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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

In search of new prognostic molecular markers in ovarian cancer

Laatio, L. (Liisa) 22 May 2012 (has links)
Abstract Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death from gynaecological cancers in the Western world. Ovarian cancer comprises of tumours with distinct behaviour and individually different responses to chemotherapy, even within the same histology. Unfortunately, there are no molecular markers in clinical use to either distinguish between patients with better and worse prognosis or to predict individual chemosensitivity. The comprehension of the molecular effects of chemotherapeutic drugs is a prerequisite for finding predictive molecular factors for chemoresponse and prognosis. Some proteins in molecular pathways contributing to DNA damage response, angiogenesis and oxidative stress have been implicated in ovarian cancer prognosis. In this study, the responses in p53 pathway and among angiogenesis-related factors to chemotherapeutic drugs were analysed in ovarian cancer cell lines. In OVCAR-3 cells with mutated p53, cisplatin but not docetaxel induced p14ARF, an important regulator of p53, at mRNA and protein level. Cisplatin also significantly increased the mRNA expression of angiogenesis-related factors TSP-1, BMP-4, ET-1 and PlGF-2 while an equivalent dose of docetaxel had only minor effects. In clinical ovarian carcinomas, the expression of BMP-4, TSP-1 and CD105 as well as the marker of oxidative stress derived DNA damage, 8-OHdG, and peroxiredoxin antioxidants were analysed by immunohistochemistry. High expression of BMP-4 and cytoplasmic peroxiredoxin IV were associated with better prognosis, while high 8-OHdG expression associated with shorter survival. Explant cultures of fresh ovarian tumour tissue were used for the evaluation of individual responses of p53 and Hdm2 after in vitro treatments of the explant cultures by carboplatin or docetaxel. Major differences between the individual tumours were found, especially in the responses of p53 to carboplatin. The results of this study suggest, that BMP-4, 8-OHdG and peroxiredoxin IV may serve as prognostic markers in ovarian cancer. The differences shown in the molecular responses to platinum and taxane drugs may have value in tailoring individual chemotherapy. Also, fresh ovarian cancer tissue explant culture is worth further studies as a predictive method for analysing individual tumour responses for chemotherapeutic agents. / Tiivistelmä Munasarjasyöpä on suurinta kuolleisuutta aiheuttava gynekologinen syöpä läntisessä maailmassa. Munasarjakasvaimet eroavat toisistaan niin käyttäytymiseltään kuin yksilölliseltä sytostaattihoitovasteeltaan, jopa sama histologisen tyypin sisällä. Kliinisessä käytössä ei valitettavasti ole sellaisia molekulaarisia merkkiaineita, jotka erottaisivat toisistaan paremman ja huonomman ennusteen kasvaimet tai ennustaisivat yksilöllistä solunsalpaajaherkkyyttä. Hoitovastetta ja potilaan prognoosia ennustavien merkkiaineiden löytämisen edellytys on kemoterapian molekyylitason vaikutusten ymmärtäminen. DNA vaurion tunnistamiseen, angiogeneesiin ja oksidatiiviseen stressiin liittyvien vaikutusreittien joillakin proteiineilla on ehdotettu olevan ennusteellista merkitystä munasarjasyövässä. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä analysoitiin munasarjasyöpäsoluja käyttäen p53 vaikutusreitin ja eräiden angiogeneesiin liittyvien tekijöiden vasteita sytostaateille. Mutatoitunutta p53 proteiinia kantavissa OVCAR-3 soluissa sisplatiini, toisin kuin dosetakseli, indusoi p53 proteiinin tärkeää säätelijää, p14ARF:a sekä mRNA- että proteiinitasolla. Sisplatiini lisäsi merkittävästi myös usean angiogeneesiin liittyvän tekijän (TSP-1, BMP-4, ET-1 ja PlGF-2) mRNA:ta. Dosetakselin vaikutukset vastaavalla annoksella olivat vähäiset. Kliinisissä munasarjasyövissä BMP-4, TSP-1 ja CD105 sekä oksidatiivisen stressin aiheuttaman DNA-vaurion merkkiaineen, 8-OHdG:n sekä peroksiredoksiiniantioksidanttien ilmeneminen analysoitiin immunohistokemiallisesti. BMP-4:n ja sytoplasmisen peroksiredoksiini IV:n vahva ilmentyminen liittyivät parempaan ennusteeseen, kun taas 8-OHdG:n vahva ilmentyminen liittyi huonompaan elinajan ennusteeseen. Tuoreen munasarjasyöpäkudoksen eksplanttiviljelyn avulla selvitettiin p53 ja Hdm2 proteiinien vasteita syöpäkudoksen karboplatiini- tai dosetakseli-käsittelyille. Selkeitä yksilökohtaisia eroja havaittiin erityisesti karboplatiinin aiheuttamissa p53 vasteissa niin eri potilaiden kuin eri histologisten kasvaintyyppien välillä. Tämän väitöskirjatutkimuksen tulokset antavat viitteitä BMP-4:n, 8-OHdG:n ja peroksiredoksiinin mahdollisesta ennusteellisesta merkityksestä munasarjasyövässä. Erot platinayhdisteiden ja taksaanien välillä saattavat osoittautua merkittäviksi yksilöllisiä syövän hoitoja räätälöitäessä. Tuoreen munasarjasyöpäkudoksen eksplanttiviljelyn mahdollisuuksia yksilöllisten kasvainten hoitovasteiden ennustamisessa kannattaa selvittää jatkotutkimuksin.

