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The physics of sand transport by windMcEwan, Ian Kenneth January 1991 (has links)
The aim of this study is to develop and test a physical model of wind blown sand transport. Once established, such a model will lead to valuable insight into the physics of sand transport by wind especially the processes that interact to produce equilibrium transport conditions. The study begins with a review of the physics of wind blown sand, beginning with Bagnold (1941). In particular, four sub-processes are discussed; aerodynamic entrainment, the grain trajectory, the grain/bed collision and the modification of the wind by the grains. The physical model is based on the coupling (or interaction) of the four sub-processes. The grain/bed collision is modelled using experimental data obtained by Willetts and Rice (1985). The wind modification is calculated from the force profile exerted by the grains and the differential fluid shear stresses induced by the grains; a mixing length model is used to calculate these stresses. The results from the model are compared with the observed features of wind flow sand transport and the agreement is encouraging. Realistic wind profiles are calculated. These profiles show a marked deceleration by the grain cloud and an increase in effective roughness due to the additional drag imposed on the wind by the grains. Moreover the horizontal mass flux profile decays exponentially from the surface in accord with experimental measurements and the sand transport rate has a roughly cubic dependence on the shear velocity. Thus, the success of the model in reproducing (spontaneously) many of the observed features of wind blown sand transport encourages confidence that the physics used to construct the model is broadly correct. A further important result emerges from the model. There appears to be two time scales associated with equilibrium saltation. Firstly, the time for the grain cloud to come into equilibrium with the surface wind; this occurs over a time of approximately 1 s. Secondly, there is an increase in the effective roughness of the surface due to the additional drag imposed on the wind by the grain cloud. The atmospheric boundary layer must come into equilibrium with this change in roughness. This second equilibrium takes place over a much longer time scale of several tens of seconds or more. It results in a gradual decay of the shear stress in time after an overshoot of the steady state. It is noted that the response in time of the boundary layer to a change in roughness is analogous to its response in distance found by Jensen (1978). It is suggested, in the concluding chapter, that the spatial and temporal variation of the saltation cloud may be related through the application of Taylor's hypothesis for turbulence. The saltation modified wind is studied with the aid of an analytical wind profile derived from an assumed fluid shear stress distribution. This distribution is chosen for its similarity to the model calculated distribution: the intension being to use the analytical wind profile as a tool to investigate the model generated wind profile. From this analytical wind profile it is shown that the 'kink' in the wind profile (first noted by Bagnold (1941)) is caused by a maximum in the force profile exerted on the wind by the grains. Such a maximum is shown to exist in the force profile generated by the saltation model. Thus, it is concluded, that the 'kink' found in many experimentally measured wind profiles is likely to be caused by a maximum in the force profile exerted by the grains on the wind. This result is important because further understanding of modification of the wind will ensure that experimental measurements made are consistent with the physics of the system: in particular that wind velocity measurements used to calculate the shear velocity should be made above a height of 2-3 cm from the surface (i.e. above the kink). In the concluding section the desirability of a multiple grain size saltation model is discussed as an important step towards more realistic modelling. Further attention is directed towards modelling sand transport in gusty winds and inclusion of interaction with a developing bed.
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Aerodynamic performance of an industrial centrifugal compressor variable inlet guide vane systemCoppinger, Miles January 1999 (has links)
Industrial centrifugal air compressors can require a combination of a large range of mass flow, high efficiency, constant pressure ratio, and constant rotational speed, specifically when used for sewage effluent aeration treatment. In order to achieve this performance it is common to use variable inlet guide vanes (VIGV's). The performance characteristics of an existing VIGV design have been determined using both an experimental test facility and state of art numerical techniques. The results obtained from these techniques are far more comprehensive than earlier fullscale performance testing. Validation of the performance of the existing design using these techniques has led to the development of a new vane design and potential improvements to the inlet ducting geometry. The aerodynamic interaction between the VIGV system and the centrifugal compressor impeller has also been investigated using a 3-D computational model of the complete variable geometry compressor stage. The results of these investigations have been validated by data available from full scale experimental testing. Strong correlation was obtained between numerical and experimental techniques, and a predicted improvement in polytropic efficiency up to 3% at low flow rates using the re-designed variable inlet guide vanes has been achieved. The overall outcome of this research is a usable VIGV design technique for real industrial compressor environments, and confirmation that an acceptable design can be achieved that represents a rewarding improvement in performance.
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The aerodynamic performance of an annular S-shaped ductBailey, D. W. January 1997 (has links)
An experimental investigation has been carried out to determine the aerodynamic performance of an annular S-shaped duct representative of that used to connect the compressor spools of aircraft gas turbine engines. Measurements of both the mean flow and turbulent structure have been obtained using both 5 hole pressure probes and a3 component Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) system. The measurements indicate that development of the flow within the duct is complex and significantly influenced by the combined effects of streamwise pressure gradients and flow curvature. For inlet conditions in which boundary layers are developed along an upstream entry length the static pressure, shear stress and velocity distributions are presented. The data shows that as a result of flow curvature significant streamwise pressure gradients exist within the duct, with this curvature also affecting the generation and suppression of turbulence. The stagnation pressure loss within the duct is also assessed and is consistent with the measured distributions of shear stress. More engine representative conditions are provided by locating a single stage compressor at inlet to the duct. Relative to the naturally developed inlet conditions the flow within the duct is less likely to separate, but mixing out of the compressor blade wakes increases the measured duct loss. With both types of inlet conditions the effect of a radial strut, such as that used for carrying loads and engine services, is also described both in terms of the static pressure distribution along the strut and its contribution to overall loss. The effects of inlet swirl on the flow field that develops within an annular S-shaped duct have also been investigated. By removing the outlet guide vanes from an upstream single stage compressor swirl angles in excess of 30° were generated. Results show that within the S-shaped duct tangential momentum is conserved, leading to increasing swirl velocities through the duct as its radius decreases. Furthermore, this component influences the streamwise velocity as pressure gradients are established to ensure the mean flow follows the duct curvature. Consequently in the critical region adjacent to the inner casing, where separation is most likely to occur, higher streamwise velocities are observed. Within the duct substantial changes also occur to the turbulence field which results in an increased stagnation pressure loss between duct inlet and exit. Data is also presented showing the increasing swirl angles through the duct which has consequences both for the design of the downstream compressor spool and of any radial struts which may be located within the duct.
