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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Value of Customer Relationship Management in the Service Industry in Egypt

Negm, Rasha Ahmed 01 January 2016 (has links)
Researchers have demonstrated that customer centricity strategies, including customer relationship management (CRM), contribute to 33% of the formula for organizational success. Relationship management theory was used to frame this single case study focused on the factors contributing to successful CRM strategies used by business leaders in a multinational organization in the service industry in Egypt. This company was chosen for its successful implementation of CRM strategies, as shown by online reviews, the company website, and market reputation on its effective campaing results. The population consisted of managers working in the marketing department for more than 5 years. Data collection included semistructured interviews, review of company documents, and onsite observation. Transcribed interviews, company documents, and observational notes were coded for emergent themes. Member checking was used to increase the credibility of the findings. Findings suggested 7 themes that contributed to effective the CRM strategies of this single operation: improving the customer experience, customer segmentation and targeting, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty, organization, market differentiation, sophisticated technical capability, and increasing revenue and profitability. The results from this study may influence social change by helping to create a positive work culture for the employees in this company. Research has shown that customer empowering behaviours positively affect employee creativity, satisfaction, and trust, creating a positive work environment. In addition, these positive changes to the work enviornment may in turn strengthen this organization's sustainability and ability to engage directly in community outreach.

Women's Perceptions Toward Mobile Advertising

Dolson, Shona 01 January 2018 (has links)
The use of technology is changing at a very rapid pace, and companies must strategically design advertising messages for the ever-changing devices and platforms. The general business problem was that business owners have not been able to maximize the profitability of mobile advertising messages directed at women. The specific business problem was that business leaders need strategies to enhance mobile advertising returns by targeting messages that incorporate women's perceptions of mobile advertising. The purpose of this case study was to explore how business leaders can enhance mobile advertising returns by incorporating women's perceptions of mobile advertising into the design of advertising messages. The conceptual framework for this study was user gratification theory. The study population was 5 women business owners from a medium-sized city in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States. Criteria for study participation included owning a business and using a mobile device to shop. Data were gathered in face-to-face interviews and the review of company documents and websites pertaining to mobile advertising. Yin's 5-step process was used for data analysis. Themes that emerged were value, need, personalization, and time. Business owners, potential business owners, and marketing personnel could benefit from this research. The implications for positive social change include activating management to motivate employees, thereby enhancing employee performance to sustain organizational profitability. Leaders can actively participate in social change by motivating and developing employees, who can then help others and contribute to society by bringing awareness to social causes and providing mentoring and job skills training.

Marketing Strategies of U.S. Small Businesses Led by African Immigrants

Osei-Sarfo, Sophia 01 January 2018 (has links)
Small businesses play a vital role in the U.S. economy and represent 99.7% of all U.S. businesses. Small business failure rate is 50% within the initial 5 years. Creating and executing a well-formulated marketing strategy is essential to business sustainability. Effective marketing strategy builds small business survival rates and supports long term execution advantages. The purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore the marketing strategies that African immigrant small grocery store owners use to sustain their businesses for longer than 5 years. The population included 5 successful first-generation African immigrant small business owners located in the Bronx County who had developed a well-formulated marketing strategy. Kohli and Jaworski's marketing orientation theory served as the conceptual framework. The van Kaam data analysis process was used to validate findings. The data analysis included diverse mind maps, project maps, explorations with participant response and document analysis. Three marketing strategy themes emerged: customer retention and attitudes, inventory that promote value for potential buyers that result in superior performances, conventional and unconventional marketing that focuses on lowering cost of product and services to meet market needs of individuals. The findings revealed several features of how to use marketing strategies effectively to improve stability in the local economy by reducing small business failure rates, increasing profitability, and promoting buyer value. Application of the findings may result in a positive social change by increasing local community employment opportunities and enhancing residents' standards of living.

