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Fatigue Fracture and Mechanical Properties of Single-Edged Cracks in Ti/APC-2 Hybrid Nano-Composite LaminatesLin, Bo-Cyuan 28 June 2012 (has links)
The aims of this thesis are to fabricate the single-edged Ti/APC-2 hybrid composite laminates with and without(w/wo) nanoparticles and to investigate their mechanical properties due to tensile and cyclic tests. The composite laminates were three-layered laminates with one 0.55 mm thick APC-2 lay-ups covered by two 0.5 mm thick Grand 1 titanium alloy sheets. Nanoparitcles SiO2 were dispersed uniformly on the interfaces of APC-2 with optimal amount of 1wt%. The APC-2 was stacked according to cross-ply [0/90]s sequences. The titanium sheet surface was treated by chromic acid anodic method to achieve perfectly bonding with matrix PEEK. The modified diaphragm curing process was adopted to cure Ti/APC-2 hybrid composite laminates. The cutting of single-edged cracks with Electrical Discharge Machine, such as 1.5 mm and 3.0mm and 4.5 mm and 6.0 mm. The MTS 810 material testing machine was used to conduct all the tests.
The mechanical properties, such as ultimate tensile strength, longitudinal stiffness of composite laminates w/wo nanocomposite laminate were obtained from the static tensile tests. The stress-strain diagrams were plotted in laminates for the corresponding single-edged crack. The constant stress amplitude tension-tension cyclic tests were carried out by using load-control mode at a sinusoidal loading wave with frequency of 5Hz and stress ratio R=0.1. The received fatigue data were plotted in S-N curves for different single-edged crack.
From the results, the conclusion were summarized. First, both ultimate strengths of Ti/APC-2 composite laminates and nanocomposite laminates are very close. Second, Ti/APC-2 cross-ply nanocomposite laminates have better fatigue resistance than that of Ti/APC-2 cross-ply composite laminates.
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Manufacturing and Mechanical Properties of Centrally NotchedAL/APC-2 Nanocomposite LaminatesLiu, Chun-Kan 26 July 2010 (has links)
The purpose of thesis aims to investigate the mechanical behavior and properties of a centrally notched hybrid Al alloy/Carbon-Fiber/PEEK(APC-2) laminate at elevated temperature. The high performance hybrid composite laminates of 0.5mm Aluminum alloy sheets sandwiched by APC-2 cross-ply and guasi-isotropic laminates were fabricated. The prepregs of APC-2 were stacked into cross-ply [0/90]s and quasi-isotropic [0/45/90/-45] laminates spread uniformly with nanoparticles SiO2. The sheet surface was treated by chromic acid anodic method to achieve perfectly bonding with matrix PEEK. The modified diaphragm curing process was adopted to fabricate Al/APC-2 hybrid nanocomposite laminates. The panels were cut into the specimens and then drilled an diameter hole in the center with diameters of 1,2,4,6 mm. The MTS 810 material testing machine was used to conduct the tension and fatigue tests. In addition, the MTS 651 environmental chamber was installed to control and keep the specific testing temperatures, such as ,25¢XC(RT), 75¢XC, 100¢XC, 125¢XC and 150¢XC.
At first, the nominal stress(£mnom) and stress-strain diagram were obtained due to static tension tests at elevated temperature. The constant stress amplitude tension-tension cyclic tests were carried out by using load-control mode at a sinusoidal loading with frequency of 5Hz and stress ratio R=0.1. The received fatigue data were plotted in normalized S-N curves at variously elevated temperature.
For the tensile tests, at the same temperature the nominal stress of cross-ply specimens was higher than that of quasi-isotropic specimens. Comparing with the notched and unnotched of cross-ply specimens, the nominal stress of notched specimens was about 60% to 80% that of unnotched specimens. Besides, as for the notched and unnotched quasi-isotropic specimens, the nominal stress of notched specimens was about 75% to 85% that of unnotched specimens. Then, the fatigue life and stress-cycles (S-N) curves of notched specimens were obtained often tension-tension fatigue tests. In the case of the same loading, notched specimens possess worse fatigue behavior, but in the same normalized stress ratio, the S-N curves of the unnotched were below the notched ones. The fatigue resistance of notched samples decrease as the temperature rising.
