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Cyber sécurité des systèmes industriels pour les smart-grids : détection d'intrusion dans les réseaux de communication IEC 61850 / Cyber security of smart-grid control systems : intrusion detection in IEC 61850 communication networksKabir-Querrec, Maëlle 28 June 2017 (has links)
Les systèmes de contrôle et d'automatisation industriels (IACS - Industrial Control and Automation Systems) reposent largement et de plus en plus sur les Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication. A l'origine, les IACS utilisaient des protocoles propriétaires sur des réseaux fermés, assurant ainsi une sécurité par obscurité et isolement. Mais les technologies et les usages ont évolué et cette sécurité intrinsèque n'existe plus désormais. Cette évolution concerne entre autre le domaine électrique : le réseau électrique devenant le "smart grid".Le standard IEC 61850 est un pilier pour le développement du smart grid. Il a pour objectif de rendre possible l'interopérabilité dans les "Systèmes et réseaux de communication pour l'automatisation des services de distribution d'énergie". Pour cela, la norme définit un modèle de données commun ainsi qu'une pile de protocoles répondant à divers besoins de communication.Le standard IEC 61850 n'aborde pas la question de la cyber sécurité malgré une prise de conscience générale qu'un risque cyber pèse sur les IACS.Ces travaux de recherche proposent de répondre à cette question de la cyber sécurité par de la détection d'intrusion dans les réseaux IEC 61850, et plus précisément dans les communications temps-réel GOOSE. L'idée est d'exploiter au maximum les sources d'informations que sont les spécifications du protocole et la configuration du système pour développer un système de détection d'intrusion réseau (NIDS - Network Intrusion Detection System) sur mesure. Cette approche comportementale déterministe est un gage de précision de détection.Ce manuscrit compte quatre chapitres. Les deux premiers consistent en un état de l'art détaillé sur les NIDS pour les IACS d'une part, et l'analyse du risque cyber d'autre part. Les deux autres chapitres présentent les contributions proprement dites de ces travaux de thèse. Le chapitre 3 explore tout d'abord le risque cyber pesant sur un poste électrique et pouvant compromettre la sûreté de fonctionnement du système. Dans un deuxième temps, est proposée une extension du modèle de données IEC 61850 dédiées à la détection d'intrusion dans les communication GOOSE. Le chapitre 4 commence avec la démonstration expérimentale de la faisabilité d'une attaque de type injection de données sur le protocole GOOSE, puis explique comment utiliser les fichiers de configuration du système pour spécifier les règles de détection. Un analyseur syntaxique pour le protocole GOOSE a été intégré à l'analyseur de trafic open source Bro, permettant l'implémentation d'un algorithme de détection. / Information and Communication Technologies have been pervading Industrial Automation and Control Systems (IACS) for a few decades now. Initially, IACS ran proprietary protocols on closed networks, thus ensuring some level of security through obscurity and isolation. Technologies and usages have evolved and today this intrinsic security does not exist any longer, though. This transition is in progress in the electricity domain, the power infrastructure turning into the "smart grid".The IEC 61850 standard is key to the smart grid development. It is aimed at making interoperability possible in ``Communication networks and systems for power utility automation''. It thus defines a common data object model and a stack of protocols answering different purposes.Although the cyber risk in IACS is now widely acknowledged, IEC 61850 does not address cyber security in any way whatsoever.This work tackles the question of cyber security through network intrusion detection in IEC 61850 networks, and more specifically in real-time GOOSE communications. The idea is to get the most out of the protocol specifications and system configuration while developing a tailored NIDS. This enables detection accuracy.
