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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Svařitelnost kobaltových slitin hybridní metodou Laser-TIG / Weldability of cobalt alloys by hybrid method Laser-TIG

Herčík, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
The master thesis summarizes the critical situation of the lack of a cobalt used in different industry branches. Due to its increasing price, it will not be possible to use in existing applications. One of these applications is production of cobalt alloys where the replacement of this element is impossible. This type of material keeps mechanical properties at high temperature. However, a suitable choice of technology can achieve at least its savings. In the field of welding, the alloys are joined without any use of an additional material. The possible solution could be the use of hybrid technologies or electron beam. Verification of weldability of both methods was realised in experimental parts and evaluated by destructive methods. The investigation was performed on wear resistant alloy Stellite 6B.

Výskyt a biologická souvislost chromozomálně integrovaného šestého lidského herpesviru (HHV6) v české populaci / Prevalence and biological consequence of chromosomally integrated human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) in Czech population

Hrdličková, Alena January 2013 (has links)
8 Abstract Human Herpes Virus 6 (HHV-6) consists of two closely related DNA viruses: HHV-6A and HHV-6B. The primoinfection proceeds at an early childhood usually as sixth exanthem disease or without any clinical symptoms. Both HHV-6 viruses are able to integrate to human genome using recombinant mechanisms which is unique compared to other human herpesviruses. The aim of the thesis is to study Ci-HHV-6 in a group of patients with malign disease and in the healthy population. We analysed 812 patients with malign disease and 420 healthy subjects from general population. The Ci-HHV-6 was assessed by real-time PCR, the specific localization of Ci-HHV-6 was determined using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). Using comparative study, we did not identify significant difference between frequency of Ci-HHV-6 in patients with malign disease (1.11%) and healthy subjects (0.95%) (P-value 0.8). Consequently, we proved the heritability of Ci-HHV-6 in affected families. We determined the localization of Ci-HHV-6 to telomeric regions of chromosomes 2 and 18. We studied the production of viral proteins in the subjects with Ci-HHV-6. In this work, we conducted the first epidemiological study of Ci-HHV-6 in the Czech Republic. We also introduced novel methods which contribute to better characterization of this phenomenom.

Sequencing and functional analysis of cT-DNAs in Nicotiana / Séquence et analyse fonctionnelle des ADN-T dans Nicotiana

