Spelling suggestions: "subject:"acid min drainage"" "subject:"acid mice drainage""
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The effect of acid mine drainage on the hatching success of branchiopod crustaceans from selected South African pansHenri, Aidan Jean 01 July 2014 (has links)
M.Sc. (Zoology) / Pans are endorheic wetlands, and are abundant in South Africa in a band from the western Free State into Mpumalanga. The pan environment experiences daily and seasonal fluctuations in physico-chemical conditions. The physico-chemical variables are influenced by the local climatological and hydrological conditions, and are all inter-related. An imbalance of one variable can have countless effects on the others. The physico-chemical composition of the water ultimately determines the existence of the biota in such wetlands. Branchiopod crustaceans are a unique group of fauna which have various morphological, physiological and behavioural adaptations which enable them to survive in these variable environments. One such adaptation is the production of dormant egg banks. These eggs reside within the sediment through the dry phase and hatch during a following wet phase when conditions are favourable. Due to the endorheic nature of pans they are more vulnerable to anthropogenic stress. Anthropogenic activities are having profound effects on the integrity of these ecosystems. Agricultural and mining activities have some of the largest influences. The impacts that the following activities have include: the over utilisation of water, decreased periods of inundation, erosion and sedimentation, effluent discharge and direct habitat destruction. Many wetlands as a result are experiencing a rapid loss in biodiversity. Mining activities are on the increase especially in the Highveld region of southern Africa. Many of these wetlands are already (and will be in the future) affected by mining activities, making the effect of acid mine drainage (AMD) on the biota a priority concern. In conjunction with the uniqueness and vulnerability of pan ecosystems it is necessary to find new ways of monitoring such environmental impacts in the shortest time possible with minimal efforts, for the benefit of both the environment and researchers involved. This study therefore aimed to assess the diversity of branchiopod crustaceans hatching from egg banks of selected pans and obtain a reference community structure. It also aimed to assess the impacts AMD could have on the hatching success of branchiopods from these egg banks with the objective to determine whether these egg banks are still viable after exposure. To achieve the stated aims and objectives, sediment samples were collected from selected pans in mining regions of the country. Regions selected included Chrissiesmeer in the Mpumalanga province, Wesselsbron in the Free State province and Delareyville in the North West province. The sediment was used for hatching experiments in the laboratory. Pan sediment was exposed to three different treatments which included two salt solutions (1000 mg/l and 1500 mg/l respectively) and AMD. The salt solutions served as controls while the AMD served as an exposure. The number of nauplii hatching was counted in the controls and compared to the number of nauplii hatching in the AMD. The diversity of nauplii was also assessed and compared between controls and the AMD. The recovery potential of eggs exposed to AMD was also assessed by exposing the sediment treated with AMD to distilled water after its removal to get a better understanding on the effects of AMD at the community level. Results from the control treatments indicated that most pans have a range of taxa hatching that follow patterns of pan succession. Between the 1000 mg/l and 1500 mg/l controls there was no treatment that proved superior to the other. Representatives of all four orders of branchiopoda hatched from the experiments. The North West and Free State pans were the most diverse and had had the greatest abundances of individuals hatching. Spatially all three provinces differed in the diversity of individuals hatching from pans, as there were distinct differences in the taxonomic compositions. Although taxonomic composition of pans grouped together per province, pans from just a single province were largely dissimilar. Results from the AMD treatments indicated that AMD has a negative effect on the hatching ability of branchiopod crustacean eggs. Eggs that were initially exposed to AMD were unable to hatch in its presence. The recovery experiments indicated that recovery after exposure is limited as recovery only occurred in a few pans. The taxonomic composition of nauplii in the pans where recovery took place was altered and less diverse than the taxonomic composition found in the respective control treatments. Overall it was found that hatching experiments can be used as a monitoring tool in lieu of field sampling. Hatching experiments showed that AMD is detrimental to the branchiopod egg banks, inhibiting the ability of eggs to hatch in its presence. Recovery can take place but the recovery potential is low. Since the recovery potential of the egg banks is low, pans which are affected by AMD could experience extinction of the entire branchiopod community in years to come. As branchiopod communities are unique among pans, and serve as an important food source for many aquatic bird species, their extinction will bring about further losses in biodiversity.