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Automatic post-fault analysis based on disturbance data stored in substation devices : Approach towards the preventive maintenance / Automatisk analys av felhändelser baserad på störningsdata lagrad i ställverksenheter : Tillvägagångssätt för förebyggande underhållYalda, Riad, Urosevic, Miroslav January 2019 (has links)
This report studies the possibilities of minimizing unplanned maintenance work and improving the availability of power supply by enabling preventive maintenance in power systems, without having to make additional investments in the existing systems. This was done using information from COMTRADE files (disturbance recording files) that are created in the event of a fault in the power system. The IEC 61850 standard facilitates the process of retrieving and analyzing the disturbance files by standardizing their format and the way they are stored. By creating a software solution that automatically reads and analyses the COMTRADE files, deteriorating performance of the power system equipment can be detected and preventive maintenance suggested. The result of the project is a software solution that reads and analyses COMTRADE files in an automated way. The software identifies fault events (fault start, trip signal sent, circuit breaker open, auto-reclose command, circuit breaker closed) from the recorded signals using wavelet transform as the main method. It then calculates the times of relay and circuit breaker operations. The calculated times are compared to threshold values and warnings are generated if they exceed the thresholds. / Denna rapport studerar möjligheten att minimera oönskade underhållsarbeten och öka tillgången på strömförsörjning genom att möjliggöra förebyggande underhåll i kraftsystemet, utan att behöva göra ytterligare investeringar för sina befintliga system. Detta gjordes med hjälp av information från COMTRADE-filer (filer för inspelning av störningar) som skapades vid ett fel i elnätet. IEC 61850-standarden underlättar processen för att hämta och analysera störningsfilerna genom att standardisera sitt format och hur de lagras. Genom att skapa en programvarulösning som automatiskt läser och analyserar COMTRADE-filerna, kan försämrad prestanda hos strömsystemets utrustning detekteras och förebyggande underhåll föreslås. Resultatet av projektet är en mjukvarulösning som läser och analyserar COMTRADE-filer på ett automatiserat sätt. Programvaran identifierar felhändelser (fel start, sänd bryt-signal, brytare öppen, automatisk återstängnings kommando, strömbrytare stängd) från de inspelade signalerna med wavelettransformen som huvudmetod. Därefter beräknas driftstiderna för relä och brytare. De beräknade tiderna jämförs med tröskelvärden och varningar genereras om de överskrider tröskelvärdena.
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Återskapande och validering av konfiguration för kommunikationsstandarden IEC 61850 i fördelarstationer : Recreation and Validation of Configuration for the IEC 61850 Communication Standard in Distribution SubstationsLennartsson, Felix January 2023 (has links)
I en fördelarstation i Ellevios elnät i Stockholm har en viktig konfigurationsfil försvunnit. Filen används för att beskriva styr- och kommunikationssystemet för övervakning och fjärrmanövrering av stationen från en driftcentral. Dessutom behöver operativsystemet på en enhet i kommunikationssystemet uppdateras. Det misstänks att konfigurationsfilen som har försvunnit behövs för att genomföra uppdateringen. Det visar sig att konfigurationsfilen inte behövs för att genomföra uppdateringen av operativsystemet. Två metoder utvecklas därför, en för att genomföra uppdateringen av kommunikationsenheten, och en för att återskapa konfigurationsfilen. Den första metoden beskriver hur operativsystemet på en Remote Terminal Unit i ABB:s RTU500-serie kan uppdateras från firmwareversion 11 till version 12. Den andra metoden beskriver hur en fullständig konfigurationsfil, i form av en Substation Configuration Description (SCD) kan återskapas för stationen. Den senare metoden utvecklas specifikt för den enskilda stationen, men skulle kunna vidareutvecklas för att återskapa SCD-filen i fler stationer där samma problem idag finns. Metoden för att genomföra uppdatering av operativsystemet används framgångsrikt för att genomföra själva uppdateringen. Metoden för att återskapa konfigurationsfilen testas genom att en konfiguration för en ny kommunikationsenhet genereras baserat på den återskapade konfigurationen. Genom att tillämpa dessa metoder kan tillförlitligheten för styr- och kommunikationssystem med IEC 61850-teknologi förbättras. Detta kan leda till ökad tillförlitlighet vid elleverans, eftersom kommunikationssystemet används för att övervaka elnätet och hantera fel genom fjärrstyrning. Detta minskar behovet av fysiska besök till stationen. Rapporten är ett examensarbete för programmet Högskoleingenjör i elektroteknik. Examensarbetet utfördes under våren 2023 på företaget Omexom Sweden. / In a distribution substation in Ellevio's power grid in Stockholm, an important configuration file has gone missing. The file is used to describe the control and communication system for monitoring and remote operation of the substation from a control centre. Additionally, the operating system on a device within the communication system needs to be updated. It is suspected that the missing configuration file is required to perform the update. It turns out that the configuration file is not needed to carry out the operating system update. As a result, two methods are developed: one for performing the update of the communication unit and another for recreating the configuration file. The first method describes how the operating system on a Remote Terminal Unit in ABB’s RTU500 series can be updated from firmware version 11 to version 12. The second method explains how a complete configuration file, in the form of a Substation Configuration Description (SCD) can be recreated for the substation. Although the latter method is specifically tailored for the individual substation, it could be further refined to recreate the SCD file in several other stations with the same issue. The method for performing the operating system update is successfully utilized to carry out the update itself. The method for recreating the configuration file is tested by generating a configuration for a new communication unit based on the reconstructed configuration. By implementing these methods, the reliability of the IEC 61850-based control and communication system can be enhanced. This can lead to improved reliability of power delivery since the communication system is used to monitor the power grid and manage faults through remote control. Thereby, the need for physical visits to the substation is reduced. The report is a thesis for the Bachelor program in Electrical Engineering. The thesis was carried out during the spring of 2023 at the company Omexom Sweden.
