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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

'Lifestyle entrepreneurs' in the hospitality sector : guest house owner-occupiers

Di Domenico, MariaLaura C. January 2003 (has links)
The research outlined in this thesis is a comparative investigation of the views and selfdefinitions of small-scale hospitality providers who operate their business concerns in two Scottish urban settings. It deals specifically with owner-occupied businesses. This characteristic serves to define a key focus of the research, in that it is essentially concerned with the small-scale guest house which functions as both a home and a business for its owner. In this thesis, the self-definitions and images of these proprietors are explored through the medium of the in-depth research interview, and consequently analysed from the resulting textual interview data. The nature of the research questions call for a qualitative research enquiry to provide the depth necessary to enable interpretations to be drawn which are emergent and grounded in the data. It adopts a phenomenologically-driven research perspective, using a symbolic interactionist conceptual framework upon which the methodology draws. This research is necessarily context-driven as, in order to understand fully the nature of this group, it is important to consider the context in which these proprietors operate. In this study, the two Scottish urban locations of Inverness and Dundee, as part of the wider Scottish tourism spectrum are taken as the contextual parameters of the research. Background research to this enquiry therefore pays necessary attention to the sociohistorical Scottish tourism setting, with specific focus on these locations. This functions as the contextual background against which the owner-occupiers of these small hospitality businesses must be placed. This also serves to provide an overall framework for the development of the theoretical perspectives and research methodologies which direct the research process.

L'aventure ibadite dans le Sud tunisien: effervescence d'une région méconnue

Prevost, Virginie January 2001 (has links)
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Sixth-century fortifications in Byzantine Africa : an archaeological and historical study

Pringle, R. Denys January 1979 (has links)
This thesis surveys and discusses the documentary and archaeological evidence for sixth-century fortifications in Byzantine Africa. Chapter I examines the sources of evidence, noting that over 80 years have passed since the last major study of the subject was undertaken, by Charles Diehl in 1896. Chapter II traces the military history of Byzantine Africa from 533 to 602, with introductory and concluding sections on the fifth and seventh centuries. Chapter III discusses the evidence for the military organization and defensive strategy of Byzantine Africa in the sixth century, looking in particular at the structure of military command, the composition of the Byzantine army, the garrison structure (including the evidence for the nature and size of local garrisons stationed in forts and towns), the administrative machanisms by which fortifications were built and the strategy to be discerned in their siting. The chapter ends with a general appraisal of the benefits that Roman Africa received from Justinian's reconquest. Chapter IV examines the architecture of Byzantine fortifications in Africa, comparing it with earlier and contemporary practice in the eastern and western empires. The tactical aspects of fortifications are also considered, in particular the question of how far their design was influenced by the use made of artillery and archery in the sixth-century Byzantine army. In a short final chapter, an assessment is made of the value that the study of sixth-century Byzantine fortifications in Africa has for understanding later developments in the military architecture of eastern and western Christendom and of Islam. The Gazetteer includes full descriptions (with plans and photographs) of all the Byzantine fortifications identified in Africa, and shorter notes on other structures of more doubtful Byzantine identification; an index to fortifications in Africa referred to by Procopius; and a corpus of sixth- and seventh century military inscriptions from Africa.

The inns and taverns of western Sussex, 1550-1700 : a regional study of their architectural and social history

Pennington, Janet January 2003 (has links)
This is a regional study, providing a detailed examination of the inns and taverns situated in the western part of the county of Sussex in the south-east of England. At the beginning of the period the English inn and tavern was entering an era of expansion and proliferation, though numbers grew only slowly in the region; by its end communications had worsened and there had been no great improvement to standards of paid hospitality. There were c.40 inns in 1550, increasing to c.120 by 1700; two-thirds were urban, some of which may have been taverns, either individually or more usually functioning as inns .that sold wine. Problems of definition are examined in some detail. The period sees some inns growing in architectural as well as social terms, while others decline, disappearing from the written and physical record. Reasons for their rise and fall are discussed.

