Spelling suggestions: "subject:"angiosperm"" "subject:"angiosperms""
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Aspects of cellular development in relation to the deposition of oil reserves during embryogenesis in Brassica napus L., cv. jet neuf (oil seed rape)Silcock, Deborah J. January 1988 (has links)
No description available.
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The role of lipid transfer proteins (LTPs) during the fertilization process in Arabidopsis thaliana / Untersuchungen zur Rolle von Lipidtransferproteinen (LTPs) während des Befruchtungsprozesses in Arabidopsis thalianaKumari, Khushbu January 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Double fertilization is a defining characteristic of flowering plants (angiosperms). As the sperm cells of higher plants are non-motile, they need to be transported to the female gametophyte via the growing pollen tube. The pollen-tube journey through the female tissues represents a highly complex process. To provide for successful reproduction it demands intricate communication between the cells of the two haploid gametophytes - the polar growing pollen tube (carrying the two non-motile sperm cells) and the ovule (hosting the egg cell/synergid cells). The polar growth of the pollen tube towards the female gamete is guided by different signaling molecules, including sugars, amino acids and peptides. Some of these belong to the family of lipid transfer proteins (LTPs), which are secreted cysteine-rich peptides. Depending on the plant species several lines of evidence have also suggested potential roles for LTPs during pollen germination or pollen-tube guidance. Although Arabidopsis thaliana has 49 annotated genes for LTPs, several of which are involved in plant immunity and cell-to-cell communication, the role of most members of this family during fertilization is unknown.
The aim of this project was therefore to systematically identify LTPs which play a role in the fertilization process in A. thaliana, particularly during pollen tube guidance. To identify candidate proteins, the expression profile of LTPs in reproductive tissue was investigated. This was accomplished by in-silico bioinformatic analysis using different expression databases. Following confirmion of these results by qRT-PCR analysis, seven Type-I nsLTPs (LTP1, LTP2, LTP3, LTP4, LTP5, LTP6 and LTP12) were found to be exclusively expressed in pistils. Except for LTP12, all other pistil expressed LTPs were transcriptionally induced upon pollination. Using reporter-based transcriptional and translational fusions the temporal and spatial expression patterns together with protein localizations for LTP2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 12 were determined in planta. Stable transgenic plants carrying PromLTP::GUS constructs of the six different LTP candidates showed that most of LTPs were expressed in the stigma/stylar region and were induced upon pollination. With respect to protein localization on the cellular level, they split into two categories: LTP2, LTP5 and LTP6 were localized in the cell wall, while LTP3, LTP4 and LTP12 were specifically targeted to the plasma membrane.
For the functional characterization of the candidate LTPs, several T-DNA insertion mutant plant lines were investigated for phenotypes affecting the fertilization process. Pollen development and quality as well as their in-vitro germination rate did not differ between the different single ltp mutant lines and wildtype plants. Moreover, in-vivo cross pollination experiments revealed that tube growth and fertilization rate of the mutant plants were similar to wildtype plants. Altogether, no discernible phenotype was evident in other floral and vegetative parts between different single ltp mutant lines and wildtype plants. As there was no distinguishable phenotype observed for single ltp-ko plants, double knock out plants of the two highly homologous genes LTP2 (expressed in the female stigma, style and transmitting tract) and LTP5 (expressed in the stigma, style, pollen pollen-tube and transmitting tract) were generated using the EPCCRISPR-Cas9 genome editing technique. Two ltp2ltp5 mutant transgenic-lines (#P31-P2 and #P31-P3) with frameshift mutations in both the genes could be established. Further experiments showed, that the CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knock-out of LTP2/LTP5 resulted in significantly reduced fertilization success. Cell biological analyses revealed that the ltp2ltp5 double mutant was impaired in pollen tube guidance towards the ovules and that this phenotype correlated with aberrant callose depositions in the micropylar region during ovule development. Detailed analysis of in-vivo pollen-tube growth and reciprocal cross pollination assay suggested that, the severely compromised fertility was not caused by any defect in development of the pollen grains, but was due to the abnormal callose deposition in the embryo sac primarily concentrated at the synergid cell near the micropylar end. Aberrant callose deposition in ltp2ltp5 ovules pose a complete blockage for the growing pollen tube to change its polarity to enter the funiculus indicating funicular and micropylar defects in pollen tube guidance causing fertilization failure.