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An evaluation of the impact of acid mine drainage on water quality of the lower Olifants River, South AfricaMohale, Thabang January 2021 (has links)
Thesis (M. Sc. (Geography)) -- University of Limpopo, 2021 / Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) is the acidic water emanating from the mine tailing dams into
the surrounding environment. AMD is regarded as a major environmental threat
associated with mining. The lower Olifants River in the Kruger National Park (KNP) is
considered an environmentally sensitive area, which exhibits high levels of aquatic
ecosystems and supports a variety of terrestrial ecosystems within and around the KNP.
The Phalaborwa mining industries have been discharging the acid mine drainage
contaminated-water into the Ga-Selati River, a tributary to the Olifants River. Although
the impacts in the upper Olifants River catchment have been well documented, it was
the amount of AMD witnessed at KNP and the dying of fish within the lower Olifants
River that raised issues of concerns. Hence, the study investigated the impact of acid
mine drainage on water quality of the lower Olifants River, modelled the distribution of
the dissolved heavy metals in the stream, and evaluated the applied mine wastewater
management strategies at Phalaborwa mining industries.
In this study, water samples were collected seasonally (winter, spring, and summer)
from 2019 to 2020, and the analytical methods and procedures were optimized for the
determination of selected elements in the water samples. During the study, ion
chromatography (IC) was used to detect chloride (Cl), sulphate (SO4
), nitrate (NO3),
and fluoride (F), Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES)
was used to detect pH, turbidity, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids
(TDS), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), sodium (Na), potassium (K), aluminium (Al)
and calcium (Ca). Modelling of the distribution of dissolved heavy metals was performed
using the inverse distance weighted (IDW) interpolation technique available in ArcGIS
10.8 software. The range of pH across four sampling sites was between 7.77 and 9.11,
indicating an alkaline pH. The concentration of measured parameters elevated
downstream points with some exceeding the target water quality range (TWQR) for
aquatic ecosystems. The elevated concentration of SO4
at sites 3 and 4 (downstream
points) showed that the acid mine drainage is still a matter of concern at the lower
Olifants River catchment. However, the GIS models showed a decreasing trend of the
concentration of heavy metal towards the KNP.
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Lime Treatment of Coal Mine Spoil Impacted Soils in the Huff Run Watershed of Northeast OhioWood, Daniel L., 30 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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The biological sulphate removal processGreben, Harma 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa is one of the world's major coal producers, resulting in the second highest
foreign exchange earner for South Africa. However, the mining industry contributes
negatively to (ground) water pollution, due to the formation of acid mine drainage
(AMD). AMD originates from the bacterial oxidation (Thiobacillus ferrooxidans) of
pyrite (FeS) and contains high levels of sulphate and metals. Sulphate rich waters can be
treated applying the biological sulphate removal technology.
This study concentrated on biologically removing sulphate from synthetic feed- and mine
water, using the single-stage completely-mixed reactor system. The advantage of using
this reactor system is that except for removing sulphate from about 2000 to less than
200 mg/t', it can also partly biologically remove the formed sulphides. It was established
that both ethanol and sugar can be used, as the carbon and energy source, however
ethanol is more cost effective than sugar. Ethanol dosage and Hydraulic Retention Time
(HRT) studies were undertaken to investigate at what concentration, the highest sulphate
and sulphide removal rates were achieved. It was found that the highest sulphate
reduction rates were obtained when using 1mf ethanol/f feed and that the removal rates
were dependent on the HRT: the lower the HRT, the higher the sulphate reduction rate.
The highest sulphide oxidation rate was achieved at the HRT of 6 h. It was, furthermore
shown that the single stage completely-mixed reactor system could successfully be used
to remove sulphate from Schoongezicht mine effluent, not only removing the sulphate,
but also most of the metals, thereby increasing the mine effluent pH from 2.5 to 7.
The conclusion of this study was that a completely-mixed reactor system, as described in
this thesis, can successfully be applied to treating acid mine drainage using ethanol (1 m.e
etanol/f feed water) as the carbon and energy source at a hydraulic retention time as low
as 4 hours. This technology has great potential for pilot- and full-scale treatment of
sulphate rich effluents such as acid mine drainage. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid Afrika is een van die vemaamste steenkool produseerders in die wereld, terwyl die
uitvoer van steenkool die land se tweede hoogste verdiener is van buitelandse valuta.
