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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socio-economic development of the Coloured community since the Theron Commission

Van Deventer, Gerhardus Johannes 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Poverty is a widespread phenomenon within the coloured community of South Africa. In 1976 the Theron Commission reported on coloured poverty and recommended widespread reform to the apartheid system to incorporate coloureds into social and economic life on an equal footing with whites. The commission was of the opinion that the poorest 40% of coloureds lived in a state of chronic community poverty. This conclusion was based on the culture of poverty approach, which states that negative external factors and an internal process of self-perpetuation can sometimes combine to cause a povertysyndrome. The original culture of poverty approach was widely misinterpreted and criticised and consequently lost much of its support. However, if properly understood, the approach can still be used effectively. Since the Theron commission made a healthy reinterpretation of this approach it also provides a good theoretical framework to analyse coloured poverty. The socio-economic position of coloureds has improved markedly since the era of the Theron commission. Total fertility rates and infant mortality rates declined, while life expectancy increased. The educational status of coloureds increased considerably. There is, however, still a large disparity between rural and urban coloureds. The per capita income of coloureds almost doubled in this period. This rise in income can be attributed to an improvement in occupational status (which was in turn influenced by an improvement in educational status) as well as a decrease in wage discrimination. In spite of the overall improvement in the socio-economic position of coloureds, poverty rates did not decrease significantly since the era of the Theron Commission. Although poverty is still more widespread in rural areas, there has been a relative improvement in the socioeconomic position of rural coloureds and agricultural labourers. This has partly been caused by the urbanisation of the rural poor. Coloured poverty is, however, still at much lower levels than black poverty. Since the era of the Theron Commission the culture of poverty has been positively influenced by several factors: racial discrimination in public education and other social spending decreased, levels of education improved and contributed to the rise in per capita income, social work has become better focussed and is provided on a more equal basis and the socio-political emancipation of coloureds were achieved with the rise of a democratic society. However, it seems that the good economic growth rates during the 1960's and early 1970's provided the biggest thrust to the upward socio-economic mobility of coloureds and played a more important role than the Theron report or any other socio-political changes. It can be concluded that the culture of poverty as it existed at the time of the Theron report has weakened considerably and that the approach should therefore not be used as the basic model to describe the socio-economic position of poor coloureds any more. Current anti-poverty measures should be focussed on job creation, community building and education. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Armoede is 'n wydverspreide probleem in die kleurlinggemeenskap van Suid- Afrika. In 1976 het die Theron Kommissie ondersoek ingestel na kleurling armoede en hulle het drastiese veranderinge aan die apartheidstelsel voorgestel om die sosio-ekonomiese vooruitgang van kleurlinge te verseker. Die kommissie het aangevoer dat die armste 40% van die kleurlingbevolking in 'n toestand van chroniese gemeenskapsarmoede verkeer. Hierdie gevolgtrekking is gebaseer op die kultuur van armoede teorie, wat veronderstel dat In armoedesiklus kan ontstaan wanneer daar 'n wisselwerking is tussen negatiewe omgewingsfaktore en In interne proses van selfvoortplanting deur middel van die gesin. Die oorspronklike kultuur van armoede benadering was onderhewig aan verskeie misinterpretasies en kritiek en het derhalwe baie aanhang verloor. Tog kan die kultuur van armoede teorie steeds met vrug aangewend word indien dit korrek toegepas word. Aangesien die Theron Kommissie die oorspronklike teorie op In gesonde manier geherinterpreteer het, verskaf dit 'n goeie teoretiese raamwerk waarbinne kleurlingarmoede ondersoek kan word. Die sosio-ekonomiese posisie van kleurlinge het In merkwaardige verbetering getoon sedert die era van die Theron Kommissie. Fertiliteitskoerse en suigelingsterftekoerse het afgeneem, terwyl lewensverwagting toegeneem het. Die onderwyspeil van kleurlinge het ook drasties verbeter, alhoewel daar steeds In groot gaping is tussen landelike en stedelike kleurlinge. Die per capita inkomste van kleurlinge het amper verdubbel in die periode. Die verhoging kan toegeskryf word aan In verhoogde beroepstatus (wat weer deur verbeterde onderwyspeile beïnvloed is) sowel as laer vlakke van loondiskriminasie. Ten spyte van die algehele verbetering in die sosio-ekonomiese posisie van kleurlinge, het armoedevlakke sedert die Theron era nie noemenswaardig verminder nie. Alhoewel armoede steeds wydverspreid is in landelike gebiede, het daar In relatiewe verbetering in die sosio-ekonomiese posisie van landelike kleurlinge en die plaaswerkersgemeenskap plaasgevind. Dit is deels veroorsaak deur verstedeliking van arm landelike inwoners. Kleurling armoede is egter steeds op 'n baie laer vlak as swart armoede. Sedert die era van die Theron Kommissie is die toestand van chroniese gemeenskapsarmoede deur verskeie positiewe faktore beïnvloed: rassediskriminasie ten opsigte van onderwys en ander sosiale besteding het verminder, vlakke van onderwys het verbeter en het bygedra tot 'n verhoging in per capita inkome, sosiale werk is beter gefokus en word op 'n meer gelyke skaal verskaf en met die demokratiseringsproses is die sosio-politiese emansipasie van kleurlinge verkry. Tog lyk dit of die goeie ekonomiese groei van die sestigerjare en vroeë sewentqerjare 'n groter invloed op die opwaartse sosioekonomiese mobiliteit van kleurlinge gehad het as die Theron verslag en ander sosio-politieke veranderinge. Die gevolgtrekking kan gemaak word dat die kultuur van armoede soos dit gemanifesteer het in die tyd van die Theron verslag in so 'n mate verswak het dat die benadering nie meer gebruik moet word as die basiese model om die sosioekonomiese toestand van arm kleurlinge te beskryf nie. Dit beteken egter nie dat daar nie nog steeds akute armoedeprobleme in sekere dele van die kleurlinggemeenskap bestaan nie. Huidige armoede-verligtingsbeleid moet fokus op werkskepping, gemeenskapsbou en onderwys.

