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The English and classical substance of Babits' novelsDenby, A. January 2005 (has links)
This thesis investigates Mihaly Babits's increasingly original utilisation of English and classical literature in his five novels. It also interprets the relevance of its findings. Intertextuality originating in English works is traceable in Babits's first novel, A golyakalifa (1916) and in his second novel, Kartyavar (1915-1923). Babits's A golyakalifa has roots in Virgil's Eclogues , Coleridge's and Wordsworth's verse. It imitates Edgar Allan Poe's, Robert Louis Stevenson's and Oscar Wilde's doppelganger fiction. The sources of intertextuality in Kartyavar are Virgil's Aeneid and Charles Dickens's Hard Times and Bleak House. Carlyle's, Macaulay's and J. S. Mill's ideas form a basis of Kartyavar's philosophy. Babits drew on Dickens in the way he created his characters in Kartyavar . Babits's third novel, Timar Virgil fia (1919-1922) incorporates certain themes of Shakespeare's plays as well. It is a hypertext of The Aeneid, and transposes themes and moods from Keats's, Wordsworth's and Tennyson's verse. It has many intertexts such as quotations from Virgil and St. Augustine. Babits's fourth novel, Halalfiai (1927) and his last novel, Elza pilota (1918-1933) are more original hypertexts of their exemplars. Halalfiai has roots in George Eliot's and George Meredith's novels. It has intertextual episodes which are adaptations of Meredith's The Egoist. Halalfiai is also an architectural hypertext of particular works by Fielding, Smollett, and Goldsmith. Elza pilota (1933) reads as a metatext of some of its sources, such as Thomas More's Utopia and Bacon's New Atlantis , but is principally an ingenious hypertext of Swift's Gulliver's Travels, Poe's as well as H. G. Wells's works. It creates its own innovative narrative and story.
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Translating Turkish poetryMesso, George January 2014 (has links)
This thesis demonstrates how the development of my work as a translator implicitly challenges some of the principal values and assumptions inscribed in the works of my predecessors. I identify what these values and assumptions are in the process of translating poetry from Turkish to English, and why they present particular problems. Throughout, I show how these problems can be reconceptualised, re-examined, and overcome. In section 2 I contextualise my work in the field of literary translation from Turkish to English during the period 1900 to 2012. I sub-divide this period of translation activity into three distinct phases and further justify this sub-division by contextualising these phases in relation to changing attitudes and tastes toward Turkish poetry, particularly in light of increased availability of financial support for translators and increased opportunities to publish literary works in translation. In section 3 I focus on translations of İlhan Berk to demonstrate differences in practice that distinguish my work from the work of my contemporaries. I further extend this comparative analysis of translation strategies in section 4 where I examine the dominant values and constraints influencing choice in the reading and re-making of Turkish poems in English. Finally, in section 5, I shift perspective to provide a descriptive commentary of critical reactions to some of my translation work.
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The life and works of Tācī-zāde Ca'fer C̣elebi, with a critical edition of his DīvānErünsal, İsmail E. January 1977 (has links)
Taci-zade Ca'fer Celebi (856? - 921 AH/1452 - 1515 AD) was a prominent figure in the political and cultural life of Ottoman society in the late 15th-early 16th centuries, who both as a member of the Council of State and as a personality of distinction in the literary activites of the period was able to influence future developments in these spheres. However, apart from a few articles in works of an encyclopaedic nature no study has hitherto been devoted to his life and his literary works, most of which have remained unpublished. What judgements have been expressed on his position in Ottoman poetical literature have, consequently, been based on only the most superficial acquaintance with his writings and have little validity. The present thesis collects all the existing information on his life and his career, and presents for the first time a reliable biography, seeking as well, by a study of all his works, to establish his position in the literary environment of the age. In the second part there is given in transcription a critical edition of his Divan, for which all the existing manuscripts of the work have been used. The aim here has been to achieve a correct text which may be used with confidence by students of this period of Ottoman literature.
