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Komparace podmínek pro agroturistiku ve střední Evropě / Comparing conditions for agritourism in Central EuropeBEČVÁŘOVÁ, Martina January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is aimed at analyzing the operation and support agritourism services in Central Europe, namely the Czech republic, Germany, Austria, Poland, Slovak republic and Hungary. Within each chapter, every country is analyzed in terms of agriculture, tourism, functioning of agritourism and support institutions which are concerned with agritourism. In the next part of the master thesis is focused on the SWOT analysis that makes it possible to determine the strategy, how should agritourism in Czech republic find the way for the future and for what should focus entrepreneurs and government. The final chapter proposes strategy of the state's perspective and from the perspective entrepreneurs in agritourism.
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The nature of agritourism in the Buffalo City MunicipalityHatley, Lucille January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Tourism and Hospitality Management)) Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2009 / In the Buffalo City Municipality (BCM) in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, there is a need to supplement income for farmers and to create employment to assist in the alleviation of poverty. Agritourism has been identified as an opportunity for growth and development as it has the potential to meet those needs. A study was undertaken to evaluate the nature of Agritourism in Buffalo City Municipality. The research was undertaken to investigate the characteristics of farms; demographic information of farmers; details of the type of farming and/or other relevant income-generating activities that are being undertaken; and the resources available. The study also included research into the activities that farmers would like to introduce on to farms; resources required and obstacles preventing farmers from developing Agritourism; and assistance required in developing Agritourism knowledge and skills. Data was collected from farmers in BCM. Non-probability, purposive, snowball sampling was used due to the lack of an adequate database of rural land ownership in BCM although this did not lead to a sample that was representative of the population, it was the most suitable for the study. Thirty-six farmers were visited by fieldworkers who administered structured questionnaires. The data was then analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).
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Квалитет агротуризма Војводине и његов утицај на ставове локалног становништва / Kvalitet agroturizma Vojvodine i njegov uticaj na stavove lokalnog stanovništva / Quality of agritourism in Vojvodina and its impact on residents’ attitudesPetrović Marko 03 November 2014 (has links)
<p>Агротуризам редставља осебни, селективни вид туризма који обједињује скуп активности на сеоским туристичким домаћинствима и у објектима у домаћој радиности. У раду је дат преглед владајуће литературе о агротуризму у AП Војводини (Србији) и иностраним државама и дефинисане су основне карактеристике овог вида туризма. Приказане су туристичко-географске карактеристике истраживаног ростора, описана је студија случаја стања и развоја агротуризма у Војводини и упоређена са осталим деловима Србије и са примерима из иностранства. У методолошком делу приказани су инструменти, процедура и узорак истраживања, а остављене су и хипотезе рада. Кроз резултате и дискусију, хипотезе су потврђене, делимично потврђене или оповргнуте, уз помоћ статистичких прорачуна и других метода провере, док су у закључку рада представљени научни и практични допринос теоријског и теренског истраживања, као и ограничења истраживања. У овом сегменту наведени су и основни проблеми администрације, праксе и теорије о аспектима квалитета агротуризма у Војводини. Такође, изложене су идеје и предлози за будућа истраживања и практични савети који имају за циљ да сугеришу и мотивишу окретање промена које могу довести до побољшања квалитeта агротуристичке понуде у Војводини и читавој Србији.</p> / <p>Agroturizam redstavlja osebni, selektivni vid turizma koji objedinjuje skup aktivnosti na seoskim turističkim domaćinstvima i u objektima u domaćoj radinosti. U radu je dat pregled vladajuće literature o agroturizmu u AP Vojvodini (Srbiji) i inostranim državama i definisane su osnovne karakteristike ovog vida turizma. Prikazane su turističko-geografske karakteristike istraživanog rostora, opisana je studija slučaja stanja i razvoja agroturizma u Vojvodini i upoređena sa ostalim delovima Srbije i sa primerima iz inostranstva. U metodološkom delu prikazani su instrumenti, procedura i uzorak istraživanja, a ostavljene su i hipoteze rada. Kroz rezultate i diskusiju, hipoteze su potvrđene, delimično potvrđene ili opovrgnute, uz pomoć statističkih proračuna i drugih metoda provere, dok su u zaključku rada predstavljeni naučni i praktični doprinos teorijskog i terenskog istraživanja, kao i ograničenja istraživanja. U ovom segmentu navedeni su i osnovni problemi administracije, prakse i teorije o aspektima kvaliteta agroturizma u Vojvodini. Takođe, izložene su ideje i predlozi za buduća istraživanja i praktični saveti koji imaju za cilj da sugerišu i motivišu okretanje promena koje mogu dovesti do poboljšanja kvaliteta agroturističke ponude u Vojvodini i čitavoj Srbiji.