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Polymerase Chain Reaction (pcr) For Detection Of Borrelia Burgdorferi Sensu LatoDuman, Zeynep 01 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The present study aimed detection of a human pathogen B. bugdorferi sensu lato species in suspected Lyme borreliosis (LB) patients in Turkey by PCR analysis and supportive serologic tests. The 152 clinical samples (140 serum and blood, 10 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), 1 synovial fluid, 1 skin biopsy specimens) from 140 patients sent from 22 different cities of Turkey to The Spirochetal Diseases Diagnosis Laboratory of Central Veterinary Control and Research Institute were analysed. Serum samples were subjected to ELISA with a commercial kit and all of the blood, CSF, synovial fluid and skin biopsy samples were examined by PCR. In PCR analysis two primer sets targeting the ospA gene located on the plasmid and ribosomal 23S rRNA gene of B. burgdorferi sensu lato were used. The results indicated that 32,1% (45 of 140) seropositivity was detectable by ELISA. Our results support that there is a risk of acquiring LB in different regions of Turkey. Although considerable positive detections were recorded using serologic tests,none of the specimens were positive in PCR analysis. Further studies on PCR
based methods for detection of B. burgdorferi sensu lato in patients with a high clinical probability of LB apparently may require that the specimen should be taken in the early phases and before the administration of any therapeutic agent.
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The Effects Of Hydrogen Peroxide, Gallic Acid And Resveratrol On Growth And Catalase Production Of Aspergillus FumigatusDogan, Tunca 01 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of hydrogen peroxide and selected phenolic compounds on growth and catalase production of Aspergillus fumigatus. As a result of growing A. fumigatus at different temperatures it was observed that, growth and catalase production of this species were highest at 37 ° / C. Catalase production was highest in the presence of 1 mM H2O2, yielding a significant 3 fold increase with respect to the control. Biomass was also increased by 1,44 fold with respect to the control sample. H2O2 increased catalase production possibly by inducing oxidative stress as biomass production significantly increased after the depletion of H2O2. Both gallic acid and trans-resveratrol significantly enhanced biomass generation of A. fumigatus (1,17 fold increase at 10 mM gallic acid and 1,45 fold increase at 3 mM resveratrol with respect to controls) and decreased extracellular catalase production (4,33 fold at 25 mM gallic acid and 16,7 fold decrease at 3 mM resveratrol with respect to controls) especially in the first 5 or 6 days of the cultivation where the anti-oxidant activity of the compounds were possibly at their maximum. A sudden and significant rise was observed in extracellular catalase activity between 5th and 7th days of the cultivation in phenolic compound applied samples, possibly owing to the depletion of the antioxidant activity of gallic acid and resveratrol followed by fungal cells&rsquo / response to a sudden increase of oxidative stress by boosting catalase production.
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The Effects Of Twelve Quorum-sensing Gene Products On The Expression Of Bacabcde Operon In Bacillus SubtilisOgulur, Ismail 01 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In Bacillus subtilis, genetic competence, sporulation and antibiotic production are controlled by quorum-sensing global regulatory mechanism. Bacilysin, being produced and excreted by certain strains of Bacillus subtilis, is a dipeptide antibiotic composed of L-alanine and L-anticapsin. We showed that the biosynthesis of bacilysin is under the control of quorum sensing global regulatory pathway through the action of ComQ/ComX, PhrC (CSF), ComP/ComA in a Spo0K (Opp)-dependent manner. Recently, the ywfBCDEF genes of B. subtilis 168 were shown to carry biosynthetic core function and renamed as bacABCDE operon. The objective of the present study is to elucidate the effects of previously-identified genes srfA, oppA, comA, phrC, phrF, phrK, comQ (comX), comP, spo0H, spo0A, abrB and codY on the expression of bacilysin biosynthetic operon bacABCDE. In order to monitor the expression of bac operon a B. subtilis strain, namely OGU1, containing a transcriptional bacA-lacZ fusion at bacA locus was constructed. Subsequently, each of the above-mentioned genes of cell density signaling was insertionally inactivated by transforming the competent cells of OGU1 with chromosomal DNA of the corresponding blocked mutant strains. The resulting strains and OGU1 as the control were cultured in PA medium and bacA-directed & / #946 / -galactosidase activities were monitored. bacA-lacZ expression was severely impaired in the srfA, oppA, comA, phrC, phrF, phrK, comQ (comX), comP, spo0H and spo0A disrupted mutants. On the other hand, in the abrB single mutant bacA expression level increased nearly 2-fold during exponential growth and in the codY mutant it severely decreased during the stationary phase.