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The journey of an Ottoman warrior dervish : the Hızırname (Book of Khidr) sources and receptionKocaer, Sibel January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines a work of considerable significance for early Anatolian Turkish literature and Ottoman history, the Divan-ı Şeyh Muhyiddin (880/1476), written by Şeyh Mehmed Çelebi (d. 898/1493-4) who was a sheikh at the Zeyni dervish lodge in Egirdir. In scholarship the work is known as the Hızırname (Book of Khidr), although this was not the title given by the author himself. The text narrates the travels of a warrior dervish figure in the heavenly realm and to various territories on Earth under the guidance or the spiritual blessing (himmet) of Khidr. Another important figure of Ottoman sufism, Hacı Bektaş, also plays a prominent role in some sections of the narrative, especially as he appoints the dervish the head of the Ottoman army. The dervish defeats the enemy in a battle on the Eastern borders of the Ottoman Empire. Even though the Hızırname has been presented as unique in Turkish literature in terms of genre and content, not much attention has been paid to its particular characteristics. This thesis reassesses this claim in the light of recent scholarship and identifies the main strands of a wide range of textual references to other sources. Amongst the peculiar features of the Hızırname that this study focuses on and examines are two intertwined aspects of the text - the identity of the narrator, who is the protagonist himself, and variations in the route of the journey. The ascension (miraj) journey of the dervish figure, accompanied by Khidr, and the narration of this journey by the first-person narrator, distinguish the Hızırname from similar Anatolian Turkish works. This study proposes that these special features of the Hızırname relate the text to Ishraqi literature, and to the writings of Ibn 'Arabi and his followers in Anatolia. Hacı Bektaş on the other hand, having a political role in the Hızırname, links this text to the frontier literature of the warriors. Having been written in Egirdir, a frontier Muslim border zone between the Ottomans and the Karamanids, and in the vicinity of Konya, the Hızırname combines the literature of both frontier regions and dervish lodges within one text, as represented by the warrior dervish, namely 'eren', identity of the poet.
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The representation of ethnic minorities in twentieth century Turkish fictionWhitehouse, Ruth Margaret January 2001 (has links)
During the first half of the twentieth century, the ethnically segmented Ottoman empire was transformed into a nation state of Turkish citizens. This thesis explores and evaluates the representation of ethnic minorities in Turkish fiction against a background of demographic, political, and social change. Within this context, novels and short stories of selected writers have been studied with a view to determining differences of experience, perception and attitude. The writers include: Huseyin Rahmi Gurpmar, Halide Edip Adivar, Resat Nuri Guntekin, Halikamas Balikcisi, Orhan Kemal, Haldun Taner, Sait Faik, and Yasar Kemal. The thesis comprises an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion. The Introduction gives a brief overview of historical events relating to demographic changes and ethnic minority status, and looks at the popular perception of minorities in the Ottoman performance arts. Chapter One is a study of literature written before, during, and after the Balkan wars, the First World War, and the Turkish War of Liberation. Chapter Two continues with a study of literature published during the years leading up to multi-party democracy. Chapter Three traces the emergence of an Anatolian literary perspective in which, with a few exceptions, ethnic issues were generally ignored or suppressed, and observes the gradual re-emergence of ethnic identity in Turkish literature. The conclusion evaluates the extent to which the selected authors; a) reflect the changing ethnic composition of Turkish society during the last century; b) display signs of bias or prejudice in their representations of ethnic minority characters; c) use ethnic minorities as a device to further or enhance the literary quality of their work.
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The Dīvān of the 15th century Ottoman poet MesīḥīOzogul, Mine January 1969 (has links)
No description available.
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Cypriot and Turkish literatures and culturesYashin, Mehmet January 2006 (has links)
Because I am a specialist on Cypriot literature, in particular Turkish- Cypriot literature, this has direct implications for the study of Turkish and Greek language literatures, as well as European minor literatures (as defined by Deleuze and Guattari: 1994). Due to the positionality of the Turkish and Greek literary traditions vis-a-vis European literary establishments, and that of Cypriot literature within the Turkish and Greek literary canons, I have studied literary polysystems theory (especially Even-Zohar: 1978 and 1979) and the relations between central and peripheral literatures. One of the central contributions of my work and research is to study the Turkish and Greek languages and literary traditions in the context and framework of 'contact languages' (Weinreich: 1953), in other words, as linguistic-cultural forms which have developed under co-habitation and mutual influence. I also studied 'othering, processes in Greek, Turkish, Greek-Cypriot and Turkish-Cypriot literary traditions within the broader context of orientalism and Eurocentricism in the system of European literatures. My work has brought to the fore the plurality of traditions within the domain of Turkish literature as well as the ancient and ongoing multilingual literary traditions of Cyprus. On the one hand, it enabled the study of different traditions within the same linguistic domain (Turkish) to be studied through different categories, such as Turkish literature and Turkish-Cypriot literature. On the other hand, it also allowed for the study of different language literatures under the same roof, such as the Greek, Turkish, and English language literatures of Cyprus as Cypriot literature.
