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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Genome wide profiling of 5-formylcytosine and 5-carboxylcytosine in melanoma

Rabidou, Kimberlie Ann Marques 17 June 2016 (has links)
Malignant melanoma, which comprises only 2% of skin cancers cases, but is the most lethal form of skin cancer. With the prevalence of melanoma continuing to rise, there is a greater need to elucidate the mechanisms underlying disease initiation and progression. Because mutations in melanoma-associated genes account for only 10% of cases, epigenome-altering environmental factors must have a role in pathogenesis. DNA methylation and demethylation are key epigenetics processes which govern cell differentiation and development. 5-methylcytosine (5mC) is a key epigenetic mark, which undergoes oxidation to 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC), 5formylcytosine (5fC) and 5carboxycytosine (5caC) during demethylation. In melanoma, it has been established that the loss of 5hmC is a cancer hallmark and is associated with poor prognostic outcome. The roles of 5fC/5caC, however, are not known. Here, I aimed to investigate the role of 5fC/5caC in melanoma and its contribution to disease development. Using methylase-assisted bisulfite sequencing, I have mapped the genome-wide distribution of 5fC/5caC at base pair resolution in two melanoma cell lines, A2058 and Mel Juso. In both cell lines, this modification is enriched at distal regulatory elements. Comparisons of differentially methylated sites and regions between the cell lines revealed that the products of 5fC/5caC enriched genes participate in cell adhesion and cell signaling, both of which are altered during melanoma initiation and progression. Increased levels of 5fC/5caC in these genes may be a contributing factor to this deregulation. Through these studies, we aim to identify distinct regions undergoing alterations in melanoma, which can serve as diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers. / 2018-06-16T00:00:00Z

Methods to probe the function of modified bases in DNA

Hardisty, Robyn Elizabeth January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the development and utilisation of chemical and biological tools to probe the function of modified bases in DNA with specific exploration of the less well-studied T-modifications: 5-hmU, 5-fU and Base J. LCMS/MS techniques are first utilised to enable the accurate global quantification of T-modifications (5-hmU, 5-fU and Base J) in both trypanosomatids and mammalian DNA. A chemical affinity-enrichment sequencing method for the T-modifications is next described, which allows their chemoselective tagging over their C-modification counterparts. DNA fragments containing 5-fU are selectively tagged and enriched via oxime, hydrazine or benzimidazole formation using a biotinylated probe, and DNA fragments containing 5-hmU can be first chemically oxidised to 5-fU using KRuO4. .Proof-of-principle T-modification enrichment is demonstrated by DNA sequencing. In the following chapter, sequencing methods are employed to investigate the role of T-modifications in both trypanosomatids and mammalian samples. In T.Brucei, Base J formation is probed by artificial incorporation of 5-hmU and subsequent Base J chemical sequencing. Base J is preferentially formed or depleted at certain genomic loci; suggesting that Base J formation is sequence-specific. This may imply a distinct role for the 5-hmU sites which are not further glucosylated. Next, 5-hmU enrichment sequencing is performed in SMUG1 knockdown HEK293T cells to determine the genomic location of 5-hmU in mammals. An increase in 5-hmU loci is observed upon SMUG1 knockdown. 5-hmU enriched regions are found to be T-rich and depleted in exons and promoters. Furthermore, 5-hmU sites show poor overlap with known TET-enzyme binding sites, indicating that 5-hmU is formed via a TET-independent mechanism in HEK293T cells. Next, mass spectrometry-based proteomics studies are utilised to determine 5-fU protein-binders in mammals. Pulldown of proteins using biotinylated baits enables the identification of proteins which are enriched or suppressed in the presence of the 5-fU modification compared to a non-modified control. Enriched proteins include those associated with DNA-damage, consistent with the current understanding that 5-fU is a product of oxidative damage in mammalian DNA. Finally, a mechanistic insight into the effect of formylated bases on nucleosomal structure is described. Schiff base formation between formylated nucleobases and histone protein lysine side-chains is demonstrated. This provides a molecular mechanism for the association of 5-fC with increased nucleosomal occupancy in vivo.