Ongelukkig dra hierdie industrie ook by tot die besoedeling van (grond) water, veral
vanwee die vorrning van suur myn afloop. Bakteriese oksidasie (deur Thiobacillus
ferrooxidansy van piried (FeS) is hoofsaaklik verandwoordelik vir die vorrning van suur
myn afloop bevattende hoe konsentrasies van sulfaat en metale. . Die toepassing van
biologiese sulfaatverwyderingsprosesse vir die behandeling van sulfaatryke waters is
vroeer gedemonstreer.
Die doel van hierdie studie was om 'n enkel-stadium reaktor met volledige vermenging te
evalueer en te optimiseer om toegepas te word vir die biologiese verwydering van sulfaat
vanuit sinteties bereide, sowel as mynwater. Hierdie reaktor is in staat om sulfaat te
verwyder vanaf vlakke van ~ 2000 tot minder as 200 mg/P. 'n Verdere voordeel gepaard
met die gebruik van hierdie reaktor is dat die sulfied wat gevorm word tydens sulfaatreduksie,
gedeeltelik verwyder word deur die oksidasie daarvan na So. Die resultate wat
behaal is in hierdie studie het aangedui dat beide etanol en suiker gebruik kan word as die
koolstof en energiebron, terwyl etanol meer koste-effektief aangewend kon word. In
teenstelling was metanol nie 'n geskikte koolstofbron vir sulfaatverwydering nie.
Eksperimente is daarvolgens uitgevoer om toestande van optimum etanoldosering en
hidroliese retensietyd (HRT) vir maksimum sulfaat- en sulfiedverwydering te bepaaJ. Die
hoogste reduksie tempo's was verkry met 'n toediening van 1 mP etanol/f invloei, en die
effektiwiteit van verwydering was afhanklik van HRT. Hoe laer die HRT, hoe hoer die
tempo van sulfaatverwydering. Die beste sulfaatverwyderingstempo was behaal teen 'n
HRT van 6 uur. Die resultate het verder aangetoon dat die enkel-stadium reaktor met
volledige vermenging in staat was om sulfaat effektief te verwyder, en die pH te verhoog
vanaf na 2.5 tot 7, in mynuitvloeisels van 'n plaaslike steenkoolmyn.
Die gevolgtrekking uit hierdie werk is dat 'n volledig-gemengde reaktorstelsel, soos
beskryf in die huidige studie, geskik is vir die suksesvolle behandeling van suur
mynafloopwater met die gebruik van etanol (l mflP toevoerwater) as koolstof- en
energiebron by 'n hidrouliese retensietyd tot so laag as 4 uur. Die tegnologie het groot
toepassingspotensiaal vir volskaalse behandeling van sulfaatryke afloopwaters soos by.
suur mynafloop.
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Synthesis and characterisation of sesquioxidic precipitates formed by the reaction of acid mine drainage with fly ash leachateBurgers, C. L. (Colleen Lucie) 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Coal mining in South Africa is estimated to produce 200 Ml of acid mine drainage
(AMD) per day in the Pretoria-Witwatersrand-Vereeniging (PWV) area alone, while
electricity production resulted in approximately 27 Mt of ash in 2001. A large number
of collieries in South Africa are tied to power stations where these two waste streams,
acid mine drainage and fly ash, have the capacity to neutralize each other and provide
an opportunity for co-disposal.
The aim of this study was to investigate the reactions that occur during the co-disposal
of fly ash leachate (FAL) and AMD and to examine the precipitates that result from
the neutralisation reactions. Potentiometric titration was employed to investigate the
neutralisation of Al-Fe salt solutions, simulating acid mine drainage (AMD), with
alkaline solutions of Ca or Na hydroxide as well as fresh alkaline leachate from fly
ash (FAL). The effectiveness of fly ash in removing metals and other salts from acid
mine water was examined by analysing the neutralised water and modelling the
results thermodynamically. Precipitates, prepared from large scale synthetic AMD
and FAL co-disposal at various pH levels and Fe:Al ratios, were characterised
according to composition, mineralogy and surface properties.
The experimental neutralisation of synthetic acid mine drainage was achieved through
titrating the components of SAMD (Fe and Al salt solutions) and solutions of various
Fe:Al mole ratios with different bases in air and N2, and comparing the SAMD-FAL
system with these simple acids and bases. The FAL used in all experiments was
produced from fresh fly ash collected at Arnot power station. The SAMD was
prepared as a solution with a pH of 2.5 and containing 12.7 mmol/L Al, 10.9 mmol/L
Fe and 40.8 mmol/L SO4. The characterisation of reaction solids was achieved by
collecting the precipitates formed from the co-disposal of FAL and SAMD with Fe:Al
ratios of 7.3, 0.8 and 2.5.