Chen, Ke 26 February 2016 (has links)
La bactérie Agrobacterium tumefaciens est bien connue pour son utilisation en génie génétique végétale où elle sert comme vecteur de gènes. A l’origine, cette bactérie ainsi que l’espèce voisine Agrobacterium rhizogenes sont des bactéries phytopathogènes qui induisent respectivement des tumeurs et des racines anormales sur des plantes sensibles telles que la vigne ou des arbres fruitiers. L’action pathogène résulte d’un transfert horizontal de gènes de la bactérie vers l’hôte végétal, à partir d’un plasmide, le pTi (plasmide inducteur de tumeurs) ou pRi (plasmide inducteur de racines). Mon travail de thèse concerne deux aspects particuliers de cette bactérie.1. Sa capacité à transformer durablement des espèces végétales dans la nature, donnant ainsi naissance à des plantes naturellement transformées, notamment dans le genre Nicotiana. Nous avons pu montrer par séquençage à haut débit du génome de N. tomentosiformis et par l’analyse d’autres séquences complètes de Nicotianées publiées récemment l’existence inattendue de 5 séquences venant d’Agrobacterium (cT-DNAs) avec une taille total de 65 kb, dont certaines portent des gènes intacts. Nous avons montré que deux de ces gènes (TB-mas2’ de N. tabacum et TE-6b de N. otophora) ont une activité biologique. Une étude comparative approfondie a permis de mieux comprendre l’évolution de ces cT-DNAs (Chen et al., 2014). Le gène mas2’ est bien connu, il code pour une enzyme qui catalyse la synthèse du désoxyfructosyl-glutamine (DFG) dans des tumeurs ou racines induites par Agrobacterium. Des résultats récents dans notre groupe portant sur le gène TB-mas2’ montrent que ce gène est exprimé de façon très active dans plusieurs cultivars de N. tabacum, et y donne naissance à l’apparition de quantités mesurables de DFG. Ce travail est présenté sous forme d’un manuscrit à soumettre.2. Une deuxième partie de la Thèse concerne les propriétés du gène T-6b, qui fait partie de l’ADN transféré par A. vitis souche Tm4 et provoque une croissance anormale caractérisée par l’apparition d’énations, sans que l’on connaisse son mode d’action. Le gène 6b fait partie de la famille des gènes plast (pour plasticité phénotypique), avec des effets différents et souvent remarquables sur la croissance des plantes. Le gène T-6b a été mis sous contrôle d’un promoteur inductible par le dexaméthasone, et des plantes de tabac transformées par cette construction ont été étudiées en détail, à différents moments après son induction. Un grand nombre de changements a été décrit incluant des analyses anatomiques montrant des modifications encore jamais décrites chez les plantes, comme par exemple l’apparition de méristèmes foliaires ectopiques à la base de trichomes, ou l’apparition de systèmes vasculaires ectopiques parallèles au système vasculaire normal avec un développement régulier menant à des structures complexes ordonnées (Chen and Otten, 2015). Le gène TE-6b de N. otophora a été mis sous contrôle d’un promoteur fort constitutif et introduit dans des plantes de tabac, où il provoque des changements de croissance différents de ce qui a été observé pour le gène T-6b. Ces derniers résultats préliminaires sont présentés en complément des observations sur le gène T-6b. Ils indiquent que le transfert horizontal du gène TE-6b vers l’ancêtre de N. otophora aurait pu contribuer à une modification de la croissance et ainsi à la création d’une nouvelle espèce. / The bacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens is well-known for its utilisation in plant genetic engineering where it serves as a gene vector. This bacterium and the related species Agrobacterium rhizogenes are phytopathogens that induce tumors and hairy roots respectively on susceptible plants like grapevine or fruit trees. Their phytopathogenicity is due to horizontal transfer of bacterial genes to the plant host, from a plasmid called the Ti (tumor-inducing) or Ri (root-inducing) plasmid. The subject of my Thesis concerns two particular aspects of this bacterium.1. Their capacity to stably transform several plant species in nature, thereby yielding naturally transformed plants, especially in the genus Nicotiana. We have shown by deep sequencing of the Nicotiana tomentosiformis genome and by analysis of other recently published Nicotiana sequences the presence of five different Agrobacterium-derived sequences (cT-DNAs), totalling 65 kb, some of which carry intact genes. We have shown that two of them (TB-mas2’ from N. tabacum and TE-6b from N. otophora) have biological activity. A detailed comparative study has allowed us to better understand the evolution of these cT-DNAs (Chen et al., 2014). The mas2’ gene is well-known, it codes for the synthesis of desoxyfructosyl-glutamine (DFG) in tumors or roots induced by Agrobacterium. Recent work in our group has shown that the TB-mas2’ gene is highly expressed in some N. tabacum cultivars and leads to the accumulation of detectable amounts of DFG. This work is presented as a manuscript to be submitted.2. A second part of the Thesis describes new properties of the T-6b gene, which is part of the DNA transferred by A. vitis strain Tm4 and leads to abnormal growth caracterized by the appearance of enations, so far the mode of action of this gene is unknown. The 6b gene is part of the so called plast family (for phenotypic plasticity), with different and often remarkable growth effects on plants. The T-6b gene wasearlier placed under control of a dexamethasone-inducible promoter, and tobacco plants transformed with this construct have now been studied in detail, at different times after the start of induction. A large number of changes was analyzed, both at the morphological and anatomical level, these include various unprecedented morphological changes, like for example the appearance of shoot primordia at the base of trichomes, or the appearance of ectopic vascular strands parallel to the normal strands with a regular development leading to complex but predictable structures (Chen and Otten, 2015). The TE-6b gene from N. otophora was placed under strong and constitutive promoter control and introduced into tobacco, where it was found to cause new types of morphological change, different from those observed for T-6b. The latter results are preliminary and will be presented as a complement to the work on T-6b. They indicate that the introduction of the TE-6b gene in the N. otophora ancestor could have caused a change in growth pattern, and might have favored the appearance of a new species.

