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Changes of Self-Empolyment Sector: Analysis of impact by The Structure of Domestic Productin Across CenturiesChuang, Ming-chi 27 July 2004 (has links)
Unemployment rate had steadily kept under 3.0% with an average of 1.84% from 1978 to 1994 in Taiwan. It may not go below 3.0% again till the labor market adapting to the large changes in the structure of domestic production that has made significantly impact on the labor force, especially a peak unemployment rate 5.17% has been seen in 2002.
Computerization and network infrastructure have made small firms more competitive. In addition, changes in industrial structure have favored the industries in which small firms are viable and scale economics are relatively unimportant. The changes also left one problem behind. The time of high unemployment rate is coming. The released workers would probably hind in the self-employment sector or become members of inadequate utilization of labor force, such as low paid, mismatches between educational attainment and occupation, and inadequate working hours. The main purpose of this paper is to contrast the characteristics of the relatively weak group, especially the self-employed, before and after the change.
The raw data been used was from Manpower Surveys and Manpower Utilization Surveys by Census Bureau, DGBAS. The study reveals the following findings:
1. High unemployment rate becomes regular, 3.0% or above will be considered as normal.
2. Male is always having a large proportion up to 70% of the self-employed, but the female increase much faster than the male did. Age distribution shifted to an older range. Marital status distribution did not change much- the married still keep about 90%. In the other hand, industrial structure distribution has been changed. Service industry has been increased by 4.3% and the up trend is still going up. There¡¦s a very large change in occupational location, the secondary labor market shares over half of the self-employed in 2003 comparing with 0.1% in 1991, they are forced by the industrial changes not to only the lower occupational location but the lower social status. The self-employed are shifting toward the non-urban area too, and the uncertainty of future coming with the high unemployment rate has made self-employed need to have an extra job or to change his/her job.
3. The small and medium enterprise have historically provided large proportion of employment labor market and non-agriculture self-employment sector, but industrial changes is slacking the trend for those employees to become a self-employed.
4. Over 70% out of the married female samples have kids, and ages of children have affected women employment choices. The older their children are, the higher possibilities are women to be self-employed.
5. Considering with the whole employed, although the mean monthly income of the self-employed increased, the quantity was relatively lower than others did. Education had a better performance in both the mean and the standardized mean score, but a fatal drop of occupational location strongly pulled down the Social-Economic index of the self-employed.
Keyword: Self-Employment, Own-Account Worker, the Structure of Domestic Production, Knowledge-Based Economy and Social-Economic Index.
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The Cause of Current Account Deficit of The United StatesLai, Sue-ping 28 July 2005 (has links)
Trade deficit, financial deficit, and current account deficit of the United States have all been problems deeply concerned by economists and politicians in recent decades. Since the third season of 2000, a recession of the United States and the whole world has gradually started to appear. In addition, as a result of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the war in Iraq the stock market has begun to decline significantly. In order to promote the recovery of its economy, the federal government determines to adopt the expanded financial policy which will most likely in the end cause its financial deficit more serious.
The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the factors that influence the current account deficit of the United States. Because the study considers foreign variables that related researches ignore, we choose five variables as follows: regional output differential, regional interest rate differential, terms of trade, regional real effective exchange rate, and current account. Therefore, we adopt the Unit Root Test, the Granger Causality Test, the Co-integrating Test, and SVAR (Structural Vector Autoregressive) model to run RATS and E-views.
It is the finding of empirical result that the United States government considers terms of trade and current account that can't be quantized of the first importance rather than the exchange rate factor that general research is thought. This is one of the contributions of the study.
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noneLi, Chin-Yu 02 August 2001 (has links)
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A Study of the New Labor Pension System In Taiwanwei, Chin-tao 07 January 2008 (has links)
Prior to the implementation of Labor Retirement Act (hereinafter referred to as New System), the Labor Retirement System is mainly governed by Labor Standard Act (hereinafter referred to as Previous System) . However, since the implementation of Retirement System under Labor Standard Act, it has been under long term controversy. In order to improve the discrepancy of previous system, the Retirement System under Labor Standard Act, Council for Labor Affairs has proposed quite a number of drafts for amendment. After years of endeavor, it was finally reached consensus in improvement and established new labor retirement system, which is based mainly on Personal Account of Pension System and assisted by Income Replacement program. It was passed in Legislative Yuan on June 11, 2004, the Labor Retirement Act (New System) and officially enforced on July 1, 2005. However, it was expected that there will be many problems emerged in the initial stage of implementation. In this paper, we focused on the Labor Retirement New System and explained with other related administrative statutory are used as assistance. Also the basic theory of Administrative Act ¡V Principle of Administration, Administration Organization, Administrative Authorities, Administrative Remedies and Administrative Supervision ¡V the 5 main structure are used as the research methodology to examine the possible problem in new labor retirement system and tried to form possible measures for solutions.
