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Investigation into the dynamic responses and tribological characteristics of cylinder liners in a IC engine with alternative fuelsLi, Guoxing January 2016 (has links)
Promoted by the realisation of dwindling fossil fuel supplies and their adverse environmental impacts, there more and more types of alternative fuels to fossil diesel have been used and investigated in compression ignition engines. However, the majority of researches on alternative fuels mainly focus on their power performance, efficiency and emission performance, without fully investigating the potential effects on the vibro-acoustic emissions and tribological characteristics of engines caused by their significant differences in physical and chemical properties. Consequently, the impacts of long-term use of alternative fuels on structural failure, lubrication degradation, friction aggravation, overall service life spans and associated maintenance activities of internal combustion (IC) engines have not yet been fully understood. To reduce this gap this thesis focuses on the investigation into the vibration responses of cylinder liners in a diesel engine to accurately characterises the tribological behaviour between the piston rings and cylinders which is one of the most decisive sub-processes that determine engine performance and yet is correlated with the combustion of different fuels. In particular, the investigation was carried out by coupling the hydrodynamic lubrication model with structural vibration effects through a series of extensive numerical simulations and systematic experimental evaluations in order to establish a vibration based technique to monitoring tribological behaviour and thereby accurately assess the influence. Based on the dynamic coupling mechanisms between the combustion characteristics of alternative fuels and the tribological behaviours of cylinder liners, the most significant influences from the fuel burning on tribological behaviour of cylinder liners concerned in this study is a direct and physical approach such as the effect of liner vibrations on cylinder friction process, even though an indirect and chemical but very slow approach such as the deterioration of oil properties by combustion products can happen. To characterise the direct influence a finite element dynamic model was developed and validated for predicting the dynamic responses of cylinder liners to respective excitation sources including the highly nonlinear combustion pressure shocks and subsequent piston slap impacts. The realistic consideration of both the characteristics of structural modes up to 15kHz and nonlinearities of elastic assembly constraints allows obtaining accurate prediction that the combustion shocks cause vibrations in a frequency range around 10kHz with an amplitude order of 0.01μm, whereas the piston slaps in frequency range from 1k to 5kHz with an amplitude order 0.2μm, which gives a clear and quantitative indication of the nonlinear phenomena of liner vibration due to combusting alternative fuels and varying lubrication conditions. In addition, a decomposition analysis of piston side-thrust forces provides more insight of the localized response characteristics corresponding to coupling interactions of combustion force with inertia force of piston assembly. To further investigate the potential influences of structural deformations to tribological behaviours of cylinder assemblies, a new dynamic deformation based lubrication model was developed based on an employment of improved shearing factors in which the effect of inevitable liner vibrations is included to obtain a more realistic lubricating film formation, distribution and tribological behaviours. The simulation studies show that this advancement in modelling oil films predicts that the biodiesel with more intense vibration emissions is able to reduce the friction loss between pistons and liners, whereas the methanol-diesel blend with weakened liner dynamic response may exacerbate the friction loss of IC engines. This finding confirms further that the vibration responses allow a straightforward and in-depth indication of the effect generated by using different fuels. In addition, a further experimental investigation was carried out based on a motoring engine test, in which high frequency sinusoidal vibrations at 25 kHz, 30 kHz and 40 kHz are added to the external surface of the linear. The observable changes in motoring torque verify that proper external vibrations can affect the tribological behaviours between the pistons and liners, including both asperity friction and viscous friction, and resulting in the friction reduction of IC engines. Particularly the 40 kHz vibration at the maximal driving power of the test device can achieve a reduction of 1.79% in the motoring torque. This has demonstrated more on the effectiveness of this vibration based diagnostic method in assessing the influences of alternative fuels upon tribological behaviours of piston ring and cylinder liners. Finally, further researches on the subjects is also proposed in order to complete the vibration based diagnostics in achieving more accurate assessment of engine lubrication conditions and effective friction reduction.
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Novel lean burn injector designs for improved flowfield uniformityFord, Chris L. January 2013 (has links)
Currently there is unprecedented social and political pressure to minimise anthropogenic environmental change. It is a result of the paradoxical nature of emissions reduction that lean-burn technology has become the most likely agent by which future emission targets may be met. However, the inclusion of lean-burn technology requires that the flametube depth is increased, to maintain an acceptable level of pressure drop and sufficient residence time. The injector too must increase in diameter as the admission of air via the fuel nozzle is increased. Maintaining traditional dump style architecture and employing these changes creates a number of additional problems. Most notable is the increased non-uniformity which is inherited by the injector flow as a result of the mismatch between the injector and upstream feed. Injector non-uniformity is a parameter symbiotic with emissions performance and it is therefore imperative to minimise the degree of injector non-uniformity if the ambition of the lean-burn system is to be realised.