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Topics in numerical computation of compressible flowLin, Hong-Chia January 1990 (has links)
This thesis aims to assist the development of a multiblock implicit Navier-Stokes code for hypersonic flow applications. There are mainly three topics, which concern the understanding of basic Riemann solvers, the implementing of implicit zonal method, and grid adaption for viscous flow. Three problems of Riemann solvers are investigated. The post-shock oscillation problem of slowly moving shocks is examined, especially for Roe's Riemann solver, and possible cures are suggested for both first and second order schemes. The carbuncle phenomenon associated with blunt body calculation is cured by a formula based on pressure gradient, which will not degrade the solutions for viscous calculations too much. The grid-dependent characteristic of current upwind schemes is also demonstrated. Several issues associated with implicit zonal methods are discussed. The effects of having different mesh sizes in different zones when shock present are examined with first order explicit scheme and such effects are shown to be unwanted therefore big mesh size change should be avoided. Several implicit schemes are tested for hypersonic flow. The conservative DDADI scheme is found to be the most robust one. A simple and robust implicit zonal method is demonstrated. A proper treatment of the diagonal Jacobian and choosing the updating method are found to be crucial. The final topic concerns the calculation and grid adaption of viscous flow. We study the linear advection-diffusion equation thoroughly. The results are unfortunately not applicable to Navier-Stokes equations directly. Nevertheless a suggestion on the mesh size control for viscous flow is made and demonstrated. An attempt to construct a cell-vertex TVD scheme is described in the appendix.
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Self-excited aerodynamic unsteadiness associated with passenger carsSims-Williams, David Boyd January 2001 (has links)
Passenger cars are bluff bodies and are prone to unsteady phenomena with scales comparable to the scale of the vehicle itself. This type of large-scale, self-excited unsteadiness is the subject of the present work. Aerodynamic unsteadiness can be important for two reasons. It can cause unsteady pressures and forces on the car and it can impact the time-averaged flow through the generation of Reynolds stresses. A range of parametric two-dimensional bodies have been used in the development of novel experimental techniques and analyses and for CFD validation. Detailed investigations have been undertaken on the Ahmed model and on models of a Rover 200 passenger car in wind tunnels at Durham and at MIRA at scales of up to 40%. A method was developed which makes it possible to visualise periodic flow structures from measurements made sequentially in the wake or on the model surface. Unsteady flows for fastback passenger cars were found to be much less periodic than for two-dimensional vortex shedding cases. Pressure fluctuations were significantly lower on the model surface than in the wake resulting in limited unsteady forces. Unsteady flow structures, Strouhal numbers and levels of unsteadiness were similar for the Rover 200 model with and without a backlight spoiler and for the Ahmed model, indicating that sharp corners do not have a dominant effect on unsteadiness. Two principal unsteady structures were observed in the wake of the fastback shapes. A structure was observed at Strouhal numbers around 0.1 involving the alternate strengthening of the two c-pillar vortices in an antisymmetric mode. At Strouhal numbers in the range 0.3 to 0.6 an unsteady structure was observed consisting of the oscillation of the strength of the two c-pillar vortices in a symmetric mode. At the same time the location of the vortices oscillates in the vertical direction.
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The performance of the Wells air turbine in oscillating flow conditionsOmbaka, O. O. January 1984 (has links)
No description available.
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An investigation of supersonic buffet using a Large Eddy SimulationHunt, David Leslie January 1995 (has links)
No description available.
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The aerodynamic loading on an oscillating controlWarsop, Clyde January 1987 (has links)
No description available.
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Yaw control at high angles of attack by tangential forebody blowingCrowther, William James January 1994 (has links)
No description available.
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The design and testing of a horizontal axis wind turbine with sailfoil bladesTaylor, D. January 1985 (has links)
The work contained in this thesis covers the design, development and testing of a horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) with Sailfoil blades. Included is a brief history of wind turbine technology, its revival, a review of current wind energy developments and a literature survey of previous work on wind turbines with sail type blades. The Sailfoil blade consists of a framework of a leading edge D spar and a rigid trailing edge spar over which is stretched a fabric sock, forming a wing-like surface. The aerodynamic performance theories of HAWTs are described, as is the aerodynamic, structural and mechanical design of a 4 metre diameter, 3 bladed HAWT with Sailfoil blades. A wind turbine test facility was designed and developed for free air testing of wind turbines and is described. Free air tests were carried out on the Sailfoil wind turbine on the test facility to obtain power coefficient versus tip speed ratio curves and power versus wind speed curves for the wind turbine. These are presented and compared to predicted values.
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