An evaluation of the effects of poverty in Khayelitsha: a case study of site C.

Ndingaye, Xoliswa Zandile January 2005 (has links)
The study seeked to investigate an evaluation of the effects of poverty in Khayelitsha Site C. Poverty in this area has manifested in the conditions people live under and the social effects of such conditions in the life of Site C residents was assessed in terms of/or in relation to the following: levels of infant mortality / level of malnutrition / rate of school drop out due to lack of food and other resources / high level of alcohol abuse / lack of basic services and the shortage of toilets etc.

Tourism, poverty and poverty reduction in Msambweni district, Kenya

Barasa, Davis Wekesa January 2010 (has links)
This thesis examines the potential of tourism’s contribution to poverty reduction as perceived by local people in Msambweni district in Kenya. Whilst many studies in tourism have focused mainly on the macro-economic impacts of tourism in developing countries, there is little empirical work on understanding its effects upon poverty reduction. Furthermore, researches on how the poor or local people define poverty are also at their embryonic stage. The research utilises multiple qualitative methods and participatory approaches including focus group discussions and meetings. Key objectives of the research are: to critically analyse how poverty is conceptualised by local people; to identify the barriers to participation in the tourism industry and development process; and make recommendations on how to overcome them. The thesis reviews the theoretical framework of poverty within the discourse of development studies. Contrary to the conventional economic definition of poverty, poor people in Msambweni view it as a multidimensional concept. The understanding of the concept of poverty as perceived by the ‘poor’ themselves is critical for addressing barriers to their participation in the tourism development process and in designing meaningful tourism-led anti-poverty strategies. The thesis also reviews other relevant tourism concepts and development paradigms. The central argument of this thesis is that the current model of tourism development in Msambweni is not suitable for addressing poverty. The study identifies barriers to local people’s participation in tourism development in Msambweni. Key barriers include weak capacity in the context of physical, human, financial and institutional capital; corruption; poverty; lack of information; weak linkages with the local economy attributable to the lack of access to tourist markets; and the inability to develop and promote the ‘right’ types of tourism. Ecotourism, volunteer tourism and ‘philanthropy tourism’, although practiced on a small scale, are the most preferred types of tourism by local people. Philanthropy tourism, an emergent term of this study, involves tourists visiting local attractions, villages, and schools and making donations to support various projects. The study concludes that for tourism to have meaningful contribution to poverty reduction, barriers that limit local people’s participation must be addressed. There is also the need for a paradigm shift to embrace policies that facilitate the transfer of economic benefits from the macro-level towards the poor at the micro-level, combined with the development and promotion of the ‘right’ types of tourism as identified by local people.