Our finding suggests that female gametophyte expressed LTP2 and LTP5 play a crucial role in mediating pollen tube guidance process and ultimately having an effect on the fertilization success. In line with the existence of a N-terminal signal peptide, secreted LTPs might represent a well-suited mobile signal carrier in the plant’s extracellular matrix. Previous reports suggested that, LTPs could act as chemoattractant peptide, imparting competence to the growing pollen tube, but the molecular mechanism is still obscure. The results obtained in this thesis further provide strong evidence, that LTP2/5 together regulate callose homeostasis and testable models are discussed. Future work is now required to elucidate the detailed molecular link between these LTPs and their potential interacting partners or receptors expressed in pollen and synergid cells, which should provide deeper insight into their functional role as regulatory molecules in the pollen tube guidance mechanism. / Die ‚doppelte Befruchtung‘ ist ein charakteristisches Merkmal von Blütenpflanzen (Angiospermen). Da im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Organismen die Spermien höherer Pflanzen nicht beweglich sind, müssen sie über den wachsenden Pollenschlauch zum weiblichen Gametophyten transportiert werden. Die je nach Pflanze durchaus lange Reise des Pollenschlauchs durch das weibliche Gewebe ist ein sehr komplexer Vorgang. Um eine erfolgreiche Reproduktion zu gewährleisten, ist eine fein abgestimmte Kommunikation zwischen den Zellen der beiden haploiden Gametophyten erforderlich - dem polar wachsenden Pollenschlauch (welcher die beiden nicht beweglichen Spermien trägt) und der Samenanlage (in der sich die Eizellen und Synergiden befinden). Das polare Wachstum des Pollenschlauchs in Richtung des weiblichen Gameten wird von verschiedenen Signalmolekülen gesteuert, darunter Zucker, Aminosäuren und Cystein-reiche Peptide (CRPs). Einige dieser Signalmoleküle gehören zur Familie der Lipidtransferproteine (LTPs), welche ebenfalls zur Klasse der CRPs gehören. Abhängig von der Pflanzenart deuten mehrere Hinweise auf eine mögliche Rolle von LTPs während der Pollenkeimung oder der Pollenschlauch-Navigation hin. Obwohl das Genom von Arabidopsis thaliana für mehr als 49 annotierte LTP-Gene kodiert, von denen einige an der ‚angeborenen Immunitätsreaktion‘ von Pflanzen sowie der Kommunikation von Zelle zu Zelle beteiligt sind, ist die physiologische Rolle der meisten Mitglieder dieser Familie während des Befruchtungsvorgangs bisher unbekannt.
Ziel dieses Projekts war es daher, systematisch solche LTPs zu identifizieren, die eine Rolle bei der Befruchtung von A. thaliana spielen, insbesondere bei der Navigation des Pollenschlauchs zur Eizelle. Um diese LTP Proteine zu identifizieren, wurde zunächst das Expressionsprofil von LTPs in reproduktiven Gewebe untersucht. Dies wurde durch bioinformatische ‚in-silico‘ Analyse unter Verwendung verschiedener Expressionsdatenbanken erreicht. Nach Bestätigung dieser Ergebnisse durch qRT-PCR- Analyse wurde festgestellt, dass sieben Typ-I-LTPs (LTP1, LTP2, LTP3, LTP4, LTP5, LTP6 und LTP12) präferentiell im Stempel exprimiert werden. Mit Ausnahme von LTP12 wurden darüber hinaus alle anderen Stempel-exprimierten LTPs nach Bestäubung auf transkriptioneller Ebene induziert. Unter Verwendung von Reporter-basierten Transkriptions- und Translationsfusionen wurden die zeitlichen und räumlichen Expressionsmuster zusammen mit Proteinlokalisationen für LTP2, 3, 4, 5, 6 und 12 ‚in planta‘ bestimmt. Stabile transgene Pflanzen, die PromLTP::GUS-Konstrukte der sechs verschiedenen LTP- Kandidaten exprimierten, zeigten, dass die meisten LTPs in der Stigma/Stylar-Region abundant waren und tatsächlich bei der Bestäubung induziert wurden. Die anschließende Proteinlokalisierung auf zellulärer Ebene klassifizierte diese LTPs in zwei Kategorien: LTP2,
LTP5 und LTP6 wurden in der Zellwand lokalisiert, während LTP3, LTP4 und LTP12 spezifisch an der Plasmamembran lokalisierten.