From the titration experiments it was found that upscale potentiometric titrations of
SAMD show buffer zones at pH values of 3.5, 4, 6 and 10 corresponding to Fe(III)precipitation, Al precipitation, Fe(II) hydrolysis and oxidation, and Al redissolution,
respectively, while downscale potentiometric titrations with SAMD show buffer
zones at pH values 12 – 11, 9 and 4.5, which correspond to Fe oxidation and
precipitation, Al precipitation and Al re-dissolution, respectively. A high
concentration of Al in the simulated AMD inhibited the crystallinity of the
precipitates and resulted in a large quantity of SO4 being removed from solution,
which suggests that an aluminium sulphate phase is precipitating, but it is not
crystalline and cannot be identified by XRD. Titrations performed up-scale by adding
FAL to AMD showed near-complete metal and substantial SO4 removal from
The characterisation of reaction solids by x-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy,
thermal gravimetric and differential thermal analysis revealed that the precipitates
consist of poorly crystalline, highly Al-substituted goethite and ferrihydrite with large
amounts of SO4 included in the structure. Poorly crystalline bayerite appears at a high
pH and high Al concentration, and calcite is present in precipitates made by adding
SAMD to FAL. High surface charges of between 330 cmolc/kg positive and 550
cmolc/kg negative charge and potentially large specific surface areas between 7 and
236 m2/g suggest a strong potential for the precipitates to function as low-grade
adsorbents in wastewater treatment. The similarity of these ochre precipitates to soil
minerals implies that land disposal of the neutralised solids is also viable. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Steenkool mynbou in SA produseer na benaming 200 ML suur mynwater per dag in
die PWV area alleenlik, terwyl opwekking van elektrisiteit naastenby 27 Mt vliegas
geproduseer het in 2001. ’n Groot aantal steenkoolmyne in SA word verbind met
kragsentrales, waar hierdie twee strome afval, suur mynwater en vliegas, die
kapasiteit het om mekaar te neutraliseer en die weg te baan vir gesamentlike
Die doel van hierdie studie was om die reaksies wat plaasvind gedurende
gesamentlike wegdoening van vliegas loog (VAL) en suur mynwater (SMW) te
ondersoek, asook die neerslae wat mag vorm as gevolg van neutralisasie reaksies.
Potensiometriese titrasies was gebruik om die neutralisering tussen Al:Fe-sout
oplossings te ondersoek as nabootsing van SMW met gebruikmaking van alkaliese
oplossings van Ca of Na hidroksied asook vars loog van VA. Die effektiwiteit van
VA om metale en soute uit SMW te verwyder was getoets deur outleding van die
geneutraliseerde water en modellering van die termodinamika. Neerslae berei uit
groot-skaal sintetiese SMW en VAL en met gelyktydige storting by verskeie pH
vlakke en Fe:Al verhoudings, was gekarakteriseer volgens samestelling, mineralogie
en oppervlak eienskappe.
Die eksperimentele neutralisering van sintetiese suur mynwater (SSMW) was gedoen
deur titrering van die SSMW komponente en oplossings van verskeie Fe:Al molêre
verhoudings met verskillende basisse in lug en N2, en vergelyking van SSMW-VAL
sisteem met hierdie eenvoudige sure en basisse. Die VAL gebruik in alle
eksperimente was geproduseer van vliegas verkry van die Arnot kragsentrale. Die
SSMW was berei as ’n oplossing met ’n pH van 2.5 en bevat 12.7 mmol/L Al, 10.9
mmol/L Fe en 40.8 mmol/L SO4. Die karakterisering van vastestowwe uit die reaksie
was gedoen deur die bemonstering van neerslae gevorm as gevolg van die gelyktydige
wegdoening van VAL en SSMW met Al:Fe verhoudings van 7.3, 0.8 en 2.5.Die was waargeneem in die titrasie eksperimente dat hoër-skaal potensiometriese
titrasie van SSMW buffersones, by pH waardes 3.5, 4, 6 en 10, ooreenstem met
Fe(III) presipitasie, Al presipitasie, Fe(II) hidrolise en oksidasie, en Al her oplossing,
terwyl laer skaal potensiometriese titrasie met SSMW buffer sones by pH waardes 12
- 11, 9 en 4.5 ooreenstem met Fe(III) presipitasie en oksidasie, Al presipitasie en
heroplossing respektiewelik. ’n Hoë konsentrasie Al in die sintetiese SMW het
kristalliniteit van die neerslae geïnhibeer en veroorsaak dat ’n hoeveelheid SO4 uit
oplossing verwyder is, wat suggereer dat die AlSO4 fase neerslaan maar nie kristallyn
is en gevolglik nie opgetel word met x-straal diffraksie nie. Titrasies gedoen by hoërskaal
deur byvoeging van VAL tot SSMW, het feitlik volledige metaal en SO4
verwydering uit oplossing getoon.
