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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The South African shipping question, 1886-1914

Solomon, Vivian January 1979 (has links)
From Preface: For the best part of a generation the "Shipping Question" was a talking-point in South Africa; yet today it is completely forgotten, and the name of its leading actor is virtually unknown. Scant reference to the controversy will be found in economic- or other histories; in the rare cases where it is alluded to, the treatment is superficial. This study seeks to fill that gap. At the outset it is advisable to define the scope of the work. It is not a history of the South African shipping trade in the pre-1914 era: shiplovers have had that ground amply covered by Marischal Murray, and indeed are unlikely to find in the following pages much to their taste. Neither is it an economic analysis of shipping conferences: there is a growing body of work on that subject, and this study does not seek to add to it. Nor is it a business history: it does not probe the structure, the management or the profitability of shipping enterprise in the period concerned. A full-scale discussion of these latter topics would be a major undertaking in its own right, nor is it at all certain that the necessary materials are accessible or even extant. In short, the study is concerned with the origins, the course and the outcome of the "Shipping Question" of the period 1886-1914. Documentation for a controversy that was essentially mercantile in its origins and its first dimensions might be thought to be patchy and sparse; but it is gratifying to record that a substantial volume of material has been uncovered. The newspapers and periodicals of the time, especially in the period before the Boer War, devoted much more attention to shipping than has since been usual; The British and South African Export Gazette, South Africa, The African Review, and the London edition of The Cape Argus have been of particular value. In that era, again, the Chambers of Commerce occupied a more prominent position in their communities than they seem to do now, and their meetings were reported at length, often to the extent of several columns of newsprint; these reports have been of great assistance. It is fortunate, moreover, that the papers of two of the leading protagonists on the South African side have survived: the Garlick Papers and the Jagger Papers, now housed in the University of Cape Town Libraries; these, while perhaps not as full as might have been hoped, have shed a good deal of light on mercantile thinking and strategy. If the controversy had been confined to the mercantile sector, however, it would scarcely justify detailed investigation. It entered also into the sphere of government and politics and it came to assume an Imperial dimension; and in these aspects it is pleasingly well documented in official primary sources. The papers of prominent public figures, furthermore, have yielded some valuable insights and, in some cases, the documents that rightfully belong in official repositories! The minutes of one of the corporate bodies to the dispute - the South African Merchants' Committee in London - are still extant, and they have been of great use in supplementing the (sometimes condensed) versions of the Committee's proceedings that are available from newspaper- and other sources. While disappointingly attenuated in some areas, the records of the Union-Castle Line have been alike fascinating and indispensable. The papers of Percy Molteno, a member of the Line's management and one of the leading actors in the second part of this study, form a valuable supplement to the records. One cause for regret has been the absence of primary sources emanating from the other shipping lines involved in the controversy. The Union- Castle Line was the dominant partner in the trade, and will therefore occupy the centre of the stage; but its colleagues' records would have been useful in perhaps correcting undue emphases or false perspectives.

'n Ikonologiese ondersoek na die beeldmotiewe in die kuns van Maggie Laubser

Miles, Elizabeth Josephine 15 July 2014 (has links)
Ph.D. (Art History) / By applying Panofsky's method of iconological analysis to Maggie Laubser's interpretation of motifs I could ascertain the following: * Christian Science played a decisive role in the development of her symbolic language; * the great mother archetype, as defined by Erich Neumann, features dominantly in her art; 'k Laubser's use of light is not purely painterly, but has symbolical and mythical implications; * the scenes depicting harvesting at the Cape or in the Orange Free State have besides historical also religious and symbolic connotations.Christian Science discerns the threefold character of ·God as the Fathe~ as the Son and as; the Mother. In analyzing Laubser's interpretation of the shepherd image, the aged shepherd, who corresponds to Saturn or Father Time, is the father who disposes of life and death. The young shepherd corresponds to the Good Shepherd though he has no physical contact with the sheep in his fold. The motherhood of God is demonstated by using an African woman in the untraditional working situ~tion of herding sheep. By juxtaposing the woman, with a child on her back, and a hut the image of provision which corresponds to the image of God as Mother is procured. Laubser explores the different phases of womanhood which embraces not only motherhood but also the possibility of rebirth through woman as goddess. In portraying the divine union where earth and heaven are united in the hieros gamos, Laubser explores the different implications of light. Her use of light motifs is not restricted to the depiction of either the sun or the moon. Buddha, the Enlightened Being and symbol of radiant light is incorporated instill lives so that the sun is brought within the eonfines of the interior. The ca t , ancanLmaLias socLa ted wi th the moon, later on substitutes the statuette of Buddha in still lives. In this way one can discern between work belonging to a sun period and work belonging to a moon period. Though harvesting signifies the end of a cycle and the reaper is seen as a symbol of death, Laubser uses cloud and child motifs to symbolize regeneration...