Zur funktionellen Charakterisierung der Kandidaten-LTPs wurden mehrere T-DNA- Insertionsmutanten auf Phänotypen hinsichtlich des Befruchtungsprozesses untersucht. Die Pollenentwicklung sowie die ‚in-vitro‘ Keimrate des Pollens unterschieden sich dabei nicht zwischen den verschiedenen LTP-Mutantenlinien und Wildtyp-Pflanzen. Darüber hinaus ergaben ‚in-vivo‘ Kreuzbestäubungsexperimente, dass das Pollenschlauchwachstum und die Befruchtungsrate der mutierten Pflanzen im Vergleich zu Wildtyp-Pflanzen ähnlich waren. Insgesamt war kein erkennbarer Phänotyp in der Blütenentwickung oder der vegetativen Entwicklung zwischen verschiedenen LTP-Einzel-Mutanten und Wildtyp-Pflanzen erkennbar. Aufgrund möglicher funktioneller Redundanz, und der Tatsache, dass für einzelne LTP ‚knock- out‘ Pflanzen kein unterscheidbarer Phänotyp beobachtet wurde, wurden Verlustmutanten der beiden hoch homologen und ko-exprimierten Gene LTP2 und LTP5 unter Verwendung der EPC-CRISPR-Cas9-Genomeditiertechnik erzeugt. Zwei ltp2ltp5-mutierte transgene Linien (# P31-P2 und # P31-P3) mit In-Frame-Mutationen in beiden Genen konnten dabei etabliert werden. Weitere Experimente zeigten, dass das CRISPR/Cas9-vermittelte Ausschalten von LTP2 und LTP5 zu einem signifikant verringerten Befruchtungserfolg in diesen Linien führte. Zellbiologische Analysen ergaben, dass die ltp2ltp5 Doppelmutante in der Pollenschlauch- Navigation zu den Ovulen hin beeinträchtigt war und dass dieser Phänotyp mit Kalloseablagerungen in der Region der Mikropyle während der Ovulen-Entwicklung in diesen Linien korrelierte. Eine detaillierte Analyse des ‚in-vivo‘ Wachstums der Pollenschläuche sowie eines wechselseitigen Bestäubungstests ergab, dass die stark beeinträchtigte Befruchtung nicht durch einen Entwicklungsdefekt im männlichen Gametophyten, dem Pollen, verursacht wurde. Stattdessen konnte die beeinträchtigte Befruchtung auf die abnormale Kalloseabscheidung im weiblichen Gametophyten, dem Embryosack, zurückgeführt werden. Interessanterweise, konzentrierte sich die Kalloseabscheidung in der ltp2ltp5 Doppelmutante hauptsächlich im Bereich der Synergiden, am mikropylaren Ende des Embryosacks. Für den wachsenden Pollenschlauch stellen diese im Vergleich zum Wildtyp untypischen Kalloseablagerungen in ltp2ltp5-Mutanten in der Nähe der Eizellen möglicherweise eine Blockade für die Perzeption von Ovulen-Signalen dar. Dies behindert die erforderliche Richtungsänderung des polar gerichteten Wachstums und somit die Fähigkeit des Pollenschlauchs, entlang des Funikulus zu wachsen und in die Mikropyle eindringen zu können. Diese Beobachtung zeigt, dass funikuläre und mikropylare Defekte in der Pollenschlauch-Navigation den Befruchtungserfolg vermindern.