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The Study of Key Customer Management and Organization Change of Original Development Pharmaceutical Company¡VA case Study of Merck Sharp & Dohme Corporation,Taiwan Branch.Chan, Tung-Loug 11 August 2009 (has links)
In today¡¦s ever-changing, competitive business environment, professional managers are challenged with the aims of attracting target markets, establishing relationships, increasing competitiveness, and achieving objectives. The business must continually add value, create a long-term competitive advantage, and satisfy customer needs in order to maintain a position of leadership in the market.
In opening Merck Sharp Dohme at a time when medical organizations are undergoing such global change, one must consider the relationship between the aim of the organization and the clients¡¦ needs. In 2007, the ¡§Key Customer Unit¡¨ was established, a new marketing approach (New Strategic Selling) was adopted, and the competitiveness of the organization was enhanced, a new method of managing the client base was created, which assisted the company in reaching its global objectives.
This research paper used explorative research methods adopting qualitative and quantitative means of analysis, as well as on the spot investigation into internal operations of the ¡§Key Customer Unit¡¨ of the Taiwanese branch of an American pharmaceutical factory. Through the implementation of KAM and CRM, research was conducted into the operation of the ¡§Key Customer Unit¡¨. Discussions were carried out into my degree of satisfaction with the achievement of company objectives. Discussions also touched upon my satisfaction with current policies, the operation of the ¡§Key Customer Unit¡¨, the results and cohesiveness of the ¡§Key Customer Unit¡¨, staff qualities, on the job competence as well as limitations.
Conclusions of the thesis are listed below:
1. Solving on-the-spot problems for the ¡§Key Customer Unit¡¨ as well as providing a platform for long-term cooperation.
2. The importance of the operation and cohesiveness of the ¡§Key Customer Unit¡¨, creating a plan for clients, and servicing clients.
3. Members dealing with the ¡§Key Customer Unit¡¨ demonstrated experience, confidence, logic, and the ability to execute, delegate, and communicate effectively.
4. The ability to coordinate was the skill most valued by clients and staff.
5. Key reasons behind success of the ¡§Key Customer Unit¡¨ was, choosing the right staff, systematic thought, professional management on the part of the client manager, coordination of resources, marketing activities, coordinating the duration of the client plan, as well as complete dedication to the task at hand.
5 key points developed from the conclusion:
1.The execution of MERCK¡¦s 5 Ring policy aims at building motivation for the ¡§Key Customer Unit¡¨
2.Finding the right person to carry out the right steps is the cornerstone of success behind the ¡§Key Customer Unit¡¨.
3.The driving force behind the success of managing the ¡§Key Customer Unit¡¨ is the Client Manager.
4.Opportune spending and proper use of resources is the most impressive result when managing the ¡§Key Customer Unit¡¨.
5.The key point to adding value to your ¡§Key Customer Unit¡¨ is separation of customer teams to increase internal competitiveness.
