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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adaptations neuromusculaires des muscles extenseurs du genou : contractions fatigantes uni- vs bi-latérales / Neuromuscular adaptations of knee extensor muscles : uni versus bi-lateral fatiguing contractions

Matkowski, Boris 17 December 2010 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail était de déterminer i) l’influence du niveau de force absolue sur la durée du temps de maintien, et les altérations neuromusculaires subséquentes chez un même individu à l’issue d’un exercice réalisé à la même intensité relative, avec un ou deux membres ; ii) l’influence de la commande nerveuse sur la capacité de production de force de chacun des muscles extenseurs du genou lors de contractions unilatérales (UL) vs. bilatérales (BL); iii) l’évolution des mécanismes d’activation pendant une série de contractions sous-maximales évoquées par électromyostimulation (EMS).Les résultats de la première étude confirment que le temps limite est dépendant du niveau de force absolu pour un même individu, la durée de la contraction en UL étant 20% plus longue qu’en BL. De plus, une corrélation a été trouvée entre la force lors d’une contraction maximale volontaire (CMV) et le temps limite en UL et BL. Toutefois, d’autres mécanismes semblent être également mis en jeu, car dans un cas les mécanismes sont d’origine nerveux et musculaire (UL), alors que dans l’autre cas les mécanismes sont seulement nerveux (BL). Les résultats de la deuxième étude montrent que la force maximale développée lors d’une contraction BL est inférieure à la somme des forces des contractions UL (i.e. présence d’un déficit bilatéral). Les temps d’apparition des pics de force lors des CMV de chacune des jambes ne sont pas différents de celui de la CMV BL, mais la force développée au cours de celle-ci est inférieure à la somme des CMV de chacune des jambes durant la CMV BL, c'est-à-dire à la force maximale produite par chacune des jambes lors de la CMV BL. Néanmoins, aucune différence d’activité EMG, d’amplitude d’onde M, de doublet et de niveau d’activation n’a été observée entre les conditions UL et BL. Les résultats de la troisième étude montrent que l’estimation de la commande descendante, par la technique de la secousse surimposée, lors d’un effort sous-maximal fatigant présente des biais méthodologiques. Toutefois, l’estimation des mécanismes nerveux par les deux méthodes classiques (niveau d’activation volontaire (NAV) et ratio d’activation centrale (CAR)) reste néanmoins pertinente pendant des contractions maximales volontaires. L’ensemble de nos travaux met en évidence l’intervention de mécanismes d’origine nerveux différents entre les contractions UL et BL / The aim of this work was to determine i) the influence of the level of absolute force on the duration of the endurance time, and subsequent neuromuscular alterations in same individual at the end of an exercise performed at the same relative intensity, with one or two legs, ii) the influence of central drive on the force capacity production of the knee extensor muscles during unilateral (UL) vs. bilateral (BL) contractions, iii) activation mechanisms evolution for a serie of submaximal evoked contractions by electrostimulation (EMS). The results of the first study confirm that the endurance limit depends on the level of absolute force for the same individual, contraction duration for UL is 20% longer than for BL. In addition, a correlation was found between the maximal voluntary contraction force (MVC) and the endurance time in UL and BL. However, other mechanisms also appear to be involved, because in one case the mechanisms are nervous and muscular (UL), while in other cases the mechanisms are only nervous (BL). The results of the second study show that maximal force developed during BL contraction is less than the sum of the forces of UL contraction (i.e. a bilateral deficit). The timing of MVC peak force production during each leg of MVC are not different from that of BL MVC, but the force developed during the latter is less than the sum of MVC in both legs during the BL MVC, i.e. the maximum force produced by each leg during BL MVC. However, no difference in EMG activity, M-wave amplitude, doublet and level of activation was observed between UL and BL conditions. The results of the third study show that the estimation of the central drive, by the technique of superimposed twitch during a submaximal fatiguing effort presents methodological bias. However, estimation of neural mechanisms with both conventional methods (voluntary level activation (VAL) and central activation ratio (CAR)) remains relevant during maximal voluntary contractions. This work évidences the presence of different nervous mechanisms between UL and BL contractions

Physiological and performance adaptations to altitude and hypoxic training

Holliss, Ben Alaric January 2014 (has links)
Introduction: There have been few well controlled altitude and hypoxic training studies to date. This thesis investigated the effects of altitude and (sham controlled) intermittent hypoxic training (IHT) on exercise capacity, and the associated physiological adaptations. Methods: Chapter 3 investigated how living and training at 2320 m or at sea level affected total haemoglobin mass (tHb) and race performance in highly trained swimmers. Chapter 4 investigated how IHT or normoxic training affected cardiopulmonary variables and the incremental exercise limit of tolerance (T-Lim), in highly trained runners. Chapter 5 investigated how single-legged IHT or normoxic training affected phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy assessed muscle energetics. Results: In Chapter 3, tHb increased significantly more after altitude (+0.6 ± 0.4 g•kg-1, or +4.4 ± 3.2%) than after sea level (+0.03 ± 0.1 g•kg-1, or +0.3 ± 1.0%), but the changes in swimming performances were not different between groups, and there were no correlations between tHb and performance changes. In Chapter 4, submaximal heart rate in normoxia decreased significantly more after IHT than after normoxic training (-5 ± 5 vs. -1 ± 5 b∙min-1), and submaximal "V" ̇O2 in hypoxia significantly decreased, only after IHT. T-Lim in hypoxia significantly increased post-IHT, but there were no between group differences. In Chapter 5, the phosphocreatine recovery time constant was speeded significantly more in the IHT compared to the normoxic trained leg, when tested in hypoxia (-25 ± 8% vs. -13 ± 6%), but not in normoxia (-16 ± 15% vs. -9 ± 10%). Conclusions: Altitude training likely increases tHb, but this is not necessarily associated with improved athletic performance. IHT may induce other non-haematological adaptations; potentially an enhanced skeletal muscle oxidative capacity, but evidence for exercise capacity gains is lacking. The precise underlying causes for these adaptations require further investigation, as does any translation to athletic performance.

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