Molecular Basis of Anticlastogenic Potential of Vanadium in Vivo During the Early Stages of Diethylnitrosamine-Induced Hepatocarcinogenesis in Rats

Chakraborty, Tridib, Pandey, Nirupama, Chatterjee, Amrita, Ghosh, Balaram, Rana, Basabi, Chatterjee, Malay 30 October 2006 (has links)
Carcinogen-induced DNA base modification and subsequent DNA lesions are the critical events for the expression of premalignant phenotype of the cell. We have therefore investigated the chemopreventive efficacy of a vanadium salt against diethylnitrosamine (DEN)-induced early DNA and chromosomal damages in rat liver. Hepatocarcinogenesis was induced in male Sprague-Dawley rats with a single, necrogenic, intraperitoneal injection of DEN (200 mg/kg body weight). 8-Hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosines (8-OHdGs), strand-breaks and DNA-protein crosslinks (DPCs) were measured by HPLC, comet assay and spectrofluorimetry, respectively. There was a significant and steady elevation of modified bases 8-OHdGs along with substantial increments of the extent of single-strand-breaks (SSBs), DPCs and chromosomal aberrations (CAs) following DEN exposure. Supplementation of vanadium as ammonium metavanadate (NH4VO3, +V oxidation state) at a dose of 0.5 ppm in terms of the salt weight throughout the experiment abated the formations of 8-OHdGs (P < 0.0001; 79.54%), tailed DNA (P < 0.05; 31.55%) and length:width of DNA mass (P < 0.02; 61.25%) in preneoplastic rat liver. Vanadium treatment also inhibited DPCs (P < 0.0001; 58.47%) and CAs (P < 0.001; 45.17%) studied at various time points. The results indicate that the anticlastogenic potential of vanadium in vivo might be due to the observed reductions in liver-specific 8-OHdGs, SSBs and/or DPCs by this trace metal. We conclude that, vanadium plays a significant role in limiting DEN-induced genotoxicity and clastogenicity during the early stages of hepatocarcinogenesis in rats.

Malignancies in Sweden after the Chernobyl accident in 1986

Tondel, Martin January 2007 (has links)
On 26 April 1986 an accident occurred in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant resulting in the release of large amount of radionuclides. Almost five percent of the total released caesium-137 was deposited in Sweden. The incidence of malignancies in the most affected counties in Sweden was investigated in three epidemiological studies. In the first study the incidence of malignancies in children and adolescents was studied for the period 1978-1992. The parishes and their inhabitants were classified according to the ground deposition of caesium-137 on an analogue map provided be the Swedish Radiological Protection Authority. A continuous increase of brain tumour incidence observed during the time of the study had no clear relationship to the Chernobyl fallout. A somewhat decreased relative risk of ALL was observed in areas with increased deposition. Other malignancies showed no changes in incidence over time or with regard to the exposure of caesium-137. In study II and III we enlarged the study base by including adults. We improved the methodology by defining a cohort of subjects who lived in the same parish from 31 December 1985 to 31 December 1987. The inhabitants from seven counties were included. Parishes were classified the same way as in study I. Due to the large number of individuals six exposure categories could be created; &lt;3, 3–29, 30–39, 40–59, 60–79, and 80–120 kBq caesium-137/m2. The inhabitants of the 117 non-affected parishes (&lt;3 kBq/m2) served as reference. During the 1988-1996 followup, 22,409 malignancies were recorded. The MH-IRR in the fully adjusted model was 1.00 (reference), 1.05, 1.03, 1.08, 1.10 and 1.21, respectively. ERR was 0.11 per 100 kBq/m2 (95% CL 0.03;0.20). A more advanced method was used in Study III by ignoring the exposure classification for parishes, and instead matching the dwelling coordinate to a digital map of deposition of casesium-137. In spite of a more valid exposure classification the risk estimates were similar in study II and III. Also, the ERR during the longer follow-up of 1988-1999 was almost identical, 0.10 per 100 kBq/m2 (95% CL 0.00;0.23). The strongest dose-response relationship was seen in the first four years (1988-1991). No obvious excess for leukaemia or thyroid cancer was recognised in either study II or III. The estimated number of exposure related cases was calculated to 849 in study II and 1,278 in study III. Our interpretation is that we have shown an increased incidence of total malignancies with dose-response relationship for caesium-137, only a few years after the Chernobyl accident. In study IV we compared the two different ways of classifying the exposure in study II and III. Out of the 450 parishes 111 got a different classification. The similar risk estimates in study II and III could probably be explained by relatively homogenous exposure in the parishes making the intra-parish difference less influential, especially when included in categories. In study V we examined the urinary excretion of 8-OHdG in Belarussian children from areas with high and low fallout of caesium-137, respectively. We found significantly lower urinary 8-OHdG levels in children from rural contaminated areas compared to urban uncontaminated areas, suggesting an urban, rather than a radiation related, risk factor. Using the Hill criteria for causality there is support for a causal inference between the fallout of caesium-137 from the Chernobyl accident and the increased incidence in total malignancies in Northern Sweden.

The Detection of 8-Hydroxy-2'-Deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) in Artificial Urine

Thompson, Adam M. 15 November 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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