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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prediction Of Geotechnical Properties Of Cohesive Soils From In-situ Tests: An Evaluation Of A Local Database

Yaman, Gokhan 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In any geotechnical design procedure, the fundemantal point to be initially clearified is the characterization of existing soil profile at a site. This requires a great deal of planning a suitable site investigation program including borings, sampling, laboratory and in situ testing etc. Laboratory and in-situ (field) tests are important tools leading to the estimation of soils properties in geotechnics. Beside laboratory tests, the measurement of engineering properties in situ is a continuously growing and developing trend, particularly in materials difficult to obtain perfect undisturbed samples. For the purpose of this study, two large volumed geotechnical investigation reports are collected from a wide archive of 30 years experiences. Different soil types are encountered during the study like alluvial deposits of soft to stiff cohesive materials, hard clays in appearance of highly weathered rocks. The in-situ tests mostly being focused and studied on are &ldquo / Pressuremeter Test&rdquo / and &ldquo / Standard Penetration Test&rdquo / on cohesive materails. Over 350 standard penetration test results are recorded together with the pressuremeter results of relevant soils. Besides, the corresponding laboratory test results of oedometer, triaxial loading and all index properties of soils are assembled. The results of in-situ tests are evaluated together with the results of laboratory tests performed on the samples obtained from related sites. The correlations between in-situ &amp / laboratory test results on shear strength, compressibility and deformation characteristics of soils are analysed and compared with the existing correlations in literature. The correlations are generally obtained to be in agreement with the ones in common literature in cases where the soil conditions, particularly saturation, are same in both laboratory and in-situ tests.

Cyclic Volumetric And Shear Strain Responses Of Fine-grained Soils

Bilge, Habib Tolga 01 May 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Although silt and clay mixtures were mostly considered to be resistant to cyclic loading due to cohesional components of their shear strength, ground failure case histories compiled from fine grained soil profiles after recent earthquakes (e.g. 1994 Northridge, 1999 Adapazari, 1999 Chi-Chi) revealed that the responses of low plasticity silt and clay mixtures are also critical under cyclic loading. Consequently, understanding the cyclic response of these soils has become a recent challenge in geotechnical earthquake engineering practice. While most of the current attention focuses on the assessment of liquefaction susceptibility of fine-grained soils, it is believed that cyclic strain and strength assessments of silt and clay mixtures need to be also studied as part of complementary critical research components. Inspired by these gaps, a comprehensive laboratory testing program was designed. As part of the laboratory testing program 64 stress-controlled cyclic triaxial tests, 59 static strain-controlled consolidated undrained triaxial tests, 17 oedometer, 196 soil classification tests including sieve analyses, hydrometer, and consistency tests were performed. Additionally 116 cyclic triaxial test results were compiled from available literature. Based on this data probability-based semi-empirical models were developed to assess liquefaction susceptibility and cyclic-induced shear strength loss, cyclically-induced maximum shear, post-cyclic volumetric and residual shear strains of silt and clay mixtures. Performance comparisons of the proposed model alternatives were studied, and it is shown that the proposed models follow an unbiased trend and produce superior predictions of the observed laboratory test response. Superiority of the proposed alternative models was proven by relatively smaller model errors (residuals).