Photoremovable protecting groups for carbonyl compounds of biological interest

Lineros Rosa, Mauricio 10 June 2021 (has links)
[ES] El espectro de la luz solar está compuesto por una amplia gama de radiaciones electromagnéticas las cuales tienen diferentes impactos sobre la vida en la tierra. Entre ellas, las pertenecientes a la región ultravioleta toman un papel principal cuando nos referimos a la fotobiología, ya que pueden interactuar con las biomoléculas por medio de procesos tanto directos como fotosensibilizados. Como resultado, estas biomoléculas pueden sufrir modificaciones que no siempre tienen efectos beneficiosos. En este contexto, los daños fotoinducidos al ADN son de gran relevancia ya que están estrechamente relacionados con la creciente incidencia de cáncer de piel. Por ello, es necesario investigar tanto los mecanismos involucrados en dichos procesos como el desarrollo de nuevas estrategias para combatirlos. En la presente tesis se da respuesta a estas necesidades mediante el desarrollo y empleo de grupos protectores fotolábiles (PPG). En una primera parte se avanza en el desarrollo de nuevos PPG basados en filtros solares. Estos ofrecen la ventaja de actuar, una vez liberados, como un escudo protector frente a la radiación ultravioleta. En este contexto, en el Capítulo 3 se profundiza en las propiedades fotofísicas y fotoquímicas de los sistemas formados por la avobenzona como PPG de ácidos carboxílicos, más concretamente del ketoprofeno (KP) y del naproxeno (NPX). En este estudio se analiza por medio de modelado molecular y técnicas espectroscópicas la influencia que tiene la energía relativa del triplete de la avobenzona en su forma dicetónica, 3AB(K)*, respecto a la de los compuestos protegidos en el proceso de liberación. Siguiendo en esta misma línea de trabajo, en el Capítulo 4 se ha desarrollado un nuevo PPG capaz de liberar el filtro solar oxibenzona (OB) junto con compuestos carbonílicos. En una segunda parte, el foco de atención se ha puesto en el concepto de "Caballo de Troya", el cual establece que ciertas lesiones del ADN pueden actuar a su vez como fotosensibilizadores endógenos generando así nuevas lesiones en su entorno. En este contexto, en el Capítulo 5 se han estudiado, mediante métodos tanto experimentales como teóricos, las propiedades fotosensibilizantes de dos de los daños oxidativos del ADN, el 5-formiluracilo (ForU) y la 5-formilcitosina (ForC), poniendo especial énfasis en la capacidad de estos para poblar sus estados tripletes, así como de inducir la formación fotosensibilizada de dímeros ciclobutánicos de pirimidina (CPD). Por último, en el Capítulo 6 se ha desarrollado una nueva alternativa sintética para la incorporación del ForU en oligonucleótidos. Debido a la inestabilidad del grupo aldehído, esta síntesis se lleva a cabo generalmente mediante la incorporación de un precursor el cual es posteriormente convertido en el ForU mediante la acción de un agente oxidante. Por el contrario, en la nueva alternativa planteada el aldehído es protegido con un PPG, de manera que una vez insertado en el ODN, el aldehído es liberado de forma selectiva mediante el empleo de luz. Este trabajo supone un avance en el estudio de las propiedades fotosensibilizantes del ForU ofreciendo una nueva herramienta para la evaluación de las mismas en un entorno más cercano al del ADN. / [CA] L'espectre de la llum solar està compost per una àmplia gamma de radiacions electromagnètiques les quals tenen diferents impactes sobre la vida en la terra. Entre elles, les pertanyents a la regió ultraviolada prenen un paper principal quan ens referim a la fotobiologia, ja que poden interactuar amb les biomolècules per mitjà de processos tant directes com fotosensibilitzats. Com a resultat, aquestes biomolècules poden patir modificacions que no sempre tenen efectes beneficiosos. En este context, els danys fotoinduits a l'ADN són de gran rellevància ja que estan estretament relacionats amb la creixent incidència de càncer de pell. Per això, és necessari tant d'investigar els mecanismes involucrats en els processos com el desenvolupament de noves estratègies per a combatre'ls. En la present tesi es dóna resposta a aquestes necessitats per mitjà del desenvolupament i ús de grups protectors fotolàbils (PPG). En una primera part s'avança en el desenvolupament de nous PPG basats en filtres solars. Estos ofereixen l'avantatge d'actuar, una vegada alliberats, com un escut protector enfront de la radiació ultraviolada. En este context, en el capítol 3 s'aprofundeix en les propietats fotofísiques i fotoquímiques dels sistemes formats per l'avobenzona com PPG d'àcids carboxílics, més concretament del ketoprofé (KP) i del naproxé (NPX). En este estudi s'analitza per mitjà de modelatge molecular i tècniques espectroscòpiques la influència que té en el