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Hälsobokslut : En studie av tre landstingBäck, Linda, Sittkoff, Robin, Westerberg, Lisa January 2005 (has links)
<p>Hälsobokslutet är ett relativt nytt begrepp som härstammar från flera olika redovisningsläror. På grund av den höga sjukfrånvaron i Sverige har regeringen utformat en handlingsplan med syfte att minska ohälsan. En del i denna handlingsplan är den om hälsobokslut. Syftet med hälsobokslutet är att företagen ska bli mer medvetna om den hälsostatus som råder på arbetsplatsen och utifrån det genomföra hälsorelaterade åtgärder.</p><p>Syftet är att beskriva två olika hälsobokslutsmodeller och sedan jämföra tre genomförda hälsobokslut sinsemellan samt med modellerna. Syftet är även att klarlägga implementeringsarbetet och utröna om hälsoboksluten lett till några effekter i landstingen.</p><p>För att få en förståelse för begreppet hälsobokslut och kunna besvara uppsatsens syfte används den kvalitativa metoden. Jämförelserna av både modellerna och hälsoboksluten har skett genom litteraturstudier och granskning av de upprättade boksluten. För att kunna fullfölja den klarläggning som förutsätts i syftet har vi genomfört intervjuer med de valda landstingen.</p><p>De jämförelser som gjorts mellan hälsobokslut och modeller visar att hälsoboksluten skiljer sig på mycket få punkter från modellerna. Vad gäller jämförelserna mellan hälsoboksluten i de tre landstingen är de största likheterna att de alla kräver samarbete och är beroende av fungerande personaladministrativa system. De största skillnaderna mellan boksluten är omfattningen och antalet verksamheter det implementerats i. Implementeringsarbetet har varit olika svårt för de tre landstingen och svårigheterna har bestått i både tekniska problem och bearbetning av stora mängder information. Hälsobokslutet har lett till positiva effekter på sjukfrånvaron och ökat personalengagemang.</p> / <p>Health account is a rather new concept that originates from several different schools of accounting. Due to the high number of sick leaves in Sweden, the government has developed a document with the purpose of reducing the sick leave and the health account is a part of this plan. The purpose of the health account is to make companies and organisations more aware of issues concerning health in the workplace. From this point it is possible to take steps against illness.</p><p>The purpose is first to describe two different health account models and then compare them to three completed health accounts. The purpose is also to examine the implementation process and to find out if the health accounts have lead to any effects in the county councils.</p><p>To create an understanding for the expression health account, and to be able to answer the purpose of our thesis, we have used a qualitative method. Both the comparison of the models and the health accounts were realised through studies of literature and reviews of the health acounts. To be able to accomplish the clarification that was given in the purpose, we have conducted interviews with the selected county councils.</p><p>Those health accounts that we have studied shows that they differ very little from the models. When it comes to the comparison between the health accounts, the main similarities are that they all require cooperation and they are dependent of well working personal administration systems. The main difference between the health accounts is to what extent they have been implemented in the organisation. The difficulties concerning the implementation have varied between the three county councils. The difficulties concern both technical problems and to handle large amounts of information. The health accounts had positive effects on sick leave and has also increased the interest in questions concerning the employees.</p>
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The Impact of Trade Openness on Gross Domestic Product : A study of the Asian Financial CrisisGlommen Andersson, Elin, Severin, Alexander January 2009 (has links)
<p>This bachelor thesis in economics examines the Asian financial crisis, the impact on the countries in the region and how well they recovered financially. The countries that are taken into consideration are Japan, Indonesia, South Korea, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. The variables used to explain the implications of the crisis are GDP, trade openness, unemployment and current account.</p><p>Descriptive statistics show that the most closed economy that was affected by a current account reversal was also the hardest hit in terms of GDP. The statistics also show that all the countries under observation have recovered to their situation prior to the crisis in terms of GDP, but not in terms of the level of unemployment.</p><p>Two regressions that were performed showed the relation between trade openness and the effect of GDP after the crisis, and the relation of trade openness to growth after the crisis. The regressions show that the more closed an economy is the larger the effect of a crisis. At the same time these countries had the highest growth rates after the crisis and were also among the first to recover. Theoretical reasons for these results are given.</p>
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Does the Use of Personally Relevant Stimuli in Semantic Complexity Training Facilitate Improved Functional Communication Performance Compared to Non-Personally Relevant Stimulus Items among Adults with Chronic Aphasia?Karidas, Stephanie 01 January 2013 (has links)
This study investigated the influence of semantic complexity treatment in individuals with fluent aphasia on discourse performance. Semantic treatment is an effective way to improve semantically based word retrieval problems in aphasia. Treatment focused on the semantic application of the Complexity Account of Treatment Efficacy (CATE) (Thompson, Shapiro, Kiran, & Sobecks, 2003) promotes training of complex items resulting in generalization to less complex, untrained items. In addition, research has shown that the personal relevance of treatment material can increase treatment efficacy. This study investigated the effect of semantic treatment of atypical personally relevant items among individuals with aphasia on discourse performance.
Two treatment phases were applied to examine the influence of personally relevant and non-relevant treatment material on discourse performance. In addition, generalization from trained atypical items to untrained typical items was investigated. Methods and procedures were partially replicated from Kiran, Sandberg, & Sebastian (2011) examining semantic complexity within goal-derived (ad hoc) categories. Three participants with fluent aphasia were trained on three semantic tasks including category sorting, semantic feature generation/selection, and Yes/No feature questions. A generative naming task was used for probe data collection every second session. Stimuli consisted of atypical items only.
