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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Study on the Preparation and Ferroelectric Properties of Bi4Ti3O12 Thin Film

Chia, Wei-kuo 31 July 2006 (has links)
In this thesis, Bi4Ti3O12 thin films are deposited on ITO/glass and Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates using RF magnetron sputtering at room temperature and two kinds of targets with different compositions of Bi4Ti3O12 and Bi4Ti3O12+4wt% Bi2O3, respectively, and then heated by a rapid thermal annealing (RTA) process in an oxygen atmosphere. Three topics are focused in this research, they are: (1) to study the effects of different fabricated conditions and substrates on the physical and electrical characteristics of Bi4Ti3O12; (2) to investigate the influence of bismuth evaporation during thermal process on the characteristics of thin films, and seeking for the methods of bismuth compensation; and (3) applying the Bi4Ti3O12 film as the insulting layer of AC thin film electroluminescence device with the phosphor layer of ZnS:TbOF, and investigating the interaction between the two films. The experimental results indicate that intensities of X-ray diffraction (XRD) peaks of the films are evident when annealing at 650¢J for 15 min or at 700¢J for 10 min using RTA process, and the optimal properties of polycrystalline Bi4Ti3O12 thin films can be obtained at 700¢J for 15 min. No dielectric breakdown phenomenon of the films is detected in the filed of 500 kV/cm, and the leakage current density was lower than 10-6 A/cm2. The dielectric constant can attain to 307, and the loss factor is 0.02 at 1 kHz. The residual polarization and coercive field are 3.7 £gC/cm2 and 80 kV/cm with a sinusoidal wave of 500 Hz, respectively. The optical transmittance of the film is close to 100% at the wavelength of 550 nm. Scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) observation reveals that the microstructures, grain sizes and thicknesses of the thin films strongly dependent on the substrates, that is, the Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrate provides a more suitable interface layer than ITO/glass substrate for the growth of Bi4Ti3O12 thin films. The energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) results indicate that the Bi/Ti atomic ratio of the films is less than that of target, which suggests that evaporation loss of bismuth occurs during the heating process. Whereas, this phenomenon occurs near the surface of thin film, it is not apparent in the inner of film. Excess 4wt% Bi2O3 additive in the target or additional Bi2O3 powder in the annealing process can compensate the loss of bismuth in the films, and improve the characteristics of thin films. Finally, the interdiffusion and chemical reactions take place among the element Bi, S and O at the interface during the deposition of ZnS:TbOF on Bi4Ti3O12 films, which degrades the optical transmittance of thin films. A 100 nm SiO2 buffer layer sandwiched between the ZnS:TbOF and Bi4Ti3O12 films can prevent the interdiffusion of the two layers, and enhance the optical transmittance and dielectric breakdown of Bi4Ti3O12 films.


Sivakumar, Praveen Kumar 01 January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to advance the understanding of SrS-based a. c. thin film electroluminescent (ACTFEL) devices. The role of traps in the bulk phosphor layer in the light emission mechanism from ACTFEL devices is studied, characterized and modeled. Experiments were performed to observe the response of the ACTFEL devices to tailored voltage excitations. A physical model was developed to describe the optoelectronic processes taking place in the phosphor; analytical equations were written and numerically simulated to plot the flux and luminance responses of the device to similarly tailored voltage excitations. The voltage excitation parameters such as amplitude, rise times and fall times were varied both experimentally and in simulations and their effect on the opto-electronic response of the device was studied. Thermally stimulated luminance studies were performed to determine critical device parameters. Theoretical predictions matched the experimental data in a qualitative manner. A much improved quantitative accuracy is obtained when the role of dipoles in the EL mechanisms is incorporated into the model.

Opto-Electronic Processes in SrS:Cu ACTFEL Devices

Rajagopalan, Dharmashankar 01 January 2006 (has links)
The a. c. thin film electroluminescent (ACTFEL) devices are of scientific interest due to their applications in large area, flat panel displays. Of particular interest to the research community is the mechanism of electron transport and luminance in these devices. Toward this end, a physical model and a mathematical model for SrS:Cu ACTFEL Devices were developed and published earlier by our group. The purpose of this thesis is to obtain a qualitative and quantitative match between experiment and theory. A brief summary of the model can be found here [1]. Effects of variation in drive parameters in experimental steady state measurements, and analysis of VIL (Voltage-Current-Luminance) plots for different simulated device and drive parameters are performed. The effects of voltage amplitude, activator concentration, interface energy levels, and critical field for dipole collapse were studied. The plots matched qualitatively in that all major experimental features were produced in the simulated waveforms. The measured and the simulated peak currents are 72.5 mA/cm2 and 66.42 mA/cm2 for VA = 123 V. Experimental and theoretical charge transferred per pulse were 2.75 C/cm2 and 2.26 C/cm2. Peak experimental and simulated luminance values for VA = 123 V were 531 cd/m2 and 49150 cd/m2. Total experimental and simulated luminance values for VA = 123 V case were 6.2 cd/m2 and 561.2 cd/m2 respectively. The large difference is attributed to the loss factors such as optical losses (due to total internal reflection), scattering of electrons by impurities in the bulk phosphor layer, and concentration quenching; these have not been incorporated in the model yet.