Die karakterisering deur x-straal diffraksie, infrarooispektroskopie, termies
gravimetries en differentiële termiese analise, het getoon dat die presipitate bestaan uit
swak kristallyne, hoë Al-gesubstitueerde goethiet en ferrihidriet met groot
hoeveelhede SO4 vasgevang in die struktuur. Swak kristallyne bayeriet verskyn by
hoë pH en hoë Al-konsentrasies en kalsiet is teenwoordig in neerslae gevorm deur
byvoeging van SSMW tot VAL. Hoë oppervlakladings van tussen 330 cmolc/kg
positief en 550 cmolc/kg negatiewe lading en ook potensieel groot spesifieke
oppervlak van tussen 7 en 236 m2/g, dui op ’n sterk potensiaal vir neerslae om as
laegraadse adsorbeermiddels in afvalwaterbehandeling gebruik te word. Die
ooreenstemming in hierdie geelbruin neerslae met grond minerale, impliseer dat die
land storting van geneutraliseerde vastestowwe ook lewensvatbaar is.
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Contaminant hydrogeochemistry and aquatic ecosystem health at abandoned metal mines : the Afon Twymyn, central WalesByrne, Patrick January 2009 (has links)
Following the decline of the UK metal mining industry by the 1920s, over 3,000 abandoned metal mines exist in England and Wales. Contaminated drainage from this historical industry causes approximately 20% of all water quality failures in England and Wales. In this thesis, a holistic geographical approach, incorporating aspects of hydrology, hydrogeochemistry and freshwater ecology, is employed to investigate the hydrological, sedimentological and ecological impacts of the abandoned Dylife lead/zinc mine on the Afon Twymyn (central Wales). Examination of river sediment quality highlights the need for measurements of the quality of this component of the river ecosystem and, in particular, measurement of bioavailable as opposed to total metals. The majority of heavy metals in bed sediments of the Afon Twymyn exist in highly mobile geochemical phases, potentially posing serious threats to ecological integrity. Significant metal flushing occurred during flood events at Dylife mine and a distinct seasonal pattern was observed with greater levels of flushing occurring during flood events in the summer months. It is suggested that investigations of contaminant/ecosystem relations and potential remediation strategies should include high-resolution temporal sampling of river water chemistry under conditions of flood flow. Paradoxically, a range of biological indices failed to identify significant negative impacts of metal mine contaminants on macroinvertebrate communities, suggesting there is little contamination of the river ecosystem. However, Canonical Correspondence Analysis did identify significant differences in community structure between polluted and unpolluted river stretches, suggesting that standard unimetric biological indices might only be successful in identifying impacts at the most severely polluted mine sites. It is suggested that the ecological approach of the European Union Water Framework Directive to the assessment of river ecosystem status may not yield an accurate representation of contamination in rivers such as the Afon Twymyn where contamination by mining is moderate, circum-neutral and the mining operation is long abandoned.