Verksamhetsövergång till skydd för arbetstagarna? : Bestämmerlserna enligt EU och AD / Business of Transfer protection for the workers? : Regulation according to EU and Swedish Labour Court

Carnö, Amanda January 2015 (has links)
Flertalet jurister hävdar idag att det är svårt att skydda arbetstagarna vid en verksamhetsövergång. Skyddet som är upparbetat till arbetstagarnas förmån fullgör inte sitt huvudsakliga syfte. De hävdar även att arbetstagarnas skydd behöver omarbetas eftersom det idag är möjligt för förvärvaren av en verksamhet att välja vad de vill ska innefattas i samband med övergången. Det är därför nödvändigt att ta reda på när en verksamhetsövergång föreligger enligt AD eftersom det är då arbetstagarna är skyddade.      I dagen samhälle skyddas arbetstagare vid en verksamhetsövergång med hjälp av bestämmelserna i 6 b § LAS som tolkas med Rådets direktiv 2001/23/EG i bakgrunden. I 6 b § LAS finns det ingen tydlig riktlinje om när en verksamhetsövergång anses ha genomförts utan endast att den ska vara föremål för en ekonomisk enhet som är bestående. På grund av den kortfattade informationen använder sig AD av de så kallade Spijker-kriterierna som upparbetats av EU-domstolen i samband med en bedömning om övergång har skett. Kriterierna benämns även som en helhetsbedömning och tar reda på om verksamheten har bibehållit sin identitet och om verksamheten kan benämnas som en bestående ekonomisk enhet. För att verksamheten ska ha en möjlighet att betraktas som bestående krävs att de tillgångar eller arbetstagare som övergår kan betraktas som en självständig enhet. Det är dock inte de enda som krävs för att en verksamhetsövergång ska vara genomförbar. Det krävs att övergången ska vara lagenlig, vilket är ett underförstått uttryck från AD och EU-domstolen     De olika kriterierna betydelse varierar beroende på verksamhetsslag och det har visat sig att den ekonomiska enhetens självständighet har brustit i de flesta mål resulterat i att skyddet inskränks. Det komplexa vid en verksamhetsövergång är att få självständigheten att övergå.     Författarens egna kommentarer riktar in sig på att skyddet behöver stärkas genom ett kompletterande skydd för att nå upp till sitt syfte. Syftet är enkelt och bör inte vara allt för svårt att uppnå. / Several lawyers claim that nowadays it is hard to protect workers and that the protection does not fulfil its essential purpose. They also argue that the protection needs to be revised because it is possible for the purchaser of a business to choose what they want to include in the transition. It is therefore necessary to determine when an activity transition exists in the Swedish Labour Court because that is where workers are protected.     Todays society protects workers at an operations transition using the provisions of section 6 b § LAS interpreted with Councils Directive 2001/23/EC in mind. In paragraph 6 b § LAS there are no clear guidelines on when an activity transition is considered as implemented, only that it should be subjected to a lasting economic entity. Because of the brief information the Swedish Labour Court uses the so-called Spijker-criteria incurred by the EU-Court in connection with an assessment of when a transition has taken place. The criteria are also referred to give an overall picture and determine whether a business has maintained its identity and whether a business can be designated as a permanent economic entity. If the business should be considered as definitive it is required that the assets or workers transitioning can be regarded as an independent entity. It is also necessary for it to be subject to a transition that is considered to be lawful. “Lawful transfers” is an implicit expression and is not covered by the Swedish Labour Court.       The various criteria importance varies according to the type of activity and it has been proven that the economic units independence in most cases has widened the protection. The hard part of a business transfers is to gain an independence. It has also shown that several criteria is taken into account.      The author's own comments addresses that the protection needs to be strengthened. Sweden, for example, is acquiring an additional protection to ensure achievement of the aim. The aim is simple and should not be too complex to achieve.

