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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Factors influencing utilization of voluntary counselling and testing of HIV among pregnant women in Lesotho.

Mothibeli, Lydia Maseatile. January 2009 (has links)
Voluntary Counselling and Testing for HIV is an effective and important strategy for prevention, care and support. The study examines factors affecting utilization of VCT among pregnant women in Lesotho. A combination of quantitative and qualitative methods was employed. The quantitative part of the study utilized the 2004 Lesotho Demographic and Health Survey data and the qualitative study drew on data from focus group discussions among women attending antenatal clinics in Maseru and Leribe. The majority of pregnant women have never been tested for HIV/AIDS. Married women were less likely to go for VCT as compared with those who are not married. The study also established that place of residence, education and marital status were significantly associated with knowledge of HIV/AIDS and ever been tested for HIV. Stigma and discriminations and fear associated with HIV testing were highlighted as the main factors hindering the use of VCT services among pregnant women. However, knowing one’s status in order to access early treatment was the main reason for utilizing VCT. The VCT promotion programme for pregnant women in Lesotho has to focus on enhancing positive perception of VCT and alleviating perceived barriers related to the use of VCT services. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2009.

Views of health service providers on the need for support services for HIV-positive mothers in the rural areas of Lesotho : an ecological perspective

Mofokeng, Shoeshoe 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: HIV/AIDS is one of the worst pandemics affecting the world today. It cuts across all boundaries and many people are infected as well as affected. The virus has reached all the corners of the globe, but the most hit by it is Africa, especially southern Africa, which carries more than half of the population infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. The top five countries whose populationsare infected with HIV are in southern Africa. Lesotho is amongst the top three on this list and also has problems of poverty and a high unemployment rate. Women and children, who are the target groups that are most affected by poverty, are also those living in rural areas. Thus, being an HIV-positive mother living in the rural areas of Lesotho means one has to deal with poverty, the inaccessibility of services and the psychological impacts of HIV. The aim of the study was to gain a better understanding of the views of health service providers on the need and accessibility of support services for HIV-positive mothers in the rural areas of Lesotho from an ecological perspective. To achieve this aim, the objectives were: to offer an overview of the phenomenon of HIV and describe the psychosocial needs and sociocultural circumstance of HIV-positive mothers in the rural areas of Lesotho, and to discuss the HIV-positive mothers’ need for support services from an ecological perspective. Both quantitative and qualitative research approaches were used. The research utilised exploratory and descriptive design. Purposive sampling was used to select the 30 participants who took part in the study. Data was gathered by means of semi-structured questionnaires that were administered during individual interviews. The questionnaires were formulated on the basis of information retrieved during the literature review. The findings of the study reveal that HIV-positive mothers living in the rural areas of Lesotho have economic, social and cultural circumstance as factors hindering their treatment and prevention of HIV/AIDS. They are also faced with the psychological impacts of HIV, and the findings revealed that disclosure was the key to addressing their problems. The findings also show that most mothers receivedemotional, instrumental, informational and appraisal support from their families at the micro-level of the ecological perspective. The other levels – meso, exo and macro – provided only limited support for the mothers. The recommendations are that these mothers need social support at all levels of the ecological perspective to meet their needs / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: MIV/vigs is een van die ergste pandemies in die moderne wêreld. Dit ken geen grense nie, en vele mense ly hetsy daaraan of daaronder. Die virus het reeds alle uithoeke van die aarde bereik. Tog gaan Afrika, veral Suider-Afrika, die swaarste daaronder gebuk, en word meer as die helfte van die totale populasie wat aan of onder MIV/vigs ly hier aangetref. Die vyf lande met die hoogste MIV-infeksiesyfers ter wêreld is almal in die streek geleë. Lesotho is een van die drie lande boaan hierdie lys, en het terselfdertyd te kampe met die probleme van armoede en ’n hoë werkloosheidsyfer. Vroue en kinders, synde die groepe wat die ergste deur armoede geraak word, woon ook meestal in landelike gebiede. ’n MIV-positiewe moeder in die landelike gebiede van Lesotho moet dus armoede, ontoeganklike dienste sowel as die sielkundige uitwerking van MIV trotseer. Die doel van hierdie studie was om vanuit die ekologiese perspektief ’n beter begrip te vorm van gesondheidsdiensverskaffers se sienings oor die behoefte aan en toeganklikheid van steundienste vir MIV-positiewe moeders in die landelike gebiede van Lesotho. Om hierdie doel te bereik, was die oogmerke om ’n oorsig van die MIV-verskynsel te bied, die psigososiale behoeftes en sosiokulturele omstandighede van MIV-positiewe moeders in die landelike gebiede van Lesotho te beskryf, en die moeders se behoefte aan steundienste vanuit die ekologiese perspektief te bespreek. ’n Kwantitatiewe sowel as ’n kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetode is gevolg, en die navorser het van ’n verkennende en beskrywende ontwerp gebruik gemaak. Doelgerigte steekproefneming is gebruik om die 30 studiedeelnemers te kies. Data is met behulp van semigestruktureerde vraelyste gedurende individuele onderhoude ingesamel. Die vraelyste is opgestel op grond van inligting wat in die literatuuroorsig bekom is. Die studie bevind dat ekonomiese, maatskaplike en kulturele omstandighede MIV/vigs-behandeling en -voorkoming vir MIV-positiewe vroue in die landelike gebiede van Lesotho belemmer. Daarbenewens moet hulle die sielkundige uitwerking van MIV die hoof bied, en die studie dui op openbaarmaking as die sleutel om hul probleme te hanteer. Die bevindinge toon ook dat die meeste moeders emosionele, fisiese, inligting- en bevestigende steun van hul families op die mikrovlak van die ekologiese perspektief ontvang. Die ander vlakke – meso, ekso en makro – bied slegs beperkte steun. Die studie kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat hierdie moeders op alle vlakke van die ekologiese perspektief maatskaplike steun moet ontvang om in hul behoeftes te voorsien.