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Manufacturing and Mechanical Properties of Ti/APC-2 Nanocomposite LaminatesChang, Che-kai 23 August 2010 (has links)
The aims of this thesis are fabrication of Ti/APC-2 hybrid nanocomposite laminates and investigation of their mechanical properties at elevated temperature. The prepregs of APC-2 were stacked into cross-ply [0/90]s and quasi-isotropic [0/45/90/-45] laminates spread uniformly with nanoparticles SiO2. The sheet surface was treated by chromic acid anodic method to achieve perfectly bonding with matrix PEEK. The prepregs were sandwiched with the Ti alloy sheets. The modified diaphragm curing process was adopted to produce Ti/APC-2 hybrid nanocomposite laminates. The nanocomposite laminates were a five-layer composite with two 0.55 mm thick APC-2 layers sandwiched by three 0.5 mm thick Gr.1 titanium alloy sheets. The MTS 810 material testing machine was used to conduct the tension and fatigue tests. In addition, the MTS 651 environmental chamber was installed to control and keep the experimental temperature, such as 25¢XC, 75¢XC, 100¢XC, 125¢XC and 150¢XC.
The mechanical proper¬ties, such as ultimate tensile strength, longitudinal stiffness of cross-ply and quasi-isotropic nanocomposite laminates, were obtained from the static tensile test. The stress-strain diagrams were plotted in the corresponding temperature. The constant stress amplitude tension-tension cyclic tests were carried out by using load-control mode at a sinusoidal loading with frequency of 5Hz and stress ratio R=0.1. The received fatigue data were plotted in normalized S-N curves at variously elevated temperature.
From the summarized results, some conclusions were made. First, the ultimate strength of Ti/APC-2 nanocomposits was better than Ti/APC-2 composites at room temperature; Second, Both two type nanocomposite laminates¡¦ ultimate strength and S-N curves go downwards as temperature rising, especially at 150¢XC; Third, The fatigue tensile strength of both hybrid composite laminates was the lowest at 150¢XC. Fourth, Ti/APC-2 quasi-isotropic nanocomposite laminates had better fatigue resistance than Ti/APC-2 cross-ply nanocomposite laminates. Finally,The longitudinal stiffness was in good agreement with prediction by using the modified ROM because of the changed curve fitting ranges.
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Manufacturing and Mechanical Properties of AL/APC-2 Nanocomposite LaminatesLai, Ying-da 08 July 2008 (has links)
The thesis is to fabricate Al/APC-2 hybrid nanocomposite laminates and investigate their mechanical properties at elevated temperature. The prepregs of Carbon /PEEK were stacked into cross-ply [0/90]s and quasi-isotropic [0/45/90/-45] laminates spread uniformly with nanoparticles SiO2. The sheet surface was treated by chromic acid anodic method to achieve perfectly bonding with matrix PEEK. The prepregs were sandwiched with the Al alloy sheets. The modified diaphragm curing process was adopted to produce Al/APC-2 hybrid nanocomposite laminates. The hybrid nanocomposite laminates were a five-layer composite with two 0.55 mm thick Carbon/PEEK layers sandwiched by three 0.5 mm thick 2024-T3 Aluminum alloy sheets. The MTS 810 material testing machine was used to conduct the tension and fatigue tests. In addition, the MTS 651 environmental chamber was installed to control and keep the specific testing temperature, which was room temperature, 75¢XC, 100¢XC, 125¢XC and 150¢XC.
The mechanical proper¬ties, such as ultimate tensile strength and longitudinal stiffness of hybrid cross-ply and quasi-isotropic nanocomposite laminates, were obtained from the static tensile test, and the stress-strain diagrams were plotted in the corresponding temperature. The constant stress amplitude tension-tension cyclic tests were carried out by using load-control mode at a sinusoidal loading with frequency of 5Hz and stress ratio R=0.1. The received fatigue data were plotted in normalized S-N curves at variously elevated temperature. In order to observe the failure mechanism of samples, the scanning electron microscope was used.
