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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Fong Chong, Barrie Unknown Date (has links)
Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a high molecular weight polysaccharide that is mainly produced by animals and certain bacteria. This polymer is biocompatible and possesses desirable rheological properties that are accentuated by high molecular weight. Diverse therapeutic applications have developed which harness these features. Pharmaceutical grade HA is mostly extracted from animal tissue. The HA derived from this source is suitable for most pharmaceutical preparations but there is growing pressure to avoid animal tissue products. This has provided the incentive to expand microbial-based HA manufacturing. However, the inherent low molecular weight of the polymer derived via this route has hampered widespread acceptance of microbial HA. This thesis examined the ramifications of improving the cellular economy of the HA-producing, gram-positive bacterium, Streptococcus zooepidemicus. Improved cellular economy is believed to be a prerequisite for achieving superior HA yields and molecular weights in this microorganism. This work examined the metabolic variation that accompanied the shift to more efficient modes of carbon utilization. In particular the effect of different sugar sources, uncoupling growth and polymer formation, and changes to the cellular oxidoreduction capacity were studied in more detail. This study utilized different sugar sources to enhance the recovery of energy. Fermenting glucose, fructose and maltose produced contrasting patterns of growth and HA formation. Culturing the organism in maltose caused a shift towards energy-efficient heterofermentative metabolism. Maltose-cultured cells displayed a biphasic pattern of metabolism. The first stage corresponded to a growth phase in which biomass synthesis profited from the increased energy yield. The second stage corresponded to an arginine-deficient stationary phase where the majority of the HA was formed. The fermentation rate was slower during stationary phase but continued to support HA biosynthesis. This bisphasic metabolism proved to be beneficial. A protracted stationary phase led to higher molecular weight HA. Fructose was unable to sustain a comparable polymer yield or molecular weight as glucose or maltose. There was evidence that the arginine deiminase pathway was responsible for the premature depletion of arginine in maltose-fermenting cultures. The accumulation of biomass exhibited a concentration-dependent response to the amount of glutamine in the medium. A second arginine transporter possessing a low affinity for glutamine could explain this phenomenon. Arginine consumption was slower when the glutamine level was elevated. This may indicate competition for a common transmembrane carrier. An elevated energetic yield and ATP formation rate were features of aerobic maltose metabolism. The relative improvement in biomass and HA yields were substantially greater for cultures fermenting maltose compared to glucose. However, no improvement in molecular weight compared to glucose was observed. A major factor contributing to the success of aerobic maltose fermentation was the particularly high NADH oxidase flux. This enzyme reoxidizes reduction equivalents in a reaction that is physically decoupled from the production of reduced metabolic products. Less lactate and ethanol accumulated in the presence of high NADH oxidase levels but acetate production was stimulated leading to an improved energetic yield. This result prompted an investigation into the effect of elevating the NADH oxidase level. The native NADH oxidase gene was sequenced and cloned into an inducible expression plasmid and introduced into S. zooepidemicus. Overproduction of this enzyme led to the desired improvement in ATP yield. A significant improvement in biomass yield was demonstrated. HA yield and molecular weight were not affected. Lactate and acetate were the main fermentation products. At high induction levels the quantity of lactate and acetate approached limiting levels and pyruvate overflow was more pronounced. This was attributed to insufficient flux capacity of the pyruvate dehydrogenase enzyme complex. The application of metabolic engineering to S. zooepidemicus has provided some insight into the regulation of energy metabolism in this microorganism and its relationship to HA synthesis. This study has observed that the specific rate of HA synthesis is correlated to the sugar uptake rate but is unaffected by the ATP yield. Under present conditions the formation of HA is not limited by the availability of energy. Nonetheless, microbial HA production will benefit from maximizing energetic yield. It was demonstrated that less catabolic carbon was expended to support biomass formation if the energetic yield was high. Therefore more residual carbon was available for HA synthesis.