</p> / <p>Agritourism is a specific, selective type of tourism that combines a set of activities on farms and in<br />self-service beds (accomodation type) in rural areas. This paper presents a literature review of agritourism in<br />Vojvodina Province (Serbia) and foreign countries and defines the basic characteristics of this type of tourism. A<br />tourist-geographical characteristics of the study area are presented, the case study situation and development of<br />agritourism in Vojvodina are described and comparedwith other parts of Serbia and with examples from abroad. In the<br />methodological part, the tools, procedures, and sample surveys, together with working hypotheses are presented.<br />Throughout the results and discussion, the hypotheses are confirmed, partially confirmed or refuted, using statistical<br />calculations and other methods of testing. On the other hand, in the conclusion of the paper, a scientific and practical<br />contribution to the theory and field studies, as well as the limitations of the research are shown. Inthis segment of<br />paper, the main problems of administration, practices, and theories on quality’ aspects of agritourismin Vojvodina are<br />listed. Together with these, the ideas and suggestions for future research and practical advices aimedto motivate the<br />initiation of changes in the quality of agritourismin Vojvodina Province and in the Republic Serbia are expressed.</p>
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Analýza rozvoje venkovského cestovního ruchu v České republice / Analysis of the development of rural tourism in Czech RepublicKUŠNEROVÁ, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
The diploma work is aimed at analysis of travel trade services, provided in accomodation facilities in the country area. In the theoretical part, the term country travel trade in the Czech context is defined and discused. Development, contemporary trends and area differences in the capacity of accomodation and boarding facilities are described and discussed in the analytical part. The importance of these facilities for the regional development, including local action groups is described either. Services, presently offered, are evaluated in terms of quantity and quality; the method of mystery shopping has been used for this evaluation. Evaluated facilities are mutualy compared. Additionally, SWOT analysis and situation analysis have ben used in this work. The analysis of the data showed an ideal conditions for the development of country travel trade in the South Bohemian region of the Czech republic. The study has been situated in two districts - Jindřichův Hradec and České Budějovice. 50 facilities have been visited. In the majority of them, I have found lower standarts of provided services, compared to the demand.
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Konverze rodinné farmy na ekologický způsob hospodaření / Conversion of family farm on organic farming systemŠVOJGR, Josef January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the evaluation of current situation of farming and making a plan for a transition of Angus farm to an organic way of farming in plant and stock farming. During the period of conversion that takes 2 years for arable land, meadows and grazing the farmimg has to be in compliance with the law No. 344/2011 about organic farming. The theoretical part contains basic information about organic farming history in the Czech Republic, basic concept specification such as organic farming, ecofarm, organic product, organic food. The other information deal with the main goals of organic farming, legislation, check, certification and last but not least the subsidy of organic farming. The second part of the thesis analyses the current situation of the farm where the plant farming structure, stock farming structure, used machinery and agrotechnological operation, staffing, balance of nutrients, balance of forage, chemical means using, and SWOT analysis of the current situation are described. In the final part of the thesis there is offerred the structure of plant and stock farming for the conversion where balance of nutrients, balance of forage, staffing, operation modernization, introducing the agritourism, economic evaluation and SWOT analysis of the current situation after the conversion are described.