Die Ergebnisse dieser Dissertation legen nahe, dass der weibliche Gametophyt, in welchem LTP2 und LTP5 exprimiert werden, eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Regulation der
Pollenschlauch-Navigation spielt und letztendlich auch einen messbaren Einfluss auf den Befruchtungserfolg hat. Aufgrund der Existenz eines N-terminalen Signalpeptids und der damit verbundenen Sekretion in den Apoplasten könnten LTPs als Signalmoleküle in der extrazellulären Matrix der Pflanze fungieren. Frühere Arbeiten deuteten bereits an, dass LTPs als chemoattraktive Peptide wirken könnten und dem wachsenden Pollenschlauch die Kompetenz verleihen könnten, die Signale der Eizellen wahrzunehmen. Der zugrundeliegende molekulare Mechanismus ist jedoch noch immer unbekannt. Die in dieser Dissertation erzielten Ergebnisse liefern jedoch starke Hinweise darauf, dass LTP2/5 zusammen die Homöostase der Kallosebildung regulieren. Mögliche Modelle zur Aktivität von LTPs im Kontext der Regulation der Kallose-Homöostase werden vorgestellt und diskutiert. Zukünftige Arbeiten sind nun erforderlich, um die detaillierte molekulare Verbindung zwischen diesen LTPs und ihren potenziellen Interaktionspartnern oder Rezeptoren, die in Pollen- und Synergidzellen exprimiert werden, aufzuklären. Diese sollten einen tieferen Einblick in die funktionelle Rolle von LTP2 und LTP5 als regulatorische Moleküle für die Pollenschlauch- Navigation geben.
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Centoradialis and the control of plant architectureAmaya, Iraida January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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Understanding the Historical Diversification of ValerianaceaLeBourgeois, Taylor 01 December 2016 (has links)
Ecologists and evolutionary biologists have long recognized that species diversity is unequally distributed among angiosperm lineages. For example, various plant clades found in the Andes have been proposed as examples of rapid radiations, and the Andes are recognized as one of the Earth’s biodiversity “hotspots”. Species within Valerianaceae, found in the South American Andes, appear to be an example of such a rapid radiation. Although much attention has been paid to the phylogeny of the South American species of Valerianaceae, there is still a great deal of uncertainty regarding species relationships. Several subgroups within the Andean Valerians have, either not been included, or poorly sampled in previous phylogenetic analyses. One example of such a group is section Porteria. Knowing the phylogenetic placement of this group would go a long way in our understanding of Andean biogeography, as well as morphological and floral evolution in Valerianaceae. In this study, I increase the sample size of section Porteria beyond what has been previously done. A number of genomic regions were amplified and sequenced for 6 species belonging to the section. Sequences were then aligned to previously published sequence data for homologous regions for other species in Valerianaceae. A “supermatrix” of 146 species was then analyzed using maximum parsimony. Resulting trees recovered a monophyletic section Porteria, however statistical support was weak for this conclusion. Although “supertrees” resulting from the analysis of “supermatrices” may be powerful tools for testing hypotheses concerning the evolution of species, there is still much work to be done on Valerianaceae.
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Conserving the biodiversity of Kuwait through DNA barcoding the floraAbdullah, Mansour Taleb January 2017 (has links)
Biodiversity across the globe is threatened. Rapid surveying and monitoring techniques are required to understand the origin of the threats to biodiversity and to enable conservation actions to be undertaken. Kuwait is an arid desert country with a small flora of only 402 species. This flora is endangered by environmental factors, overgrazing, and human activities. DNA barcoding the flora and using Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies allowed us to identify plants to species level, conduct a molecular taxonomic revision, and distinguish plant diversity found in soil environmental DNA samples. After investigating the discriminatory power of five commonly used DNA markers from plastid (matK, rbcL, trnH-psbA, trnL) and a nuclear genome (ITS2) on four largest genera of the flora using phylogenetics reconstruction tree based methods, two barcoding markers (rbcL and ITS2) were assigned to build a DNA reference library of the flora. Furthermore, the DNA reference library was tested to identify the plant diversity found below-ground level and comparing it with that above-ground, using environmental soil samples collected from both species rich and poor habitats in Kuwait by applying high-throughput sequencing methods. The DNA database provided in this study could be used as a reference library for the identification process and contribute towards the future of molecular taxonomy, biodiversity and ecological research in Kuwait.