Elucidating the metabolic pathways responsible for higher alcohol production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Styger, Gustav 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Wine Biotechnology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / Includes bibliography. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Alcoholic fermentation, and especially wine fermentation, is one of the most ancient microbiological processes utilized by man. Yeast of the species Saccharomyces cerevisiae are usually responsible for most of the fermentative activity, and many data sets clearly demonstrate the important impact of this species on the quality and character of the final product. However, many aspects of the genetic and metabolic processes that take place during alcoholic fermentation remain poorly understood, including the metabolic processes that impact on aroma and flavour of the fermentation product. To contribute to our understanding of these processes, this study took two approaches: In a first part, the initial aim had been to compare two techniques of transcriptome analysis, DNA oligo-microarrays and Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE), for their suitability to assess wine fermentation gene expression changes, and in particular to assess their potential to, in combination, provide combined quantitative and qualitative data for mRNA levels. The SAGE methodology however failed to produce conclusive data, and only the results of the microarray data are shown in this dissertation. These results provide a comprehensive overview of the transcriptomic changes during model wine fermentation, and serve as a reference database for the following experiments and for future studies using different fermentation conditions or genetically modified yeast. In a second part of the study, a screen to identify genes that impact on the formation of various important volatile aroma compounds including esters, fatty acids and higher alcohols is presented. Indeed, while the metabolic network that leads to the formation of these compounds is reasonably well mapped, surprisingly little is known about specific enzymes involved in specific reactions, the genetic regulation of the network and the physiological roles of individual pathways within the network. Various factors that directly or indirectly affect and regulate the network have been proposed in the past, but little conclusive evidence has been provided. To gain a better understanding of the regulations and physiological role of this network, we took a functional genomics approach by screening a subset of the EUROSCARF strain deletion library, and in particular genes encoding decarboxylases, dehydrogenases and reductases. Thus, ten genes whose deletion impacted most significantly on the aroma production network and higher alcohol formation were selected. Over-expression and single and multiple deletions of the selected genes were used to genetically assess their contribution to aroma production and to the Ehrlich pathway. The results demonstrate the sensitivity of the pathway to cellular redox homeostasis, strongly suggest direct roles for Thi3p, Aad6p and Hom2p, and highlight the important role of Bat2p in controlling the flux through the pathway. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Alkoholiese fermentasie, en veral die maak van wyn, is een van die vroegste mikrobiologiese prosesse wat deur die mensdom ingespan is. Die gisspesie Saccharomyces cerevisiae is gewoonlik grotendeels verantwoordelik vir die fermentasie and verskeie vorige studies het gedemonstreer dat hierdie spesie ‘n baie belangrike rol speel in die uiteindelike kwaliteit en karakter van die voltooide produk. Nieteenstaande die feit is daar steeds baie aspekte van beide die genetiese en metaboliese prosesse wat plaasvind tydens alkoholiese fermentatsie wat nog swak verstaan word, insluitende metaboliese padweë wat ‘n impak het op die smaak en aroma van die fermentasie produk. Om ons kennis van die veld uit te brei het die studie twee aanslae geneem: In die eerste geval is gepoog om twee tegnieke van transkriptoom analiese, nl. DNA oligomikro- arrays en Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE) te bestudeer vir hul vermoë om geen ekspressie veranderinge tydens wynfermentasie te ondersoek en meer spesifiek om hul potensiaal om ‘n kombinasie van kwantitatiewe sowel as kwalitatiewe data met betreking to mRNA vlakke te produseer. Die SAGE metode kon egter geen betroubare resultate produseer nie en dus word slegs die resultate van die mikro-array eksperimente in die tesis bespreek. Die resultaat is ‘n geheeloorsig oor die geenekspressie veranderinge wat so ‘n wyngis tydens alkoholiese fermentasie ondergaan en dien as ‘n verwysingsraamwerk vir toekomstige studies met geneties gemodifiseerde gis of selfs verskillende fermentasieparameters. Die tweede deel van die studie het gefokus op die identifikasie van gene wat ‘n impak het op die vorming van belangrike, vlugtige aroma komponente, o. a. Esters vetsure en hoër alkohole d.m.v. ‘n siftingseksperiment. Alhoewel daar redelik baie inligting is oor die onderligende metaboliese netwerke wat lei tot die vorming van die verbindings, is daar min kennis van die genetiese regulasie van die netwerk en die fisiologiese rol van individuele padweë wat die netwerk vorm. Verskeie faktore – wat of die netwerk direk of indirek affekteer – is al voorgestel, meer met min konkrete bewyse. Dus het ons gepoog om meer lig op die onderwerp te laat m.b.v. ‘n funksionele genoom aanslag deur ‘n siftingseksperiment te doen op ‘n subgroep (spesifiek gene wat kodeer vir dekarboksilase, dehidrogenase en reduktase ensieme) van die EUROSCARF delesiebiblioteek. Dus is tien gene geïdentifiseer – die delesie waarvan ‘n merkbare effek het op die aroma produksie netwerk en spesifiek die van hoër alkohole. Ooruitdrukkings en enkel en meervoudige delesie rasse van die tien gene is gemaak om d.mv. genetiese analiese, hulle rol in aroma produksie en die Ehrlich padweh uit te pluis. Die resultate toon dat hierdie padweg sensitief is teenoor die sellulêre redoks balans en dui op direkte rolle vir Thi3p, Aad6p en Hom2p, asook dat Bat2p ‘n baie belangrike rol speel in die werking van die padweg.