Identification of pmt, tr1, and h6h Gene Polymorphism and Tropane Alkaloid Chemotypes in Hyoscyamus Niger L. (black henbane)

Kramer, Lawrence 01 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Transcription Level Determination Of Candidate Genes Upon Infections Of Powdery Mildew On Barley

Atici, Elif 01 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Immune systems are fundamentally based on the differentiation of self and non-self. Unlike mammals, plants have an innate immune system responding to the pathogen only at the site of attack. One of these pathogens is Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei which is an obligate biotrophic pathogen causing powdery mildew disease and resulting in up to 30% yield loss for both cultivated and wild barley. In this study, Pallas-01 (P-01) and Pallas-03 (P-03) barley lines were inoculated with powdery mildew race Bgh103 (64/01) resulting incompatible and compatible interactions, respectively. 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 hour-post-inoculation (hpi) samples were used in order to define the differential gene expression of NAD malic enzyme, chloroplast lipocalin, phosphoglyceromutase (PGM), Mg chelatase and 26S protease regulatory subunit 6B homolog. In the proteomics study previously conducted in the laboratory, except for the NAD-dependent malic enzyme, the other four proteins were shown to be involved in the incompatible interaction of P-01 and Bgh103 at protein level, whereas NAD-dependent malic enzyme was changing in the compatible interaction. The expression level for both proteomics and transcriptomics were assumed to be similar. However, the level of transcript would not always reflect its protein level or correlate with the level of proteins, due to complex cellular regulation processes. Post-transcriptional modifications such as synthesis, processing, degradation and post-translational modifications are changing the level of proteins expressed, thus a parallel correlation between the protein and mRNA levels can be lost. Other possible reasons for this variation can be changes in mRNA and protein stability, efficiency of translation and protein&rsquo / s turnover rate. The transcription level changes of the genes investigated in this study are found to be differentially expressed, supporting the proteomics data indicating that these genes are possibly involved in resistance. For further investigations, genetic tools such as gene silencing with RNAi and knockout experiments are required in order to elucidate the mechanism of these candidate genes in the plant-pathogen interaction.

Role metody PCR v diagnostice neuroinfekcí vyvolaných herpetickými viry / Diagnostics of neuroinfection caused by human herpesviruses using nucleic acid amplification methods

Labská, Klára January 2021 (has links)
of thesis Diagnostics of neuroinfection caused by human herpesviruses using nucleic acid amplification methods author: MUDr. Klára Labská supervisor: doc. MUDr. Vilma Marešová, CSc. In recent years, the diagnosis of neuroinfections has undergone a shift towards molecular biology methods. Our research focused on the predictive value of the capture of herpesvirus (HV) DNA in cerebrospinal fluid. In the first study, we examined the presence of DNA neurotropic herpes viruses (HSV1, HSV2, VZV and HHV6) in cerebrospinal fluid in immunocompetent patients with laboratory-confirmed tick-borne meningoencephalitis and enterovirus meningitis and meningoencephalitis. The control group consisted of patients with proven absence of an inflammation in the cerebrospinal fluid. Patients were followed for 6 months. The course of the disease and its consequences, including laboratory tests, were compared between groups of patients with and without the presence of HV DNA. In the second study, we tried to demonstrate the presence of HSV1 DNA in cerebrospinal fluid during its symptomatic reactivation in patients with purulent meningitis. In our group of immunocompetent patients with non-purulent inflammation in the cerebrospinal fluid, the proportion of HV DNA positive patients reached 7.5% (13 out of 173), we also...

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