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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Komunikační protokoly v pasivních optických sítích / Communication protocols in passive optical networks

Ševela, Martin January 2011 (has links)
This master´s thesis explores a comparison of the transmission parameters in time division networks and wavelength division networks. The paper is divided into the three sections. The first part deals with preparation of individual standards time division networks and specific wavelength division networks, along with passive components used passive optical networks. The second part briefly describes the possibility of transmission of television signals in optical networks and the last part is devoted to simulating networks GPON and WDM-PON and comparison simulated values.

Analysis of Bandwidth and Latency Constraints on a Packetized Cloud Radio Access Network Fronthaul

Chaudhary, Jay Kant 20 May 2020 (has links)
Cloud radio access network (C-RAN) is a promising architecture for the next-generation RAN to meet the diverse and stringent requirements envisioned by fifth generation mobile communication systems (5G) and future generation mobile networks. C-RAN offers several advantages, such as reduced capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operational expenditure (OPEX), increased spectral efficiency (SE), higher capacity and improved cell-edge performance, and efficient hardware utilization through resource sharing and network function virtualization (NFV). However, these centralization gains come with the need for a fronthaul, which is the transport link connecting remote radio units (RRUs) to the base band unit (BBU) pool. In conventional C-RAN, legacy common public radio interface (CPRI) protocol is used on the fronthaul network to transport the raw, unprocessed baseband in-phase/quadrature-phase (I/Q) samples between the BBU and the RRUs, and it demands a huge fronthaul bandwidth, a strict low-latency, in the order of a few hundred microseconds, and a very high reliability. Hence, in order to relax the excessive fronthaul bandwidth and stringent low-latency requirements, as well as to enhance the flexibility of the fronthaul, it is utmost important to redesign the fronthaul, while still profiting from the acclaimed centralization benefits. Therefore, a flexibly centralized C-RAN with different functional splits has been introduced. In addition, 5G mobile fronthaul (often also termed as an evolved fronthaul ) is envisioned to be packet-based, utilizing the Ethernet as a transport technology. In this thesis, to circumvent the fronthaul bandwidth constraint, a packetized fronthaul considering an appropriate functional split such that the fronthaul data rate is coupled with actual user data rate, unlike the classical C-RAN where fronthaul data rate is always static and independent of the traffic load, is justifiably chosen. We adapt queuing and spatial traffic models to derive the mathematical expressions for statistical multiplexing gains that can be obtained from the randomness in the user traffic. Through this, we show that the required fronthaul bandwidth can be reduced significantly, depending on the overall traffic demand, correlation distance and outage probability. Furthermore, an iterative optimization algorithm is developed, showing the impacts of number of pilots on a bandwidth-constrained fronthaul. This algorithm achieves additional reduction in the required fronthaul bandwidth. Next, knowing the multiplexing gains and possible fronthaul bandwidth reduction, it is beneficial for the mobile network operators (MNOs) to deploy the optical transceiver (TRX) modules in C-RAN cost efficiently. For this, using the same framework, a cost model for fronthaul TRX cost optimization is presented. This is essential in C-RAN, because in a wavelength division multiplexing-passive optical network (WDM-PON) system, TRXs are generally deployed to serve at a peak load. But, because of variations in the traffic demands, owing to tidal effect, the fronthaul can be dimensioned requiring a lower capacity allowing a reasonable outage, thus giving rise to cost saving by deploying fewer TRXs, and energy saving by putting the unused TRXs in sleep mode. The second focus of the thesis is the fronthaul latency analysis, which is a critical performance metric, especially for ultra-reliable and low latency communication (URLLC). An analytical framework to calculate the latency in the uplink (UL) of C-RAN massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system is presented. For this, a continuous-time queuing model for the Ethernet switch in the fronthaul network, which aggregates the UL traffic from several massive MIMO-aided RRUs, is considered. The closed-form solutions for the moment generating function (MGF) of sojourn time, waiting time and queue length distributions are derived using Pollaczek–Khinchine formula for our M/HE/1 queuing model, and evaluated via numerical solutions. In addition, the packet loss rate – due to the inability of the packets to reach the destination in a certain time – is derived. Due to the slotted nature of the UL transmissions, the model is extended to a discrete-time queuing model. The impact of the packet arrival rate, average packet size, SE of users, and fronthaul capacity on the sojourn time, waiting time and queue length distributions are analyzed. While offloading more signal processing functionalities to the RRU reduces the required fronthaul bandwidth considerably, this increases the complexity at the RRU. Hence, considering the 5G New Radio (NR) flexible numerology and XRAN functional split with a detailed radio frequency (RF) chain at the RRU, the total RRU complexity is computed first, and later, a tradeoff between the required fronthaul bandwidth and RRU complexity is analyzed. We conclude that despite the numerous C-RAN benefits, the stringent fronthaul bandwidth and latency constraints must be carefully evaluated, and an optimal functional split is essential to meet diverse set of