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Assessment of changing urban dynamics in Johannesburg city regions as consequence of re-mining of the tailings dumps using Geographical Information System and remote sensingMahao, Tseliso John January 2017 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science (Environmental Sciences) at the School of Geography, Archaeology & Environmental Studies
Johannesburg, 2017 / There is a growing interest in the reclamation of the old gold mines’ tailings dumps in Johannesburg city region driven by the economic value of the remaining gold resource. This reclamation activity is accompanied by various rehabilitation methods to reduce issues such as acid mine drainage and wind pollution. The impact of land use and land cover change (LULCC) can have an enormous impact on land development and planning. Monitoring of LULCC is very important in the planning and decision making processes. Remote sensing (RS) as the source of basic data for monitoring change is very highly recommended as tool to monitor changes occurring in the Johannesburg City Region as a result of rehabilitation and reclamation of the gold mines’ tailings deposits. The main aim of the study is to understand how the reclamation and rehabilitation of the historical tailings dumps in Johannesburg are changing land use patterns of the city and its precincts. The objectives are to quantify the changes in land use and land cover as the results of mining rehabilitation using Landsat earth observation data over a period of 30 years at five years intervals and; to recommend on how the land cleared of waste dumps could be used for looking at the surrounding environment spatially. Various Geographical Information Systems techniques are applied here for change detection analysis and monitoring of potential changes in urban dynamics patterns. The results show rate of rehabilitation and reclamation to be slow, taking several years to see a meaningful change. There is some form of bias towards transforming the reclaimed land into industrial zones as opposed to other activities. The success of tailings dumps rehabilitation through revegetation process is highlighted. / MT 2018
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Aplicação da eletrodiálise no tratamento da drenagem ácida de minas visando a recuperação de ácido sulfúrico. / Electrodialysis application of acid mine drainage treatment aiming sulfuric acid recovery.Buzzi, Daniella Cardoso 25 October 2012 (has links)
O principal impacto causado pela atividade de mineração de carvão é a poluição hídrica proveniente da drenagem ácida de minas (DAM), que pode ter efeitos toxicológicos nos ecossistemas aquáticos, como mortalidade, disfunções no crescimento, menores taxas de reprodução, deformidades e lesões. A DAM é formada através da oxidação de minerais de sulfeto, principalmente pirita (FeS2) e caracteriza-se por uma solução de pH ácido e metais dissolvidos (Fe, Al e Mn). Novas metodologias para o tratamento de efluentes contaminados com metais estão sendo estudadas e a eletrodiálise (ED) surge como uma destas tecnologias que tem se mostrado eficaz para a recuperação de água e concentração de eletrólitos. É considerada uma tecnologia atrativa aos mais diversos segmentos, uma vez que apresenta muitas vantagens sobre os processos tradicionais, tais como: não exige mudanças de fases; funciona de forma contínua; não necessita da adição de reagentes e não gera resíduos poluentes ao ambiente. A ED é uma técnica de separação por membranas, no qual espécies iônicas em solução são transportadas através de membranas de troca-iônica por influência da aplicação de um campo elétrico que permite a separação de ânions e cátions metálicos com a vantagem de remover os metais contaminantes e simultaneamente recuperar água e outros compostos de interesse industrial, como o ácido sulfúrico. No entanto, para a aplicação da ED alguns parâmetros devem ser estudados, buscando as melhores condições de uso. O parâmetro mais importante a ser analisado é o transporte dos íons através das membranas, avaliado no presente estudo através da cronopotenciometria e da obtenção das curvas de corrente-potencial (CVCs). Curvas cronopotenciométricas foram obtidas a partir de soluções sintéticas que representavam a composição de uma DAM a fim de se avaliar a passagem de ânions sulfato através de uma membrana aniônica (HDX 200), e o transporte de cátions metálicos, tais como Na+ e Fe3+, através de uma membrana catiônica (HDX 100). E as CVCs foram obtidas a partir das próprias DAMs também para a avaliação do transporte de íons e determinação de densidade de corrente limite a ser empregada na ED. Os resultados mostraram que os cátions avaliados desempenharam um papel significativo para o equilíbrio químico que leva à formação de diferentes espécies de complexos de cargas e mobilidade distintas. Diagramas de especiação em conjunto com os cronopotenciogramas permitiram a identificação de espécies complexas que conduzem a um transporte lento de íons através das membranas. A ED mostrou-se eficaz para a recuperação de água, removendo mais de 97,00 % dos contaminantes, e para a recuperação de ácido sulfúrico a partir da DAM, sendo obtidos percentuais de concentração de sulfatos superiores a 38,55 % e incrementos na acidez de até 236,88 %. / The main impact caused by coal mining activity is water pollution from acid mine drainage (AMD), that can have serious toxicological effects on aquatic ecosystems, such as mortality, growth disorders, lower rates reproduction, deformities and injuries. The AMD is formed by the oxidation of sulfide minerals, mainly pyrite (FeS2) and is characterized by a acid pH and dissolved metals (Fe, Al and Mn). New approaches for the wastewater contaminated with metals treatment are being studied and electrodialysis (ED) emerges as a new technology and has proven effective for the recovery of water and electrolyte concentration. The ED is considered an attractive technology to some segments since it presents several advantages on the traditional processes, such as: does not require phase changes; runs continuously, does not need reagents addition and does not generate waste polluting environment. Electrodialysis is a membrane separation technique in which ionic species in solution are transported, through ion-exchange membranes, under the influence of an electric field which allows anions and metallic cations separation, possessing the advantages of removing contaminant metals and simultaneously recovering water and other compounds of industrial interest, such as sulfuric acid. However, to implement the ED some parameters should be studied seeking the best conditions. The most important parameter to be studied is the ions transport across membranes, assessed in this study by chronopotentiometry and obtaining the current-voltage curves (CVCs). Chronopotentiometry curve were obtained from synthetic solutions representing the AMD composition in order to assess the passage of anions sulfate through a membrane anion (HDX 200), and transport of metallic cations such as Na+ and Fe3+, through a cation membrane (HDX 100). The CVCs were obtained from raw AMD also to evaluate the ions transport and determination of threshold current density to be employed in ED. The results showed that the cations evaluated played a significant role in the chemical balance which leads to the formation of different species of complexes of different fillers and mobility. Speciation diagrams with chronopotentiograms allowed the identification of complex species that lead to a slow ions transport across membranes. The ED was effective for water recovery removing more than 97.00 % of contaminants and to sulfuric acid recovery from the AMD, where has been obtained percentage of sulfate concentration above 38.55 % and an increase in acidity up to 236.88 %.