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Improvement Of Biohydrogen Production By Genetic Manipulations In Rhodobacter Sphaeroides O.u.001Kars, Gokhan 01 October 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Rhodobacter sphaeroides O.U.001 is a purple non-sulphur bacterium producing hydrogen under photoheterotrophic, nitrogen limited conditions. Hydrogen is produced by Mo-nitrogenase but substantial amount of H2 is reoxidized by a membrane bound uptake hydrogenase. In this study, hydrogen production and the expression of structural nitrogenase genes were investigated by varying molybdenum and iron ion concentrations. These two elements are found in the structure of Mo-nitrogenase and they are important for functioning of the enzyme. The results showed that hydrogen production and nifD gene expression increased upon increase in molybdenum concentration. Increasing iron concentration had also positive effect on hydrogen production and nifK gene expression.
To improve the hydrogen producing capacity of R. sphaeroides O.U.001, hupSL genes encoding uptake hydrogenase were disrupted in two different methods. In the first method, hup genes were disrupted by gentamicin resistance gene insertion. In the second method, part of the hup gene was deleted without using antibiotic resistance gene. The wild type and the hup- mutant cells showed similar growth patterns but substantially more hydrogen was produced by the mutant cells.
The genes coding for hox1 hydrogenase of Thiocapsa roseopersicina was aimed to be expressed in R. sphaeroides O.U.001 to produce H2 under nitrogenase repressed and mixotrophic conditions. The hox1 hydrogenase genes of T. roseopersicina were cloned and transferred to R. sphaeroides. Although the cloning was successful, the expression of hydrogenase was not achieved by using either the native promoter of hox1 hydrogenase or the crtD promoter of T. roseopersicina.
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Effect Of High Hydrostatic Pressure On Microbial Load And Quality Parameters Of Grape JuiceMert, Mecnun 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Effect of high hydrostatic pressure (150-200-250 MPa) on the microbial load and quality parameters (pH, color, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural-HMF) of white (Sultaniye) and red (Alicante Bouschet) grape juices with combination of temperature (20-30-40° / C) and holding time (5-10-15 min) was studied. Increased pressure and temperature showed significant effect on microbial reduction in white and red grape juices (p< / 0.05). The effect of pressure and time on pH drop was found to be insignificant (p> / 0.05). HHP resulted in E< / 1 for white grape and E< / 7 for red grape juice samples. Shelf life analysis for HHP treated white grape juice (200 MPa-40° / C-10min) and red grape juice (250 MPa-40° / C-10min) revealed no microbial growth up to 90 days when stored at 25° / C. Although HMF formation was observed in industrially manufactured, pasteurized samples (65° / C for 30 min), no HMF was detected in HHP treated white and red grape juices. HHP at the suggested conditions can be recommended as a better production alternative to heat treatment for white and red grape juice with respect to microbial load and studied quality parameters even at temperatures lower than required for pasteurization.
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Proteome-wide Analysis Of Functional Roles Of Bacilysin Biosynthesis In Bacillus SubtilisAras Taskin, Asli 01 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The members of the genus Bacillus produce a wide variety of secondary metabolites with antimetabolic and pharmacological activities. Most of these metabolites are small peptides that have unusual components and chemical bonds and synthesized nonribosomally by multifunctional enzyme complexes called peptide synthetases. Bacilysin, being produced and excreted by certain strains of Bacillus subtilis, is one of the simplest peptide antibiotics known. It is a dipeptide with an N-terminal L-alanine and an unusual amino acid, L-anticapsin, at its C-terminal. Recently, ywfBCDEF operon of B. subtilis 168 was shown to carry bacilysin biosynthesis function, the genes of this operon were renamed as bacABCDE. The first member of bac operon, bacA gene was proved to encode the function of L-alanine &ndash / L-anticapsin amino acid ligation. Bacilysin production is regulated at different levels, negatively by GTP via the transcriptional regulator CodY and AbrB while positive regulation occurs by guanosine 5
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Evaluation Of Biodeterioration In Nemrut Mount Monument And Temple Of Augustus By Using Various TechniquesSirt, Elif 01 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Different techniques were studied to evaluate the presence of different microorganisms that played important roles in decay processes of historic stones. In that scope, limestones and sandstones from Nemrut Mount Monument, and marbles and andesites from Temple of Augustus were studied. For measurement of enzymatic activity, fluorescein diacetate (FDA) hydrolysis method previously applied to assess soil microbial activity was carried out. Total microflora method based on countings of colony number was conducted for determination of the level of bacterial and fungal activity of stones. ATP bioluminescence method, developed for the field of hygiene monitoring, was carried out in order to detect global metabolic activity degree in historic stones. Most probable number (MPN) method was carried out to detect the number of microbial cells, namely nitrifying and sulphur oxidising bacteria which could take part in the decay processes. Moreover, fungi identification was done for determining occurance of detrimental species.