Analysis of Electron Transport and Luminance Mechanisms in SrS Based Blue Emitting ACTFEL Devices

Sivakumar, Praveen 01 January 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the understanding of SrS based ACTFEL devices. Better understanding of the processes in the host phosphor will give us the possibility to design more efficient blue emitting ACTFEL devices. Towards this aim, a physical model, that describes the optoelectronic processes taking place in the phosphor, was developed and analytical equations were written. The analytical model was numerically simulated and the plots of flux flowing through the device and luminance output by the device were obtained. Experiments were performed to obtain the plots of current flowing through the device and luminance output by the device. These plots were then qualitatively compared and the results of comparisons are presented. The numerical simulations qualitatively verify the accuracy of the model. The drive parameters were varied in order to study its effect on the VIL characteristics of the device. On varying the voltage applied to the device and its rise and fall times, a good insight was obtained into device behavior. Simulations were also performed to obtain responses to qualitatively match the experimentally obtained responses. Various What-If scenarios have been studied by varying the device parameters. These studies have indicated the importance of these parameters in determining device performance.

Alternating-Current Thin-Film Electroluminescent Device Characterization / Charakterizace tenkovrstvých elektroluminiscenčních součástek

Ahmed, Mustafa M. Abdalla January 2008 (has links)
Jádrem této disertační práce bylo studovat optické a elektrické charakteristiky tenkovrstvých elektroluminiscenčních součástek řízených střídavým proudem (ACTFEL) a zejména vliv procesu stárnutí luminiforů na jejich optické a elektrické vlastnosti. Cílem této studie měl být příspěvek ke zvýšení celkové účinnosti luminoforů, vyjádřené pomocí jasu, účinnosti a stability. Vzhledem k tomu, že současnou dominantní technologií plochých obrazovek je LCD, musí se další alternativní technologie plošných displejů porovnávat s LCD. Výhodou ACTFEL displejů proti LCD je lepší rozlišení, větší teplotní rozsah činnosti, větší čtecí úhel, či možnost čtení při mnohem vyšší intenzitě pozadí. Na druhou stranu je jejich nevýhodou vyšší energetická náročnost, problém s odpovídající barevností tří základních barev a podstatně vyšší napětí nutné pro činnost displeje. K dosažení tohoto cíle jsme provedli optická, elektrická a optoelektrická měření ACTFEL struktur a ZnS:Mn luminoforů. Navíc jsme studovali vliv dotování vrstvy pomocí KCl na chování mikrostruktury a na elektroluminiscenční vlastnosti (zejména na jas a světelnou účinnost) ZnS:Mn luminoforů. Provedli jsme i některá, ne zcela obvyklá, měření ACTFEL součástek. Vypočítali jsme i rozptylový poměr nabitých barevných center a simulovali transportní charakteristiky v ACTFEL součástkách. Studovali jsme vliv stárnutí dvou typů ZnS:Mn luminoforů (s vrstvou napařenou či získanou pomocí epitaxe atomových vrstev) monitorováním závislostí svítivost-napětí (L-V), velikost vnitřního náboje - elektrické pole luminoforu (Q-Fp) a kapacitance-napětí (C-V) ve zvolených časových intervalech v průběhu stárnutí. Provedli jsme krátkodobá i dlouhodobá měření a pokusili jsme se i o vizualizaci struktury luminoforu se subvlnovým rozlišením pomocí optického rastrovacího mikroskopu pracujícího v blízkém poli (SNOM). Na praktickém případu zeleného Zn2GeO4:Mn (2% Mn) ACTFEL displeje, pracujícího při 50 Hz, jsme také studovali stabilitu svítivosti pomocí měření závislosti svítivosti na napětí (L-V) a světelné účinnosti na napětí (eta-V). Přitom byl zhodnocen význam těchto charakteristik. Nezanedbatelnou a neoddělitelnou součástí této práce je i její pedagogický aspekt. Předložený text by mohl být využit i jako učebnice pro studenty na mé univerzitě v Lybii.

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