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A sintaxe por subordinação no português do Brasil: uma análise funcional das cláusulas de complementação verbalCordeiro da Silva, Emanuel 31 January 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Na sintaxe da complementação verbal, o sistema de muitas línguas do mundo
autoriza que estruturas sentenciais ocupem a posição reservada sintaticamente ao
objeto. A esse tipo de preenchimento sintático, subjazem correlações entre os
domínios da sintaxe, da semântica, da pragmática e da cognição. Haja vista o
português pertencer ao rol das línguas cujos verbos tomam cláusulascomplemento,
o presente trabalho objetiva realizar uma análise funcional dos processos de
encaixamento sintáticosemântico
em construções complexas por subordinação do
português falado e escrito no Brasil. Para tanto, são tomados como corpus da
investigação dados de fala e de escrita coletados na cidade do Natal/RN. O material
integra um corpus maior do grupo de pesquisa D&G (Discurso & Gramática), que
coletou dados de fala e de escrita nas cidades do Rio de Janeiro, do Natal, do Rio
Grande e de Juiz de Fora. Os textos da cidade do Natal, que são aqui postos sob
estudo, correspondem a 120 produções de um total de 12 informantes igualmente
distribuídos por três níveis de escolaridade: fundamental II, médio e superior. Como
foram adotados cinco tipos textuais (narrativa de experiência pessoal, narrativa
recontada, descrição de local, relato de procedimento e relato de opinião), cada
informante produziu 10 textos, sendo 5 na modalidade falada e 5 na modalidade
escrita. No que tange à fundamentação das análises, são adotadas as bases
teóricas da Linguística Funcional norteamericana,
dentre as quais destacamos a
teoria da prototipicidade , o princípio da iconicidade e a perspectiva escalar da
combinação de cláusulas. Por fim, as ocorrências do fenômeno são submetidas a
um tratamento estatístico em vista a confrontar os dados de fala e os de escrita. A
principal necessidade do confronto é a confirmação ou a negação da bastante
difundida visão de que o âmbito da escrita é mais propício à ocorrência do fenômeno
da subordinação do que o da fala
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A prefixação no léxico da publicidade na mídia escritaFerreira de Albuquerque, Amanda 31 January 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho tem por objetivo discutir aspectos importantes relacionados ao estudo
prefixação lexical em língua portuguesa a partir de anúncios publicitários, e as
estratégias discursivas inerentes a cada criação de palavras. Como a sociedade está em
constante mudança e evolução, a publicidade necessita renovar sua linguagem para
acompanhar tais mudanças e atingir seu objetivo, que é o da venda de seu produto,
através de recursos de língua e seleção de palavras que seduzam os possíveis
compradores, buscando saciar, assim, as novas necessidades da sociedade de
consumo. Desse modo, a presente pesquisa busca analisar a linguagem publicitária
veiculada em outdoors e anúncios de revistas e jornais, atentando para as informações
que emanam das formações prefixais, destacando o papel social publicidade como
instrumento de leitura do mundo. A partir de tal análise, é possível verificar que no
discurso publicitário a publicidade constróise
por meio da palavra, que leva a
descoberta dos desejos e aspirações de um TU, que ela se propõe a realizar
(CARVALHO, 1996, p. 22). Assim, para convencer o TU (sujeito destinatário) a tornarse
consumidor de determinado produto, as palavras são escolhidas de forma minuciosa.
Portanto, tal escolha de palavras não é arbitrária, mas sim estratégica e ideológica
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Die Poetik des Marginalen : eine vergleichende Untersuchung der Werke von Orhan Pamuk und W.G. SebaldMünüklü, Ersin January 2015 (has links)
Literature increasingly deals with marginalized individuals, criticizes dominant structures, uncovers hidden traces from a suppressed past and attempts to restitute the voices of marginalized people. Orhan Pamuk and W.G. Sebald engage with what is considered to be marginal in various ways in their prose: marginal spaces (political and geographical peripheries), marginal times (marginalized past), marginalized people and objects (ruins, dilapidated buildings and seemingly dispensable objects) are the main subject matters in their works. The empathic engagement with the marginal constitutes a poetic principle in their narratives, in which the marginal is attributed with a specific significance and as a model of knowledge is given ethic-aesthetical value: a poetics of the marginal.
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