Amino acids regulate hepatic intermediary metabolism-related gene expression via mTORC1-dependent manner in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) / Les acides aminés régulent l'expression des gènes du métabolisme intermédiaire chez la truite par le biais de mTORC1 (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Weiwei, Dai 12 October 2015 (has links)
Au cours de ma thèse, nous avons utilisé la truite arc-en-ciel, un poisson carnivore et modèle potentiellement pertinent du diabète, pour étudier des mécanismes de régulation du métabolisme intermédiaire hépatique par les nutriments (acides aminés (AA) et le glucose). Nous nous sommes plus particulièrement intéressés aux voies de signalisation de l’insuline et des acides aminés (Akt et mTORC1). Grâce à l’utilisation de rapamycine, un inhibiteur pharmacologique de mTORC1, nous avons montré que l'activation de mTORC1 stimule l'expression de gènes de la lipogenèse, de la glycolyse et du catabolisme des acides aminés, tandis que la voie de signalisation Akt inhibe celle des gènes impliqués dans la néoglucogenèse. Ces études ont été conduites dans le foie de truite ou en culture primaire d’hépatocytes de truite arc-en-ciel. En outre, nous avons démontré lors de stimulations à court terme in vivo et in vitro que l'expression hépatique des gènes de la lipogenèse est plus sensible à l'apport de protéines alimentaires ou d’AA qu’à l'apport de glucides ou de glucose. De plus, nous avons observé que des taux élevés d’AA conduisent, par le biais de l’activation de la voie de signalisation mTORC1, à une augmentation de l'expression des gènes lipogéniques mais surtout à une répression de l’inhibition de l’expression des gènes de la néoglucogenèse induite par l’insuline. Cet effet s’accompagne d’une augmentation de la phosphorylation de IRS-1 sur le résidu Ser302 qui pourrait être responsable de la baisse de phosphorylation d'Akt et par conséquent d’une inhibition de l’action de l'insuline. Enfin, en réalisant un test de tolérance au glucose chez des truites préalablement traitées avec de la rapamycine, nous avons conclu que la néoglucogenèse hépatique joue un rôle probablement majeur dans le contrôle de l'homéostasie glucidique chez la truite. Ainsi, une absence d’inhibition de la néoglucogenèse pourrait contribuer au maintien de l'hyperglycémie prolongée et au phénotype d’intolérance au glucose caractéristique des poissons carnivores. Cette thèse met en avant le rôle des protéines/AA dans la régulation du métabolisme intermédiaire de la truite et identifie certaines voies de signalisation cellulaire sollicités par les acides aminés pour réguler le métabolisme. Elle permet ainsi d’éclaircir certaines particularités nutritionnelles de la truite. / During my doctoral study, we used rainbow trout, a representative carnivorous fish and relevant diabetic model, to study the mechanisms underlying the regulation of hepatic intermediary metabolism by nutrients (amino acids (AAs) and glucose), and determine the potential involvement of insulin/Akt and mTORC1 signaling pathways in these regulations. Using acute administration of rapamycin, a pharmacological inhibitor of TOR, we first identified that mTORC1 activation promotes the expression of genes related to fatty acid biosynthesis, glycolysis and amino acid catabolism, while Akt negatively regulates gluconeogenic gene expression in rainbow trout liver and primary hepatocytes. Furthermore, we demonstrated hepatic fatty acid biosynthetic gene expression is more responsive to dietary protein intake/AAs than dietary carbohydrate intake/glucose during acute stimulations in vivo and in vitro. Moreover, we further showed that high levels of AAs up-regulate hepatic fatty acid biosynthetic gene expression through an mTORC1-dependent manner, while excessive AAs attenuate insulin-mediated repression of gluconeogenesis through elevating IRS-1 Ser302 phosphorylation, which in turn impairs Akt phosphorylation and dampens insulin action. Finally, using glucose tolerance test and acute inhibition of rapamycin, we concluded that hepatic gluconeogenesis probably plays a major role in controlling glucose homeostasis, which maybe account for the prolonged hyperglycemia and glucose intolerance phenotype of carnivorous fish. The present thesis brings forward our understandings about the roles of protein/AAs in the regulation of hepatic intermediary metabolism in trout and identifies relevant cellular signaling pathways mediating the action of amino acids on metabolism. It also clarifies some nutritional characteristics of the trout.

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