Development through rural advancement, with special reference to Kwazulu-Natal

12 September 2012 (has links)
M.Comm. / The aim of this study was to analyse and discuss the importance of rural advancement in the development of developing regions or countries, and KwaZulu-Natal was used as a case study. The literature focused on the backwardness of the rural areas and the importance of rural advancement for the development of less developed regions or countries. Development cannot be said to have taken place unless people's lives in general have improved. Large parts of developing regions or countries consists of rural areas. Furthermore, it appears that a large proportion of the population in the developing regions or countries live in rural areas. Rural advancement will, therefore, play a crucial role in the development of developing regions or countries. Amongst other things, it will improve the lives of the people living in rural areas, it will provide markets for both local factor inputs and locally produced goods and services, it will redistribute national income, it will reverse rural-urban migration by providing employment opportunities in the rural areas, and in general it will stimulate the rural economy. KwaZulu-Natal is one of the poorest provinces in South Africa, and a large proportion of KwaZulu-Natal's population live in non-urban areas. The development of KwaZulu-Natal will therefore to a great extent depend on the development of its rural parts. The rural areas in KwaZulu-Natal are subject to a number of factors that results in underdevelopment. Rural KwaZulu-Natal is poverty-stricken, low levels of human development prevail, there are high rates of unemployment, low productivity, low economic activity, and in general people in rural KwaZulu-Natal are subject to low standards of living. Economic activities in the province are concentrated to a large extent in the urban areas of the province. This suggests that development initiatives of the past were not focused on rural KwaZulu-Natal. Rural KwaZulu-Natal is also subject to high rates of political conflict, crime and violence which have hindered the development of the province. The provision of social and basic services in rural KwaZulu-Natal is inadequate, and the province is subject to environmental degradation. The study confirmed that rural advancement - through stimulation of the economic, social, political, and environmental dimensions of development - will play a crucial role in the future development of less developed regions or countries, in general.

The potential of the chemical industry in generating economic growth in the Northern Province

22 August 2012 (has links)
M.Comm. / The primary aim of this research is to indicate that the lack of economic progress in the Northern Province is basically caused by the absence of a strong manufacturing sector, particularly the chemical industry. The chemical industry is a key sector in both the primary and secondary sectors. In agriculture and mining it provides fertilizers and explosives respectively to increase output. Diversified farming will emerge as a direct response to a rise in agricultural output. As the population in the Northern Province is rapidly rising, the demand for agricultural products will also rise. This will have a positive influence on the income of farmers. As the income rises, production in agriculture will increase which will bring about a demand for implements, tractors and other equipment. In the manufacturing sector the chemical industry will stimulate the process of industrialisation in the Northern Province. The industrialisation process will involve the outward-orientation of the economy. This means that the chemical industry will act as a leading sector by showing forward and backward linkages. The economy of the Northern Province is performing poorly in terms of GGP. The role of the government in providing services cannot alone generate a sustainable economic growth. A sustainable economic growth in the Province can take place if the chemical industry plays a crucial role in producing chemicals which can be used in agriculture and manufacturing. Therefore this study will show that economic growth in the Northern Province can be sustained by growth in the chemical industry.

Ontwikkelingsbeleid vir post-apartheid Suid-Afrika

04 September 2012 (has links)
D.Comm. / The purpose of this study is to investigate the ways in which future development policy for post-apartheid South Africa must be structured. The motivation for the study stems from, firstly the way in which development issues were handled in the past, secondly the unique problematic nature of South Africa's development, and thirdly the shortcomings in the present proposals for development policy. If one examines the latest tendencies in the international literature on development policy, a shift in emphasis in the international approach to development since the late 1980s is discernible. Whereas the earlier emphasis in development policy was on the generating of economic growth which would have to trickle down to all levels of society, there has more recently been an increasing awareness of the important role which people must fulfil in the development process. According to the latest international literature on the subject, development must be a sustainable and humancentred process in which the protection of the environment, human security, and economic growth must be taken into account. As regards South Africa's development experience, this study came to the conclusion that the ways in which development issues were historically addressed were not successful. All policy initiatives were directed at the development of First World structures, the promotion of economic growth and the uplifting of minorities, while a ceiling was placed on opportunities for the development of the majority of the country's people. An economic growth pattern for development was thus advocated in which people and their development fulfilled a subordinate role. Although since the 1980s attempts have been made to stimulate development, these did not have political legitimacy in the eyes of the broader population and did not take place in a co-ordinated manner. The consequences of these policy initiatives are reflected in South Africa's current development problems. For the broader population, access to health, education and other essential services is either lacking or is of a poor quality. Human security is seriously threatened. Dualism occurs as regards the standard of human development and it is especially the black population, women and rural communities which have the greatest need for investment in human development. South Africa has limited environmental resources and in some areas has to deal with a degenerated environment. As regards economic growth, the economic growth pattern over the last two decades has seen the weakening of distribution of income, a reduction in per capita income and an increase in unemployment. The consequence of this is that approximately half of the population lives in poverty. Although since the early 1990s various policy documents have appeared with the aim of making policy proposals about the ways in which growth and development must be stimulated, none of these documents - including the Reconstruction and Development Programme - offers a satisfactory policy framework in which future development policy must be structured. As regards South Africa's unique development problems, the following proposals for a framework for future development policy are made: Development is the long-term goal which we endeavour to achieve. If a country really wants to benefit from the development process, it is necessary that development be a sustainable process. Sustainable development implies that development policy and decision-making in this regard must not only benefit the present generation, but future generations as well. A prerequisite for sustainable development, however, is that it must be humancentred. Development can therefore not be successful unless people and their choices are central to the development process. The humancentredness of development must therefore constitute the axis around which all development activities in South Africa must evolve. In order to ensure that sustainable development will be humancentred, it must, in accordance with the vision of the United Nations, be "pro-people, pro-jobs and pro-nature." Sustainable development is therefore a multidimensional and allinclusive concept with different dimensions. The discussion of a policy framework for South Africa examines the different dimensions which must be addressed in the development process in order to ensure that development in the long term will be people-centred and sustainable. The dimensions to be discussed include the social, economic, ecological, and also the political dimensions. Turning first to the social dimension, the ways in which people can be developed and their needs can be satisfied are discussed. Human development is thus regarded as the social dimension in the striving for sustainable development. Secondly the protection of the environment is discussed as the ecological dimension in the development process. Thirdly the striving for sustainable job-creating economic growth is regarded as the economic dimension in the development process. Lastly the political dimension of the development process is discussed, as it affects the successful formulation and facilitation of development policy. In addressing the different dimensions of the development process, the humancentreciness of the process must always be kept in mind. Humancentred development will clearly form the most important link in the striving for sustainable development in South Africa.

