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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Youth perceptions of multiple sexual partnerships in the context of HIV/AIDS : a case study of students at Evelyn Hone College, Lusaka, Zambia.

Nshindano, Chama. January 2006 (has links)
Multiple sexual partnerships play a very significant role in the spread of HN with epidemiologists suggesting that these partnerships possibly drive the epidemic. According to epidemiological evidence, a reduction of these partnerships would have a substantial impact on the epidemic. Like most countries in sub-Saharan Africa, Zambia is facing a crippling HIV epidemic with prevalence in the 15-20 percent range. In light of this, this study explored youth perceptions of multiple sexual partnerships in the contex,t of HIV/AIDS. The main aim of the study was to provide some insight on these partnerships with the hope that this will shed some light on why these partnerships exist and what barriers and opportunities for change exist given Zambia's high HIV prevalence. The findings of this study suggest that there are several social, cultural, economic and environmental factors that influence the existence of multiple sexual partnerships among the youth. In addition, the study also shows that while young people acknowledge the benefits of faithfulness in sexual relationships, there are several barriers that prevent the youth from being faithful. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2006.

Combating HIV : a ministerial strategy for Zambian churches

Ndhlovu, Japhet 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh (Practical Theology and Missiology))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This work is about a missiological praxis for the creation of 'Circles of Hope' as an entry point for faith based organisations and, particularly, local churches in Zambia for an effective battle in the fight against HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). The HIV pandemic is one of the worst tragedies to have befallen humankind in the 21st century. Lost to many people is the fact that it does not affect all regions of the globe equally. Figures show that over 70% of PLWHA (people living with HIV) are in sub Saharan-Africa while most affected are young and therefore, in theory, energetic. With an overall HIV prevalence rate of 16% and a life expectancy of 34 years, HIV has severely impacted the lives of Zambians across the country. Stigma remains one of the most significant challenges in Zambia across the prevention-to-care continuum. The wider environment of these effects and statistics has provided for us the wider contextual situation. The Church in Zambia and, indeed, in the entire sub-Saharan African region cannot afford to hide its head in the sand anymore. The impact of HIV is being felt at all levels of society. This has posed a threat to economic progress and human development by attacking the most economically productive age group and reversing gains in life expectancy and child survival. The increasing burden on health budgets has stretched national and community resources to the limit, leaving no room for complacency or pretence about the magnitude of the problem. Since some members of the Church are positively infected, we can safely say of the Church: the body of Christ has HIV. HIV is a national disaster. It cannot be managed without mobilising all the sectors within a nation. The Church in Zambia needs to make HIV prevention a matter of compelling priority. The Church is an instrument for the missional praxis of the triune God. Theology in this work is not so much a scientific endeavour that begins and ends with analysing contexts and texts, rather it is an imaginative way of finding new answers to the new situation brought about by the presence of HIV (Hendriks, 2004: 30). In this work the researcher contends that measures are required to develop strong theological reflections and education which would result in the establishment of Circles of Hope in all local congregations. These Circles of Hope would act as a fountain for promoting behavioural change, support action for safer sexual behaviour, and combat stigmatisation and discrimination against people with known HIV infection. There must be appropriate theological reflections that touch on the work of the reign of God. A relevant HIV theology will necessarily involve the laity, will watch out for fundamentalist views, will be biblical in nature and will draw from Trinitarian understanding. The basis of moving from a theology of punishment to that of care, truth, freedom, justice and peace is the theology of community and companionship. This reflection is an attempt to have constructive interpretation of the present realities brought about by a time of HIV. One can only discern God‘s will for the present situation through critical and sensitive leadership in order to bring about genuine healing. The role of the local church and networking activities are essential commodities to realise a vision of a Zambia that is HIV competent. This then is the new ministerial strategy being spearheaded by the 'Circles of Hope' programme of the Council of Churches in Zambia. It is a challenge for Zambian churches. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorsing handel oor ʼn missiologiese begronde praksis vir die skepping van 'Kringe van Hoop' as 'n beginpunt vir geloofsgebaseerde organisasies en spesifiek die plaaslike kerk in Zambië in hulle stryd teen MIV (Menslike Immuniteits Virus). Die MIV pandemie is een van die ergste tragedies wat die mensdom in die 21ste eeu getref het. Wat baie mense nie altyd besef nie, is dat dit nie oral in die wêreld dieselfde impak het nie. Statistiek wys daarop dat meer as 70% van alle MIV positiewe mense Suid van die Sahara woon. Die meerderheid van die geïnfekteerdes is jonk met baie potensiaal. 16% van die bevolking in Zambië is MIV positief en het 'n lewensverwagting van 34 jaar. Die uitwerking hiervan raak die land en al sy mense. Naas voorkoming en versorging bly een van die grootste uitdagings wat die gemeenskap in Zambië moet aanspreek stigmatisering. Die groter konteks Suid van die Sahara vorm die agtergrond van elke land se spesifieke probleme. Ook Zambië en met name die kerk in Zambië sal die feite in die oë moet kyk. Die pandemie is 'n bedreiging vir ekonomiese vooruitgang en menslike ontwikkeling omdat dit die ekonomies mees produktiewe ouderdomsgroep afmaai, lewensverwagting verlaag en kindersterftes laat toeneem. Die toenemende las op die gesondheidsbegroting het die nasionale en gemeenskapshulpbronne grootliks uitgeput. Die omvang van die probleem kan op geen manier meer ontken en negeer word nie. Aangesien baie lidmate MIV positief is, kan 'n mens goedskiks verklaar dat die liggaam van Christus MIV het. Dit is ʼn nasionale tragedie. Die pandemie kan nie bestry word sonder dat al die sektore van die samelewing daarteen gemobiliseer is nie. Die kerk in Zambië moet die voorkoming van MIV as 'n uiters noodsaaklike prioriteit beskou. Die Kerk is 'n instrument vir die missionêre praksis van die drie-enige God. Die navorsing beskou teologie nie as 'n wetenskaplike onderneming wat bloot handel oor 'n analise van kontekste en tekste nie. Teologie is iets waarin jy handelend en verbeeldingryk toetree tot die aanspreek van 'n veelbewoë situasie en antwoorde probeer vind op die probleme (Hendriks, 2004: 30). Die navorsing werk met die hipotese dat die probleem vanuit 'n teologiese hoek benader moet word sodat teologiese beginsels die praktykteorie van Kringe van Hoop in plaaslike gemeentes sal onderskraag. Die studie voorsien dat die Kringe van Hoop die hoof dryfveer sal wees wat gedragsverandering sal bevorder, veiliger seksuele gedrag sal aanmoedig, en die stryd teen die stigmatisering en diskriminasie sal voer. Gepaste teologiese refleksie oor die heerskappy van God is noodsaaklik. 'n Revelante HIV teologie sal gewone lidmate insluit, sal bedag wees op fundamentalistiese sieninge, sal bybels wees en sal gebaseer wees op ʼn trinitariese godsbegrip. Die teologiese basis vir die wegbeweeg van 'n teologie van straf/oordeel na een van versorging, waarheid, vryheid, geregtigheid en vrede, is geleë in gemeenskap en kameraadskap. Hierdie refleksie is 'n poging om in 'n tyd van HIV 'n konstruktiewe interpretasie te gee van die huidige realiteite. Kritiese en sensitiewe leierskap behoort in die huidige situasie te poog om God se wil te soek om die gebrokenheid van 'n MIV siek gemeenskap aan te spreek. Die rol van die plaaslike kerk en netwerkingsaktiwiteite is onontbeerlik vir die realisering van die visie van ʼn Zambië sonder MIV. Die 'Kringe van Hoop'-program van die Zambiese Raad van Kerke is 'n bedieningstrategie wat die MIV pandemie wil aanspreek en wat die kerk in Zambië uitdaag om mee te doen.