Seismically Induced Tilting Potential Of Shallow Mats On Fine Soils

Yilmaz, Mustafa Tolga 01 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Occurrence of displacements of shallow mat foundations resting on saturated silt-clay mixtures were reported in Mexico City during 1985 Mexico Earthquake, and in Adapazari during 1999 Kocaeli (izmit) Earthquake. Soft surface soils, shallow ground water, limited foundation embedments and deep alluvial deposits were the common features pertaining to such foundation displacements in either case. Experience shows, while uniform foundation settlements, even when excessive, do not limit post earthquake serviceability of building structures, tilting is particularly problematic. In this study, a simplified methodology is developed to estimate the seismically induced irrecoverable tilting potential of shallow mats on fine saturated soils. The undrained shear and deformation behavior of silt-clay mixtures encountered at the Adapazari sites with significant foundation displacements are investigated through a series of standard and rapid monotonic, and stress-controlled cyclic triaxial tests conducted over anisotropically consolidated natural soil samples. Test results show that, while the shear strength of these soils do not significantly degrade under means of loading comparable to that of Kocaeli earthquake, their plastic strain accumulation characteristics critically depend on the mode of loading as well as the relative levels of applied load with regard to the monotonic strength. Based on the results of laboratory tests, the response of nonlinear soil-foundation-structure system is reduced to a single-degree-of-freedom oscillator with elastic-perfectly plastic behavior. The natural period of the system is expressed by simplified soil-structure-interaction equations. Pseudo-static yield acceleration, which is required to initiate the foundation bearing capacity failure when applied to the structural mass, is estimated by the finite-element method. Eventually, the tilting potential of the foundations is estimated utilizing inelastic response of the nonlinear oscillator. Response of the deep alluvium sites, which involves velocity pulses with periods consistent with the fundamental site period, is significant in determination of inelastic response of low bearing capacity systems. Predictive capability of the methodology developed is tested with actual case data. The methodology is observed to predict irrecoverable tilting potential of foundations consistent with the observations, except for the cases with low seismic bearing capacity. Deviations are explained considering the sensitivity of low-strength systems to asymmetrical behavior and uncertainties involved in seismic demand.

The Deformation Characteristics Of Deep Mixed Columns In Soft Clayey Soils: A Model Study

Sengor, Mahmut Yavuz 01 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Deep Mixing involves the introduction of cementitious or specially formulated solutions directly into the ground through the use of purpose built blending injection augers. The system is mainly designed to increase strength and reduce compressibility of treated soil. In the first stage of the research effective mixture ratios and mixture types of stabilizing agents were investigated for soft clays (CL form Eymir lake and kaolinite) by means of unconfined compression (UC) tests on stabilized soils. The unconfined compressive strength (UCS) values were obtained for 7,28,90 and 365 days of curing time. The ratio of elastic modulus at 50% failure load (E50) to (UCS) of the stabilizing agents were also investigated. In the second part of the research programme, deep mixed model columns with the three column materials and four different column spacings are formed within the large scale consolidation tanks, and the consolidation characteristics of deep mixed improved clay were investigated. Based on the results of large scale consolidation tests on deep mixed columnar improved soft clay, compressibility characteristics of improved soft clay were determined in relation to spacing of columns namely, effective replacement ratio and binder content. The cement content (also UCS) of the column material was found to be the most important parameter for the improvement effects of DMM applications. Validity of the relations for the estimation of bulk compression modulus of soilcrete were discussed. The use of constrained modulus of the soil and the column material were found to be effective in predicting the compression modulus of the soilcrete. Settlement reduction factor versus replacement ratio and cement content relations were determined which may be used for preliminary design works. The stresses on the soil and the columns were backcalculated from the settlement values. The stress ratios were obtained.

Posouzení provozuschopnosti nově zaváděných letounů na regionálních letištích středoevropského regionu / Anylysis of operability of the newly introduced aircraft to regional airports of the european region

Langer, Jaromír January 2014 (has links)
This thesis describes a two of newly introduced types of aircraft (Boeing 787 Dreamliner, Boeing 737 MAX) and compares the operating characteristics of the operational aspects of the airports of the Central European region.

"In nomine sanctae et individuae Trinitatis". Débats théologiques et enjeux politiques dans le royaume franc à la veille du couronnement impérial de l'an 800.

