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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Integration and politics among African states limitations and horizons of mid-term theorizing /

Chime, Sam, January 1977 (has links)
Thesis--Stockholm. / Includes indexes. Includes bibliographical references (p. 410-428).

Devonian Miospore Palynology in Western Gondwana: An application to oil exploration/Palynologie des Miospores Dévoniennes au Gondwana Occidental: Une application à l'exploration pétrolière

Breuer, Pierre 25 January 2008 (has links)
Devonian miospore assemblages from 16 sections in Saudi Arabia and North Africa are studied in order to characterize the palynostratigraphy of the northern margin of western Gondwana which remains poorly known in Saudi Arabia. The preliminary taxonomic work identifies more than 200 miospore species, including a lot of new species endemic to western Gondwana. Numerous species have still to be more precisely circumscribed because of their large morphological variability. Others show continuous intergrading morphological variation. The morphological variability of each taxon is one of the main problems in any palynological study. It is due to phylogenetic evolution, ontogeny (maturation of sporangia) and taphonomic factors. Although the standard Devonian miospore zonations established in Euramerica (Richardson & McGregor, 1986; Streel et al., 1987) are commonly used in most of the palynological studies, they are not always easily recognizable in western Gondwanan localities because of the endemic nature of the assemblages. Therefore, a new local/regional biozonation based on the characteristics of the miospore assemblages described here was needed for a more accurate correlation. The new established biozonation consists of 9 assemblage zones, 8 interval zones and 2 acme zones, extending from the late Pragian to the late Givetian and possibly the early Frasnian. The new defined biozones are compared to other coeval biozones defined in the literature. Thanks to this new local/regional biozonation, reliable correlations are established between sections. Numerous oilfields occur in the Devonian from western Gondwana. A biozonation based on the first down-hole occurrence of species is developed for oil exploration. Thanks to this type of biozonation, only the top of a biozone has to be reached in order to be identified. The use of this biozonation is facilitated by the choice of easily recognizable and common index species. This provisional downward biozonation consists of 8 interval zones. Although it seems relatively reliable by comparison with the previously defined upward biozonation, it needs to be further tested on other drilled sections. The review of the Emsian-Givetian miospore assemblages from the literature allows to evaluate the provincialism of assemblages on a worldwide scale during this interval. Coefficient of similarity is calculated between palynofloras from northern Euramerica, southern Euramerica, eastern Gondwana, southwestern Gondwana and northwestern Gondwana. The resulting low values correspond to low to moderate similarity of miospore assemblages between the considered regions in the Emsian-Givetian interval. The provincialism may be explained by a latitudinal climatic gradient as no palaeogeographic barrier is known during this time interval. Indeed, both Euramerican and Gondwanan land masses were very close as soon as the earliest Devonian. Despite a certain degree of provincialism, floristic interchanges existed. Northwestern Gondwana constituted an intermediate warm temperate region with shared taxa mainly from more arid Euramerican localities in the North, and cooler southwestern Gondwanan localities in higher latitudes. However, it seems that a progressive homogenization of the vegetation took place in Middle Devonian as the standard Euramerican biozones are more easily recognized in Givetian than in Eifelian and Emsian. This transition from provincialism to cosmopolitanism during the Devonian is not only shown by palynofloras but also by the palaeogeographic distribution of many other fossil groups. It is likely due to a decrease of the latitudinal climatic gradient in Middle Devonian.

The epidemiology of Rift Valley Fever in Yemen and the risk of re-introduction from the Horn of Africa. - Lépidémiologie de la fièvre de la Vallée du Rift au Yémen et le risque de réintroduction à partir de la corne de lAfrique

