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The dynamics of tennis ball impacts on tennis racketsGoodwill, Simon Richard January 2002 (has links)
A model of a tennis ball impact on a tennis racket has been developed in this study. An experimental investigation was conducted to detennine the dynamic properties of several different tennis balls. The balls were propelled at a piezoelectric force platform and the force acting on the ball was sampled, along with the ball rebound velocity. A visco-elastic model of this impact was developed and a set of model parameters were determined empirically for each ball type. The values of these parameters were independent of the ball impact velocity. The next stage of the study involved an experimental investigation of a ball impact on a head clamped tennis racket. In this experiment, tennis balls were propelled at the geometric string centre of a tennis racket. High speed cinematography was used to determine the ball and stringbed deformation during impact, and speed gates were used to measure the ball rebound velocity. A visco-elastic model of this impact was developed. The ball component of this model was identical to that for a model of a ball impact on a rigid force platform. The model parameter for the stringbed component was obtained from a simple quasi-static compression of the stringbed in which the applied force and resulting deformation were measured. The final stage of this study involved an investigation of the impact between a tennis ball and a freely supported tennis racket (this support method has been shown to be equivalent to a player gripping the tennis racket). In these experiments, the ball, stringbed and racket deformation were measured during impact, along with the velocity of the ball and racket after impact. A model was developed to simulate this impact in which it was assumed that the racket acted as a onedimensional flexible beam. The models which have been developed in this study are advancements of those which have been used in previously published literature. Experimental data was used to assess the accuracy of the results which were calculated by the models. An excellent correlation was found between the data calculated by the model and that measured experimentally.
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Conditions of practice for perceptual-cognitive simulation training in sportBroadbent, David January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis, two concepts concerning conditions of practice were examined for the practice, retention and transfer of perceptual-cognitive skill, specifically anticipation in tennis. First, from the motor skills literature, the contextual interference (CI) effect was investigated for the first time in perceptual-cognitive skill training. A blocked and random schedule of practice was used to train anticipation skills in tennis using video simulation techniques with transfer of learning assessed using a field-based task. Results showed support for the CI effect in this new domain as random practice had significantly greater response accuracy in the retention test, and significantly reduced decision time in the field-based transfer test, when compared to the blocked group. Subsequently, the underpinning mechanisms of the CI effect were examined focusing on cognitive effort and error processing. Across two experiments results showed that following errors, the random groups exhibited greater cognitive effort compared to errorless trials, whereas the blocked groups showed no difference between errorless and error trials. These results provided an alternative account for the CI effect by suggesting that it is not solely the switching of the tasks during random practice, but the role of error processing in conjunction with the switching tasks that result in greater cognitive effort and the CI effect. Second, the role of contextual information in perceptual-cognitive skills training was examined. Tennis shots were displayed to participants in either a smart-random structure, which showed shots in a tactically relevant manner, or in a random order so that no contextual information was available, just postural cue information. The smart-random structure group showed superior response accuracy in retention and reduced decision time in a field-based transfer test. Results demonstrated the benefits of contextual information for the retention and transfer of perceptual-cognitive skills in tennis. The overall findings extend the research in perceptual-cognitive skill training and have several theoretical and applied implications.
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Eye-hand coordination : an exploration of measurement and different training methods using the SVTEllison, Paul January 2015 (has links)
Introduction: There is a hypothesis that Eye-Hand Coordination (EHC) is a general ability presenting an opportunity to explore it’s mechanisms via a series of innovative studies. The thesis outlines two major aims: 1) to establish reliable measurement techniques and protocols for EHC using the Sport Vision Trainer (SVT™); 2) to explore different training methods to understand if performance can be improved. Methods: Four hundred and seventy-six participants volunteered for the studies, predominately recruited from the undergraduate population of the sport and exercise science degree at Edge Hill University, apart from the final training study of a local table tennis team. A total of 23,112 trials were recorded in the technical evaluation using the SVT™. Three measurement studies were conducted to establish test-retest reliability, performance predictors, and effect of sporting experience. In addition, three training studies were completed investigating performance under different illumination levels, stroboscopic training, and a general vision training (GVT) programmes. Results: Reliable measurement protocols are reported for the SVT™ along with original insight into the effects on EHC performance. Discussion: The concept of EHC as a general ability in the sense of an overall element supporting performance on a range of associated tasks is explored. As the sport vision literature identifies a requirement to isolate individual components of visual software the final study gives unique insight into the effectiveness of a GVT programme focusing on EHC with a team of club table tennis players. Specific training implications, limitations and recommendations for further research are also presented. Conclusions: The existence of an inherent EHC ability is doubtful and whilst the usefulness of GVT programmes has been criticised, the focus on EHC as an isolated visuo-motor skill yielded both EHC improvement and performance gains in a sporting context.
