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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Equivalent Linearization Procedure For Seismic Response Prediction Of Mdof Systems

Gunay, Mehmet Selim 01 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Nonlinear response history analysis is accepted as the most accurate analytical tool for seismic response determination. However, accurate estimation of displacement responses using conceptually simple, approximate analysis procedures is preferable, since there are shortcomings in the application of nonlinear response history analysis resulting from its complexity. An equivalent linearization procedure, which utilizes the familiar response spectrum analysis as the analysis tool and benefits from the capacity principles, is developed in this thesis study as an approximate method for predicting the inelastic seismic displacement response of MDOF systems under earthquake excitations. The procedure mainly consists of the construction of an equivalent linear system by reducing the stiffness of structural members which are expected to respond in the inelastic range. Different from similar studies in literature, equivalent damping is not explicitly employed in this study. Instead, predetermined spectral displacement demands are utilized in each mode of the equivalent linear system for the determination of global displacement demands. Response predictions of the equivalent linearization procedure are comparatively evaluated by using the benchmark nonlinear response history analysis results and other approximate methods including conventional pushover analysis and modal pushover analysis (MPA). It is observed that the proposed procedure results in similar accuracy with approximate methods which employ nonlinear analysis. Considering the conceptual simplicity of the procedure and the conventional analysis tools used in its application, presented equivalent linearization procedure can be suggested as a practically applicable method for the prediction of inelastic seismic displacement response parameters with sufficient accuracy.

Main Seismological Features Of Recently Compiled Turkish Strong Motion Database

Erdogan, Ozgur 01 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis it is aimed to compile the Turkish strong-motion database for its efficient use in earthquake engineering and strong-motion seismology related studies. Within this context, the Turkish strong-motion database is homogenized in terms of basic earthquake source parameters (e.g. magnitude, style-of-faulting) as well as site classes and different source-to-site distance metrics. As part of this objective, empirical relationships for different magnitude scales are presented for further harmonization of the database. Data processing of the selected raw (unprocessed) strong-motion accelerograms that do not suffer from non-standard problems are realized. A comparative study is also conducted between the peak ground-motion values of Turkish strong-motion database with the estimations computed from different ground-motion prediction models. This way the regional differences of Turkish database are evaluated by making use of global prediction models. It is believed that the main products of this thesis will be of great use for reliable national seismic risk and hazard studies.

Detailed Fem Analysis Of Two Different Splice Steel Connections

Yilmaz, Oguz 01 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Beam splices are typically located at moment contraflexure points (where M=0). Most design specifications require these splices to develop a strength either to meet design forces or a minimum value set by specifications. The design forces are typically determined through elastic analysis, which does not include flexibility of splice connections. In this research, two types of splice connections, an extended end plate splice connection and a flange and web plate bolted splice connection, were tested and analyzed to investigate the effect of the partial strength splice connections on structural response. The splices were designed to resist 40% and 34% of connecting section capacities using current steel design codes, respectively. It has been observed from the experiments and FEM analysis results that splice connections designed under capacities of connecting steel members can result in changes in design moment diagrams obtained from analyses without splice connection simulation and can also significantly decrease the rigidity of the structure endangering serviceability. The differences in design moment diagrams can go up to 50 % of elastic analysis without connection flexibility. The vertical displacements can increase to 155% of values obtained from elastic analysis with no splice connection simulation. Therefore, connection flexibility becomes very important to define in analysis.

A Parametric Study Investigating The Inertial Soil-structure Interaction Effects On Global And Local Deformation Demands Of Multistory Steel Mrf Structures Resting On Surface Rigid Mat Foundations