Abdullah, Shaif 03 February 2011 (has links)
From 1930 to 2000 Rift Valley Fever (RVF) was limited to the African continent. It is vector borne disease caused by a virus of the genus Phlebovirus, member of the Bunyaviridae family. The main vectors for transmission are Aedes and Culex. In September 2000 it was reported for the first time out of Africa, affecting Yemen and Saudi Arabia. This epidemic opened a new era in the history of RVF. It proved that the virus had the capaciity to affect new zones, different eco-systems and to spread to any area in the world. The outbreak lifted many hypothesis related to its introduction and to the factors associated with the outbreak. Although difficult to evaluate precisely its socio-economic impact was considered to be the heaviest in the modern history of Yemen animal diseases even when compared to the rinderpest outbreak that the country encountered in the seventies because of its zoonotic characteristic. To answer to these hypotheses it was of great importance to study and investigate all the factors associated with the outbreak. Thus after estimating the socio-economic impact of the disease in the world and more specifically in Yemen we studied the descriptive epidemiology of RVF in the first and most affected zone of the outbreak of 2000-2001 (Tihama Wadi Mawr) and then we analysed the socio-economic and environmental factors associated to the outbreak, to finish with the risk assessment of the re-introduction of RVFV from the Horn of Africa through legal animals trade. The descriptive study showed that at the national level 90% of the RVF cases were in the plain of Tihama coast, Hodiedah, Hajjah and Sadah governorates, the majority of the villages being located around the main canals of Wadi Mawr at an altitude < 300 m. Environmental as well as socio-economic factors likely to play a role in RVF transmission in Yemen were highlighted with the study of the period 1997-2007 in the country. As in previous RVF outbreaks in neighbouring countries in the Horn of Africa, the year 2000 presented above-normal vegetation index values, which reflected important precipitations, for both rainy seasons (the first occurring between March and May; the second between July and October). These environmental conditions favourable to the vectors populations were found concomitant with a late starting date of Eid-al Kabeer celebration (March) in 2000, related to high hosts (cattle, sheep and goats) densities. According to these criteria, 2000 was considered as an atypical year. Yemeni Veterinary Services did not declare any RVF outbreak since 2000. Thus, we assumed Yemen free of the disease when assessing the risk of introduction of RVF into Yemen via the legal trade of small ruminants from the Horn of Africa (Kenya, Somalia, Djibouti, and Ethiopia). After precisely describing the routes and volume of trade from the Horn of Africa to Yemen, the pathway and different scenarios for introduction were developed following the OIE risk assessment method. A matrix of likelihood combinations including four possible levels (very low, low, medium, high) was built and used to combine likelihood of events. The overall probability of introduction was assessed very low to medium depending on the period of the year and most likely to occur via ovine males exported during festival periods that change depending of the year considered. The uncertainty was considered to be low. The socio-economic impact although difficult to estimate was shown to be dramatic as RVF affects all the chain of life in particular of those associated to livestock and animal products trade. Despite the dramatic impact of the outbreak of RVF in 2000 but it had the advantage to draw the attention of decision makers, of international organizations and of local veterinary services on the importance of livestock diseases and their possible effects on human health and national economies. Veterinary education also improved significantly in Yemen. It enhanced the epidemiologists skills, disease surveillance in general and the cooperation between human health care people and veterinary services. A national P3 laboratory should also soon open with the help of the IAEA and the FAO and Al-Mukkah quarantine could be modernized and extended in the near future. Regional collaboration and improvement of knowledge on animal trade but also field studies related to the disease and its entomological features are seen as compulsory to hope improving the prevention and control of RVF.But the best way and strategy for prevention of Rift Valley Fever in Yemen as well as in the world is to develop more efficient surveillance and control tools to implement coordinated regional monitoring and control programmes. - Résumé - De 1930 à 2000, la Fièvre de la Vallée du Rift (RVF) était une maladie essentiellement africaine. Cest une maladie vectorielle causée par un virus du genre Phlebovirus de la famille des Bunyaviridae. Les principaux vecteurs sont les Aedes et les Culex. En Septembre 2000, des cas furent rapportés pour la