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Gustav Leutelt, básník Jizerských hor / Gustav Leutelt, a poet of the Jizera MountainsŠtefková, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
Keywords: regional literature, legends, autobiographical prose literature, fiction, short stories, novellas, literary creation, aesthetics of nature Abstract: The subject of this thesis is a life and writing of the Gustav Leutelt, one of the lesser known German writing authors of Bohemia from the turn of the 20th century. Special attention is paid on describing the Jizera Mountains that play a pivotal role in his creation. The first chapter formulates the subject matter and establishes the goals of the thesis. The second chapter takes a brief look at the Leutelt's life and his writing. The third chapter covers introduction of specific works from three main areas of his art, which were fictional prose, legends and natural works. The final chapter summarizes the results and insights of the thesis.
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Проза Н. Заболоцкого: жанровый аспект : магистерская диссертация / N. Zabolotsky's prose: genre aspectАксенова, А. Е., Aksenova, A. E. January 2024 (has links)
Тема данной диссертации – «Проза Н. Заболоцкого: жанровый аспект», сама работа посвящена системному жанровому анализу прозы Н. Заболоцкого. Проза до этого была мало известна в связи со сравнительно недавней публикацией избранных произведений. В ходе работы осуществлена жанровая типология прозы поэта, а именно, выделены три жанра: литературно-критические статьи, эпистолярий и автобиографическая проза. Была определена специфика каждого жанра. Выявлены идейные и тематические переклички между разными жанровыми вариантами прозы. И в то же время выделена связь с поэзией поэта. Исследование представляет, как проза Н. Заболоцкого способствует раскрыть более точно понимание поэтического кредо и личности поэта. / The topic of this dissertation is "N. Zabolotsky's prose: a genre aspect", the work itself is devoted to the systematic genre analysis of N. Zabolotsky's prose. Prose was previously little known due to the relatively recent publication of selected works. In the course of the work, the genre typology of the poet's prose was carried out, namely, three genres were identified: literary critical articles, epistolary and autobiographical prose. The specifics of each genre were determined. Ideological and thematic similarities between different genre versions of prose are revealed. And at the same time, the connection with the poet's poetry is highlighted. The study presents how N. Zabolotsky's prose helps to reveal a more accurate understanding of the poet's poetic credo and personality.
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