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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Agweddau ar waith T.H. Parry-Williams

Jones, Llion January 1993 (has links)
Fel y gwyddai Parry-Williams yn dda, mae sawl llwybr yn arwain at gopa'r Wyddfa, a phob un ohonynt yn dadlennu gwahanol agweddau ar ogoniannau'r mynydd. Am ddegawdau ystyriwyd Parry-Williams ei hun yn un o'r copaon amlycaf yn nhirlun llenyddiaeth Gymraeg. Yn eu tro, ceisiodd llu o feirniaid glosio ato of a'i waith o liaws o gyfeiriadau gwahanol. Ceir ymgais yn y traethawd hwn i ailgerdded rhai o'r llwybrau hynny ynghyd ä thorri rhai llwybrau newydd yn y gobaith o gynnig arolwg mor gyflawn it pho5ib o waith y llenor amlochrog hwn. Yn y bennod gyntaf ceir arolwg o brentisiaeth farddol Parry-Williams gan gynnwys ei weithiau eisteddfodol. Rhoddir y pwyslais ar olrhain ei ymdrech i ddod o hyd i'w lais fel bardd. Neilltuwyd yr all bennod i drafod cyfres o ysgrifau beirniadol a luniodd Parry-Williams tra'n fyfyriwr yn Rhydychen. Ystyrir i ba raddau yr oeddynt yn amlygu rhai o syniadau a ffasiynau'r cyfnod. Y drydedd bennod yw'r gyntaf o dair sy'n canolbwyntio ar brif themäu Parry-Williams. Ynddi, ymdrin jr ä'r modd y lleisiwyd ganddo argyfwng ffydd ac ystyr a hynny yng ngoleuni ei fagwraeth grefyddol a'r cyd-destun cymdeithasol a syniadol. Yn y bedwaredd bennodI trafodir y cerddi a'r ysgrifau hynny sy'n ymdrin a gormes amser a darfodedigrwydd trwy olrhain gyrfa'r llenor o gyfnod i gyfnod. Gan gymryd y bryddest radio 'Esgyrn y Gynnen' fel ffräm, trafodir yn y burned bennod yr agweddau a amlygir yn y cerddi a'r ysgrifau tuag at Gymru a'r Gymraeg. Yn y chweched bennod trafodir syniadau beirniadol Parry-Williams ynghylch natur a swyddogaeth llenyddiaeth. Yn y seithfed bennod bwrir golwg fras ar gefndir yr ysgrif Gymraeg cyn ymdrin a'r modd y datblygodd Parry-Williams y ffurf yn gyfrwng addas i'w ymholi mewnol. Rhoddir sylw hefyd i ddatblygiad ei ysgrifau o ran crefft. Hoelir y sylw yn y bennod olaf ar grefft Parry-Williams fel bardd gan olrhain y datblygiad cynnil a welir o gyfrol i gyfrol. Ar ddiwedd y traethawd cynhwysir dau atodiad. Mae'r cyntaf yn cynnwys rhestr o eitemau na cheir mohonynt yn llyfryddiaethau David Jenkins, ynghyd ä detholiad o'r rhai mwyaf diddorol. Yn yr all atodiad ceir casgliad byr o lythyrau'r bardd ynghyd ag adysgrif o gyfweliad teledu rhyngddo ac Aneirin Talfan Davies.

Language, Land, Lore: A critical study of the poetry of Nuala Ni Dhomhnaill

Shay, Cary A. January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Narrative, historical representation and collective identity in the Gaelic literatures of Ireland and Scotland pertaining to the period 1914-1918

Simpson, N. E. January 2014 (has links)
This thesis explores the role of historical narrative in the development and propagation of collective identities in the context of Irish and Scottish Gaelic literature pertaining to the Great War and 1916 Easter Rising. The comparative approach reveals strong parallels in regards to the phases of literary development in both nations, charting the progression from folk-based corpora linked closely to the oral tradition to modern - and frequently modernist - literature. Research questions consider the impact of literary style and techniques upon the historical interpretations and associated collective identities projected by the texts, highlighting clear patterns of correlation between content and form. The thesis is divided into three chapters. The first explores the development of historical representation and discourse in the Gaelic literatures across the genres of poetry, short-story, the novel and, autobiography. A key concern is the manner in which literary modernism has facilitated the revision of earlier. narratives and the articulation of more complex identities. Drawing upon White's theories, the role of the narrative medium in historical representation is also considered and attention drawn to modernist attempts to undermine this practice and thus subvert history itself. Chapter Two discusses the identities advanced in the texts in more detail with recourse to the various markers deployed to delineate group boundaries and distinguish members from outsiders. Of particular interest is the simultaneous co-existence of multiple identities in both Ireland and Scotland and the interaction - and particularly the discrepancy - between differing interpretations of identity. Finally, Chapter Three analyses the manner in which later works have contributed to a re-appraisal of earlier representations. This chapter also examines texts portraying the commemoration of the Great War and Easter Rising and queries the extent to which anniversaries serve as a forum for the questioning of both the contemporary state of the nation and dominant historical narratives.