Vulnerable children, schooling and the feminisation of the AIDS pandemic in Zambia.

Kunda, Rosaria January 2006 (has links)
<p>This study aimed to explore the gender imbalances that exist in access to education and participation in schooling of the female orphans and vulnerable children, and also how this relates to the continuing feminisation of the HIV and AIDS pandemic in Zambia. The study was based on the premise that the girl child is disadvantaged in this area, and the HIV and AIDS pandemic in worsening the situation for female orphans and vulnerable children.</p>

Vulnerable children, schooling and the feminisation of the AIDS pandemic in Zambia.

Kunda, Rosaria January 2006 (has links)
<p>This study aimed to explore the gender imbalances that exist in access to education and participation in schooling of the female orphans and vulnerable children, and also how this relates to the continuing feminisation of the HIV and AIDS pandemic in Zambia. The study was based on the premise that the girl child is disadvantaged in this area, and the HIV and AIDS pandemic in worsening the situation for female orphans and vulnerable children.</p>

Sexual behaviour and HIV/AIDS knowledge among women in Zambia

Ngoma, Catherine Mubita Anayawa 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to determine the factors that predict women’s risky sexual behaviour and HIV and AIDS knowledge. A quasi-experimental, pre-test-post-test research design, with a non-equivalent comparison group was conducted to determine if there was an association between young women’s sexual behaviour and HIV/AIDS knowledge on aspects of HIV/AIDS transmission and prevention and behaviour change. The study used both quantitative and qualitative approach. Data collection was done using semi-structured interview schedule and focus group discussion guide. The respondents who participated in the study were women between the ages of 15-25 years. Two groups of respondents participated in the study. Women in the quasi-experimental site (N=200) who received the intervention and women in the control site (N=200) who did not receive any intervention. Quantitative data were analysed with the help of a statistician and the Epi Info statistical package was used. Qualitative data obtained from the focus group discussion were analysed using Tesch’s method of analysis. The major inferences drawn from this study are that young women lack knowledge relating to HIV/AIDS and that some young women were engaged in risky sexual behaviours such as having multiple sexual partners and having unprotected sex. The study indicates that peer education strategy has the potential to make an impact on these young women. It has also shown that peer education can play an important role in increasing knowledge and reducing risky sexual behaviour. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

African indigenous churches and polygamy in the context of HIV and AIDS : the case of the Mutima church in Zambia.