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Características vegetativas e reprodutivas das plantas e fatores abióticos do meio e suas relações com a alocação de biomassa floral e a seleção sexual em angiospermasSilveira, Carina Lima da 16 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Marlies Sazima / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-16T23:39:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Silveira_CarinaLimada_D.pdf: 5862141 bytes, checksum: b872125bc30a6004f911ec2155703df4 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: As plantas são organismos sésseis que estão à mercê do estresse ambiental. As flores são estruturas fundamentais na evolução das angiospermas, pois através delas ocorre a reprodução sexuada. Para isto, as flores exibem estratégias que auxiliam a planta a obter melhor sucesso reprodutivo. Animais visitam flores em busca de recursos, no entanto, ao transportar grãos de pólen entre os indivíduos da mesma espécie vegetal, atuam como mediadores no processo de seleção sexual, importante força na evolução florai. Fatores ecológicos que afetam a relação entre plantas e polínizadores podem influenciar a evolução das estratégias reprodutivas das espécies. Fatores abióticos, a distribuição espacial, o tamanho populacional e a história de vida das plantas podem modificar a abundância e a distribuição dos recursos para os polínizadores, alterando padrões de transporte de pólen, fluxo gênico e pressões seletivas responsáveis pela evolução floral. Este trabalho busca compreender a diversidade das estratégias reprodutivas em diferentes formações vegetais tropicais, a modulação por características vegetativas e reprodutivas das plantas e abióticas do meio na alocação de recursos como, também, verificar a existência de consistência biogeográfica dos padrões alométricos em relação as estratégias reprodutivas das plantas. O estudo foi realizado em áreas de vegetação tropical, sendo uma área de Floresta Atlântica, uma área de Cerrado, ambas no estado de São Paulo e uma área de Campo Rupestre, no estado de Minas Gerais, permitindo a comparação da variação da biomassa floral entre as três formações vegetais e entre angiospermas tropicais com particularidades morfológicas relacionadas às áreas de coleta e dados bibliográficos de espécies extra-tropicais. A riqueza de formas vegetais e de ambientes nas regiões tropicais atua na modulação da interação entre plantas e polínizadores, influenciando na variação da biomassa floral e nas características vegetativas e reprodutivas das espécies. As alometrias positivas e a isometria encontradas nas floras tropicais e extra-tropícats em relação ao crescimento da biomassa floral apontam para a presença e desenvolvimento de características sexuais secundarias como importantes ferramentas na permanência e sucesso da reprodução cruzada. Características vegetativas e reprodutivas influenciam na variação interespecífica da biomassa floral e que a função masculina da flor teria forte impacto na evolução das características florais, independentemente da ligação filogenética entre as angiospermas, ressaltando a necessidade de teorias que permitam uma síntese destas relações. / Abstract: Plants are sessile organisms exposed to the effects of environmental stress. The flowers are fundamental structures in the evolution of angiosperms, because through them is sexual reproduction. For this, the flowers exhibit strategies that help the plant to achieve better reproductive success. Animals visit flowers in search of resources, however, to carry pollen between individuals of the same plant species, act as mediators in the process of sexual selection, major force in floral evolution. Ecological factors affecting the relationship between plants atid pollinators may influence the evolution of reproductive strategies of species. Abiotic factors, spatial distribution, population size and life history of plants can modify the abundance and distribution of resources for pollinators by changing patterns of pollen transfer, gene flow and selective pressures responsible for floral evolution. This work seeks to understand the diversity of reproductive strategies in different