requirements imposed by new radio access technologies (RATs). / Ein cloud-basiertes Mobilfunkzugangsnetz (cloud radio access network, C-RAN) stellt eine vielversprechende Architektur für das RAN der nächsten Generation dar, um die vielfältigen und strengen Anforderungen der fünften (5G) und zukünftigen Generationen von Mobilfunknetzen zu erfüllen. C-RAN bietet mehrere Vorteile, wie z.B. reduzierte Investitions- (CAPEX) und Betriebskosten (OPEX), erhöhte spektrale Effizienz (SE), höhere Kapazität und verbesserte Leistung am Zellrand sowie effiziente Hardwareauslastung durch Ressourcenteilung und Virtualisierung von Netzwerkfunktionen (network function virtualization, NFV). Diese Zentralisierungsvorteile erfordern jedoch eine Transportverbindung (Fronthaul), die die Antenneneinheiten (remote radio units, RRUs) mit dem Pool an Basisbandeinheiten (basisband unit, BBU) verbindet. Im konventionellen C-RAN wird das bestehende CPRI-Protokoll (common public radio interface) für das Fronthaul-Netzwerk verwendet, um die rohen, unverarbeitet n Abtastwerte der In-Phaseund Quadraturkomponente (I/Q) des Basisbands zwischen der BBU und den RRUs zu transportieren. Dies erfordert eine enorme Fronthaul-Bandbreite, eine strenge niedrige Latenz in der Größenordnung von einigen hundert Mikrosekunden und eine sehr hohe Zuverlässigkeit. Um die extrem große Fronthaul-Bandbreite und die strengen Anforderungen an die geringe Latenz zu lockern und die Flexibilität des Fronthauls zu erhöhen, ist es daher äußerst wichtig, das Fronthaul neu zu gestalten und dabei trotzdem von den erwarteten Vorteilen der Zentralisierung zu profitieren. Daher wurde ein flexibel zentralisiertes CRAN mit unterschiedlichen Funktionsaufteilungen eingeführt. Außerdem ist das mobile 5G-Fronthaul (oft auch als evolved Fronthaul bezeichnet) als paketbasiert konzipiert und nutzt Ethernet als Transporttechnologie. Um die Bandbreitenbeschränkung zu erfüllen, wird in dieser Arbeit ein paketbasiertes Fronthaul unter Berücksichtigung einer geeigneten funktionalen Aufteilung so gewählt, dass die Fronthaul-Datenrate mit der tatsächlichen Nutzdatenrate gekoppelt wird, im Gegensatz zum klassischen C-RAN, bei dem die Fronthaul-Datenrate immer statisch und unabhängig von der Verkehrsbelastung ist. Wir passen Warteschlangen- und räumliche Verkehrsmodelle an, um mathematische Ausdrücke für statistische Multiplexing- Gewinne herzuleiten, die aus der Zufälligkeit im Benutzerverkehr gewonnen werden können. Hierdurch zeigen wir, dass die erforderliche Fronthaul-Bandbreite abhängig von der Gesamtverkehrsnachfrage, der Korrelationsdistanz und der Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeit deutlich reduziert werden kann. Darüber hinaus wird ein iterativer Optimierungsalgorithmus entwickelt, der die Auswirkungen der Anzahl der Piloten auf das bandbreitenbeschränkte Fronthaul zeigt. Dieser Algorithmus erreicht eine zusätzliche Reduktion der benötigte Fronthaul-Bandbreite. Mit dem Wissen über die Multiplexing-Gewinne und die mögliche Reduktion der Fronthaul-Bandbreite ist es für die Mobilfunkbetreiber (mobile network operators, MNOs) von Vorteil, die Module des optischen Sendeempfängers (transceiver, TRX) kostengünstig im C-RAN einzusetzen. Dazu wird unter Verwendung des gleichen Rahmenwerks ein Kostenmodell zur Fronthaul-TRX-Kostenoptimierung vorgestellt. Dies ist im C-RAN unerlässlich, da in einem WDM-PON-System (wavelength division multiplexing-passive optical network) die TRX im Allgemeinen bei Spitzenlast eingesetzt werden. Aufgrund der Schwankungen in den Verkehrsanforderungen (Gezeiteneffekt) kann das Fronthaul jedoch mit einer geringeren Kapazität dimensioniert werden, die einen vertretbaren Ausfall in Kauf nimmt, was zu Kosteneinsparungen durch den Einsatz von weniger TRXn und Energieeinsparungen durch den Einsatz der ungenutzten TRX im Schlafmodus führt. Der zweite Schwerpunkt der Arbeit ist die Fronthaul-Latenzanalyse, die eine kritische Leistungskennzahl liefert, insbesondere für die hochzuverlässige und niedriglatente Kommunikation (ultra-reliable low latency communications, URLLC). Ein analytisches Modell zur Berechnung der Latenz im Uplink (UL) des C-RAN mit massivem MIMO (multiple input multiple output) wird vorgestellt. Dazu wird ein Warteschlangen-Modell mit kontinuierlicher Zeit für den Ethernet-Switch im Fronthaul-Netzwerk betrachtet, das den UL-Verkehr von mehreren RRUs mit massivem MIMO aggregiert. Die geschlossenen Lösungen für die momenterzeugende Funktion (moment generating function, MGF) von Verweildauer-, Wartezeit- und Warteschlangenlängenverteilungen werden mit Hilfe der Pollaczek-Khinchin-Formel für unser M/HE/1-Warteschlangenmodell hergeleitet und mittels numerischer Verfahren ausgewertet. Darüber hinaus wird die Paketverlustrate derjenigen Pakete, die das Ziel nicht in einer bestimmten Zeit erreichen, hergeleitet. Aufgrund der Organisation der UL-Übertragungen in Zeitschlitzen wird das Modell zu einem Warteschlangenmodell mit diskreter Zeit erweitert. Der Einfluss der Paketankunftsrate, der durchschnittlichen Paketgröße, der SE der Benutzer und der Fronthaul-Kapazität auf die Verweildauer-, dieWartezeit- und dieWarteschlangenlängenverteilung wird analysiert. Während das Verlagern weiterer Signalverarbeitungsfunktionalitäten an die RRU die erforderliche Fronthaul-Bandbreite erheblich reduziert, erhöht sich dadurch im Gegenzug die Komplexität der RRU. Daher wird unter Berücksichtigung der flexiblen Numerologie von 5G New Radio (NR) und der XRAN-Funktionenaufteilung mit einer detaillierten RF-Kette (radio frequency) am RRU zunächst die gesamte RRU-Komplexität berechnet und später ein Kompromiss zwischen der erforderlichen Fronthaul-Bandbreite und der RRU-Komplexität untersucht. Wir kommen zu dem Schluss, dass trotz der zahlreichen Vorteile von C-RAN die strengen Bandbreiten- und Latenzbedingungen an das Fronthaul sorgfältig geprüft werden müssen und eine optimale funktionale Aufteilung unerlässlich ist, um die vielfältigen Anforderungen der neuen Funkzugangstechnologien (radio access technologies, RATs) zu erfüllen.