Die rol van georganiseerde arbeid in rewolusionêre strategie met besondere verwysing na die aktiwiteite van die South African Congress of Trade Unions (Sactu)

21 October 2015 (has links)
M.A. (Political Science) / In this study an investigation is made into: (a) the relationship between industrial conflict and political violence; (b) the role of organised labour in the strategy of revolution; and (c) the activities of the South African Congress of Trade Unions (SACTU) as part of the revolutionary strategy of the ANC-led Liberation Alliance...

Die ekonomiese bestaansproblematiek in Suid-Afrika

21 May 2014 (has links)
M.Com. (Economics) / The aim of this study was to look at the economic survival problem that has been very much in appearance in South Africa, especially recently. This will translate into a study of poverty in South Africa. In the second chapter I tried to get a clearer definition of poverty by, firstly looking at some formal definitions relating to poverty and then to look more generally at other descriptions of poverty from a more economic point of view. In this chapter we also discuss the Lorenz curve and how that can be used to measure poverty using income and the consumption of the population. Following on from this, in the third chapter we look at some definitions and theories of income and consumption. The theories we look at are the following : The General Consumption theory of Keynes, the Relative Income Hypothesis, the Permanent Income Hypothesis and the Life Cycle Hypothesis. After narrowing down the main cause of poverty, in the next two chapters we look at some characteristics of the poor in the rural areas as well as in the urban and metropolitan areas. In the chapter concerning the poor in the rural areas, the characteristics we look at are among others, the income, climatic problems, educational problems and health problems of the poor communities in these areas. When we discuss the characteristics of the urban and metropolitan poor, we also discuss the occurrence of unemployment and some measures that can alleviate this problem. In the sixth chapter we look at a comparison of South Africa with other countries in the world regarding the poverty problem, mainly at where South Africa fits into the world picture. In the summary some possible solutions for the whole poverty problem is put forward.

Prospects for global city development in central Gauteng.

Wolhuter, Caroline January 1995 (has links)
DISCOURSE submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree MASTER OF SCIENCE in Development Planning at the UNIVERSITY OF THE WITWATERSRAND / This discourse investigates nature and the needs of global city development. It does this, through both theoretical and empirical research into this phenomenon, peculiar to the late twentieth century. The first part of the work explores the theoretical underpinnings of 'global city thesis'. and its host dominant critique, the 'dual city thesis'. Following this, an empirical assessment of the concept's relevance to Southern Africa's development is performed. For this purpose, the most dominant locality in the region, Central Gauteng, is analysed in terms of its potential for, and the problems involved with global city development in a middle-income country. It is found that global city development here would be desirable for both Central Gauteng and the greater SADC. By establishing Central Gauteng as a global city, the region would be empowered to take greater control over its economic destiny. The path this development would, by necessity take, is the promotion of the locality as the 'Gateway to Africa'. Based on this orientation several development planning proposals are presented. / Andrew Chakane 2019

Native housing / A collective thesis by P.H. Connell...{et al}

Connell, PH, Irvine-Smith, C, Jonas, K, Kantorowich, R, Wepener, FJ 10 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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