Presence of lichenic and algal zones existed on stones of Nemrut Mount Monument and the presence of black discolorations on stones of Temple of Augustus was common. Results have shown that the bacterial and fungal activity was low, however considerable quantity of FDA hydrolyses has shown the importance of algal population in the stones of two studied historical sites. This study has proved that FDA hydrolyses, total microflora and MPN method were efficient for the evaluation of biodeterioration in historic stones.
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The Regulatory Effect Of Ccar Activator On The Cephamycin C Gene Cluster Of Streptomyces ClavuligerusKurt, Aslihan 01 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Streptomyces clavuligerus produces industrially important secondary metabolites such as cephamycin C (a &beta / -lactam antibiotic) and clavulanic acid (a potent &beta / -lactamase inhibitor). Cephamycin C is active against penicillin-resistant bacteria due to presence of methoxyl group in C-7 position of cephalosporin nucleus. Clavulanic acid is prescribed in combination with &beta / -lactams for treatment of various bacterial infections. Cephamycin C and clavulanic acid gene clusters form &beta / -lactam supercluster in S. clavuligerus genome. CcaR (Cephamycin C-Clavulanic Acid Regulator), encoded by ccaR, located in cephamycin C gene cluster, is a positive regulator of &beta / -lactam supercluster. Previous studies on cephamycin C gene cluster have used different techniques, such as S1 nuclease (Paradkar et al., 1994), Northern blot (Perez-Llarena et al., 1997), and Western blot (Alexander and Jensen, 1998) to determine expression of cephamycin C genes at mRNA level and to identify their functions at protein level, and they have studied on different parts of the cluster. Hence, a comprehensive study is needed to understand molecular mechanisms of pathway-specific regulation of cephamycin C production by S. clavuligerus.
In this study, time-dependent expression levels of cephamycin C gene cluster in a ccaR-disrupted mutant and ccaR-overexpressed recombinant strain of S. clavuligerus as compared to those in the wild strain were analysed by RT-PCR and qRT-PCR. In addition, DNA-binding sequences of CcaR on cephamycin C gene cluster were examined by EMSA. The effect of ccaR disruption and overexpression on cephamycin C and clavulanic acid yields were determined by bioassay and HPLC.
Three polycistronic and two monocistronic transcripts were obtained by RT-PCR. CcaR regulation showed its effect on mostly ccaR, lat, cmcI, cefD, blp and cefF expression levels. qRT-PCR data was supported by EMSA showing CcaR binding to lat, cefD&ndash / cmcI and ccaR promoters. ccaR overexpression from multi-copy recombinant plasmid resulted in significant increase in cephamycin C and clavulanic acid yields, making the respective recombinant strain as an attractive industrial strain. qRT-PCR data presented herein constitute the first that reveal the effect of CcaR activator on the expression of cephamycin C genes in a time-dependent manner.
