Spelling suggestions: "subject:"addictive drugs"" "subject:"addictive rugs""
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Srovnání rizikového chování adolescentů ve věku 16-17 let na vybraných středních školách ve dvou regionech / Comparing the risk behaviour of adolescents aged 16-17 in different secondary schools in two chosen regionsRožánková, Vladimíra January 2015 (has links)
Title: Comparing the risk behaviour of adolescents aged 16 - 17 in different secondary schools in two chosen regions ABSTRACT: The diploma work focuses on adolescent drug abuse and it is especially targeted on sixteen and seventeen-year-old students of secondary schools. The work is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part is written as a literature search /recherche/, in which the targeted group is described and also the characteristics of chosen addictive drugs and risks connected to the drug abuse are introduced. In addidtion to this, the realised researches aimed to addictive drugs are delivered there and also at the end of this part the prevention policy is briefly entered up. In the practical part the provided researches are described. The questionnaries were handed out to students of secondary schools in Prague and Klatovy. The results are analysed and discussed in this part as well as the confrontation of results got in both places. The results confirmed that the place, or more precisely the town, does not influence the addiction to smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol. On the contrary, talking about illegal drugs, the Prague respondents are more experienced with illegal drugs than those in Klatovy. Based on these results and other literature information there is a...
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Vliv lokálního prostředí na žáky 2. stupně základních škol v souvislosti s návykovými látkami / Environment effect on the sekond grade pupils of primary schools connection with addictive drugsVLAŠÍNOVÁ, Romana January 2011 (has links)
In the first part of my thesis I deal with a theoretical basis of the issue of environment and education influence on human psyche, socialisation, addictive drugs and addictions. In a practical part I have set a research target to find out some selected characteristics of family and school environment in connection with appearance of experiment children with addictive drugs, it means concretely with use of nicotine, alcohol and cannabis. I have chosen anonymous questionnaire for the data collection. The research was taken at stage 2 primary school Hrotovice in Vysocina Region. The total research complex is comprised by 112 respondents.
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Návyky středoškolské mládeže (alkohol, drogy, kouření, gamblerství,...) / The habits of teen-agers (alcohol, drugs, smoking, gamblers,...)SCHNEIDEROVÁ, Monika January 2010 (has links)
Abstract In my thesis ``Habits of secondary school students{\crqq} (alcohol, drugs, smoking, gambling{\dots}) I dealt with the use of addictive substances by students in the 2nd year of secondary schools. The use of addictive substances by young people has become a topical issue. According to statistical data, the number of users of both legal and illegal substances has been growing every year. It is disturbing that addictive substances, such as alcohol, nicotine or illegal drugs, have been used by ever younger consumers. In the theoretical part I covered the period of adolescence, characteristic features of that period and behavior disorders that may occur. I also reviewed the individual types of drugs and their physical and mental effects on the organism. In the empirical part of the thesis my objective was to map the current situation in drug abuse at selected secondary schools in the towns of Rokycany and Tábor. The researched group consisted of 325 respondents. I used a questionnaire to investigate their family backgrounds, alcohol consumption, cigarette consumption and experience with other drugs, e.g. marihuana, hashish or ecstasy. 2 of the 3 formulated hypotheses were refuted and 1 hypothesis was confirmed. All results are shown in form of tables and diagrams. In the discussion I compared my results with other research papers dealing with the same topic. The biggest issue in the selected group of respondents was the smoking of cigarettes. According to my findings, education is a major factor in the consumption of the individual drugs. The consumption of alcohol, cigarettes and other drugs is higher among apprentices while the consumption among students of comprehensive secondary school is significantly lower.
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PREVENCE SOCIÁLNĚ PATOLOGICKÝCH JEVŮ NA ZÁKLADNÍ ŠKOLE / Prevention of social pathologies in elementary schoolILLYOVÁ, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis 'Prevention of the socio-pathological phenomena at the primary school' deals with these issues, putting the emphasis on the theoretical basis. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The basic concepts and the particular socio-pathological phenomena are defined in the theoretical part. Furthermore there are possible causes of formation of these phenomena or precaution in the theoretical part. The main concern of the practical part is the case study of the Gymnasium in Prachatice, its part includes a questionnaire survey intended not only for the pupils but also for the teachers.