A political history of the Bhacas from earliest times to 1910

Makaula, Anderson Mhlauli January 1989 (has links)
The Bhacas are people whose history has not yet been clearly written. Unlike the Mpondo, Xhosa and Thempu chiefdoms, the Bhacas are comparatively recent immigrants into the Cape area. The first chapter deals with origins of the Bhacas and introduces the reader to Bhaca affairs. The chiefdom is said to have been a victim of the disruptive Tshakan wars of the early 19th century, and Madzikane, who later on assumed the reputation of being the architect of the Bhaca nation, left Natal seeking a place where to establish his independence. He collected a large number of fugitives scattered in the southern part of Natal and migrated to the Embondzeni Great Place in Mount Frere. The second chapter concentrates on the habits and customs of the Bhacas. The Bhacas of Mount Frere district are divided into two autonomous chiefdoms according to the descendants of Sonyangwe and Ncapayi, sons of the renowned Great Bhaca chief, Madzikane. Bhaca customs are characterised by their First Fruit Festival dialect.(ingcubhe) and their distinctive Thsefula Then comes the era of Ncapayi who had been renowned for his warlike propensities, and the controversial Voortrekker attack of 1840. It was however, during his reign that mission work started amongst the Bhacas. This left an indelible impression among the Bhacas because Osborn Mission Station was established in 1858 during Mamjucu's reign, the widow of Ncapayi, many years after his death . The influence of missionaries coupled with the problems encountered by Makaula, Ncapayi's son from the surrounding chiefdoms, led to the acceptance of colonial rule. This leads us to chapters 6, 7 and 8 where the colonial government interfers in the Bhaca traditional administrative system especially in matters relating to the allocation of land, appointment of headmen, relations between Makaula and Nomtsheketshe and relations between the Bhacas and the Mpondo. It was during Makaula's regime that many denominations were established in the Mount Frere district. A great measure of credit should be given to these churches for placing systematically before the Bhacas the higher standards of belief and conduct. The history of Bhacas from the 1860's was characterised by change and modification due to the increasing contact with the white man's culture.

A portrait of a school : Healdtown Missionary Institution (1925-1955) through the eyes of some of its ex-pupils

Peppeta, Joseph Ability Mzwanele January 1989 (has links)
The study is on Healdtown Missionary Institution. A broad background has been given from 1855 when the Institution was established by Sir George Grey. The emphasis has, however, been from 1925 when the earliest respondents were admitted, up to 1955 when the Department of Bantu Education took over from the missionaries. This period has been deliberately chosen since Healdtown was largely run by the Wesleyan Missionaries during that time. It must also be mentioned that the administration side of Healdtown has not been covered, since Professor Hewson has given a broad picture of this aspect in his doctoral thesis (1959). Similarly, the situation in the classrooms has not been considered except where appropriate references have been cited by respondents. The stress is on the different activities that took place, mainly in every day life in the Institution. Some of these are the positions of responsibility held by respondents in the Institution and their effect on them (the respondents) in later life. This can be coupled with the contribution the respondents made to their communities after leaving Healdtown. The most important thing about the study is what has been revealed with regard to the three generations: the parents of the respondents, the respondents themselves and the children of the respondents. In this aspect a picture of how elite produces elite has been highlighted. To add more flavour, the memories, both good and bad, have been analysed and in order to see whether these are common or peculiar, a comparison was made with similar day schools (secondary) in Soweto. In the conclusion, especially, the limited opportunities for Black pupils to have secondary education during this period is also highlighted. This goes with the eagerness and efforts shown by parents to give secondary schooling to their children. Last, but not least, in the conclusion to this thesis certain deductions from the study have been exposed. What the graduates think about the future of the Institution together with how they view the pupils of the eighties has received a place. It must also be mentioned that the graduates seem to view Healdtown as having prepared them for life