Exploiting Cyclostationarity for Radio Environmental Awareness in Cognitive Radios

Kim, Kyou Woong 09 July 2008 (has links)
The tremendous ongoing growth of wireless digital communications has raised spectrum shortage and security issues. In particular, the need for new spectrum is the main obstacle in continuing this growth. Recent studies on radio spectrum usage have shown that pre-allocation of spectrum bands to specific wireless communication applications leads to poor utilization of those allocated bands. Therefore, research into new techniques for efficient spectrum utilization is being aggressively pursued by academia, industry, and government. Such research efforts have given birth to two concepts: Cognitive Radio (CR) and Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) network. CR is believed to be the key enabling technology for DSA network implementation. CR based DSA (cDSA) networks utilizes white spectrum for its operational frequency bands. White spectrum is the set of frequency bands which are unoccupied temporarily by the users having first rights to the spectrum (called primary users). The main goal of cDSA networks is to access of white spectrum. For proper access, CR nodes must identify the right cDSA network and the absence of primary users before initiating radio transmission. To solve the cDSA network access problem, methods are proposed to design unique second-order cyclic features using Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) pilots. By generating distinct OFDM pilot patterns and measuring spectral correlation characteristics of the cyclostationary OFDM signal, CR nodes can detect and uniquely identify cDSA networks. For this purpose, the second-order cyclic features of OFDM pilots are investigated analytically and through computer simulation. Based on analysis results, a general formula for estimating the dominant cycle frequencies is developed. This general formula is used extensively in cDSA network identification and OFDM signal detection, as well as pilot pattern estimation. CR spectrum awareness capability can be enhanced when it can classify the modulation type of incoming signals at low and varying signal-to-noise ratio. Signal classification allows CR to select a suitable demodulation process at the receiver and to establish a communication link. For this purpose, a threshold-based technique is proposed which utilizes cycle-frequency domain profile for signal detection and feature extraction. Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are proposed for the signal classifier. The spectrum awareness capability of CR can be undermined by spoofing radio nodes. Automatic identification of malicious or malfunctioning radio signal transmitters is a major concern for CR information assurance. To minimize the threat from spoofing radio devices, radio signal fingerprinting using second-order cyclic features is proposed as an approach for Specific Emitter Identification (SEI). The feasibility of this approach is demonstrated through the identification of IEEE 802.11a/g OFDM signals from different Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) card manufactures using HMMs. / Ph. D.