From the summarized results, some conclusions were made. First, the slope changed at strain=0.1% in the stress-strain diagram, and led to a noticeable error between the experimental data and ones calculated according to Rule of Mixtures. Second, the Al/APC-2 cross-ply nanocomposite laminates were less resistant to fatigue than quasi-isotropic. Third, the ultimate tensile strength of both hybrid composite laminates was the lowest at 150¢XC. Fourth, the Al/APC-2 quasi-isotropic nanocomposite laminates were more resistant to the temperature effect. Finally, The mechanical proper¬ties were better for the surface treated by chromic acid anodic method than chemical etching.
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Manufacturing and Mechanical Properties of Centrally Notched AZ31/APC-2 Composite LaminatesChiu, Yen-yen 19 July 2007 (has links)
The thesis aims to investigate the mechanical behavior and properties of a centrally notched hybrid Magnesium/Carbon-Fiber/PEEK laminate at elevated temperature. The high performance hybrid composite laminates of 0.5mm Magnesium sheets sandwiched by Carbon-Fiber/PEEK (APC-2) guasi-isotropic and cross-ply laminates were fabricated. The Magnesium sheets were polished and cleaned by acetone, then underwent the surface treatment by CrO3-base solvent etchants, cured by the improved diaphragm curing process. The finished laminates were cut into the specimen than drilled a 4mm diameter hole in the center of specimen.
At first, the ultimate strength, stiffness and stress-strain diagram were obtained due to static tension tests at elevated temperature, such as 25¢XC(RT), 75¢XC, 100¢XC, 125¢XC, and 150¢XC. Compare of them, the notched quasi-isotropic ones drop almost 50% in strength, and the notched cross-ply ones are half of unnotched ones. The two lay-up notched specimens are slightly below the unnotched ones in stiffness. The strength of the specimens are decrease as temperature rise. As the temperature rise the stiffness of quasi-isotropic ones drop, but it just change little in cross-ply ones.
Then the notched specimen fatigue life and load-cycle (P-N) curves were obtained by tension-tension fatigue test. The P-N curves were adopt to prevent the stress concretion of the notched specimen. Consider the same loading, notched specimens has worse fatigue behavior, but in the same load ratio, the normalized P-N curves of the unnotched ones were below the notched ones means notched ones has better fatigue behavior.
Recording the specimen image by video camera during the testing process, the cracks at the edge of hole were found. However delamination was not found. Necking was observed in quasi-isotropic specimens, but not in cross-ply. Observed by optical microscopy, the improved surface treatment will decrease the probability of delamination from 20% to less than 10% after hot press.
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Fatigue Behavior of AS-4/PEEK APC-2 Composite Laminates at Elevated TemperaturesChen, Wei-Ren 08 July 2002 (has links)
This thesis is aimed to investigate the fatigue life, strength, damage and fracture process in AS-4/PEEK APC-2 composite laminates subjected to both elevated temperature and loading sequences.
Our main work is experiment. All specimens are 16-ply thick with lay-up of quasi-isotropic laminates. We accomplish static tensile test, fatigue test of constant stress amplitude, and two-step loading at elevated temperatures, i. e., 75¢Jand 125¢J. The residual strength and stiffiness are obtained. We also use Miner¡¦s rule to analyze the data acquired from experiment and to discuss the fatigue properties and fracture mechanism subjected to both elevated temperatures and loading sequences of combination. Finally, we perform ultrasonic C-Scan non-destructive test to examine laminates. In comparsion with experimental data, we can further understand the damage process and fracture mechanism in laminates.