première fois hors du continent africain touchant le Yémen et lArabie Saoudite. Cette épidémie ouvrit une nouvelle ére dans lhistoire de la RVF. Elle prouva la capacité du virus à infecter des zones nouvelles, des écosystèmes différents et sa capacité à se propager à nimporte quelle région du monde. Plusieurs hypothèses furent avancées concernant son introduction et les facteurs socio-économiques associés aux foyers. Sil est difficile dévaluer précisement son impact socio-economique, il fut considéré comme le plus lourd de lhistoire moderne des maladies animales au Yémen même comparé à celui de la peste bovine dans les années 70 à cause de son caractère zoonotique. Pour répondre à ses hypothèses, il était important détudier et de rechercher tous les facteurs associés aux foyers. Ainsi après avoir estimé limpact soci-èconomique de la maladie dans le monde et plus particulièrement au Yemen, lon sintéréssa à lépidémiologie descriptive de la RVF dans les premières zones touchées mais aussi les plus affectées lors des foyers de 2000-2001 (Tihama Wadi Mawr) Puis lon analysa les facteurs socio-économiques et environmentaux associés aux foyers pour finir avec lévaluation de risque de la réintroduction du RVFV à partir du commerce légal danimaux de la Corne dAfrique. Létude descriptive montre quau niveau national, en 2000-2001 environ 90 % des cas étaient dans la plaine de la côte de Tihama, Hodiedah, Hajjah et Sadah, la plupart des villages étant localisées autour des canaux principaux de Wadi Mawar à une altitude infereure à 300 Mètres (m). Les facteurs environmentaux et socioèconomiques susceptibles davoir un rôle dans la transmission de la RVF au Yémen furent soulignés avec létude de la période 1997-2007 dans le pays. Comme dans les foyers précédents de RVF dans les pays voisins de la Corne de lAfrique, lannée 2000 présentait des valeurs anormalement élevées dindex normal de végétation refletant dimportantes précipitations lors des deux saisons des pluies (la première entre mars et mai, la seconde entre juillet et octobre). Ces conditions environmentales favorables aux populations de vecteurs apparurent concommitantes avec une date tardive de début des festivités de lEid-al Kabeer en (mars) 2000 entraînant à une densité importante de populations hôtes (bovins, moutons, chèvres). Considérant ces facteurs lannée 2000 fut considérée comme une année atypique. Les services vétérinaires yéménites ne déclarèrent pas de foyers de RVF depuis 2000. Ainsi on fit lhypothèse que le Yémen nétait plus infecté pusqon lon sintéressa au risque de ré-introduction de la RVF au Yémen via le commerce légal de petits ruminants depuis la Corne de lAfrique (Kenya, Somalie, Djibouti et Ethiopie). Après avoir précisemment décrit les routes et volumes déchanges depuis la Corne de lAfrique jusquau Yémen, les chemins événementiels et différents scénarios dintroduction furent développé en suivant la méthode de lOIE. Une matrice de combinaison des probabilités incluant quatre niveaux (très bas, bas, modéré, élevé) fut construite et utilisée pour combiner les probabilité de réalisation des évènements. La probabilité globale dintroduction fut trouvée très basse à modérée en fonction de la période de survenue dans lannée et plus probablement via lintroduction dovins males exportés pendant les périodes de fêtes dont loccurrence change en fonction de lannée considérée. Lincertitude fut considérée basse. Si l'impact socio-économique de la RVF est difficile à évaluer, il est pourtant dramatique en atteignant tous les maillons du réseau de ceux dont la vie sorganise autour du bétail et de son commerce ou du commerce de ses produits. Malgré limpact dramatique des foyers de RVF en 2000, ceci a eu lavantage de dattirer l'attention de décideurs, dorganisations internationales et des services vétérinaires locaux sur l'importance des maladies de bétail et leurs effets possibles sur la santé humaine et les économies nationales. L'éducation vétérinaire s'est aussi améliorée de façon significative au Yémen. La qualification des épidémiologistes et la surveillance des maladies en général sen sont trouvées meilleures, ainsi que la coopération entre les services médicaux humains et les services vétérinaires. Un laboratoire national P3 devrait voir le jour prochainement avec laide de lIAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) et de la FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization). La modernisation et l'extension de la quarantaine Al-Mukkah, est aussi prévue dans un avenir proche. La collaboration régionale, lamélioration de la connaissance du commerce du bétail mais aussi des études de terrain relatives à la maladie et à ses caractéristiques épidémiologiques sont indispensables pour espérer améloirer la prévention et le contrôle de la RVF. Mais la meilleures stragtègie pour la prevèntion de la fièvre de la vallée de Rift au Yemen comme dans le monde est de developper une surveillance plus efficace et controler des outils pour mettre en place un suivi regional coordonnée et des programmes de contrôle.