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Histoire du badminton en France (fin XIXe siècle – 1979) : pratiques et représentations / History of badminton in France (late nineteenth century - 1979) : practices and representationsGrall, Julie 28 March 2018 (has links)
Le badminton est pratiqué par un cercle restreint d’adeptes, de son introduction en France, jusqu’à 1979, contrairement à d’autres sports modernes apparus au même moment et qui deviennent des phénomènes culturels de masse. Cette thèse met en évidence un ensemble de facteurs limitant l’essor du badminton et sa fabrique en tant que sport reconnu comme tel. L’activité se pare progressivement de traits de sports modernes à partir de la naissance du club de Dieppe, en 1907 (une institution, une codification uniforme, des compétitions, un classement, la recherche de progrès, un entraînement de plus en plus rationnel, des cadres formés), elle est pourtant difficilement perçue comme un « vrai sport ». « Jeu de fillettes », « sport de plage », les représentations héritées de son ancêtre supposé, le jeu du volant, lui sont attachées et persistent. Considéré comme jeu, il n’attire pas les pratiquants en quête de « sport sérieux ». Il est pourtant défendu comme tel par ses adeptes et l’est par l’organisation qu’en propose son institution dirigeante. Faute de masse de joueurs importante, les pratiques ne sont pas suffisamment visibles pour faire changer les représentations. À ce cercle vicieux se rajoute un ensemble d’éléments qui ne permettent pas à l’activité d’être visible. Le badminton est d’abord une activité distinctive, réservée à une élite sociale. Il s’organise ensuite en tant que sport alternatif au tennis, jusqu’à être placé sous tutelle de la FFLT en 1944, sans pour autant parvenir à convaincre les adeptes de la balle jaune. Sur le plan international, l’équipe de France de badminton fait pâle figure. Les politiques fédérales, sans moyens, sont inopérantes et l’absence d’infrastructures couvertes n’offre pas les conditions matérielles opportunes à une pratique de masse. Ces obstacles sont progressivement levés et conduisent à la renaissance de la Fédération française de badminton en 1979, mais ne suffisent à faire évoluer les représentations, plus fortes que des pratiques peu visibles / Badminton is practiced by a small circle of followers, from its introduction in France, until 1979, unlike other modern sports appeared at the same time and become mass cultural phenomena. This work highlights a set of factors limiting the rise of badminton and its manufactures as a sport recognized as such. The game is gradually built with modern sports features, from the birth of the Dieppe club, in 1907 (an institution, a uniform codification, competitions, a classification, search for progress, more and more rational training, trained executives), yet it is hardly perceived as a "real sport". "Girl's game", "beach sport", herited representations from her supposed ancestor, the battledore and shuttlecock, are attached to badminton and persist. Considered a game, it does not attract practitioners seeking a "serious sport". It is however defended as such by its followers and is by the way of practicing that proposes its governing institution. Due to the lack of a large mass of players, practices are not visible enough to change representations. To this vicious circle is added a set of elements that do not allow the activity to be know. Badminton is primarily a distinctive activity, reserved for a social elite. Then, badminton his organized as an alternative sport to tennis, placed under the supervision of the FFLT in 1944, without being able to convince the yellow ball followers. On the international level, the French badminton team is poor. Federal policies, without means, are ineffective and the lack of covered infrastructure does not provide conditions for mass practice. These obstacles are gradually lifted and lead to the renaissance of the French badminton Federation in 1979, but are not enough to change the representations, stronger than not very visible practices.
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