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Communication Interfaces for Mobile Battery Energy Storage Applications / Kommunikationsgränssnitt för mobila batteri-energi lösningarBonetti, Alessandro January 2023 (has links)
In the midst of the green energy transition, the need for flexible grid solutions is growing. One of the most desired and suitable flexible solutions are Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS), in both stationary and mobile applications. The faster response times and flexible service capability of the BESS enables the introduction of variable renewable energy sources, along with replacing the needs for traditionally fossil fuel-powered temporary applications. To take full advantage of BESS and its flexibility, the unit requires integration into the modern interconnected smart grid, where control and monitoring are of great importance to manage and optimize assets within the smart grid. To ease the control and monitoring aspects, both manufacturers and users must cooperate to understand the common needs and best practices to find a suitable middle ground. Therefore, an interoperable and readily used communication interface shall be agreed upon. Although several attempts at reaching such middle ground have been made over the years, few have gained traction outside of specific use cases. Thus leaving many redundant and complicated proprietary communication solutions, requiring heavy integration work for the manufacturer and user side. This thesis project, carried out at Northvolt Systems, aims to analyze the existing and readily used communication interfaces for a specific set of mobile BESS applications. The analysis is performed by a literature review of typical mobile BESS applications with the identified corresponding communication interfaces. Among the identified interfaces is the IEC 61850 standard, which shows suitability in smart grid applications, enabling interoperability, vendor-independence, and standardization. To provide a real-life analysis of the IEC 61850 benefits and applicability to mobile BESS, an integration of the standard to a Northvolt mobile BESS was performed. The results of the analysis and integration work show that the interoperability, vendor-independence, and standardization enabled from the IEC 61850 standard give large benefits for mobile BESS use cases. Furthermore, gaps in the suitability of the standard were identified. Providing clear suggestions on future work and expansion of the standard to better accommodate the mobile use cases. / I den gröna energiomställningen växer behovet av flexibla nätlösningar. En av de mest önskade och lämpliga flexibla lösningarna är användningen av Batterienergilagring (BESS), i både stationära och mobila applikationer. Genom de snabbare svarstiderna och flexibla användningsförmågarna möjliggör BESS integreringen av variabla förnybara energikällor i kraftsystemet, även genom att ersätta behoven för traditionellt fossilbränsledrivna tillfälliga applikationer. För att dra full nytta av en BESS och dess flexibilitet kräver enheten interaktioner i det moderna sammankopplade smarta nätet. Där kontroll och övervakning är av stor vikt för att hantera och optimera tillgångarna inom det smarta nätet. För att underlätta kontroll- och övervakningsaspekterna måste både tillverkare och användare av BESS samarbeta för att förstå de gemensamma behoven och användningarna för att hitta en lämplig mellanväg. Slutligen för att komma överens om ett driftskompatibelt och lättanvänt kommunikationsgränssnitt. Flertalet försök att nå sådana kompromisser har gjorts genom åren, men ytterst få har slagit igenom utanför dess specifika användningsfall. Därmed finns det många redundanta och komplicerade proprietära kommunikationsgränssnitt som kräver tungt integrationsarbete av både tillverkar- och användarsidan. Detta examensarbete, utfört hos Northvolt Systems, ämnar att analysera de befintliga och använda kommunikationsgränssnitten för mobila BESS-applikationer. Analysen utförs av en litteraturgenomgång av typiska mobila BESS-applikationer för att identifiera motsvarande kommunikationsgränssnitt. Bland de identifierade gränssnitten finns IEC 61850-standarden, som visar lämplighet i smarta nätapplikationer, vilket möjliggör interoperabilitet, leverantörsoberoende och standardisering. För att ge en verklig analys av IEC 61850-fördelarna och tillämplighet hos en mobil BESS utfördes en integration av standarden till ett av Northvolts mobila BESS. Resultatet av analys- och integrationsarbetet visar att IEC 61850-standarden möjliggör interoperabilitet, leverantörsoberoende och standardisering, vilket ger stora fördelar för de mobila BESS-användningsfallen. Vidare identifierades brister i standardens lämplighet. Därtill ges tydliga förslag på framtida arbete och utvidgning av standarden för att tillgodose de mobila användningsfallens kravställningar.