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Proposta de um sistema passivo para o tratamento da drenagem ácida de mina gerada no depósito de rejeitos de Capão da Roça, Charqueadas/RS, Copelmi mineração LtdaSegredo, Artur Estacha Armindo Estacha January 2014 (has links)
A drenagem ácida de mina (DAM) gerada no processo de mineração de carvão, na presença de minerais sulfetados, tem provocado danos ambientais significativos no ecossistema de sua abrangência. Tecnologia de tratamento ativo baseada em processos de Neutralização, Precipitação e Sedimentação tem sido empregada para atenuar a carga de poluentes no efluente, antes do seu descarte em corpos receptores. A mesma, apesar da sua eficiência vem se mostrando bastante onerosa quando aplicada durante um longo período, devido aos custos com insumos, manutenção, potencial humano e energia. Nos últimos anos, vem sendo desenvolvidos sistemas que socorrem-se da ocorrência natural de processos químicos, biológicos e físicos para purificar água de mina contaminada. Estes são designados sistemas passivos, cuja implantação e funcionamento tem se mostrado menos onerosa em relação ao sistema ativo. Capão da Roça, situado no município de Charqueadas é uma das regiões do Brasil onde ocorre contaminação de solos e rios pela DAM gerada a partir de um depósito de rejeitos. Aplicando o fluxograma recomendado por diversos autores para a seleção do sistema passivo, tomando em conta as características do efluente achou-se viável instalar um canal aberto de calcário para o tratamento da DAM do Capão da Roça em virtude de a mesma apresentar acidez maior que a alcalinidade, oxigênio dissolvido maior que 5mg/l, Fe+3 maior que 25% em relação ao Fe2+. A quantidade de efluente e a declividade do terreno da área estudada permite que se opere com vazão maior que 12m3/h no sistema passivo. De acordo com a acidez do efluente foi determinado o tempo de detenção de 1hora para o tratamento da DAM no sistema. A partir de estudos similares sobre o uso de calcário em sistemas passivos, encontrou-se a massa de 338,6 toneladas para o empreendimento funcionar em 10 anos, considerando uma dissolução de calcário de 100%, num canal com 10% de declividade, 1m de profundidade e 2, 5 metros de largura para tamponar uma solução de DAM com vazão de 1000 L.min-1 num canal de 47metros de cumprimento. De acordo com cálculos baseados num modelo empírico, ficou demonstrado que o diâmetro e área de superfície do calcário poderão diminuir ao longo do tempo, considerado a sua dissolução. / Acid mine drainage (AMD) generated in the coal mining process in the presence of sulfide minerals, have been causing significant environmental damages to the ecosystem of its coverage. Active treatment technology based on neutralization, precipitation and sedimentation processes, has been used to alleviate the load of pollutants in the effluent prior to discharges into receiving bodies. Despite their efficiency has proved quite costly when applied over a long period due to input costs, maintenance, manpower and energy. In recent years project defined 'passive treatment' has been developed as the improvement of water quality using only naturally occurring chemical, biological and physical processes, hence, the deployment and operation have been less costly compared to the active systems. Capão da Roça, located in the municipality of Charqueadas is one of the regions of Brazil where occurs contamination of soils and rivers by AMD generated from a waste dump. Using the flowchart recommended by several authors for selecting the passive system, taking into account the wastewater characteristics, was found to be feasible to install an open limestone channel for the treatment of AMD because it has higher acidity than alkalinity, dissolved oxygen greater than 5mg / l, Fe3+ greater than 25 % in relation to Fe2+. The amount of effluent and the slope of the study area terrain allows to operate with a flow rate greater than 12m3/ h in the passive system. According to the acidity of the effluent was determined retention time of 1 hour for the treatment of the AMD system. From similar studies on the use of limestone in passive systems, was found the mass of 338.6 tons for the enterprise operating over 10 years, assuming a 100% limestone dissolution channel with a 10% slope, 1 meter deep and 2,5 meters wide to buffer an AMD solution with a flow rate of 1000 L.min-1 in channel with 47 meters of length. According to the calculations based on empirical model, it was shown that the diameter and the surface area of limestone may decline over time, considering its dissolution.