A self-optimised cloud radio access network for emerging 5G architectures

Khan, Muhammad January 2018 (has links)
Network densification has become a dominant theme for capacity enhancement in cellular networks. However, it increases the operational complexity and expenditure for mobile network operators. Consequently, the essential features of Self-Organising Networks (SON) are considered to ensure the economic viability of the emerging cellular networks. This thesis focuses on quantifying the benefits of self-organisation in Cloud Radio Access Network (C-RAN) by proposing a flexible, energy efficient, and capacity optimised system. The Base Band Unit (BBU) and Remote Radio Head (RRH) map is formulated as an optimisation problem. A self-optimised C-RAN (SOCRAN) is proposed which hosts Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Discrete-Particle-Swarm-Optimisation algorithm (DPSO), developed for optimisation. Computational results based on different network scenarios demonstrate that DPSO delivers excellent performances for the key performance indicators compared to GA. The percentage of blocked users is reduced from 10.523% to 0.409% in a medium sized network scenario and 5.394% to 0.56% in a vast network scenario. Furthermore, an efficient resource utilisation scheme is proposed based on the concept of Cell Differentiation and Integration (CDI). The two-stage CDI scheme semi-statically scales the number of BBUs and RRHs to serve an offered load and dynamically defines the optimum BBU-RRH mapping to avoid unbalanced network scenarios. Computational results demonstrate significant throughput improvement in a CDI-enabled C-RAN compared to a fixed C-RAN, i.e., an average throughput increase of 45.53% and an average blocked users decrease of 23.149% is experienced. A power model is proposed to estimate the overall power consumption of C-RAN. Approximately 16% power reduction is calculated in a CDI-enabled C-RAN when compared to a fixed C-RAN, both serving the same geographical area. Moreover, a Divide-and-Sort load balancing scheme is proposed and compared to the SOCRAN scheme. Results show excellent performances by the Divide-and-Sort algorithm in small networks when compared to SOCRAN and K-mean clustering algorithm.

Design and analysis of green mobile communication networks

Aldosari, Mansour January 2016 (has links)
Increasing energy consumption is a result of the rapid growth in cellular communication technologies and a massive increase in the number of mobile terminals (MTs) and communication sites. In cellular communication networks, energy efficiency (EE) and spectral efficiency (SE) are two of the most important criteria employed to evaluate the performance of networks. A compromise between these two conflicting criteria is therefore required, in order to achieve the best cellular network performance. Fractional frequency reuse (FFR), classed as either strict FFR or soft frequency reuse (SFR), is an intercell interference coordination (ICIC) technique applied to manage interference when more spectrum is used, and to enhance the EE. A conventional cellular model's downlink is designed as a reference in the presence of inter-cell interference (ICI) and a general fading environment. Energy-efficient cellular models,such as cell zooming, cooperative BSs and relaying models are designed, analysed and compared with the reference model, in order to reduce network energy consumption without degrading the SE. New mathematical models are derived herein to design a distributed antenna system (DAS), in order to enhance the system's EE and SE. DAS is designed in the presence of ICI and composite fading and shadowing with FFR. A coordinate multi-point (CoMP) technique is applied, using maximum ratio transmission (MRT) to serve the mobile terminal (MT), with all distributed antenna elements (DAEs), transmit antenna selection (TAS) being applied to select the best DAE and general selection combining (GSC) being applied to select more than one DAE. Furthermore, a Cloud radio access network (C-RAN) is designed and analysed with two different schemes, using the high-power node (HPN) and a remote radio head (RRH), in order to improve the EE and SE of the system. Finally, a trade-off between the two conflicting criteria, EE and SE, is handled carefully in this thesis, in order to ensure a green cellular communication network.