Les représentations animales à travers les mosaïques de pavements et funéraires, dans un édifice chrétien en Afrique tardive : inventaire et interprétation / Animal depictions on pavement and funeral mosaics in a Christian building of North Africa during Late Antiquity : inventory and interpretation

Mkacher, Anis 12 January 2013 (has links)
Le travail que nous avons réalisé consiste en l’étude des représentations animales sur les mosaïques de pavement et les mosaïques funéraires d'Afrique du Nord à l'époque tardo-antique. Plus précisément, elle couvre un territoire qui s’étend du nord-ouest de l’actuelle Libye au nord-ouest de l’actuelle Algérie. Cette étude se compose de trois parties : la première est consacrée à l'inventaire des monuments et des mosaïques, la deuxième à l'interprétation de cette iconographie et la troisième aux illustrations. La première partie propose donc le recensement de tous les monuments qui ont contenu une ou plusieurs mosaïques à décor animal. Ces monuments sont dans la majorité des cas des églises ou leur annexe, notamment les baptistères ; à cette catégorie nous ajoutons les églises-cimetières dont le sol fut orné de mosaïques funéraires. La deuxième partie, celle de l’interprétation, est divisée en trois chapitres : le premier élabore une typologie du fonds animal et des mosaïques, le deuxième s’intéresse au symbolisme et à l’utilisation des animaux, le troisième fait l’étude du décor et de l’emplacement de la mosaïque dans l’édifice. La troisième partie contient, sous forme de planches, toutes les illustrations des mosaïques que nous avons pu recueillir, ainsi que les plans des édifices étudiés. L’ensemble s’ouvre par une introduction générale qui contextualise le cadre historique et géographique, en mettant l’accent sur l'historiographie du sujet, et se termine par une conclusion générale dans laquelle les idées fortes sont récapitulées et une ouverture du sujet est suggérée. / This work consists in the study of animal representations on pavement and funerary mosaics made in North Africa during the Late Antiquity. More precisely, the geographical area is located between the North-West of modern Libya and the North-West of modern Algeria. This work is divided into three parts: the first one is dedicated to the inventory of monuments and mosaics, the second one to the interpretation of the material and the last one to the plates. The first part is the catalogue of all the monuments where one or several mosaics with an animal depiction have been found. These buildings mostly are churches or church annexes, especially baptisteries; we must add the category of cemetery-churches with funerary pavements on the floor. The second part is divided into three chapters: the first one develops a typology of the animals and of the mosaics, the second one is dedicated to the symbolism and the use of animals, and the third one studies the decoration and the place of each mosaic in the building. The last part presents plates with all the illustrations of mosaics we could find and the plans of the buildings. The introduction aims at contextualizing the historical and geographical background, particularly by describing the historiography of the topic. In the conclusion we sum up the main ideas and give some new perspectives of study for the future.

The initial destination of the Fâţimid Caliph ʻAbd Allâh al-Mahdîʾs Dâr al-Hijrah : Yaman or Maghrib : the politico-military activities of the Daʻwah in the Maghrib and Yaman

Jiwa, Shainool. January 1984 (has links)
No description available.

The initial destination of the Fâţimid Caliph ʻAbd Allâh al-Mahdîʾs Dâr al-Hijrah : Yaman or Maghrib : the politico-military activities of the Daʻwah in the Maghrib and Yaman

Jiwa, Shainool. January 1984 (has links)
No description available.