Boerdery in die Suid-Afrikaanse Republiek 1858-1899

Naudé, Petrus January 1954 (has links)
In Suid-Afrika het die opkoms van die sosialistiese gedagte teen die einde van die negentiende eeu ook merkbare invloed op die staatshuishouding gehad. In die negentiende eeu was die ekonomiese wetgewing, hoofsaaklik onder invloed van die indiwidualisme volgens die leer van "Laissez- faire", daarop gerig om die maksimum welvaart te verkry deur vrye mededinging aan te moedig en te beskerm, en om privaat inisiatief sy gang te laat gaan. Daar het egter geleidelik 'n verandering in hierdie houding en beleid ingetree. Deur 'n verandering in die beskouing omtrent die einddoel van die menslike arbeid en sy ekonomiese bedrywigheid moes die staat uit sosiaal-ekonomiese oorwegings sekere seksies van die samelewing deur spesiale en beskermende wetgewing te hulp kom. Die ontwikkeling van die aandeel wat die staat geneem het in die beheer en bevordering van die welvaart van die boere in die Suid-Afrikaanse Republiek is ' n voorbeeld van die voorgenoemde omwenteling in die ekonomiese en bedryfslewe teen die einde van die vorige eeu. Die staat het aanvanklik weinig gedoen vir die bevordering en beheer van die onderhoudsboerdery. Later, met die veranderde boerderyekonomie, het staatshulp, staatsvoorligting en -beheer egter noodsaaklik geword. Gedurende die laaste jare van die Suid- Afrikaanse Republiek het die owerheid meer en meer verpligtings teenoor die boeregemeenskap aanvaar. Namate die staat groter hulp en diens verskaf het, na dié mate moes hy ook groter beheer uitoefen.

The origins, growth and development of the Bantu Presbyterian Church of South Africa

Van der Spuy, Daniel January 1971 (has links)
From Preface: "The function of the historian is neither to love the past nor to emancipate himself from the past, but to master and understand it as the key to understanding the present." (E.H. Carr, What is history?, 1964 p.26.) The existence of an independent Bantu Presbyterian Church (B.P.C.) has raised many questions and problems which could only be probed by tracing its history. It is fascinating that even with the passing of so many years the issues at stake are still in the forefront. Perhaps in understanding the past one may better understand the present, but only one with acute vision will know the "right solution". The "Presbyterian mission" has been one of many in South Africa and has been present for over 150 years, yet I found little, as far as published work is concerned, which deals comprehensively with the various bodies comprising this mission. Nor is it clear, even in Presbyterian circles, what its history and policy has been, or meant, in the life of this country. Unfortunately, material is not always readily available, (which I found to my dismay), and both time and expense is involved in collecting such. I have consequently had to rely on scanty information as well as the dry-as-dust, uninformative blue books of the B.P.C.and P.C.S.A., which may indicate trends but very little by way of individual thought. With some spadework done by a few, it is an ardent hope that more will be done to uncover the past to knit the Presbyterian tradition together, that it may take its place amongst other histories, not in any partisan manner, but only to contribute to a healthy ecumenical climate where the worth of each tradition is acknowledged and used to increase the spirit of closer co-operation. The question of Presbyterian Union has long been present. My hope is that this thesis may clarify and encourage.