The experimental results can be concluded as follows. The damage
of specimens at 125¢J is more serious than that at 75¢J.Furthermore, if
the loading sequence is low-high, the cumulative damage value will be
smaller than 1,whilst it will be larger than 1 due to reverse loading
sequence. The sequence of decreasing residual strength and residual
stiffiness of specimen associated with the temperature and stress level in
combination is high temperature¡Ðlow stress, low temperature¡Ðlow
stress, high temperature¡Ðhigh stress and low temperature¡Ðhigh stress.
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Manufacturing and Mechanical Properties of Ti/APC-2 Composite LaminatesLiu, Chin-wu 22 July 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to manufacture Ti/APC-2 hybrid composite laminates and obtain its mechanical properties and fatigue characteristics at elevated temperatures. Ti/APC-2 laminates were composed of two layers of APC-2 and three layers of titanium sheets. For superior bonding ability between titanium and APC-2, chromic anodic method was adopted to treat titanium sheets in manufacturing process and APC-2 was stacked according to cross-ply [0/90]s and quasi-isotropic [0/45/90/-45] sequences. Then, the modified curing process was adopted to fabricate Ti/APC-2 hybrid composite laminates. Tension and fatigue tests carried out with MTS 810 and MTS 651 environmental control chamber to lift and maintain experimental temperatures, such as 25¢XC, 75¢XC, 100¢XC, 125¢XC and 150¢XC.
From static tensile tests, the mechanical properties of cross-ply and quasi-isotropic composite laminates, such as ultimate strength, longitudinal stiffness were gained and the stress-strain diagrams of laminates were also plotted from testing data at elevated temperature. From fatigue tests we obtained laminate¡¦s fatigue resistance properties and the experimental data of applied stress vs. cycles were plotted as S-N diagrams at elevated temperature.
From the tensile and fatigue tests, the important remarks were summarized as follows. First, no matter what the APC-2 stacking sequence was, the ultimate strength and longitudinal stiffness decreased while temperature rising, especially at 150¢XC; second, a turning point appeared at each stress-strain diagram that kink angle caused the decrease of stiffness while temperature rising; third, combining fatigue data and stress-strain diagrams we analogized a presumption that the region before turning point was in elastic behavior and after turning point in plastic deformation; fourth, quasi-isotropic laminates had better fatigue resistance than that of cross-ply laminates; sixth, the longitudinal stiffness before turning point was in good agreement with the prediction by using the modified ROM, however, after turning point the errors became large.
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Fatigue Response of Centrally Notched APC-2 Composite Laminates at Elevated TemperatureTseng, Yu-Chung 29 June 2006 (has links)
This thesis was concerned on the investigation of mechanical properties of centrally notched and unnotched AS-4/PEEK (APC-2) composite laminates due to static tensile and tension-tension (T-T) fatigue tests empirically and systematically. Then, statistical analyses were used to determine and quantify the significant thermomechanical variables that influence the durability/life of the composite laminates.
Typical laminates were made from sixteen prepregs of APC-2 and manufactured by a modified curing process. After drilling one hole with various diameters in the center of the samples respectively, the lay-ups were conducted on tension fracture and T-T fatigue test at different temperatures. From the parametric study we achieved the important results as follows. The cross-ply laminate possesses the higher ultimate strength, fatigue strength and longitudinal stiffness than those of the quasi-isotropic at the same temperature. Notch effect decays the laminate strength seriously, but changes the stiffness irregularly. As test temperature rising both strength and stiffness of lay-ups degrade significantly. Combining both effects of notch and temperature under severe environmental condition, it is found the cross-ply laminate possesses more resistance than that of the quasi-isotropic to cyclic loading. However, the quasi-isotropic laminate is more capable of sustaining the original strength than that of the cross-ply.
Finally, the multiple regression analysis results showed that the hygrothermal environmental effects and cyclic loading were decoupled for APC-2 composite system. A semi-empirical model, reliably set up after the said programs, predicts conservative values, and should be adequate for use in preliminary designs. That is the main contribution in this study. Also, for the purposes of design and application, the predicted models efficiently treat experimental data instead of conventional curve-fitting methods.
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