Close, Florence 04 June 2007 (has links)
Cette étude tend à étayer deux hypothèses : 1. La dévotion chrétienne à la Trinité Dieu un en trois Personnes doit sa fortune en Occident continental à la promotion qui lui a été réservée par l'Eglise carolingienne sous l'influence d'Alcuin. 2. Les débats théologiques à forte connotation trinitaire de la fin du 8e siècle, la querelle des images, la condamnation de ladoptianisme et la défense du filioque ont retenu lattention de Charlemagne, lont sensibilisé au danger que représentaient les divergences doctrinales pour lunité politique du royaume et lont finalement convaincu dassumer personnellement une part de la mission de prédication dévolue aux clercs. Ce travail se veut une histoire de la théologie franque ; une synthèse qui mette en exergue la subtile influence de la connaissance de Dieu sur la politique internationale de la fin du 8e siècle. Il propose une mise au point sur la place réellement dévolue au roi des Francs dans les débats théologiques et dans la propagation de la doctrine chrétienne à lheure de lunification du royaume, ainsi quune analyse des conséquences politiques et ecclésiologiques de l'adhésion franque à la position doctrinale de lévêque de Rome. Lenquête menée sur le rôle dévolu à Charlemagne dans les débats théologiques souvre sur un retour aux fondements religieux de la monarchie carolingienne. Au vu des conclusions les plus récentes relatives à lhistoriographie franque de la seconde moitié du 8e et du premier quart du 9e siècle, cette étude tend à rejeter catégoriquement lidée du sacre de Pépin par Boniface en 751. Elle propose de voir dans lonction conférée, en 754, par le pape Etienne II à Pépin et à ses deux fils la symbolique dune protection spirituelle accordée à la veille dun départ en campagne contre les Lombards. Les actes des conciles carolingiens attestent quaucun roi des Francs ne se prononça en matière doctrinale avant la dernière décennie du 8e siècle. Charlemagne ne peut revendiquer le titre de théologien ; jamais, dailleurs, il na prétendu être lautorité doctrinale de lOccident. Largement influencé par Alcuin, il sest, néanmoins, peu à peu imposé comme un roi prédicateur (rex praedicator). La chronologie de la querelle adoptianiste met en exergue linterpénétration des trois débats théologiques dès la fin de lété 792. Ces controverses éclatèrent à la veille de lan 800 qui devait, selon les calculs de Bède le Vénérable, coïncider avec lavènement du « Temps de lEglise » fixé en lan 6000 (AM). Ce contexte millénariste a probablement contribué à exacerber les querelles. Contrairement à ce qui a longtemps été affirmé, ladoptianisme ne peut être assimilé à lhérésie du patriarche dAntioche Nestorius qui, au début du 5e siècle, distinguait deux Personnes dans le Christ. Ladoptianisme est une tentative de sauvegarde du monothéisme trinitaire. Les théologiens espagnols de la fin du 8e siècle portaient laccent sur lhumanité du Christ, qualifié dadopté, comme instrument de la Rédemption, en distinguant la mission de lHomme-Jésus de celle du Verbe. Les Francs et la papauté nont pas compris ou pas voulu comprendre que, dans ce modèle christologique, les termes adoptivus et adoptio n'ont pas d'équivalence avec ceux d'assumptus ou d'assumptio. Ils ont refusé dadmettre que le terme adoption désigne le résultat de la kénose fait que le Verbe se soit vidé de sa divinité pour se remplir dhumanité plutôt que la création dun lien artificiel de filiation. Cette recherche concède au concile de Ratisbonne (792) une place bien plus grande que celle qui lui est traditionnellement réservée dans lhistoire tant politique que religieuse du royaume franc ; sans le synode de Ratisbonne, celui de Francfort (794) naurait pu être ce quil a été : le haut lieu de la manifestation des compétences des théologiens carolingiens. La méthode de réfutation des hérésies utilisée en Francia durant la dernière décennie du 8e siècle révèle lattachement des théologiens carolingiens à la tradition scripturaire, patristique et conciliaire garantie par lautorité romaine. Ces querelles témoignent du souci de Charlemagne dimposer son Eglise parmi les plus hautes instances doctrinales en soulignant toute la faiblesse de linterprétation orientale ou byzantine des écritures. Le roi entendait incontestablement affranchir définitivement lEglise franque de lautorité théologique de lempereur dOrient, seul domaine dans lequel Byzance pouvait encore prétendre prévaloir contre lOccident. Les campagnes franques déradication de la doctrine adoptianiste dans le Sud de lEurope furent brutalement interrompues à la suite des tractations diplomatiques menées, à la cour franque, par les ambassades du roi des Asturies en vue denrayer les ambitions expansionnistes carolingiennes dans la péninsule ibérique. Ces événements offrent une autre preuve de la récupération des questions doctrinales à des fins politiques. Ces querelles contribuèrent au renouvellement et au développement de la pensée théologique en Occident. Elles dynamisèrent le processus de formation des prêtres et encouragèrent lenseignement et la mémorisation du Credo trinitaire en gage dadhésion à la foi chrétienne, premier critère dappartenance à lEmpire franc et chrétien, né le 25 décembre 800.

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