Optimalizace přístupové sítě UMTS / Optimization of UMTS access network

Havlíček, Karel January 2008 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with a UMTS radio access network optimization, containing radio interface analysis, services and procedures description, ways to correct parameters calculations and settings and other issues necessary for a correct access network operation. The goal is effective network operation, minimum costs and maximum performance and flexibility of the network. The optimization during system operation is important because of the system character. The UMTS system uses the WCDMA technology, where particular users share the same frequency band and they are distinguished from one another via code sequences. The capacity of such a system is then given by the interference level - each particular user increases the interference level by the value corresponding to his transmit power. The maximum cell capacity is determined by the maximum interference level at which users can still operate with required services, so it is related not only to the number of users, but also to their bit rate. The optimization allows effective usage of the system for different services with different requirements. The main optimization tool is the radio resource management, containing number of algorithms, such as admission control, which decides the acceptance or rejection of a new user demanding certain service, power control, which ensure that users transmit with a minimal power sufficient for required service, handover and cell selection algorithms etc. The major parameter used by these algorithms is a cell load factor, which is related to the interference level margin. There are several methods for the load factor estimation and some of them are described in this work. Some other optimization techniques are mentioned here, too. This work also contains a laboratory exercise proposal for radio resource management introduction using the OPNET Modeler network simulation tool.

Návrh sítě FTTB / FTTB Network Design

Reichert, Pavel January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this master’s thesis is to explain the issues of the FTTx network design. The main idea of this work is to describe to readers the methods of the designing the optical access networks. Especially we will speak about the building technologies and different topologies used in a practice. The different technologies of optical access networks’ building and various parameters, which are necessary to take into account in the designing of these networks, will be introduced. In the theoretical part, methods of measurement, which are like the needed part of each optical access networks’ building, will be described. Two purposes of the FTTB networks with all proprieties will be made and offered. One purpose will be solved by Point to Point topology and the second purpose will be solved by Point to Multipoint topology. Following the confrontation one of these purposes will be chosen and realized. By ITU recommendation, measurements will be performed on the built optical trace. The final protocols will be elaborated from these measurements. The built trace with all final reports will be prepared for assignment to the subscriber.

Technologie datových přenosů v optických přístupových sítích FTTx / The data transfer technologies in optical access networks (FTTx)

Matušík, Lukáš January 2009 (has links)
The objective of diploma thesis is describe problems connected with designed of FTTX networks and bring the reader problems of data transmission in optical acces networks the type of PON. In the introduction are mentinoned individual technologies that already operate, and there are describe advantages disadvantages of the use topology point-to-point and point-to-multipoint. In the following chapters are dealt with problems with data broadcasting in the direction from final participant. In the other part of diploma thesis are described elements, that were used for the proposed transmission route. The own PON acces network was presented on the basis information obtained by comparing the various networks and the elements involved in them. The network presented in conclusion diploma thesis is involved in topology point to multipoint. This transmission route is simulated in the program that allows the involvement of network by the user’s need with real values. The acces network is simulated for different transmission speed and different distances. The assesment of created optical route results from the measured values, theirs source is program OptiSystem, these values are summarized in the final chapter.

DWDM v přístupových sítích / DWDM in access networks

Šifta, Radim January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this master´s thesis is an explanation of the problem of optical access networks with wavelength division multiplex, main purpose is to demonstrate the difference between simulation and real measurement. The thesis is divided into several basic thematic areas. At the beginning of thesis is outlined the basic division of multiplexing system, there are discussed the basic solutions of wavelength multiplexes and their possible combinations. The next chapter deals with the active elements, which are an essential part of xWDM systems such as optical lasers, detectors and amplifiers. The following chapter is focused on the passive elements, especially on the passive filters, which form a key part of the wavelength multiplex. Methods of measurement C/DWDM networks are discussed in the next part of thesis. The next chapter describes the topology used by active and passive optical networks. Penultimate part of this thesis consists of designs simulated models PON and WDM-PON networks and comparing their transmission parameters. The final part presents the results of practical measurements of experimental optical access network with wavelength division multiplex, the results are simultaneously compared with results of simulations.

Návrh, výstavba a měření optických přístupových sítí / Design, development and measurement of optical access networks

Ambrož, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The work deals with the possibilities of realization of optical access networks. They are introduced to FTTx optical access, including their specifications and differences. The document was largely devoted to passive and active optical networks. These two different technological approaches are explained and compared. Are presented technical solutions of routes - traditional options for laying underground or into the air, but also as an alternative microtubing. Mentioned are also the active network technology. The work also included the issue of measurement of optical access networks. They are illuminated important transmission parameters and methods for their measurement. The whole work is directed to the full FTTH network design according to the standard GEPON. In designing the use of theoretical information contained in each chapter. It does the form of technical documentation in accordance with the procedures used in practice, contains drawings, specific technical solutions and a detailed budget price. The design was verified by attenuation of balance. Finally there are the results of simulations of the proposed network in OptiSystem7.

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