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Modelling of group combustion of droplets in a spray fuel cloudLibrovich, Bronislav January 1999 (has links)
Release and combustion of a spray cloud in an atmosphere is a phenomenon encountered in a wide range of applications. For solution of a set of problems which is connected with ecology, theory of combustion and explosion, engine design, fire safety, etc. the knowledge of spray combustion behaviour is required. To investigate the influence of a variety in density and transport coefficients and flame front structure, combustion of pure gas cloud is studied numerically. Combustion of a small-scale spherical pocket of fuel droplets in a calm environment may be considered as a model enabling the transient combustion process to be studied conveniently in one-dimensional geometry. Apart from pure academic interest, such a study provides useful estimations of burning spray cloud characteristics which can be applied for the analysis of more complicated situations. An analytical approach is used to find quasi-steady state distributions of gas temperature and fuel mass fraction for both pure evaporating and burning clouds. This approach is quite fruitful, it gives important qualitative analytical relationships, which help to comprehend the complex process of evaporation or combustion of spray the cloud. Numerical method is used to solve the problem of spray cloud combustion using more common unsteady statement. Two types of ignition are used at the centre or from penphery of cloud. Two types of flames (premixed and diffusion flames) are observed in the numerical simulations. Distributions of all components and temperature are obtained at different moments of time for both types of ignition. The diffusion burning time and total evaporation time are estimated using numerical results.
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Study of SCR using Cu-Zeolite catalysts on a light-duty diesel engine under steady state and transient conditionsGall, M. January 2015 (has links)
The recognition of the negative impact of NOx resulted in increasingly tighter automotive emission regulations. Companies are under pressure to develop methods, which can meet the legislative demands. After treatment solutions, and especially Selective Catalytic Reduction, became the focus of research and have shown so far promising results. However, more in depth understanding of the SCR process under different conditions is needed. This thesis describes an investigation of the SCR performance using gas and urea injections under steady state and transient conditions undertaken on a light duty diesel engine using a 1D exhaust system designed for uniform flow across the catalyst. Under steady state conditions, the SCR performance was examined for low and high temperature conditions. Ammonia was supplied either as 5% ammonia gas or in form of urea injection. The engine was operating at 1500 rpm and 6 and 8 bar BMEP to provide an exhaust gas temperature of 210 °C and 265 °C respectively. Also, the effect of SCR brick length on the NOx conversion was investigated using SCR catalysts of length 30, 45 and 75 mm. To measure the influence of NO2:NOx ratio on the SCR performance, different sizes of standard DOC were used. NH3:NOx dosage levels included; α~0.5 - deficient ammonia, α~1.0 - stoichiometric ammonia, α~1.25 - excess ammonia. Gas emissions were measured before and after the SCR catalysts with a Horiba FTIR analyser during steady state and long transient tests. It was found that conditions such as temperature and NO2:NOx had the biggest impact on the SCR performance. During the steady state engine conditions, at α~1.0 ammonia dosing and NO2:NOx ratio of 0, only 17% of NO was converted in the first 30 mm of the SCR brick length. The conversion was improved at high temperature (263 °C) to 31%. A fast response CLD analyser was used during short transient testing to sample emissions with a high resolution. The short transient test with standard 0.5 and 1 DOC, and fixed ammonia dosing, showed that NOx conversion was reduced during the ramp event due to deficient ammonia and a drop in the supplied NO2:NOx ratio. During urea injection experiments, urea was injected either through an oblique pipe arrangement with a mixer device placed downstream or directly into a mixing can. In this case the mixer device was replaced with a straight pipe. A 75mm SCR was fitted and to ensure that supplied NO2:NOx ratio was zero, a palladium only DOC was used post a DPF. It was found that a large proportion of urea decomposition and hydrolysis was occurring on the surface of the SCR catalyst. Comparing NOx performance between urea injection and ammonia gas dosing experiment, more NO was converted for a given NH3:NOx ratio when ammonia was supplied in the form of gas. That was true for low and high temperature tests. For most studies, a long 10 degree diffuser was used in front of the SCR to provide uniform gas distribution across the catalyst. In addition SCR performance was investigated with a 180 degree sudden expansion diffuser in order to measure the influence of temperature and velocity profiles. During this study, a 45 mm SCR catalyst was used to provide a moderate amount of NO conversion and ammonia slip. The results showed that the flow and temperature distribution upstream of the SCR catalyst will have an effect on the NOx conversion, and that gas velocity has bigger impact on NOx conversion than gas temperature.