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Bicycle Tourism Plan for Economic Development: A Template for Rural Agricultural Towns and a Case Study for the City of Winters, CaliforniaLee, Marisa Rene 01 March 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Bicycling is a method of tourism transportation that is healthy, non-invasive, environmentally responsible, and economically sustainable. It allows freedom, mobility, and sightseeing potential that is not made possible by other modes of transit. Thousands of bicycle tourists travel from all over the globe annually to explore California on touring bikes via established cycling routes and robust determination. Thousands of additional domestic and international visitors take weekend trips, plan family vacations, travel for business, or tour California from abroad, many of whom are excellent candidates for local and regional bicycle touring at a more gentle intensity level.
The increasing popularity and prominence of bicycle tourism, among both domestic and international travelers, carries great potential for economic benefit to local communities. Rural and agricultural communities can particularly benefit from bicycle tourism, as these communities do not normally experience the benefits of tourism as significantly as their urban, coastal or mountainous neighbors. Tourism that is developed in accordance with the size, scale, constraints and character of a particular community can have a beneficial effect on the economics and industry of the area. Infrastructure projects to this effect, such as development of a town or regional trail system, wayfinding features, or other resources come with benefits for visitors and locals in the form of recreation, public health, mobility, and access to food, drink, amenities, scenic areas, jobs and commerce. Trails may further improve the economy of the local housing market, as proximity to trails has a positive effect on housing values. Incorporation of agricultural destinations into local tourism planning creates a draw for visitors and can become a mutually beneficial relationship – contributing to the economic stability of the agriculture industry, preserving local farm lands, increasing tourism revenue and educating the public on the importance of local farming. Through careful planning of the touristic components of the destination, rural communities can achieve multifaceted economic benefits of diverse and versatile tourism amenities.
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La merchandisation des traditions: étude de cas dans le Maramures, Roumanie / Commodification of traditions: case study in Maramures, RomaniaNagy, Raluca 24 March 2009 (has links)
Le but de cette recherché doctorale est d'établir la liaison entre deux phénomènes de mobilité parallèles qui peuvent faire changer une société de manière dramatique. On trouve dans le Maramures deux couloirs de mobilités fort liés entre eux: l’arrivée de personnes vers la région, qui consiste surtout en tourisme rural, et le départ des personnes originaires de la région vers l’étranger, qui est représenté par la migration de travail.<p>Le tourisme rural est encastré dans un contexte social, politique et historique particulier. La spécificité supposée de la région est celle d’une authenticité bien préservée, avec un fort usage du discours concernant l’Etat national. Le Maramures est considéré comme une des régions “authentiques”, “archaïques” et “traditionnelles” qui attirent une certaine catégorie de visiteurs, comme c’est souvent le cas du tourisme rural. L’évolution du phénomène touristique est le résultat des intersections complexes des divers acteurs, les migrants jouant un rôle important.<p>Une grande partie des remises de fonds provenant des migrants est investie dans le tourisme rural, d’une manière directe ou indirecte. De plus, ceux-ci fonctionnent comme des médiateurs culturels pour les activités touristiques. La participation à une pratique, tel le tourisme rural ou la migration, facilite souvent l’accès à l’autre, générant ainsi des tensions et clivages sociaux.<p>La croissance continue du tourisme et de la migration est en même temps cause et effet d’une interdépendance entre les modèles culturels et économiques de l’Est et de l’Ouest. /<p><p>The goal of this PhD research is to show the connection between two parallel mobility phenomena that have the potential to dramatically change a local society. There are two strongly linked “mobility corridors” in Maramures. Incoming mobility, i.e. the arrival of foreigners, largely involves tourists, whilst outgoing mobility consists mostly of labour migration.<p>Rural tourism is embedded in a particular social, political and historical context. The alleged specificity of this area is a well-preserved authenticity, with a strong background of national discourse. Maramures is seen as an “authentic”, “archaic” or “traditional” area, so it attracts a particular category of visitor, as is often the case in rural tourism. The evolution of this tourism phenomenon is the result of the complex intersection of different actors’ interests, and migrants play a major role.<p>A large part of the labour migrants’ remittances is invested in rural tourism, directly or indirectly. Moreover, these migrants function as cultural brokers for tourism-related activities. Participation in either rural tourism or migration often facilitates access to the other. However, it also creates tensions and social gaps. <p>The steady growth of tourism and migration is both cause and effect of an interdependence between the cultural and economic models of Eastern and Western societies. / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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