The hypothesis that semantic complexity training of personally relevant items from ad hoc categories will produce greater generalization to associated, untrained items than training of non-relevant items and consequently increase discourse performance was not supported. The findings revealed a failure to replicate the magnitude and type of improvements previously reported for the typicality effect in generative naming. Clinical significance was found for personally relevant and non-relevant discourse performance. However, no consistent pattern was found within and across participants. In addition, effect size for generalization from trained atypical to untrained typical items was not significant.
Limitations of this study lead to future directions to further specify participation selection, such as cognitive abilities, procedural changes, and the inclusion of discourse performance as an outcome measure. Overall, the results of this study provide weak support for replicating semantic treatment of atypical exemplars in ad-hoc categories and hence demonstrate the critical role of replication across labs to identify key issues in the candidacy, procedures, and outcome measurement of any developing treatment.
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Understanding account management in professional services relationships : conceptualising a value framework of account management from client and professional perspective in the audit, tax and management consultancy industryVan Bon, Hendrikus Johannes January 2013 (has links)
Professionals take centre stage in the delivery of professional services and the role of account management has received little research attention. This thesis concerns the value of account management in professional service relationships in the audit, tax and management consultancy industry, contextualising the nature and value of account management through client and professional perspectives. It addresses the challenges of embedding the account management role in the firm as a role of the professional or a separate function. The aim of this thesis is to conceptualise a value framework for account management. Based on the principles of grounded theory, the method comprises 29 interviews with professionals, account managers and clients. Embracing an emergent, iterative process, the lenses used to reflect on these interviews include service dominant logic, relationships, the nature of professions and professionals along with client value and notions of organisational change. The emergent perceived value framework comprises five themes. Apart from the theme 'perceived value of account management', the other themes can be conceptualised at three levels: (i) external environment; (ii) firm's organisation and the professional-client relationships; (iii) and account management. Furthermore, the results indicate that professional service firms have difficulty in structuring and formalising account management implying a considerable organisational culture change management agenda. The role for account management varies between an integrated account management role performed by the professional in strategic services and by full-time dedicated account managers in more commoditised services and competitive environments. Well-embedded account management provides competitive advantage and differentiates the professional service firm.
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Three Essays in Macroeconomics and International FinanceStavrakeva, Vania Atanassova 30 September 2013 (has links)
This dissertation includes three chapters. The first chapter studies the question of whether countries with different fiscal capacity should optimally have different ex-ante minimum bank capital requirements. In an environment with endogenously incomplete markets and overinvestment because of moral hazard and pecuniary externalities, I show that countries with larger fiscal capacity should have lower minimum ex-ante bank capital requirements. I also show that, in addition to the minimum capital requirement, regulators in countries with a concentrated financial sector and large fiscal capacity (which are also countries with strong moral hazard) should impose a limit on the amount of liquidity pledged by financial institutions in a crisis state (for example, restrict the amount of put options/CDS contracts sold by financial institutions). The second chapter studies the welfare implications of a concentrated, imperfectly competitive banking sector, which faces a bank net worth constraint in a small open economy (SOE) environment. There are two standard sources of inefficiency --- pecuniary externalities, which lead to overinvestment, and a standard monopolistic underinvestment force. I show that the optimal policy instruments include subsidies on firm borrowing costs in certain periods and capital account controls in others, which is a good proxy for the behavior of emerging markets. For every country, there exists a financial sector with a particular banking sector concentration, for which the inefficiencies offset each other and no government intervention is required in some periods. Furthermore, this paper documents a novel theoretical result --- the interaction between future binding bank net worth constraints and dynamic (future) underinvestment could lead to ex-ante overinvestment even in economies with a single monopolistic bank where there are no pecuniary externalities. The last third chapter, which is coauthored with Kenneth Rogoff, evaluates a new class of exchange rate forecasting studies, which claim that structural models are getting closer to being able to forecast exchange rates at short horizons. We argue that misinterpretation of some new out-of-sample tests for nested models, over-reliance on asymptotic test statistics, and failure to sufficiently check robustness to alternative time windows have led many studies to overstate even the relatively thin positive results that have been found. / Economics
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