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Condition monitoring of diesel enginesMoore, David John January 2013 (has links)
Reliability of emergency Diesel generator systems, or indeed any Diesel engines in a wide range of fields is critical. Traditional maintenance procedures for these engines follow time based or statistical based methods. Due to the wide variety of uses of Diesel engines it is not possible for these forms of maintenance to be as effective as condition based monitoring. Condition based monitoring holds many advantages over traditional maintenance methods. It allows for the earlier detection and diagnosis of a fault and allows for planned maintenance work avoiding costly and unexpected downtime. It also reduces the overall maintenance costs as parts need only be replaced when they are worn or faulty, not based on a time schedule. The ability to unobtrusively monitor the engines also has many advantages in- cluding reduced sensor cost and negating the need to tamper permanently with the engine. Acoustic monitoring has been identified as the most prominent and effective way in which to achieve this goal. As such, extensive experimentation was carried out on both large and small Diesel engines over a wide range of speeds, loads and faults and the data was then analysed. The data was first investigated statistically and then processed using Independent Component Analysis after the statistical re- sults were found to be poor. A program was written for the automatic comparison of the collected data and the results presented in this thesis show that ICA and acoustic emissions have the ability to aid in engine fault detection and diagnosis. The results have shown to be reliable, consistent and able to distinguish when the engine is healthy or faulty.
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Optimization of endwall film-cooling in axial turbinesThomas, Mitra January 2014 (has links)
Considerable reductions in gas turbine weight and fuel consumption can be achieved by operating at a higher turbine entry temperature. The move to lean combustors with flatter outlet temperature profiles will increase temperatures on the turbine endwalls. This work will study methods to improve endwall film cooling, to allow these advances. Turbine secondary flows are caused by a deficit in near-wall momentum. These flow features redistribute near-wall flows and make it difficult to film-cool endwalls. In this work, endwall film cooling was studied by CFD and validated by experimental measurements in a linear cascade. This study will add to the growing body of evidence that injection of high momentum coolant into the upstream boundary layer can suppress secondary flows by increasing near-wall momentum. The reduction of secondary flows allows for effective cooling of the endwall. It is also noted that excess near-wall momentum is undesirable. This leads to upwash on the vane, driving coolant away from the endwall. A passive-scalar tracking method has been devised to isolate the contribution of individual film cooling holes to cooling effectiveness. This method was used to systematically optimize endwall cooling systems. Designs are presented which use half the coolant mass flow compared to a baseline design, while maintaining similar cooling effectiveness levels on the critical trailing endwall. By studying the effect of coolant injection on vane inlet total pressure profile, secondary flows were suppressed and upwash on the vane was reduced. The methods and insight obtained from this study were applied to a high pressure nozzle guide vane endwall from a current engine. The optimized cooling system developed offers significant improvement over the baseline.
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Development of gas turbine combustor preliminary design methodologies and preliminary assessments of advanced low emission combustor conceptsKhandelwal, Bhupendra January 2012 (has links)
It is widely accepted that climate change is a very serious environmental concern. Levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other emissions in the global atmosphere have increased substantially since the industrial revolution and now increasing faster than ever before. There is a thought that this has already led to dangerous warming in the Earth’s atmosphere and relevant changes around. Emissions legislations are going to be stringent as the years will pass. Hydro carbon fuel cost is also increasing substantially; more over this is non- renewable source of energy. There is an urgent need for novel combustor technologies for reducing emission as well as exploring alternative renewable fuels without effecting combustor performance. Development of novel combustors needs comprehensive understanding of conventional combustors. The design and development of gas turbine combustors is a crucial but uncertain part of an engine development process. At present, the design process relies upon a wealth of experimental data and correlations. Some major engine manufacturers have addressed the above problem by developing computer programs based on tests and empirical data to assist combustor designers, but such programs are proprietary. There is a need of developing design methodologies for combustors which would lead to substantial contribution to knowledge in field of combustors. Developed design methodologies would be useful for researchers for preliminary design assessments of a gas turbine combustor. In this study, step by step design methodologies of dual annular radial and axial combustor, triple annular combustor and reverse flow combustor have been developed. Design methodologies developed could be used to carry out preliminary design along with performance analysis for conventional combustion chambers. In this study the author has also proposed and undertaken preliminary studies of some novel combustor concepts. A novel concept of a dilution zone