Successful Marketing Strategies for Promoting Clinical Diagnostic Instrument Validation Packages

Teng, Hsiao-Ching 01 January 2018 (has links)
Successful marketing strategies for clinical validation packages not only help laboratories increase the accuracy and efficiency of testing, but also facilitate clinical quality awareness and collaboration. False diagnosis and inefficiency in healthcare can be costly, and managers in diagnostic instrument manufacturing organizations need strategies to promote validation packages to help laboratories reduce errors leading to inappropriate treatment. The purpose of this single case study was to explore strategies business development managers use to integrate dynamic capabilities for marketing instrument validation packages aimed to increase clinical laboratory quality and test accuracy. The conceptual framework was Teece's concept of dynamic capabilities. The data collection process involved semistructured interviews with 4 business development managers from a diagnostic instrument manufacturing organization in the western United States who had successfully marketed validation packages. Analysis of the audio recordings, notes from the interviews, and marketing flyers yielded 1 overarching theme, collaboration of cross-functional teams, and 4 subthemes: integration, effectiveness, partnership, and profitability. The results suggested dynamic capabilities created value for validation packages, differentiated the products and services from those from the competitors, and increased customer satisfaction and profitability. The implications for positive social change include the potential to promote validation packages to clinical laboratories and raise awareness of laboratory quality, leading to improved healthcare outcomes.

Advertising effects on brand search and preference: assessing the mediational role of Aad and Ab

Dublish, Sandipa 13 August 1997 (has links)
Most advertising research has focussed at examining effects of advertising on attitudinal responses or brand preference and choice. However, in a natural environment, the time period between advertising exposure and purchase decision is filled with prepurchase search. Prepurchase external search refers to information search from sources other than memory, prior to making a purchase decision. Usually consumers access only a small subset of available information and base their choice decisions on it. Prepurchase search therefore acts as a filter and, the final choice depends critically on the small subset of potential inputs the consumer notes in the environment and integrates into the decision. Previous research has identified a variety of factors that affect consumers' prepurchase search behavior. However, there is little understanding of how specific advertisements designed by marketers impact consumers' prepurchase search. A marketer would like consumers to search information that reflects favorably on his/her brand. Hence, s/he would attempt to influence the brands and attributes on which consumers seek information prior to making a choice. The dissertation investigates the process by which a particular marketer's advertising influences consumers' search on available brands, i.e., the marketer's brand and other competing brands. The dissertation considers a situation where exposure to advertising occurs prior to seeking information from any other source. Hence, the impact of advertising on subsequent search behavior is the topic of interest. The dissertation develops a conceptual model of advertising effects on brand search and conducts two experiments to test the tenets of this model. Specifically, the dissertation demonstrates that attitudinal responses generated by advertising mediate advertising effects on search attitudes and behaviors. The dissertation goes on to examine how attitudinal responses generated by advertising and subsequent effects on search alter brand preference and choice.

Ethical and Sustainable Cosmetics and Their Importance on Consumer Purchase Behavior

Rawof, Warda 01 May 2021 (has links)
“Sustainability is increasingly important to consumers as they consider not only the effects products they buy have on their personal health, but also the impact they have on our wildlife, soil, and the people who work at every level of the supply chain. As climate change has moved from a future concern to a present reality, going green has become a driving force for innovation in every industry, including beauty” (Linkage, 2020). The importance of ethical and sustainable products is on the rise in the beauty industry, it is becoming increasingly apparent that having ethical and clean products are important to customers. This research used a quantitative design to explore whether consumers find it important to look for sustainable and ethical cosmetic products when purchasing from a company. The research findings indicate female consumers and those aged 18-34 are the ones most likely to stop purchasing from companies that test on animals. Findings also indicate that compared to males, female consumers find sustainable/eco-friendly products to be important when purchasing cosmetics.

Perceptions Among Senior Consumers Regarding Stereotyping in Magazine Advertisements

Milsom, Greg 01 January 2017 (has links)
Marketing decision makers often employ stereotypes in their advertising messages, but constant exposure to negative messages is offensive to older consumers and contributes toward ageism. The general problem is that many senior adults feel dissatisfied with advertising directed toward them and may not purchase products that they could otherwise enjoy. Based on the tenets of social identity theory, the purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions of a group of senior consumers toward the stereotypes used to portray older adult models featured in magazine advertisements by uncovering the factors that influence purchasing decisions and the stereotypes that are most offensive and least offensive. Study participants included 30 self-selected volunteers living in Maryland and ranging in age from 70 to 85 years. Each participant ranked 40 magazine advertisements that featured a variety of potentially offensive age-related stereotypes. Analysis of the data included correlation, factor analysis, and factor scores. Three unique factors emerged from the data, which were termed Pioneers, Unpredictables, and Cupids. Pioneers, Unpredictables, and Cupids had 17, 18, and 15 distinguishing advertisements, respectively, each at a 95% confidence level. Participants found stereotypes portraying older adults as sickly or weak to be the most offensive. Stereotypes highlighting active lifestyles and loving relationships were least offensive. This study has implications for social change by increasing awareness of the negative effects of ageism in magazine advertisements. Understanding how senior adults perceive stereotypes presented in advertisements may challenge generalizations and facilitate their happiness, health, and positive identity formation.