tropical vegetation types, the modulated vegetative and reproductive features of plants and the abiotic environment in resource allocation as well, check for consistency biogeographical of allometric patterns in reproductive strategies in relation to plants. The study was conducted in areas of tropical vegetation, with an area of Atlantic Rain Forest, an area of Savannah, both in the state of Sao Paulo and an area of Campo Rupestre, in the state of Minas Gerais, allowing the comparison of variation among floral biomass the three vegetation types and between tropical angiosperm morphological peculiarities related to the areas of collection and bibliographic data of extra-tropical species. The richness of plant forms and environments in tropical acts in modulating the interaction between plants and pollinators, influencing the variation of biomass in the floral and vegetative and reproductive characteristics of species. The positive allometry and isometry floras found in tropical and extra-tropical growth over the floral biomass indicate the presence and development of secondary sexual characteristics as important tools in the permanence and success of cross-breeding. Vegetative and reproductive characteristics influence the interspecific variation of floral biomass and that the function of male flowers have a strong impact on the evolution of floral traits, regardless of the phylogenetic connection between the angiosperms, highlighting the need for theories that allow a synthesis of these relationships. / Doutorado / Ecologia / Doutor em Ecologia
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Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Mostly Conserved Pathway for Oil Biosynthesis in a Basal AngiospermKilaru, Aruna, Cao, Xia, Dabbs, P. B., Rahman, MMd., Ohlrogge, J. B. 01 January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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A Conserved Regulation of Oil Biosynthesis in Avocado, a Basal AngiospermKilaru, Aruna, Cao, Xia, Sung, Ha-Jung, Mockaitis, Keithanne, Ohlrogge, John B. 21 July 2013 (has links)
Avocado is an economically important crop with ~ 60-70 % oil, by dry weight, in its fruit mesocarp tissue. The steady increase in global demand for avocado (9% per year) has driven interest to identify the biochemical and molecular factors that regulate its triacylglycerol (TAG, oil) biosynthesis. Using 454- and Illumina-based RNA-Seq approaches, we examined the transcriptional basis for TAG biosynthesis in developing mesocarp of avocado, in relation to other seed and non-seed tissues. Deep transcriptional profiling data allowed us to identify several transcripts that were differentially represented between the early and late developmental stages of mesocarp. Additionally, in all oil-rich tissues analyzed, irrespective of the species, an increased expression was noted for genes mostly associated with fatty acid biosynthesis in plastid, but much less increase in those for TAG assembly in the endoplasmic reticulum. Transcripts associated with hexose metabolism in plastid also showed higher expression, relative to cytosol; this is likely associated with the need for high pyruvate flux directed toward plastid fatty acid synthesis. Moreover, WRINKLED1 transcription factor, a regulatory element associated with oil biosynthesis in seed and non-seed tissues of monocot and dicot plants, was identified in avocado as well. Our studies point to distinctive modes of regulation of fatty acid biosynthesis and TAG assembly that are conserved in both seed and non-seed oil-rich plants. In addition to improving avocado oil production, our study will lead to understanding regulation of oil biosynthesis in coordination with fruit development and identification of ways to generate oil-rich bioenergy crops; a direct implication for the science & society. This study provides an evolutionary insight into conserved nature of oil biosynthesis in a basal angiosperm (avocado) in relation to a monocot (oil palm) and a dicot (brassica). This research will lead to publications for students, sustain existing collaborations (Israel, CA, FL avocado researchers) and generate external funds.