less combustor has been proposed in this study. According to this concept dilution air would be introduced through nozzle guide vanes to provide an optimum temperature traverse for turbine blades. Preliminary study on novel dilution zone less combustor predicts that the length of this combustor would be shorter compared to conventional case, resulting in reduced weight, fuel burn and vibrations. Reduced fuel burn eventually leads to lower emissions. Another novel concept of combustor with hydrogen synthesis from kerosene reformation has been proposed and a preliminary studies has been undertaken in this work. Addition of hydrogen as an additive in gas turbine combustor shows large benefits to the performance of gas turbine engines in addition to reduction in NOx levels. The novel combustor would have two stages, combustion of ~5% of the hydrocarbon fuel would occur in the first stage at higher equivalence ratios in the presence of a catalyst, which would eventually lead to the formation of hydrogen rich flue gases. In the subsequent stage the hydrogen rich flue gases from the first stage would act as an additive to combustion of the hydrocarbon fuel. It has been preliminary estimated that the mixture of the hydrocarbon fuel and air could subsequently be burned at much lower equivalence ratios than conventional cases, giving better temperature profiles, flame stability limits and lower NOx emissions. The effect of different geometrical parameters on the performance of vortex controlled hybrid diffuser has also been studied. It has been predicted that vortex chamber in vortex controlled hybrid diffuser does not play any role in altering the performance of diffuser. The overall contribution to knowledge of this study is development of combustor preliminary design methodologies with different variants. The other contribution to knowledge is related to novel combustors with a capability to produce low emissions. Study on novel combustor and diffuser has yielded application of two patent applications with several other publications which has resulted in a contribution to knowledge. A list of research articles, two patents, awards and achievements are presented in Appendix C.
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Diesel engine heat release analysis by using newly defined dimensionless parametersAbbaszadehmosayebi, Gholamreza January 2014 (has links)
Diesel engine combustion has been studied during the last decades by researchers in terms of improving the performance of the engine. In order to improve the analysis of the diesel engine combustion, dimensionless parameters were used in this study. It was concluded that the newly introduced dimensionless parameters developed in this study facilitate understanding of diesel engine combustion process. A new method has been proposed to determine the values of the form factor (m) and efficiency factors (a) of the Wiebe equation. This is achieved by developing a modified form of Wiebe equation with only one constant. The modified version of Wiebe equation facilitates the determination of constants accurately, which enhances the accuracy of evaluating the burn fraction. The error induced on the burn fraction f with respect to the values of constants a and m obtained through different methods is discussed and compared. The form factor affects the burn fraction significantly compared to the efficiency factor. A new non-dimensional parameter ‘combustion burn factor (Ci)’ has been identified in the modified Wiebe equation. The burn fraction f was found to be a function of Ci only, thus the benefits of expressing heat release rate with respect to Ci have been presented. The errors associated with the determination of apparent heat release rate (AHRR) and the cumulative heat release (Cum.Hrr) from the measured cylinder pressure data and the assumed specific heat ratio (γ) was determined and compared. The γ affected the calculated AHRR more than the cylinder pressure. Overestimation of γ resulted in an underestimation of the peak value of the AHRR and vice versa, this occurred without any shift in the combustion phasing. A new methodology has been proposed to determine the instantaneous and mean value of γ for a given combustion. A two litre Ford puma Zetec diesel engine, four cylinder and 16 valves was employed to carry out this investigation. This new methodology has been applied to determine γ for a wide range of injection pressure (800 bar to 1200 bar), injection timing (9 deg BTDC to -2 deg BTDC) and engine loads at 2.7 BMEP and 5 BMEP. Standard ultra-low sulphur diesel fuel and two bio-diesels (Rapeseed Methyl Ester and Jatropha Methyl Ester) were studied in this investigation. Ignition delay is one the most important parameter that characterises the combustion and performance of diesel engines. The relation between ignition delay and combustion performance in terms of efficiency and emission was revealed by researchers. Ignition delay period measurements in diesel engine combustion along with the most used correlation for calculating ignition delay are discussed in this work. The effect of constants on accuracy in the correlation were discussed, and induced error on calculated ignition delay periods with respect to constants were calculated and compared. New techniques were proposed to calculate the constant values directly by using the experimental data. It was found that the calculated values for ignition delay using the new techniques matched well with the experimental data. These techniques can improve the accuracy of the ignition delay correlation. Also a new correlation without any constants was introduced in this work. This correlation can be used to predict ignition delay directly by using engine parameters only. The introduced correlation provides better results compared to Arrhenius type correlation presented by Wolfer. This new correlation can be used for feedback control engine combustion process.
