Spelling suggestions: "subject:"amphibiousbehavior"" "subject:"conditions:behaviour""
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Aspects of social organization in anuran chorusesBishop, Phillip John 05 August 2016 (has links)
Thesis submitted to th~ Faculty of Scien9,~1
University of the Witwate:esrandJ JOham1esburg I' - 0
in fuJ,filmep:c of the reqtt!,'lernents for the
degree .of DoCtor of .Philo~ ~phy
July 1994 / species of anurens , By utilizing acoustio playbaok " "." :1.. (1 ',' ..,
experiments the exact' rlature it! call timing' in, five species
was determined.' ~t)'U): specie~, each exl1ibi ted one "of three"
distinot:: types Qf chozus organizatioh, while in one sp~ci.es
it. was not possible to demonstrQ.te any chorus organization.
The distinct: t.ype Qf ("chorus organizatidh that a species • c;. -" < . " ,', '.
~hib:l t;s . was shown to be a function of '"call duration and 0
behavioural refractory period. Go' . c' .~
The Significance of oall intensity in male~male '.\.
interactions and female mate choice was determined in
fU:t;"ther acoust,i21 ~layback experiments. ':Males"exhibited a.
g.t,-,d",ed·type of'" r.esponSe, with the perc~ntage of ,.'aggresSive ;:, .
caitn~,\~pc:r:easi'1l9with increasing intensity?f the playback. 11
Althou~tf females wer~ unable to compute absoltl,te intensity / '
they We,'~.1{:;l pr~fer~ntiall.Y attracted to thE! louder of two
calls in simple" two-choice sitl,:lations, but their
q,isc;riJninatory ability was impaired" in more complex
situations ..Males of H. marmoratus. were ;found to call at
;f:~~~ c;
coflsi:stentl.y different tepetit~on rates and :females
l) preferE:mtiall,y selected :faster r~tes in simple two.;ochoice
experiments aSq~ell as in +,.1;ief;i.eld ..
This study prqvides va~uable~' insigllt into t'~
" ' dynainios of several species, E.f;!.ab.l4J)'ij<' '8
understanding of the 'function· and signif Lcance
ubiquitou~ phenomenon of chorus organi.zation.
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