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Popis a testování komunikačních protokolů normy IEC 60870-5-103 a 60870-5-104 / Description and testing of communication protocols IEC 60870-5-103 and 60870-5-104Pekárek, Dominik January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is focused on testing of communication protocols IEC 60870-5-103 and IEC 60870-5-104. Theoretical part of the thesis describes basic principles, services and possibilities of both communication protocols. Practical part of the thesis deals with configuration of the IEC 60870-5-103 communication standard of protective terminal REF630. PCVDEW6 tool was used to test this communication protocol. Next part of the thesis is focused on convertion of the communication standard IEC 61850 to IEC 61870-5-104 using control system COM600. The testing of both communication protocols was carried out in the laboratory of the protection relays on the testing panels at ABB Brno.
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Systém chránění s využitím výstupu z elektronického senzorického systému měření proudu a napětí / The Protection System Working on Output of Electronic Sensor System Measuring Current and VoltageBajánek, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
At present, there is a widespread use of alternative measurement technologies in electrical networks that include current and voltage sensors. Their use is closely related to the use of IEC 61850-9-2 for data transfer of measured values within the substation for the purpose of protection and measurement. The use of sensors and communication standard IEC 61850 together with high-speed Ethernet will simplify the concept of the arrangement of protection terminals in substations and enable the development of a new protection system based on central protection. The dissertation is focused on protection algorithms, which use the SV according to IEC 61850-9-2, and their implementation into the central protection model. Thesis describes development in the field of protection of substations and the currently available solutions using IEC 61850-9-2 and the principle of central protection. Thesis explains algorithms for selected protection functions - overcurrent protection, negative sequence overcurrent protection, logic busbar protection and differential protection. Further, thesis deals with the programming of protection function algorithms in LabView development environment in the form of a central protection model. The model processes data from a process bus according to IEC 61850-9-2 and sends a GOOSE message over Ethernet in the event of a failure. To verify the correct function of the programmed protection algorithms, a testing procedure was developed using OMICRON 256plus, the current sensor and the merging unit. The results of the testing of the central protection model and the proposed algorithms were compared with the results of testing the currently used protections. At the end, the thesis deals with the assessment of the benefits of central protection for protecting substations and the possibility of further utilization of the central protection model. The thesis highlights a new way of protecting the electrification system using digital data from MU transferred via the process bus described in IEC 61850-9-2.
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Kybernetické prostředí pro systémy typu ICS/SCADA / Cyber-environment for systems of ICS/SCADA typeVáňa, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The thesis explores the problematics of cyber environment for the ICS/SCADA systems. First, shorter section is mainly focused on general introduction into the ICS/SCADA systems and their inner workings. Communication model of a general SCADA system and its foundational elements are explained. It is mainly theoretical passage and it serves as an introduction. It is necessary for understanding the second part which is mainly practical. The appropriate system is chosen as a first thing in the practical part of the thesis for the implementation of the whole project. There are defined criteria on which the system itself is implemented. Following that the system itself is implemented under a framework called openMUC and it is tested with help of the simulators according to the objective of the thesis.