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Hydrogen, nitrogen and syngas enriched diesel combustionChristodoulou, Fanos January 2014 (has links)
On-board hydrogen and syngas production is considered as a transition solution from fossil fuel to hydrogen powered vehicles until problems associated with hydrogen infrastructure, distribution and storage are resolved. A hydrogen- or syngas-rich stream, which substitutes part of the main hydrocarbon fuel, can be produced by supplying diesel fuel in a fuel-reforming reactor, integrated within the exhaust pipe of a diesel engine. The primary aim of this project was to investigate the effects of intake air enrichment with product gas on the performance, combustion and emissions of a diesel engine. The novelty of this study was the utilisation of the dilution effect of the reformate, combined with replacement of part of the hydrocarbon fuel in the engine cylinder by either hydrogen or syngas. The experiments were performed using a fully instrumented, prototype 2.0 litre Ford HSDI diesel engine. The engine was tested in four different operating conditions, representative for light- and medium-duty diesel engines. The product gas was simulated by bottled gases, the composition of which resembled that of typical diesel reformer product gas. In each operating condition, the percentage of the bottled gases and the start of diesel injection were varied in order to find the optimum operating points. The results showed that when the intake air was enriched with hydrogen, smoke and CO emissions decreased at the expense of NOx. Supply of nitrogen-rich combustion air into the engine resulted in a reduction in NOx emissions; nevertheless, this technique had a detrimental effect on smoke and CO emissions. Under low-speed low-load operation, enrichment of the intake air with a mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen led to simultaneous reductions in NOx, smoke and CO emissions. Introduction of a mixture of syngas and nitrogen into the engine resulted in simultaneous reductions in NOx and smoke emissions over a wide range of the engine operating window. Admission of bottled gases into the engine had a negative impact on brake thermal efficiency. Although there are many papers in the literature dealing with the effects of intake air enrichment with separate hydrogen, syngas and nitrogen, no studies were found examining how a mixture composed of hydrogen and nitrogen or syngas and nitrogen would affect a diesel engine. Apart from making a significant contribution to existing knowledge, it is 3 believed that this research work will benefit the development of an engine-reformer system since the product gas is mainly composed of either a mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen or a mixture of syngas and nitrogen.
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Tribological optimisation of the internal combustion engine piston to bore conjunction through surface modificationHowell-Smith, S. J. January 2011 (has links)
Internal combustion (IC) engines used in road transport applications employ pistons to convert gas pressure into mechanical work. Frictional losses abound within IC engines, where only 38- 51% of available fuel energy results in useful mechanical work. Piston-bore and ring-bore conjunctions are fairly equally responsible for circa 30% of all engine friction - equivalent to 1.6% of the input fuel each. Therefore, reduction in piston assembly friction would have a direct impact on specific performance and / or fuel consumption. In motorsport, power outputs and duty cycles greatly exceed road applications. Consequently, these engines have a shorter useful life and a high premium is placed on measures which would increase the output power without further reducing engine life. Reduction of friction offers such an opportunity, which may be achieved by improved tribological design in terms of reduced contact area or enhanced lubrication or both. However, the developments in the motorsport sector are typically reactive due to a lack of relative performance or an ad-hoc reliance, based upon a limited number of actual engine tests in order to determine if any improvement can be achieved as the result of some predetermined action. A representative scientific model generally does not exist and as such, investigated parameters are often driven by the supply chain with the promise of improvement. In cylinder investigations are usually limited to bore surface finish, bore and piston geometrical form, piston skirt coatings and the lubricant employed. Of these investigated areas newly emerging surface coatings are arguably seen as predominate. This thesis highlights a scientific approach which has been developed to optimise piston-bore performance. Pre-existing methods of screening and benchmarking alterations have been retained such as engine testing. However, this has been placed in the context of validation of scientifically driven development. A multi-physics numerical model is developed, which combines piston inertial dynamics, as well as thermo-structural strains within a thermoelastohydrodynamic tribological framework. Experimental tests were performed to validate the findings of numerical models. These tests include film thickness measurement and incylinder friction measurement, as well as the numerically-indicated beneficial surface modifications. Experimental testing was performed on an in-house motored engine at Capricorn Automotive, a dynamometer mounted single-cylinder 'fired' engine at Loughborough University, as well as on other engines belonging to third party clients of Capricorn. The diversity of tests was to ascertain the generic nature of any findings. The multi-physics multi-scale combined numerical-experimental investigation is the main contribution of this thesis to knowledge. One major finding of the thesis is the significant role that bulk thermo-structural deformation makes on the contact conformity of piston skirt to cylinder liner contact, thus advising piston skirt design. Another key finding is the beneficial role of textured surfaces in the retention of reservoirs of lubricant, thus reducing friction.
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