Experiences and coping strategies of women living with HIV/AIDS diagnosis : a case study of Maseru, Lesotho

Diaho, Mahlao Judith 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Several studies have reported that thirty million people are living with HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. Fifty percent of the infected adults are women aged between 15 and 49 years. In Lesotho, HIV/AIDS has also been declared a national emergency and an estimated 180,000 women out of 330,000 adults, and 27,000 children are living with HIV/AIDS. Statistics have shown that the majority of AIDS cases occur in adults aged 15 and 49 years in Lesotho. Presently women are the fastest growing infected population in Lesotho. Regardless of the growing numbers of women infected with HIV/AIDS, experiences of women living with HIV/AIDS have received little attention in Lesotho. Qualitative research in this area is necessary to gain access to women's perceptions of their HIV positive status. In this study, the experiences and coping strategies of Basotho women living with HIV/AIDS were investigated. The study used a feminist approach to research. Feminist research stresses the multiplicity of knowledge and it is useful to understand the subjective experiences of women. Indepth, face-to-face interviews were conducted with five women ranging between 29 and 46 years, purposefully drawn from Positive Action Society Lesotho (PASL). Grounded theory was used to analyse the data. Findings indicate that women's risk for exposure to HIV is related to their ability to protect themselves by negotiating a safe sexual relationship. Women who feel powerless in their relationships are less likely to protect themselves against HIVexposure. These perceptions of powerlessness are the result of a broad array of experiences that may include exposure to gender-based violence and restricted economic opportunities. The results show that it is common for women to be shocked, depressed, and discouraged when they find that they are living with HIV/AIDS as can be expected. It is also difficult for women to disclose their HIV positive status to family, friends and community members because of stigma attached to HIV/AIDS. Participants developed different ways of coping with their status such as religion, healthy life style, AIDS counselling and social networks. There was a profound sense of anxiety about the future care of children. The study concludes with a number of recommendations to promote an environment that will make it possible for women living with HIV/AIDS to cope with their illness. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Studies het bevind dat daar ongeveer dertig miljoen mense in sub-Sahara Afrika is wat met MIVNIGS leef. Vyftig persent van geinfekteerde volwassenes is vroue tussen die ouderdom van 15-49 jaar. In Lesotho is MIVNIGS as 'n nasionale ramp verklaar en daar word beraam dat 330,000 volwassenes, 180,000 vroue en 27,000 kinders MIVNIGS het. Statistiek het ook getoon dat die meerderheid VIGS gevalle in Lesotho voorkom by volwassenes in die ouderdomsgroep 15-49 jaar. Vroue is tans die vinnigste groeiende groep. Ten spyte van die groeiende getalle vroue wat met MIVNIGS geinfekteer is, het die ervaringe van vroue in Lesotho wat met MIVNIGS saamleef tot dusver relatief min aandag geniet. Kwalitatiewe navorsing in hierdie verband is nodig om toegang tot vroue se persepsies te verkry rakende hul eie MIV positiewe status. In hierdie studie is die ervaringe en hanteringsmeganismes van Basoetoe vroue wat MIVNIGS het, ondersoek. Die studie het 'n feministiese benadering gebruik, wat die multiplisiteit van kennis en die subjektiewe ervaringe van vroue beklemtoon. In-diepte aangesig-tot-aangesig onderhoude is met vroue tussen 29-46 jaar gevoer. Gegronde teorie is gebruik om die data te analiseer. Bevindinge dui aan dat vroue se risiko vir blootstelling aan MIV verband hou met hul vermoë om hulself te beskerm deur te onderhandel vir 'n veilige seksuele verhouding met 'n maat. Vroue wat magteloos in hul verhoudings voel, is waarskynlik minder suksesvol om hulself teen MIV blootstelling te beskerm. Hierdie persepsies van magteloosheid is die resultaat van 'n breë spektrum ervaringe wat sekondêre status, blootstelling aan geweld, en beperkte ekonomiese geleenthede insluit. Soos wat verwag word, toon die bevindinge dat dit algemeen vir vroue is om geskok, deppressief en ontmoedig te wees wanneer hulle uitvind dat hul MIVNIGS het. Dit is ook moeilik vir vroue om hul MIV status aan familie, vriende en gemeenskapslede bekend te maak weens die stigma wat aan MIVNIGS kleef. Respondente het verskeie wyses ontwikkelom hul status te hanteer, soos godsdiens, 'n gesonde leefstyl, VIGS raadgewing en sosiale netwerke. Daar was ook 'n intense bekommernis by vroue oor die toekomstige sorg vir hul kinders. Die studie sluit af met 'n aantal aanbevelings om 'n omgewing te promoveer wat dit vir vroue wat met MIVNIGS leef moontlik sal maak om hul siekte te hanteer.

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