Masaiti, Bridget Nonde. January 2007 (has links)
Women in the Mutima Church in Zambia have for some years had the highest HIV rate in the church, but because this is one of the African Indigenous Churches (AICs), not much is known about the behavioural and other risk factors that predispose these women to the virus. One of the reasons is that some members of the Mutima Church cannot make their own decisions when getting married. The church founder makes marital decisions for some of the church members. This problem raises serious questions for HIV health practitioners, activists and some of the church members. Informed by some of the Mutima Church members that HIV testing in their church is not considered a norm, this dissertation demonstrates theological teachings on polygamy and HIV and Aids employed by the church founder. In this dissertation, some church members from the Mutima Church were asked to describe and explain what polygamy and HIV and Aids meant to them and how they theologically perceived and understood them. While the major results indicate that polygamy in the Mutima Church contributes to the spread of HIV and Aids, the other new research findings are that the Mutima Church members' theological understanding on polygamy is that it is a blessing from God; and that HIV and Aids is a punishment from God. These responses are analysed and discussed in this dissertation. / Thesis (M.Th.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2007.

Widowhood rituals, African Lutherans and HIV prevention : a gendered study of the experiences of widows in the Kamwala Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zambia.

Moyo, Lois. January 2007 (has links)
African widows experience physical, emotional and spiritual traumas induced by cultural/psycho-social factors, which are further exacerbated by environmental and socioeconomic determinants. These circumstances make both the mourning process and its aftermath - coping with life after the death of their spouses - extremely difficult. Oppressive cultural practices and perceptions can aggravate or intensify the suffering for many of these women. Certain rituals expose women to possible HIV infection, and in the case of Christian widows, are also incompatible with their faith. Compounding this is the cultural stigma attached to widowhood, and the added possibility of the AIDS stigma whether or not her husband did indeed die of HIV and AIDS. This dissertation examines the experiences of Christian widows from multicultural and multi ethnic backgrounds and proposes the way in which the Church can respond, given a context of African cultural practices and HIV prevention initiatives. It responds to the question of the implications of the transition into and the state of widowhood in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zambia. This is a church operating in an environment where African cultural practices are esteemed, and some widowhood cultural practices have turned out to be risky in a context of HIV and AIDS. Chapter 1 introduces the study giving the background to and motivation for the study. It discuses the feminization of HIV and AIDS in Zambia, and that situation in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zambia which gave the impetus to undertake the study. It also elaborates on the methodology used to conduct this research. Chapter 2 reviews the literature on related research that has already been done on widowhood, showing the reason to study a subject that has received so much attention. It also shows how strands of African Christianity have contextualized the gospel in Africa. Chapter 3 describes Lutheran theology on widowhood and the theology that Lutheranism has developed from Luther's views on widowhood. Chapter 4 describes the methods used in collecting data from the sampled interviewees and informants. Chapter 5 presents the results of the research and these are interpreted in Chapter 6. Chapter 7 presents a proposed Christianized cleansing ritual, giving justification and the procedure for the ritual. / Thesis (M.Th.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2007.

Sexual behaviour and HIV/AIDS knowledge among women in Zambia

Ngoma, Catherine Mubita Anayawa 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to determine the factors that predict women’s risky sexual behaviour and HIV and AIDS knowledge. A quasi-experimental, pre-test-post-test research design, with a non-equivalent comparison group was conducted to determine if there was an association between young women’s sexual behaviour and HIV/AIDS knowledge on aspects of HIV/AIDS transmission and prevention and behaviour change. The study used both quantitative and qualitative approach. Data collection was done using semi-structured interview schedule and focus group discussion guide. The respondents who participated in the study were women between the ages of 15-25 years. Two groups of respondents participated in the study. Women in the quasi-experimental site (N=200) who received the intervention and women in the control site (N=200) who did not receive any intervention. Quantitative data were analysed with the help of a statistician and the Epi Info statistical package was used. Qualitative data obtained from the focus group discussion were analysed using Tesch’s method of analysis. The major inferences drawn from this study are that young women lack knowledge relating to HIV/AIDS and that some young women were engaged in risky sexual behaviours such as having multiple sexual partners and having unprotected sex. The study indicates that peer education strategy has the potential to make an impact on these young women. It has also shown that peer education can play an important role in increasing knowledge and reducing risky sexual behaviour. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

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