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Genetic dissection reveals distinct roles for the transcription factor ZHOUPI in controlling Arabidopsis endosperm cell death and embryonic cuticle developmentXing, Qian January 2012 (has links)
Angiosperm seed development requires co-ordinated development of the embryo and a second zygotic tissue, the endosperm. In Arabidopsis thaliana, the endosperm is ephemeral and is largely consumed by the embryo during seed development. In addition to a role in embryo nutrition, it is also likely that the endosperm may play a more direct role in signalling to the embryo to regulate development. Despite their importance for embryo development, these processes are very poorly understood. The ZHOUPI (ZOU) gene provides an important tool to address these problems. Firstly, ZOU likely regulates endosperm breakdown. Whereas wild-type seed have a single layer of endosperm at maturity, zou seed has a large persistent endosperm and a correspondingly small embryo. The small zou embryo does not fill the seed so that the seed shrivels as it desiccates during maturation. Secondly, zou embryos have defects in their cuticle, so that the endosperm adheres to the embryo throughout seed development. After seed germination, zou cotyledons develop holes in their epidermis as they expand, probably due to the defects in the cuticle. ZHOUPI (ZOU) encodes a bHLH transcription factor and is expressed in the embryo surrounding region (ESR) of endosperm but not in the embryo itself. The role of ZOU in cuticle development is partly mediated by the ABNORMAL LEAF SHAPE1 (ALE1) gene. Thus, ale1 mutants also show defects in embryonic cuticle development and ALE1 is specifically expressed in ESR in a ZOU-dependent fashion. It was unclear whether the effects of ZOU upon embryo development are an indirect consequence of the persistent endosperm mechanically impeding embryo expansion, or rather reflect a more direct role of the ESR in signalling to the embryo. The main aims of this thesis were 1) to provide evidence that ZOU regulates endosperm cell death and 2) to test whether ZOU function in controlling endosperm cell death could be separated from that in embryonic epidermal cuticle development. To achieve this goal, 1) TUNEL assays were performed in the seeds to confirm the zou endosperm cell death phenotype, 2) ALE1 expression in the ESR in zou mutants was rescued using the ZOU-independent AtSUC5 promoter to investigate whether one or both of zou phenotypes were complemented, 3) Candidate ZOU target genes were validated and characterized to determine their functions in endosperm cell death and/or embryonic epidermal cuticle development. The TUNEL assays revealed that zou mutants display less DNA fragmentation in the ESR than that of the wild-type, but that zou did not have defects in cell death outside the seeds suggesting ZOU specifically regulated endosperm cell death. The AtSUC5::ALE1 transgene partially rescued zou defects in epidermal cuticle but not in endosperm cell death. This shows that the defects in the zou cuticle are not caused by the defective endosperm, rather zou has distinct, separable functions. Lastly, I characterised several novel ZOU targets and showed that RGP3 may be a direct ZOU target as it is expressed in ESR in ZOU dependent fashion, whereas RGP4 is likely indirect as it is expressed in the testa and up-regulated in zou mutants. In conclusion, ZOU has independent roles in endosperm cell death and embryonic epidermal cuticle development. Because ALE1, which largely mediates the role in cuticle development, is less widely conserved than is ZOU, the role in promoting endosperm cell death may be the ancestral function of ZOU.
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Developmental Evolution of the Progamic Phase in NymphaealesTaylor, Mackenzie Lorraine 01 May 2011 (has links)
The period between pollination and fertilization, or the progamic phase, is a critical life history stage in seed plants and innovations in this life history stage are hypothesized to have played an important role in the diversification of flowering plants. Over the course of this dissertation research, I investigated programic phase development in Nymphaeales (water lilies), an ancient angiosperm lineage that diverged from the basalmost or next most basal node of the angiosperm phylogenetic tree and that is represented in the oldest angiosperm fossil record. I used field experiments and microscopy to document pollination biology, breeding system, and reproductive developmental traits in two families of Nymphaeales: Cabombaceae (Brasenia, Cabomba) and Hydatellaceae (Trithuria). Nymphaeales exhibits considerable variation in reproductive traits and true carpel closure, wind-pollination, and a primarily selfing breeding system have arisen independently in the lineage. Pollen tube pathway length, timing of stigma receptivity, and pollen tube growth rates are conspicuous traits that have undergone considerable modification in concert with shifts in pollination biology and breeding system. Post-pollination developmental processes in Nymphaeales appear to experience selective pressures similar to those experienced by more derived angiosperms and to evolve in similar ways. Nymphaeales also exhibits traits, such as accelerated pollen tube growth, callosic pollen tube walls, and the formation of callose plugs, that are almost certainly plesiomorphic in angiosperms and may have facilitated modification of carpel structure and progamic phase ontogenies. The finding that pollen tube traits that underlie developmental flexibility were already in place before the divergence of Nymphaeales supports the hypothesis that innovations in male gametophyte development were instrumental in facilitating early angiosperm diversification.
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