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Projekt komunikace distančních ochran 7SA 610 pro chránění přenosového vedení / Project of Communication for Distance Protections 7SA 610 Protecting a Transmission LineBartko, Jan January 2011 (has links)
This work describes the structure and function of the distance protection relay Siemens 7SA610 SIPROTEC and presents the basic theoretical knowledge of the communication standard IEC 61850 at the beginning. It focuses on the configuration of the topology of two 7SA610 distance protection relays, PC and secondary relay test set Omicron CMC256 +. These two distance protection relays were programmed by using software implement DIGSI to transmit and receive GOOSE messages. It served to testing this created network by simple function. Computer and tester simulated the control system and commanded auto-reclosure to the first distance protection. Instruction was processed and also sended to the second distance protection. The final objective was to measure the tranfer time of GOOSE message between two distance protection relays. There was used a secondary tester. This measurement was implemented the tester Omicron CMC 256 +, which involves extending the NET-1 and so is compatible with the standard IEC 61850. The results and further actions are summarized in conclusion.
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Framtagning av teknisk specifikation för upphandling av kontrollanläggningar för Uddevalla Energi EInät ABGlans, Jesper January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Model-Integrated Engineering of Smart Energy Distribution SystemsGalkin, Nikolai January 2023 (has links)
Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is a formal method that is used to support analysis, design, independent verification, and validation inherent in the development of software and hardware systems. MBSE applications are present in many areas of our daily lives, including manufacturing, robotics, healthcare, automation, etc. However, despite their rapid and sustainable growth during the last few years, the MBSE methods themselves are quite far away from perfect. There are some current problems, which resist more rapid penetration of MBSE systems in their development. One of them is that currently the majority of MBSE systems are vendor dependent and, as a result, they have poor compatibility with each other. Furthermore, currently, there is a gap between the design of a digital model and a control model of an engineering system. Currently, this problem is usually solved by involving two or more groups of engineers, where each of these groups works on their own problems. All this costs companies additional engineering time and, as a result, development costs. Therefore new, and more sophisticated approaches for the generation of MBSEs are needed in order to overwhelm the challenges highlighted above. In order to narrow the field of study and better concentrate on specific problems, smart power distribution systems have been chosen as the main research object for this dissertation. Thus, in this work, the author introduces Model-Integrated Systems Engineering (MISE), as the MBSE sub-discipline. Here and later in this paper, the author will refer to MISE as the main area of interest. Also, the author uses the term DigitalTwin to refer to the multilayered structure of a complex distributed automation system consisting of three layers, namely:– the static machine-readable information about the infrastructure of the smart energy system,– the simulation model layer,– the distributed control layer for the investigated smart energy system. In general, two new transformation approaches for automatic MISE generation are discussed in the scope of this dissertation, namely:1. Transformation of the System Configuration Design (SCD) files of an electric system(presented in IEC 61850) into the corresponding SIMULINK model.2. Transformation of specification files of electronic components into corresponding OPC UA information model.All discussed approaches are implemented in the form of a program code that is publicly available on the Internet. The IEC 61850 and OPC UA standards are considered key components of the current dissertation. IEC 61850 is an international standard covering different sides of smart energy distribution systems including communication protocols for diverse equipment in a substation, including protection, control, and measurement equipment, as well as intelligent electronic devices (IEDs). Information Modeling OPC UA is a platform-independent service-oriented architecture that combines the concepts of semantic modeling. First, the structure of the IEC 61850 standard is discussed, as well as its potential benefits for the MISE of smart power distribution systems in terms of the automatic transformation of the information model. Next, the architecture of the electrical system (the SCD file) of the electrical vehicle (EV) charging station (CS) is proposed as an example. The aim is to design a mechanism for the automatic transformation of MISE in two domains, namely:- Physical model of the electrical system itself,- Automatically build a communication channel between the digital replica (the model) of the electrical system and the virtual energy management system (EMS). Thus, this work aims to contribute to the design and virtual commissioning of Digital Twin systems, as well as to improve the interoperability between IEC 61850 compliant systems and electric vehicle charging stations (paper C explains that in more detail). Finally, by narrowing down the scope of the investigation to one specific electrical device, a new approach for converting integrated circuit (IC) specification files of an electric system into an OPC UA information model is discussed. The designed transformation algorithm is based on the directed graphs theory (paper D explains that in more detail). The purpose of this work is to highlight and contribute to the problems of the MISE analysis solutions. In summary, the work presented in this dissertation raises questions about interoperability between different standards, the problems of converting the IEC 61850 information model into MISE, verification of the generated MISE compared to the original IEC 61850 information model, and the problems of forming an information model OPC UA.
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