事實婚法制之研究 / A study of the legal system on De Facto marriage

王重陽, Wang, Jong Yang Unknown Date (has links)
2008年釋字第647號公布,針對稅法上未賦予「事實上夫妻」法律上配偶相同待遇,是否牴觸憲法做出解釋。其理由書謂無配偶之人相互間主觀上具有如婚姻之共同生活意思,客觀上亦有共同生活事實之異性伴侶,雖不具法律上婚姻關係,但既與法律上婚姻關係之配偶極為相似,如亦有長期共同家計之事實者,因具婚姻關係配偶之相似性,立法機關得在無損於婚姻制度或其他相關公益之前提下,給予適度之法律保障。之前於2007年通過民法修正,將婚姻制度由過去「儀式婚」改為「登記婚」,不過社會上迎娶的習俗並未改變,男女只踐行婚禮而未為結婚登記者,其法律地位如何。而各國同居人口不斷增加,各國法制莫不積極因應,據調查國內目前同居人口亦高達44萬人以上,因此外國法制確有參考的實益。礙於篇幅及文獻限制,僅就人民往來頻仍之美國、率先以民法典規範之法國、以裁判先例處理之日本、文化背景近似之中國大陸等地介紹之。   本論文分六章,第一章介紹研究動機及研究方法,研究之動機主要是大法官釋字第647號解釋之立法指示、2008年結婚方式修正後預立補強之道。其研究方法係以法解釋學為基礎,透過文義、體系、立法、目的及合憲解釋等方法認識各國法制,再進行法制間的比較、歸納、演繹等分析,期能借鑑最適我國情之法制。第二章為各國事實婚之用語、規範類型與發展介紹。以較宏觀的角度檢視各國事實婚法制,包括其用語、規範的方式及發展背景,各國對於事實婚的表達未必一致,如何擷取具有參考價值的法制,成為研究事實婚的第一個課題。其次規範的方式各國間亦不相同,有以成文法規範之,亦有以裁判先例處理之,甚至解決的重心亦不相同;而各國事實婚形成的背景,更是研究外國法制所不可或缺者。第三章討論事實婚保護之法理,一般認為事實婚的保護,將有害婚姻憲法權威地位,承認事實婚之地位必須具有強而有力的理由。目前雖然沒有事實婚的國際條約,不過婚姻自由、家庭保護、平等不歧視、兒童保護等國際法上普世原則的尊重,亦間接保護事實婚。而已進行事實婚保障之國家,其調整憲法上婚姻地位獨尊的論述,亦值得參考。第四章、第五章則具體分析美、法、日、中國大陸等地關於事實婚之規定,包括美國法律協會的家庭解消建議、法國民法Pacs制度、日本內緣關係、中國大陸之(非法)同居關係等,同時分析我國司法實務的判決。   第六章為結論,本論文肯定事實婚保護之必要性,強調共同生活事項類推婚姻法效果的合理性,並根據此結論提出建議,包括援引外國立法例的調整、國內實務解釋的改進、立法雛議與男女共同生活契約範本的提出,期能增進男女地位的公平與弱勢伴侶之保護。 / The reasoning of J. Y. Interpretation no.647 has pointed out ”Those unmarried companions of opposite sex with a subjective intent to live together like a married couple and the objective fact of cohabitation do not have a matrimonial relation in law, the relationship between them is very much similar to the relationship of legally married husband and wife, and the provision at issue, which does not provide for gift tax exemption for mutual gifts between such companions, would seem susceptible to a doubt of violating the principle of equality provided that there is in addition a fact of longtime sharing of the livelihood between such couples. As for those cohabited companions with similarity to a legal marriage, the Legislature may, taking into considerations the constitutional protection of fundamental rights of the people as well as changes in the social condition and cultural development, give them adequate legal protection to the extent not disparaging marriage institution and other public interests.” Though the formal requirement of validity of marriage in Civil Law in Taiwan has changed from ceremony to registration since 2007, it is generally recognized that a valid marriage should be done on the basis of a marriage ceremony, by which a gap between citizen’s perception and legal norms has come out and the commence of de facto marriage becomes inevitable. Furthermore, the amounts of cohabitation in Europe and the United States have increased constantly so that the legislation of long-term de facto marriage has more or less been made in these countries. In contrast, though the amounts of cohabitation in Taiwan is estimated to exceed 0.4 million, the judicial practices for the legal issue of cohabitation are not coherent among cases in courts. Accordingly, this thesis focuses on the comparison of legislation for de facto marriage among several countries with a view to providing some suggestions to the law making and judicial practice in Taiwan. Firstly, the motivation and methodologies are introduced in chapter one. As to methodologies, this thesis starts from the interpretation of law; and comparative, inductive and deductive approaches are used for the research of legal systems in some countries. Secondly, this thesis analyses the terminology, types of legislation and development of de facto marriage in chapter two. Inter alia, it includes the definition of de facto marriage made by Chinese, Japanese and English-speaking scholars and the models of legislation for the protection of de facto marriage in some countries. In addition, it elaborates the background of de facto marriage and its evolution of legal regime in the United States, France, Japan and China. In chapter three, it deliberates the legal basis of de facto marriage. It commences from the stipulation of international treaties, in particular the European Convention on Human Rights, and the judicial practices of the European Court of Human Rights on the issues of freedom of marriage, protection of family rights, non-discrimination and the best benefits for children. It then compares the pros and cons for the protection of de facto marriage so that its necessity and possibility could be established at the constitutional level. In chapter four, this thesis elaborates the requirements of de facto marriage in United States, France, Japan and China, for instance, the Recommendations of Family Dissolution made by the American Law Institute (ALI), the Pacs in France, “Nai En” system in Japan and the (illegal) cohabitation in China. Furthermore, it also analyses Taiwan’s legal system of de facto marriage. This thesis then discusses in chapter five the legal effects of de facto marriage in the United States, France, Japan and China, and their impact on Taiwan’s related legislation. Finally, it concludes in chapter six by recognizing the necessity to protect de facto marriage and the legitimacy to analogize the legal effect of marriage law to common life matters. Accordingly, this thesis suggests that foreign legislations be ushered in for the amendment of domestic laws; the improvement of the interpretation of domestic judicial practices be made, and model contract for cohabitation be proposed in order to improve the fair status between male and female and the protection for the weaker one of the couple.

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