Agweddau ar ganu crefyddol y bymthegfed ganrif a'r unfed ganrif ar bymtheg gyda golwg arbennig ar apocryffa Siôn Cent

Bryant-Quinn, M. Paul January 2008 (has links)
Cyflwynir yn y traethawd hwn astudiaeth 0 agweddau ar ddiwylliant crefyddol Cymru'r bymthegfed ganrif yn bennaf, a sut yr addaswyd y diwylliant hwnnw at ddiben canu beirdd y cyfnod. Ystyrir cerddi sy'n ymdrin a phynciau defosiynol a didactig a'u cefndir; cerddi i gyrchfannau pererindod a'r gelfyddyd grefyddol a gysylltwyd a hwy, megis y crogau a delwau eraill 0 Grist; cerddi i Fair a'r saint, a'r canu am salwch a henaint. Rhoddir sylw penodol hefyd i wahanol fathau 0 ganu nad ydynt yn ymwneud yn uniongyrchol a chrefydd, ond yr amlygir ynddynt er hynny ddylanwad y bydolwg crefyddol cyfoes, y ddelweddaeth a'r gyfeiriadaeth a ddeilliodd ohono: sef y canu mawl, gofyn, diolch, dychan a marwnad. Craidd yr astudiaeth yw detholiad 0 bymtheg ar hugain 0 gerddi a dynnir 0 waith deg 0 feirdd 0 bob rhan 0 Gymru. Rhoddir y He blaenaf, fodd bynnag, i'r cerddi hynny a briodolir i Sion Cent ond y dylid eu hystyried yn apocryffaidd. Ceir trafodaeth fanwl a'r rhain ac ag awduraeth y cerddi eraill a briodolir iddo. Er mai gwaith beirdd y bymthegfed ganrif yn bennaf a gynrychiolir, gwelir hefyd fel y bu parhad, newid ac addasu ar bynciau crefyddol y ganrif honno yng ngherddi rhai 0 feirdd yr unfed ganrif ar bymtheg, a gymhwysodd eu themau, ac ar brydiau ei arddull hefyd, at ddiben eu canu hwythau.

Astudiaeth destunol o'r tri chyfieithiad Cymraeg cynharaf o Historia Regum Britanniae Sieffre o Fynwy : ynghyd ag 'argraffiad' beirniadol o destun Peniarth 44

Roberts, Brynley Francis January 1969 (has links)
No description available.

Saint and fool : the image and function of Cummine Fota and Comgan Mac Da Cherda in early Irish Literature

Clancy, Thomas Owen January 1991 (has links)
No description available.

The Irish romantic tales and their relationship to Irish and Scottish Gaelic oral tradition

Bruford, A. J. January 1985 (has links)
No description available.

Gaelic poetry

MacInnes, John January 1975 (has links)
No description available.

A historical outline of Irish syntax : the verb

O'Kane, Mary Frances January 1966 (has links)
No description available.

The development of style in traditional Gaelic narrative, with special reference to 'runs'

Muhr, Mary Kay January 1978 (has links)
Gaelic society included a professional class of men of learning, whose origins go back to the prehistoric period. The learned men called filid were guardians of a native literature in prose and verse, transmitted by recitation and memory. Oral recitation is continuous and influential despite the introduction of writing. Within the narrative literature prose and verse maintain different roles. Narrative is in prose, while verse is reserved to heighten important utterances of the characters. Other dialogue is in realistic direct speech, terse and ironic. Verse was probably sung, prose spoken, and dialogue given dramatic expression, providing a variety of sounds in performance. The characteristic brevity of the dialogue was adapted in narrative prose by the monastic scribes, who first recorded the native tales for reference. In Middle Irish the narrative becomes fuller, as in modern oral recitation; which cultivates dialogue, though rarely verse. Conventional descriptive passages or 'runs' appear first in ninth century manuscript tales, but preserve ancient traditions. Some of the early types are found in archaic stressed metre, and the ornaments of alliteration and rhythmic repetition found in stressed verse become regular in prose descriptions. Many of the manuscript 'runs' are preserved in modern oral tradition, where they are spoken differently from the prose narrative, in a rapid chant. They are a highly esteemed part of the oral tellers' repertoire, recited word for word at an appropriate point in any tale. Such a usage would explain their exclusion from the early recordings of individual tales. In Early Modern Irish tales the style of the 'runs' influences the narrative, as the practice of reading aloud allowed whole tales to be transmitted in ornamental language. Nevertheless the variation of prose narrative, run, and dialogue, re-established in modern oral tales, appears to be, with the addition of poems, the oral style once cultivated by the filid.

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