Democracy compromised chiefs and the politics of the land in South Africa /

Ntsebeza, Lungisile. January 2005 (has links)
Texte remanié de : Doctoral thesis : Sociology : University of Durban : 1993. / Bibliogr. p. [301]-319. Index.

Dynamique environnementale en zones sahélienne et soudanienne de lAfrique de lOuest : Analyse de l'évolution et évaluation de la dégradation du couvert végétal/ Environmental dynamic in the Sahelian and Sudanian zone of West Africa: Temporal analysis and assessment of vegetation cover degradation.

Hountondji, Yvon Carmen 23 June 2008 (has links)
In order to understand the dynamics of desertification after the 1980s droughts, the trends and changes of photosynthetically active fraction of the vegetation cover of the semi-arid region of West Africa have been analyzed across three ecoclimatic entities. This study focuses on six countries (Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Burkina-Faso, Niger and Benin) that reflect quite well the human and environmental context of semi-arid regions. The main objective of this thesis is to check in the before-mentioned biophysical and human context, if the state of the vegetation improves because of more favourable rainfall conditions, or if, conversely, the long environmental deterioration during recent decades has a healthy dose of irreversibility for several years. The process of investigation proceeds in three stages defined by geographical scales and a geoclimatic gradient. At the regional level, we compared vegetation productivity data from 1982-1999 time series of NOAA-AVHRR NDVI data to rainfall data. We analyzed data from 315 rain gauges distributed across five countries (Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Burkina-Faso and Niger) with annual average isohyets ranging from 100 to 900 mm. For trends analysis, we used the ratio of the integrated vegetation index (iNDVI) during the crop-growth period (June to October) to the May to October sum of rainfall (RR). This ratio (iNDVI/RR), a proxy of the Rain Use Efficiency, is widely used by ecologists as an indicator for detecting desertification processes. Overall, our results show a significant increase of the net primary production as a response of post-drought rainfall increase. However, the trends of iNDVI/RR ratio suggest that most of the studied stations (54%) in sahelian and sahelo-sudanese belts were stable and 31.4% showed strong to very strong negative change in iNDVI/RR ratio, while 13.3% of the stations showed a moderate decrease and only 1.3% showed a positive trend. At the country level, similar trends were recorded throughout 128 stations in Burkina Faso located between the 500 mm and 1100 mm isohyets. In fact, more than half the studied stations showed a stability of iNDVI/RR ratio. However, 39.8% of them show a negative trend from low to high, while only 2.4% of them show a slight positive trend. In addition, a comparison with more detailed local case studies confirmed these observed trends. However, the obtained results for wetter stations in the southern part of the country should be taken with precaution, as the relationship between NDVI and rainfall tends to weaken when annual rainfall is higher than 1000 mm. Overall, the negative trends highlight a gradual decline in plant productivity. These results recorded in 44.7% of the analyzed stations may reflect ongoing desertification processes in the sahelian and sahelo-sudanian zones over the past two decades. At the local level, a structural characterization of woody units in three bioclimatic regions of the sudanian zone (900 mm 1200 mm) in the north of Benin was conducted to assess their degradation status. We recorded the structural characteristics of stands (basal area, density), species diversity as well as disturbances type and intensity. Multivariate analysis revealed a gradient of productivity between the three regions: there was a high diversity of woody stands in the south-sudanian sector, while the north-sudanian and sudano-sahelian sectors were dominated by savannas and shrub, which had low productivity. The productivity gradient is influenced by a disturbance gradient suggesting that the decline in productivity is stronger from south-sudanian to the sudano-sahelian region. In addition, the spatial component of the observable changes in vegetation cover has been mapped by remote sensing in a restricted area of the sudanian zone in northern Benin with SPOT-XS data over the period 1986-2005. Over the past two decades, 19.6% of the woody stands have completely disappeared; 12.9% of this extinction of woody stands was due to deforestation, and 13.9 % due to degradation processes. In contrast to these trends, 21.8% of the study area were stable, while less than a third (31.7%) of the area were experiencing woody recovery (reforestation). The analysis also reveals significant disparities in the rates of change of the identified land use class units. These variations are more pronounced for the woody units and agricultural land than in villages. These results suggest that land cover degradation throughout the study area is primarily due to anthropogenic factors (livestock and agricultural expansion, logging, breeding). In fact, this area is a preferred destination for agricultural migrants fleeing the unpredictable climatic conditions of the drier semi-arid areas. Overall, our results highlight the rapid decline of vegetation resources, challenging assumptions that the impact of ongoing desertification processes is mixed, outside of the arid and semi-arid regions of West Africa. The developed framework is easily reproducible and allows the implementation of a reliable diagnosis on the state of the vegetation cover from accessible and inexpensive data. Its implementation should facilitate the development of managerial techniques for better assistance to the poor, especially vulnerable to the gradual degradation of their environment.

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