Utkutug, Deniz 01 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In reality, dynamic response of a structure supported on a compliant soil may vary significantly from the response of same structure when supported on a rigid base. A parametric study is conducted for the analysis of the variation in the global and the local deformation demands caused by the inertial soil-structure interaction effects. For the purposes of the study, nonlinear dynamic analyses are performed on 7 steel moment-resisting frame models, which are prepared by the virtue of fixed-base and flexible-base (interacting) conditions. Foundation is modeled with the Truncated Cone Model (Wolf, 1994) with the frequency independent coefficients. Free-field earthquake acceleration records are selected to conform to NEHRP equivalent Site Classes C and D. The study is limited to the structures founded on surface rigid mat foundations subjected to vertically propagating horizontally polarized coherent shear waves. Statistical analysis based on multiple linear regression procedure is performed to represent the variation in the response. Within the scope of the study, the wave parameter and the aspect ratio are observed to be directly proportional to the variation in the response, as a general trend. Maximum beneficial contribution of the SSI is found to be 6% in both global and local deformation demands. In addition, the contribution of inertial interaction effects is found to be in a decreasing trend for the increasing levels of ductility demands. Finally, upper limits of wave parameter for H/R=0.5, 1, 2 and 3 are calculated where the variation in the demands are capped at 1.0.

A Web Based Multi User Framework For The Design And Detailing Of Reinforced Concrete Frames - Beams.

Anil, Engin Burak 01 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Structural design of reinforced concrete structures requires involvement of many engineers who contribute to a single project. During the design process engineers have to exchange wide variety of information. Unmanaged data exchange may result in loss of resources. Developing a data model and setting up protocols for the management of data related to various structural design tasks can help to improve the quality of the structural design. In this study, an object oriented data model was developed for reinforced concrete beams. Geometry of the structure, detailed shape and placement of the reinforcement, and design specific information for beams were defined in the data model. Design code based computations are facilitated by developing a code library. Another focus of this study is developing a web based, platform independent data management and multi-user framework for structural design and detailing of reinforced concrete frames. The framework allows simultaneous design of a structure by multiple engineers. XML Web Services technology was utilized for the central management of design data. Design data was kept as XML files. Information was exchanged between the server and the engineer on a per-request basis. To design a beam strip, the engineer connects to the server and chooses a series of connected beams. The strip that is selected is locked for modifications of other engineers to prevent any data loss and unnecessary duplicate efforts. When the engineer finalizes the design of a beam strip, data is updated on the server and the lock for this strip is released. Between these requests no active connection is required between the engineer and the server. As a final task, the framework can produce structural CAD drawings in DXF format.

A Comparative Study Of Aisc-360 And Eurocode 3 Strength Limit States

Sahin, Serkan 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Nowadays / design, fabrication and erection of steel structures can be taken place at different locations as a result of rapid globalization / owners may require the use of widely accepted steel design codes. Therefore, engineers are faced with the challenge of being competent with several design specifications for a particular material type. AISC-360 and EC3 are widely accepted steel structure design specifications that utilize limit state principles with some similarities and differences in application. Hereby a study has been undertaken to put together the nominal strength expressions presented in both AISC-360 and EC3 codes in a single document, to identify the similarities and the differences in calculated strengths and to facilitate rapid learning of either of the specifications with prior knowledge of the other. Because of the wide scope of specifications, only fundamental failure modes are considered in this thesis. Resistance equations are directly compared with each other wherever possible. For cases where the treatment of specifications is entirely different, representative members were considered for comparison purposes.

Analysis Of Mechanical Behavior Of High Performance Cement Based Composite Slabs Under Impact Loading

Satioglu, Azize Ceren 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Studies on the behavior of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) and slurry infiltrated fibrous concrete (SIFCON) to impact loading have started in recent years. Using these relatively new materials, higher values of tensile and compressive strength can be obtained with greater fracture toughness and energy absorption capacity, and therefore they carry a considerable importance in the design of protective structures. In this thesis, computational analyses concerning impact loading effect on concrete, steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) and slurry infiltrated fibrous concrete (SIFCON) are conducted by the aid of ANSYS AUTODYN 11.0.0 software. In the simulations, the importance of the concrete compressive and tensile strengths, and the fracture energy, together with the target and projectile erosion parameters, were investigated on the response of concrete target and projectile residual velocity. The obtained results of the simulation trials on concrete, SFRC and SIFCON have been compared with the experimental outcomes of three concrete, two SFRC and two SIFCON specimens in terms of deformed target crater radius, depth volume and striking projectile residual velocities. The simulation analyses have shown that, compressive as well as tensile strengths of the concrete, SFRC and SIFCON specimens are of great importance on the crater volume while erosion parameters have a significant effect on the projectile residual velocity. Simulation outcomes possess a higher accuracy for concrete simulations when comparisons are made with available experimental results. This accuracy deteriorates for SFRC and SIFCON specimens. It was further concluded that related material tests of the specimens must be available in order to obtain higher accuracy.