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Legeshopping - indikator for legemiddelmisbruk? : En registerstudie / Doctor-shopping – an indicator of prescription drug abuse? : A register study.Winther, Rolf B January 2008 (has links)
Bakgrunn: Misbruk av vanedannende legemidler er et viktig folkehelseproblem. Enkelte pasienter går fra lege til lege og driver såkalt legeshopping for å skaffe seg mest mulig av denne typen legemidler. Dette er et problem i forhold til å kunne begrense legemiddelmisbruket i befolkningen. Fastlegeordningen, som ble innført i Norge i 2001, er blant annet ment å skulle begrense mulighetene til legeshopping. Det er ikke tidligere gjort studier som kan kartlegge omfanget av legeshopping i en befolkning, verken i Norge eller andre land. FORMÅL: Kartlegge omfanget av legeshopping i befolkningen i Norge, og forsøke å klarlegge i hvilken grad bruk av flere leger kan skyldes shopping etter legemidler eller andre årsaker. MATERIALE OG METODE: Studere data fra det norske Reseptregisteret (NorPD) for kalenderåret 2004, som blant annet viser antallet leger benyttet, mengde utlevert av det aktuelle legemiddelet og samtidig mengde utlevert av benzodiazepiner og opioider for alle brukere av de vanedannende legemidlene diazepam, karisoprodol og kodein kombinasjoner sammenlignet med alle brukere av de ikke-vanedannende legemidlene esomeprazol, metformin og salbutamol. RESULTATER: De aller fleste pasienter bruker kun en eller to leger for å få utlevert samme legemiddel i løpet av ett kalenderår. Andelen som bruker tre eller flere leger er imidlertid mer enn dobbelt så høy for de vanedannende legemidlene som for de ikke-vanedannende, og for de som bruker fem eller flere leger, er andelen nesten ti ganger større. Med økende antall leger som er benyttet, er dessuten økningen i både utlevert mengde av legemidlet og samtidig mengde utlevert av benzodiazepiner og opioider langt mer uttalt for de vanedannende legemidlene enn for de ikke-vanedannende. KONKLUSJON: Det foregår etter innføringen av fastlegeordningen fortsatt en begrenset, men klar legeshopping blant pasienter som ønsker å få tak i mest mulig av vanedannende legemidler. Dette forhold må tas alvorlig av både de forskrivende legene og helsemyndighetene. / BACKGROUND: Abuse of prescription drugs is an important public health issue. Some patients go from one physician to another in so-called doctor-shopping (or physician-shopping) with the intention to have as much as possible of addictive drugs prescribed. This is a problem when trying to restrict prescription drug abuse in the population. The Regular General Practitioner (RGP) Scheme which was introduced in Norway in 2001 had among other things the intention to counteract doctor-shopping. So far there are no studies in Norway or other countries that have presented estimates of the proportions of patients that practice doctor-shopping. AIM: To explore the extent of doctor-shopping in the population in Norway and try to unveil if the use of several doctors is primarily a prescription drug shopping or if it has other reasons. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Data from The Norwegian Prescription Database (NorPD) for the year of 2004 was studied. The register includes information on the number of doctors used by individual patients and the amount of drug dispensed. There is also information about concomitant use of opioids and benzodiazepines. Users of the addictive drugs diazepam, carisoprodol and codeine combinations were compared to users of the non-addictive drugs esomeprazole, metformin and salbutamol. RESULTS: Most patients use only one or two doctors for prescription of the same drug over a period of one year. However the proportion of patients who uses three or more doctors for the addictive drugs is more than twice the comparable proportion of patients using the non-addictive drugs. For those who uses five or more doctors the proportion is nearly ten times larger. The amount of dispensed drug increases considerably more by increasing number of doctors used for users of the addictive drugs than for the users of the non-addictive drugs, as do the amount of concomitantly dispensed opioids and benzodiazepines. CONCLUSION: Also after the introduction of the Regular General Practitioner (RGP) Scheme in Norway doctor-shopping is still going on to a limited but significant extent by patients who appear to have the intention to get as much as possible of addictive drugs. This is a public health issue that has to be taken seriously by both prescribing doctors and health authorities. / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-60-3</p>
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Prevence nežádoucích jevů ohrožujících děti a mládež ve výchově k občanství / Prevention of (Unwanted phenomenona) Threaening Pupils and Youth in Civic Education (in Elementary School)VELÍŠKOVÁ, Klára January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the master´s thesis is to analyze issue of drugs at primary school in Borovany. A survey reasearch was realized there and not only the pupils abut also the teachers were involved. A quantitative research was realized from 24/3 to 28/3 2014 in lessons of civics with cooperation of Headmaster Mgr. Luboš Laczko and teachers of second stage of elementary school. Conclusion of the research is a summary of results. The questionnares shows that the pupils of elementary school in Borovany have varied experience with drugs. The pupils use drugs to liven their ordinary days up.
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Sociálně patologické jevy na střední odborné škole a možnosti jejich řešení / Socio-Pathological Phenomena at Secondary Vocational School and Their Possible SolutionVlková, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
This diploma work named Socio-Pathological Phenomena at Secondary Vocational School and Their Possible Solution deals, in its theoretical part, with the basic terminology related with this topic. It also focuses on the risk behaviour among today's young people, and briefly introduces socio-pathological phenomena which occured at the surveyed secondary school in the last two years. It also describes other kinds of contemporary risk behaviour among young generation. At the end of theoretical part, there are introduced some of the current trends in school prevention and solution of socio-pathological phenomena. Period of adolescence is of course closely associated with this topic. It's called critical stage, and all the students pass this period during their secondary school attendance. That's why the chapter devoted to adolescence is elaborated in full details. Gender differences concerning appearance and intensity of socio-pathological phenomena are also mentioned here. Next, there is explained the system of primary prevention in The Czech Republic, the importace of family and school background, the impact of peers on personality development. In empirical part of this diploma work, there is introduced Secondary Vocational School, Ltd., 844 Schulhoffova, in Prague 4. The research probe was realized...
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