggregate content (45−55 % by volume). A mechanism lying behind the effects of the aggregate properties on the structural build-up of concrete was discovered by studying the structure of constitutive paste in concrete. Aggregate-induced inhomogeneity of constitutive paste allowed to introduce a three-component model of fresh concrete. Furthermore, to find models capable of predicting the parameters of structural build-up of concrete, i.e. static yield stress and structuration rate, concrete was viewed as a suspension of aggregate particles in suspending medium. Three approaches were employed to define the correspondent components. Suspending medium was represented by plain cement paste, screened cement paste and fine mortar considered as a part of concrete comprising particles below 0.5 mm; a substantiation for such a definition was provided. Applicability and limitations of the models based on all three approaches were compared. The modelling approach was further extended to printable concretes with nearly identical aggregate compositions, but different properties of paste. Opportunities and challenges in modelling the structural build-up of printable concrete, including the problem of material dependency of the models and the relevancy of fitting coefficients, were discussed. A modified Chateau-Ovarlez-Trung model based on the definition of suspending medium as fine mortar was acknowledged as best suited to describe the structural build-up of both ordinary and printable concrete.

Proposal for Load Adaptive Design of Microlattice Structures Suitable for PBF-LB/M Manufacturing

Seidler, A., Holtzhausen, S., Korn, H., Koch, P., Paetzold, K., Müller, B. 18 June 2024 (has links)
In this paper, a proposal for a new method to design load-adaptive microlattice structures for PBF-LB/M manufacturing is presented. For this purpose, a method was developed to stiffen microlattice structures in particular by using self-similar sub-cells to ensure their manufacturability. The quality of the stiffness increase was investigated and verified by finite element simulations. Subsequently, the simulation results were critically discussed with respect to their potential for future design processes for architected materials.

Innovative Bauteilgestaltung mit inneren Strukturen

Mahn, Uwe, Horn, Matthias, Arndt, Jan 24 May 2023 (has links)
Die neuen Fertigungsmöglichkeiten durch die Additive Fertigung ermöglicht es nicht nur topologisch neuartige Bauteile herzustellen, sondern auch Bauteile mit inneren Strukturen zu versehen, die der Bauteilbelastung angepasst sind oder anderen Funktionen Freiräume bieten. Ein Ansatz ist es durchlässige innere Strukturen, z. B. Gitterstrukturen (auch als Lattice Strukturen bezeichnet) einzusetzen und durch die damit geschaffenen großen inneren Flächen eine effiziente Bauteilkühlung zu realisieren. Anhand eines einfachen Beispiels wird durch Simulation und Experiment die Wirkung einer solchen Kühlung gezeigt. Als weiteres Anwendungsbeispiel wird der Einsatz verschiedener innere Strukturen zur festigkeitsgerechten Gestaltung gewichtsoptimierter Bauteile vorgestellt. In beiden Fällen wird die Gestaltung mit Hilfe von FE-Modellen experimentell begleitet. / The new manufacturing possibilities offered by additive manufacturing not only allows to produce topologically novel components, but also enables to provide components with internal structures that are adapted to the component load or offer new possibilities for other functions. One approach is to use permeable internal structures, e. g. lattice structures, to realize efficient component cooling through the large internal surfaces created thereby. The effect of such a cooling is demonstrated by simulations and experiments using a simple example. As a further application example, the use of various internal structures for the strength-oriented design of weight-optimized components will be presented. In both cases the design is experimentally accompanied by FE models.

Characterisation of thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) for additive manufacturing

Haid, Daniel Matthias, Duncan, Olly, Hart, John, Foster, Leon 14 October 2022 (has links)
Despite increasing use, many 3d printing material properties are not openly available, which causes barriers to simulation and application. Four additively manufactured thermoplastic polyurethanes were characterised at low (0.006 1/s) to high (16 1/s) compressive and tensile strain rates, and during stress relaxation. Quasi-static Young’s moduli were determined to be 24 – 247 MPa, increasing by up to 183% at 16 1/s. / Trotz der zunehmenden Verwendung sind viele Materialeigenschaften für den 3D-Druck nicht offen zugänglich, was die Simulation und Anwendung erschwert. Vier additiv hergestellte thermoplastische Polyurethane wurden bei niedrigen (0,006 1/s) bis hohen (16 1/s) Druck- und Zugdehnungsraten sowie während der Spannungsrelaxation charakterisiert. Die quasistatischen Elastizitätsmodule wurden mit 24 - 247 MPa bestimmt, wobei sie bei 16 1/s um bis zu 183 % anstiegen.