Aligning Sales Promotion Strategies With Buying Attitudes in a Recession

Adjagbodjou, Paulin 01 January 2015 (has links)
Some managers lack an effective strategy for aligning sales promotion strategies with consumers' buying attitudes in a recession. The intent of this comparative design was to determine the most effective sales promotion strategy for sales improvement and business sustainability during a recession. The theories of (a) sales promotions, (b) consumer behavioral metrics, (c) price reductions, and (d) strategy in a competitive environment represented the theoretical framework that grounded and complemented this research. Using a confidential paper-based survey and random sampling method, preference data were obtained from 287 consumers in retail stores located in a city in the southern United States. This analysis comprised examining the effects of types of sales promotions and gender of customers. Statistical tests for the data analysis encompassed a 4X2 ANOVA and Bonferroni post hoc tests for mean pairs. The principal findings from the analysis were that there is a significant difference in buying attitudes means among the 4 types of sales promotion in a recession [F(3, 279) = 101.360; p = .000 < .001; Partial η'= .522]. However, there is no significant difference in buying attitudes means in a recession [F(1, 279) = .000; p = .999 > .05; Partial η'= .000] between genders. Price discount strategy had a higher buying attitudes mean than did any other type of sales promotion under study for both genders. The most effective strategy for aligning sales promotions with buying attitudes in a recession is price discount. Implications for business practice and positive social change include the sales increase in a recession, improvement of lifestyle of individuals, and reduction of negative tendencies such as crime and poverty associated with unemployment.

Leadership Styles and Employee Motivation in Qatar Organizations

Al Haj, Anas 01 January 2017 (has links)
Organizations in the public sector in Qatar have a reputation for delivering inefficient services. Leaders lack an understanding of motivational factors affecting public sector employee performance. The purpose of this correlational research was to examine the relationship between leadership styles and employee motivation in public companies in Qatar. The independent variables were the transformational, transactional, and passive-avoidant leadership styles. The dependent variable was employee motivation. The moderator variables were employee age and salary. A sample of 92 employees from 4 public sector organizations in Qatar responded to the online survey. The full range leadership theory served as the theoretical foundation for describing leadership styles of managers as perceived by employees. Self-determination theory served as the theoretical foundation for describing employee motivation. A hierarchical regression model was developed, and results of the study indicated a significant positive correlation between transformational and transactional leadership styles used by managers and employee motivation levels, with a standardized beta coefficient (β) above 0.6, and a significant negative correlation between passive-avoidant leadership style and employee motivation levels, with a standardized beta coefficient (β) below -0.57. Age moderated the relationship between transformational leadership and motivation. Salary moderated the relationship between passive-avoidant leadership and motivation. Leaders of public organizations in Qatar may use the results of this study to better support employee motivation and engagement. The study may contribute to social change by helping managers improve organizational performance and increase efficiency levels.

Successful Marketing Strategies Employed by Traditional AM/FM Radio Stations

Smith, Shaquilla Nicole 01 January 2018 (has links)
An increase in Internet radio adverting spending is negatively affecting the revenue of traditional radio stations. Some general managers and sales directors at traditional radio stations lack marketing strategies to compete effectively with Internet radio. Grounded by the attitude toward the ad theory, the purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore marketing strategies that successful general managers and sales directors used at traditional radio stations to compete effectively with Internet radio. The population consisted of 8 general managers and sales directors at traditional radio stations located in southeast Florida, who demonstrated success in developing marketing strategies to compete with Internet radio. Data were collected from semistructured face-to-face interviews and marketing campaign literature. The process of member checking improved the credibility of the analysis and interpretations. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis to identify keywords, phrases, and concepts. The process led to the following 4 key themes: (a) evolution of Internet radio, (b) traditional radio and Internet media platforms, (c) marketing strategies to yield results, and (d) effectiveness of marketing tactics. The findings from the study may contribute to positive social change by providing knowledge useful in improving the lives of consumers by providing targeted messages regarding needed goods and services through free media.

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