procés d'alliberament l'energia relativa del triplet de l'avobenzona en la seua forma dicetònica, 3AB(K)*, respecte a la dels compostos protegits. En esta mateixa línia de treball, en el capítol 4 s'ha desenvolupat un nou PPG capaç d'alliberar el filtre solar oxibenzona (OB) junt amb compostos carbonílics. En una segona part, el focus d'atenció s'ha posat en el concepte de "Cavall de Troia", el qual estableix que certes lesions de l'ADN poden actuar al seu torn com fotosensibilitzadors endògens generant així noves lesions en el seu entorn. En este context, en el capítol 5 s'han estudiat, per mitjà de mètodes tant experimentals com teòrics, les propietats fotosensibilitzants de dos dels danys oxidatius de l'ADN, el 5-formiluracil (ForU) i la 5-formilcitosina (ForC), posant especial èmfasi tant en la capacitat d'estos per a poblar els seus estats triplet, com d'induir la formació fotosensibilitzada de dímers ciclobutànics de pirimidina (CPD). Finalment, en el capítol 6 s'ha desenvolupat una nova alternativa sintètica per a la incorporació del ForU en oligonucleòtids. A causa de la inestabilitat del grup aldehid, esta síntesi es duu a terme generalment per mitjà de la incorporació d'un precursor el qual és posteriorment convertit en el ForU per mitjà de l'acció d'un agent oxidant. Al contrari, en la nova alternativa plantejada l'aldehid és protegit amb un PPG, de manera que una vegada inserit en l'oligonucleòtid, l'aldehid és alliberat de forma selectiva per mitjà de l'ús de llum. Este treball suposa un avanç en l'estudi de les propietats fotosensibilitzants del ForU i ofereix una nova ferramenta per a l'avaluació de les mateixes en un entorn més pròxim al de l'ADN. / [EN] The solar spectrum is composed of a wide range of electromagnetic radiations which have different impacts on life on earth. Among them, those belonging to the ultraviolet region are of utmost importance when we refer to photobiology, since they can interact with biomolecules through both direct and photosensitized processes. As a result, these biomolecules can undergo modifications that do not always have beneficial effects. In this context, photoinduced DNA damage is of great relevance as it is closely related to the increasing incidence of skin cancer. Therefore, it is necessary both to investigate the mechanisms involved in these processes and to develop new strategies to avoid them. In this Thesis these issues have been addressed through the development and use of photolabile protecting groups (PPG). The first part of this Thesis involves the development of new PPG based on solar filters. Once released, these PPG offer the advantage of acting as ultraviolet shields. In this context, Chapter 3 looks into the photophysical and photochemical properties of those systems formed by avobenzone as PPG of carboxylic acids, more specifically ketoprofen (KP) and naproxen (NPX). In this study, the influence on the photorelease process of the relative energetic location of the avobenzone triplet manifold in its diketo form, 3AB(K)*, with respect to that of its caged compound, is duly analyzed by means of molecular modeling and spectroscopic techniques. Following this same line of work, a new PPG capable of releasing oxybenzone (OB) solar filter along with carbonyl compounds has been developed in Chapter 4. The second part of this Thesis focuses on the "Trojan Horse" concept, which establishes that certain DNA lesions can act as endogenous photosensitizers, thus generating new lesions in their neighborhood. In this context, in Chapter 5 the photosensitizing properties of two oxidatively generated DNA damages, namely 5-formyluracil (ForU) and 5-formylcytosine (ForC), have been studied by means of experimental and theoretical approaches. Here, special emphasis has been placed on unraveling their capacity to photoinduce the formation of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPD). Finally, in Chapter 6 a new synthetic alternative for the incorporation of ForU into oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN) has been developed. Due to the instability of the aldehyde group, this synthesis is generally carried out by incorporating a precursor which is subsequently converted into ForU by the action of an oxidative agent. On the contrary, in the new approach, the aldehyde is protected with a PPG, so that once inserted into the ODN, the aldehyde is selectively released through the use of light. This work entails a step forward in the study of the photosensitizing properties of ForU, offering a new tool for their evaluation within the DNA environment. / Lineros Rosa, M. (2021). Photoremovable protecting groups for carbonyl compounds of biological interest [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/167764 / TESIS

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