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Estudo da viabilidade técnica da utilização de rejeitos da extração de carvão mineral na fabricação de blocos de concreto para pavimentação de vias públicasBortolotto, Roberto January 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho mostra os resultados obtidos no estudo da utilização do rejeito bruto da extração de carvão mineral como agregado miúdo na produção de blocos de concreto para pavimentação de vias públicas. Neste trabalho os blocos de concreto foram produzidos na fábrica da prefeitura de Criciúma, que está situada nas dependências do Presídio Municipal Santa Augusta. Esta fábrica proporciona uma opção de trabalho aos apenados que adquiriram o direito de cumprirem suas penas em regime semiaberto, cumprindo assim, um importante papel social na ressocialização destas pessoas, além de produzir o material de revestimento, que é aplicado nas vias públicas do município, a um custo bastante atraente. Durante a produção das amostras dos blocos de concreto com o rejeito de carvão, procurou-se ao máximo não alterar o processo desenvolvido na fábrica onde são produzidos os blocos de concreto empregados na pavimentação das vias públicas de Criciúma. Sendo assim, a única alteração imposta às amostras foi a substituição proporcional do agregado miúdo natural, areia lavada, pelo agregado de rejeito de carvão mineral, nas proporções de 25%, 50%, 75% e 100% O lote de estudo contou ainda com a produção de blocos de concreto sem adição de rejeito de carvão, que teve como função servir de base comparativa para as análises de compressão, abrasão e absorção de água. Posteriormente foi realizado um estudo para avaliar a possibilidade de geração, pelos blocos de concreto, de drenagem ácida de mina (DAM), que é a principal fonte de poluição do solo e dos corpos d’agua dos municípios pertencentes à AMREC – Associação dos Municípios da Região Carbonífera. Como resultado, aponta-se a viabilidade de utilização de rejeito de carvão nas proporções de 25% e 50% em substituição ao agregado miúdo natural (areia), criando assim, uma nova perspectiva às mineradoras de carvão da AMREC, que poderão dar um fim nobre ao rejeito de carvão, proporcionando uma produção mais limpa e sustentável, além de poderem contar com uma nova fonte de receita proporcionada pela comercialização do rejeito de carvão produzido na sua principal atividade comercial. / This document presents the results obtained in the study of using raw waste of coal extraction. In this work the concrete block for public roads paving were produced in a factory owned by Criciuma city hall, which is situated at the municipal Penitentiary Santa Augusta. During the concrete samples blocks production with the coal waste, it was tried its best in the way of not changing the process developed at the concrete blocks production site used in the paving of Criciuma´s streets. Thus, the only change that was proportionally imposed in the sample was the replacement of fine natural aggregate, washed sand, for the coal tailings aggregate in the proportions of 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. The batch study also included the production of concrete blocks without adding coal tailing, which was to form the basis of comparative function for the compression tests, abrasion and water absorption. Afterwards, it was done a study to assess the possibility of generating, by concrete blocks, acid mine drainage (AMD), which is the main source of soil and water pollution in the municipalities belonging from AMREC - Association of Municipalities of the Coal Region. As a result, it points feasibility of using waste coal in the proportions of 25% and 50% to replace the natural aggregate (sand), thus creating a new perspective to AMREC coal mining companies, which may give a noble and to reject coal, providing a cleaner and sustainable production, besides being able to count on a new source of revenue provided by the commercialization of coal waste produced in its main commercial activity.
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