A history of the growth and development of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Southern Africa, 1920-1960

Thompson, Ronald Charles Lloyd January 1979 (has links)
From Introduction: The most natural divisions of time for this historical survey of the growth and development of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Southern Africa fall into three periods: (1) from 1920, when the African Division of Seventh-day Adventists was organized, to 1931, when it was reorganized under the name Southern African Division; (2) from 1931 to 1945, covering the period years of the Great Depression and Second world War; (3) from 1946 to 1960, the post-war. Attention is given in Chapter I to a certain phase of church development because the church had emerged at the highest level of Adventist organization, i.e. a Division. Although the first group of Adventists adopted the simplest form of organization in 1892 known as the South African Conference, the church was small and little known. The church at Division level therefore embarked on a programme of orientation and adaptation to gain recognition and make itself known everywhere. Closely allied to this was organization. Chapter II defines the organization of the church and explains how it was financed. The history of its organization and reorganization is also traced. Chapters III and IV deal with an era of expansion during the twenties in the establishment of missions, medical missions and training institutions, while new mission fields were entered and old mission fields were further developed. Chapters V and VI continue to trace the development of missions, mission fields, medical missions, and training institutions together with important changes in the medical and educational work. Further reorganization and new developments in the European church and African church are also outlined. The great emphasis on expansion and the development of institutions finally reached a point whereby "institutionalism" overtook "evangelism". Chapter VII discusses this problem and what was done to try and arrest it. Thus the history of the church is brought to an interesting turning point and climax in Part Two. Chapter VIII breaks from the common run of growth and development in missions, medical missions and institutions and traces the development of the principles and practice of the Adventist Church. The Southern African Division set itself the objective of full maturity in the establishment of a self-supporting, self-governing and self- propagating church in Africa. The history of these principles are covered together with the principles governing the reception of government grants-in-aid. Chapter IX deals with the analysis and development of the three-fold ministry of teaching, preaching and healing. These chapters in Part Three do not constitute a conclusion but simply give further insights in the growth and development of the church .

The legal history of in-transit robbery

Coetzer, André Lodewyk January 2007 (has links)
The crime of in-transit robbery is a sub-specie of the common law crime of robbery, which in essence is a crime of theft with violence. Robbery had evolved from begging, where beggars would harass their victims for money or items of value and then elevating their begging efforts to threats of violence, and in certain instances the usage of physical violence to solicit alms. As soon as road transport became prominent in society, the incidence of in-transit robbery increased where violence was used to overcome any form of resistance from the victim. During sea-faring transportation, piracy occurred using similar methods of violence to obtain goods from victims. In-transit robbery has undergone many changes in terms of modus operandi. From the early days of violent begging during the Roman Empire it has now become a greed driven, carefully planned crime, which is executed with military precision with high technology weapons of war. Robbery has advanced in judicial terms from a non-codified crime to a specific defined crime which carries prescribed minimum sentencing as punishment. / Abstract

Altering urbanscapes: South African writers re-imagining Johannesburg, with specific reference to Lauren Beukes, K. Sello Duiker, Nadine Gordimer and Phaswane Mpe

Fryer, Jocelyn Teri January 2014 (has links)
The following dissertation considers the ways in which we have come to perceive of our post-apartheid South African urban spaces. It focusses on the representation of our contemporary urban spaces as I posit that they are re-imagined in the works of Phaswane Mpe, K.Sello Duiker, Nadine Gordimer and Lauren Beukes. In particular, it is concerned with the representation of Johannesburg, and specifically Hillbrow, in relation to the space of the rural, the suburban enclave and the city of Cape Town. I argue that while so-called urban ‘slums’ such as Hillbrow have been denigrated in the local imaginary, the texts that I have selected draw attention to the potentialities of such spaces. Rather than aspiring to ‘First World’ aesthetics of modernity then, we might come to see such spaces as Hillbrow anew, and even to learn from them as models, so as to better create more fully integrated and dynamic African cities.

Aspects of the immigration of Europeans to South Africa, 1946-1970

Donsky, Isidore Jack 07 October 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Historical Studies) / Please refer to full text to view abstract

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