Investigating The Effect Of Column Orientations On Minimum Weight Design Of Steel Frames

Kizilkan, Melisa 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Steel has become widespread and now it can be accepted as the candidate of being main material for the structural systems with its excellent properties. Its high quality, durability, stability, low maintenance costs and opportunity of fast construction are the advantages of steel. The correct use of the material is important for steel&rsquo / s bright prospects. The need for weight optimization becomes important at this point. Available sources are used economically through optimization. Optimization brings material savings and at last economy. Optimization can be achieved with different ways. This thesis investigates the effect of the appropriate choice of column orientation on minimum weight design of steel frames. Evolution strategies (ESs) method, which is one of the three mainstreams of evolutionary algorithms, is used as the optimizer in this study to deal with the current problem of interest. A new evolution strategy (ES) algorithm is proposed, where design variables are considered simultaneously as cross-sectional dimensions (size variables) and orientation of column members (orientation variables). The resulting algorithm is computerized in a design optimization software called OFES. This software has many capabilities addressing to issues encountered in practical applications, such as producing designs according to TS-648 and ASD-AISC design provisions. The effect of column orientations is numerically studied using six examples with practical design considerations. In these examples, first steel structures are sized for minimum weight considering the size variables only, where orientations of the column members are initially assigned and kept constant during optimization process. Next, the weight optimum design of structures are implemented using both size and orientation design variables. It is shown that the inclusion of column orientations produces designs which are generally 4 to 8 % lesser in weight than the cases where only size variables are employed.

Energy Based Seismic Performance Assessment Of Reinforced Concrete Columns

Acun, Bora 01 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Severe seismic events in urban regions during the last two decades revealed that the structures constructed before the development of modern seismic codes are the most vulnerable to earthquakes. Sub-standard reinforced concrete buildings constitute an important part of this highly vulnerable urban building stock. There is urgent need for the development and improvement of methods for seismic performance assessment of existing reinforced concrete structures. As an alternative to current conventional force-based assessment methods, a performance evaluation procedure for structural members, mainly reinforced concrete columns is proposed in this study, by using an energy-based approach combined with the low cycle fatigue concept. An energy-based hysteresis model is further introduced for representing the inelastic response of column members under severe seismic excitations. The shape of the hysteresis loops are controlled by the dissipated cumulative energy whereas the ultimate strength is governed by the low cycle fatigue behavior. These two basic characteristics are obtained experimentally from full scale specimens tested under constant and variable amplitude displacement cycles. The first phase of the experimental program presented in the study constitutes of testing sub-standard non-conforming column specimens. The second phase of testing was conducted on standard, code compliant reinforced concrete columns. A total number of 13 specimens were tested. The behavior of these specimens was observed individually and comparatively according to the performance based objectives. The results obtained from the experiments were employed for developing relations between the energy dissipation capacity of specimens, the specimen properties as well as the imposed displacement history. Moreover, the measured rotation capacities at the plastic regions are evaluated comparatively with the limits proposed by modern displacement-based seismic design and assessment provisions.

Investigation Of Strenghthening Techniques Using Pseudo-dynamic Testing

Kurt, Efe Gokce 01 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Pseudo-dynamic testing was employed to observe the seismic performance of three different retrofit methods on two story three bay reinforced concrete frame structures. The three test frames have hollow clay tile (HCT) infills in the central bay. All of the test frames represent the seismic deficiencies of the Turkish construction practice such as use of plain reinforcing bars, low strength concrete and insufficient confining steel. Two non-invasive and occupant friendly retrofit schemes suggested in the Turkish Earthquake Code, namely use of Fiber Reinforced Polymers and precast concrete panels integrated on the HCT infills and traditional approach of adding concrete infill wall were employed. Specimens were subjected to three different scale levels of North-South component of Duzce ground motion. Reference specimen experienced severe damage at 100% scale level and reached collapse stage due to the loss of integrity of the infill wall and significant damage on the boundary columns. The retrofitted test structures were able to survive the highest level 140% Duzce ground motion. Test results confirmed the success of the retrofit methods for simulated earthquake loads.

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