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Towards Whole Cell Immunoproteome And Subproteomes Of Bordetella PertussisTefon, Burcu Emine 01 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Bordetella pertussis is a gram-negative, human pathogen and etiologic agent of whooping cough (pertussis), a highly contagious, acute respiratory illness. In this study, the analysis of whole immunproteome and subproteomes of this microorganism was performed. The soluble cytoplasmic proteomes of B. pertussis Tohama I strain and a local isolate Saadet were separated by 2DE. By Western blot analysis, we identified 25 immunogenic proteins of three categories. In the first group, there were well-known proteins of the pathogen The second group comprised proteins which were already shown antigenic in certain pathogenic bacteria, but not in B. pertussis before. The third group of proteins were those which have not been shown to be immunogenic in any pathogen till the present study such as putative chromosome partition protein, preprotein translocase SecA subunit, carbamoyl-phosphate synthase large chain, PRP synthase, putative substrate-CoA ligase, lysyl-tRNA synthetase, fumaryl acetoacetase, putative peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase, aspartate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase, putative DNA-binding protein and a putative outer membrane protein.
In our surfaceome study, surface proteins of two strains were identified by 2DE followed by MALDI-TOF-MS/MS analysis and also geLC-MS/MS. With these techniques 45 proteins were identified by 2DE and 226 proteins by geLC-MS/MS. The immunogenicity of surface proteins on 2DE gels were analyzed by Western blotting and among 11 identified immunogenic proteins glutamine-binding periplasmic protein, leu/ile/val-binding protein, one putative exported protein, and iron-superoxide dismutase were found to be immunogenic for the first time in Bordetella. It was also found that 16 proteins were differentially expressed in B. pertussis Saadet and Tohama I. Five proteins were expressed only in Saadet (adhesin, chaperone protein DnaJ, fimbrial protein FimX, putative secreted protein Bsp22 and putative universal stress protein), and two (ABC transporter substrate-binding protein and a putative binding protein-dependent transport periplasmic protein) only in Tohama I.
In the secretome study, we identified 40 proteins by 2DE and 357 proteins by geLC-MS/MS. It was found that 12 proteins were immunogenic by Western blot analysis and the immunogenicity of putative secreted protein (BP1047) was shown for the first time in this study. In our study, PT subunit 2 and putative outer protein D (BopD) were more abundant in Saadet while one protein, glutamate synthase subunit beta was expressed at a higher level in Tohama I. Four proteins were expressed only in Saadet (two capsular polysaccharide biosynthesis protein, protein FimX and putative outer membrane permeability protein).
The present study comprehensively covered almost the entire proteome of a crucial pathogen, demonstrated many novel antigens and identified hundreds of membrane-bound proteins, cell surface-associated and extracellular proteins. Thus, it is anticipated to greatly aid in a better understanding of pathogen-host relations, rational design of novel drugs and developing new generation vaccines against B. pertussis.
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Chemical And Rheological Properties Of Yoghurt Produced By Lactic Acid Cultures Isolated From Traditional Turkish YoghurtDincel, Sezen 01 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Yoghurt is a fermented milk product which is produced by Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii spp. bulgaricus. The production of yoghurt has started in Middle East and spread all over the world. The aim of this study is to select the culture combination which is appropriate to Turkish taste and have the best yoghurt characteristics by means of post-acidification and whey separation properties, texture of gel formation, exopolysaccharide and acetaldehyde content / and to observe the effect of freeze-drying of cultures on these yoghurt properties.
At the first part of this study, six L.delbrueckii spp. bulgaricus isolates and six S.thermophilus isolates were used with different combinations to produce 36 yoghurt samples. These isolates were selected among a strain collection which contains 111 L.delbrueckii spp. bulgaricus and 56 S.thermophilus isolates which were isolated from traditional Turkish yoghurt according to their acidification activity and acetaldehyde production properties. In addition, two commercial S.thermophilus isolates and one commercial L.delbrueckii spp. bulgaricus isolate were used to produce two commercial yoghurt samples. 38 yoghurt samples were examined in terms of pH and total titratable acidity changes during 21-day storage, syneresis and hardness. According to these three analyses, six yoghurt samples were chosen, which give the best results, for the determination of exopolysaccharide and acetaldehyde content. In addition, two yoghurt samples produced by commercial cultures and one sample, which gives average results in experiments, were also examined for these compounds to provide a good comparison.
In the second part of the study the amount of exopolysaccharide and acetaldehyde of nine yoghurt samples were determined. In addition, sensory analysis was conducted to see consumer perception. According to the results, one culture combination was obtained as the best combination which produces the appropriate yoghurt to Turkish taste with the closest chemical analysis results to the commercial samples.
In the last part, freeze drying process was examined if this has a significant effect on the selected LAB combination as well as yoghurt produced by using this.
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