Vergleich von Stützstrukturen für die additive Fertigung: CreoParametric/Simulate4.0 <-->ProTOpCI

Simmler, Urs 09 June 2017 (has links)
Durch die Verwendung von 3D-Druck-Verfahren wird die Gestaltung der Komponenten revolutioniert, weil die Form nicht mehr abhängig vom Fertigungsverfahren ist. Dabei werden auch optimale Gitterstrukturen innerhalb der Komponenten immer wichtiger. Diese Stützstrukturen können in Creo Parametric 4.0 mit dem neuen «Lattice-Feature» modelliert und Creo Simulate analysiert werden. Parallel dazu kann man mit ProTopCI (Hersteller CAESS, PTC Partner Advantage, Silver) eine Topologieoptimierung mit Stützstrukturen durchführen. Der Vortrag beleuchtet die Unterschiede dieser 2 Methoden.

Über den neurenterischen Kanal im Embryo des Menschen und des Neuweltaffen Callithrix jacchus / About the Neurenteric Canal in the Human embryo and the embryo of the new-world-monkey Callithrix jacchus

Nachtigal, Alexander 31 December 1100 (has links)
No description available.

Topologieoptimierung im Creo-Umfeld mit ProTopCI

Simmler, Urs 22 July 2016 (has links)
Wikipedia umschreibt die Topologieoptimierung als ein computerbasiertes Berechnungsverfahren, durch welches eine günstige Grundgestalt (Topologie) für Bauteile unter mechanischer Belastung ermittelt werden kann. Durch die Verwendung von 3D-Druck-Verfahren wird die Gestaltung der Komponenten revolutioniert, weil diese nicht mehr abhängig vom Fertigungsverfahren sind. Dabei werden auch optimale Gitterstrukturen innerhalb der Komponenten immer wichtiger. Diese neuen Herausforderungen können im Creo Umfeld mit ProTopCI (Hersteller CAESS, PTC Partner Advantage, Silver) elegant gelöst werden. Im Vortrag (mit Live-Demonstration) werden die neuen Möglichkeiten dieser innovativen Lösung beleuchtet: Modellerzeugung in Creo Simulate (FEM-Mode): - Verschiedene Lastfälle, - Kontakte, - Schraubenverbindungen, - CAD-Geometrie, - zu optimierende Bereiche, ... Technologische Randbedingungen zur Berücksichtigung des Fertigungsverfahren Innovatives Erzeugen/Optimieren der Gitterstrukturen Glätten, Exportieren der optimierten Geometrie

Rissbildung in 3D-gedruckten Betonelementen infolge plastischen Schwindens: Ursachen und Quantifizierungsmethoden

Markin, Slava, Mechtcherine, Viktor 10 November 2022 (has links)
Durch den Einsatz des 3D-Drucks mit Beton kann die Produktivität auf der Baustelle enorm gesteigert, der gesamte Bauablauf optimiert und zugleich geometrische Freiheit ohne zusätzliche Kosten realisiert werden. Jedoch bevor der Beton-3D-Druck eine breite Anwendung finden kann, müssen einige Fragen in Bezug auf die Dauerhaftigkeit sowie die Gebrauchsfähigkeit gedruckter Betonelemente erforscht werden. Im vorliegenden Aufsatz wird die Problematik der Verformungen und Rissbildung bei gedruckten Betonelementen infolge des plastischen Schwindens beleuchtet. Außerdem werden geeignete Messverfahren für die Quantifizierung von gehindertem sowie ungehindertem plastischem Schwinden von gedrucktem Beton vorgestellt.

3D-druckbarer Normalbeton mit grober Gesteinskörnung

Taubert, Markus, Mechtcherine, Viktor 10 November 2022 (has links)
Angetrieben von vielversprechenden Effizienzsteigerungen wird der Beton-3D-Druck stetig weiterentwickelt. Um die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse niederschwellig in die Baupraxis zu überführen, empfehlen sich druckbare Betone im Rahmen des geltenden Regelwerks. Dabei stellt die Limitierung des Mehlkorngehalts eine Herausforderung dar. Um diese zu meistern, wird eine verallgemeinerbare, numerisch unterstützte Anwendung der Korngrößenverteilung nach Andreasen und Andersen als Basis für den Betonentwurf vorgeschlagen. Experimentelle Untersuchungen haben eine gute Verbaubarkeit und hinreichende Extrudierbarkeit eines Betons mit einem 16 mm Größtkorn und einem Mehlkorngehalt von 500 kg/m³ demonstriert.

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