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Real Rights in Aircraft and Vessels.Nowak, Tadesz Ceiplak. January 1955 (has links)
The purpose attempted in this paper is to stress some analogies and differences in the approach to the problem of real rights in vessels and aircraft at both the national and international levels. This problem is perhaps the most complex one ever embodied in the form of an international convention. This is due to the fact that individual legal systems regard real rights in movables as one of the most exclusive domains of their legislative and jurisdictional power.
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The single forum method and the unification of international private air law: Article 20 of the Rome Convention, 1952.Toepper, Anton. January 1955 (has links)
The liability for damage caused by aircraft to third parties on the ground is regulated very differently by the various national laws. Some laws are based solely on the principle of fault liability, whereas, others on that of absolute liability. In some states the operator's liability is limited to a certain amount of damage, in others, the operator may be held liable for unlimited damage. There are also considerable differences in the national laws regarding the securities required in respect of the operator's liability.
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Les premiers resultats de la cooperation aeronautique européene.Gamacchio, Giampiero. January 1957 (has links)
L’existence de problèmes et d’idéaux communs pousse les États européens vers des formes de coopération qui toute fois, dans la phase politique actuelle, n'influencent pas substantiellement leur autonomie souveraine. Une telle situation se réflète dans le domaine de l’aviation civile où les droits essentiels à l’exploitation du transport aérien sont échangés sur une base bilatérale ou octroyés par des autorisations d’exploitation. Ceci permet aux États de proportionner l’octroi des droits de trafic à la sauvegarde des intérêts légitimes de leurs compagnies nationales.
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The legal status of military air transport.Rippon, Clive. L. January 1957 (has links)
In 1782, the Montgolfier Brothers, professionally engaged in the manufacture of paper bags , produced the first machine to accomplish flight per se. Their first practice was to fill paper bags with hot air, which ascended by the thermodynamic force produced. Following their original discovery, they made larger and larger bags until they eventually evolved a great balloon which was capable of carrying a man into the air. Development was so rapid that within ten years from the first successful man-carrying ascent, balloons were successfully employed in warfare by the French, against the Austrians in 1794 at Maubeuge, in the battle of Fleures.
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Crimes Aboard Aircraft.Ritchie, Marguerite E. January 1958 (has links)
This is an examination of various aspects of the problem of crimes aboard aircraft, which is receiving attention from individual jurists and from international organizations today.
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Agricultural aviation and its regulations.Dillon, Joseph. G. January 1959 (has links)
For the purpose of this address I would like to divide aviation into three broad divisions. First, Service aviation, and I do not think I need define it any more closely than that; secondly, scheduled airline operation which can include some of the long distance passenger charter work, and in the third division, the rest, which is in fact largely made up of aviation in the outback of the great countries of the world. I do not propose to make any further reference to Service aviation, or civil airline operation, or to the development of aircraft for their use because a great many people, far more qualified than I am, have covered those subjects in very great detail.
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L’état et les compagnies de navigation aérienne: les interventions économiques gouvernementales pour l’organisation de la profession de transporteur aérien.Du Crest, Maxime. M. January 1959 (has links)
L’avion permet à l’homme de réaliser l'un de ses plus chers désiras celui de voler. Par ailleurs l'aviation transforme la vie de l’homme par son influence sur les civilisations désormais mises brutalement en contact les unes avec les autres, pas son influence économique et par son rôle militaire.
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The status of the aircraft commander in Italian and international law.Guerreri, Giuseppe. January 1961 (has links)
The subject of the legal status of the aircraft commander is to a large extent regulated by all national legal systems. A number reasons have led authorities in each country to legislate on aviation on military grounds as well as for safety reasons. All this, in turn, has given rise to a bewildering variety of rules on the subject. The aircraft commander is essentially destined to act beyond national boundaries and thus under different jurisdictions. Needless to say, this situation causes great concern since the powers and duties of the commander are bound to change according to the provisions of each national legal system.
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Legal aspects of aircraft finance.Johnston, David. I. January 1961 (has links)
Airlines in Canada and the United States of America desiring to purchase commercial aircraft are confronted today with serious legal and financial problems. In general, the financial problems in both countries are related to the fact that the cost of new equipment is very high in proportion to airline earnings. The earnings of the United States trunklines for the year 1960 are estimated to be about $4 million, at the lowest point since 1949. In the face of competition and technological advances, airlines have been forced to re-equip their fleets with jets and turbo-prop aircraft.
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L’hélicoptère ses différentes utilisations ses problèmes juridiques.Son, Dinh. January 1961 (has links)
Depuis toujours, l'homme a envié la facilité avec laquelle l'oiseau se meut dans les airs, et inlassablement il fait des recherches et des expériences qui lui permettraient d'en faire autant. A l'heure actuelle, de véritables cargos volants, pesant plus de 100 tonnes, se déplacent dans l'air à des vitesses 2 ou 3 fois supérieures a' celle du son. Mais l'avion à ailes fixes n'est pas la solution suprême que recherche l'homme, parce qu'il ne pourra jamais se libérer de certaines servitudes qui lui sont inhérentes: il est et restera esclave de la vitesse et de l'infrastructure.
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