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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En IT Forensik utredning med fria verktyg

Ekman, Sebastian January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Evaluation of solutions for a virtual reality cockpit in fighter jet simulation / Utvärdering av lösningar för virtuell cockpit inom flygsimulering

Martinsson, Tobias January 2019 (has links)
Virtual Reality has become widespread in areas other than gaming. How this type of technology can be used in, for example, flight simulation still needs to be discovered. In this thesis virtual reality technology and free-hand interactions are examined in the context of a fighter jet cockpit. Design principles and visualization techniques are used to examine how a virtual reality cockpit and interactions can be designed with high usability. From user test sessions, and accompanying questionnaire, some guidelines for how this type of interaction should be designed are gathered. Specifically, how objects that can be interacted with, and the distance to them should be visualized, with regards to free-hand interaction. Also, different ways of providing feedback to the user are discussed. Finally, it is determined that the technology used is a good fit for the context and task, but the implementation of interaction components needs more work. Alternative ways of tracking hand motions and other configurations for the sensors should be examined in the same context.

A Mathematical Model of Hacking the 2016 US Presidential Election

Nilsson Sjöström, Dennis January 2018 (has links)
After the 2016 US presidential election, allegations were published that the electronic voting machines used throughout the US could have been manipulated.These claims arose due to the reported attacks by Department of Homeland Security toward voter registration databases. The US is more vulnerable against these types of attacks since electronic voting machines is the most prevalent method for voting. To reduce election costs, other countries are also considering replacing paper ballots with electronic voting machines. This, however, imposes a risk. By attacking the electronic voting machines, an attacker could change the outcome of an election. A well-executed attack would be designed to be highly successful, but at the same time the risk for detection would be low. The question evaluated in this paper is whether such an attack would be possible and if so, how much it would cost to execute. This paper presents a mathematical model of the 2016 US presidential election.The model is based on voting machine equipment data and pollingdata. The model is used to simulate how rational attackers would maximize their effect on the election and minimize their effort by hacking voting machines. By using polls, it was possible to determine the effort needed to change the outcome of the 2016 US presidential election and thus estimate the costs. Based on the model, the estimated cost to hack the 2016US presidential election would amount to at least ten million dollars. The results show that these attacks are possible by attacking only one manufacturer of electronic voting machines. Hence, the use of electronic voting machines poses too much of a risk for democracy, and paper ballots should still be considered for elections. This kind of model can be implemented on the elections of other countries that use electronic voting machines.

Pulse Repetition Interval Time Series Modeling for Radar Waves using Long Short-Term Memory Artificial Recurrent Neural Networks

Lindell, Adam January 2019 (has links)
This project is a performance study of Long Short-Term Memory artificial neural networks in the context of a specific time series prediction problem consisting of radar pulse trains. The network is tested both in terms of accuracy on a regular time series but also on an incomplete time series where values have been removed in order to test its robustness/resistance to small errors. The results indicate that the network can perform very well when no values are removed and can be trained relatively quickly using the parameters set in this project, although the robustness of the network seems to be quite low using this particular implementation.

Information som bevis inom arkiv- och informationsvetenskap och e-Discovery

Lendin, Emma January 2019 (has links)
Denna uppsats presenterar en kvalitativ undersökning som gjorts i syfte att visa vilka likheter och olikheter det finns på synen på bevarande av arkivinformation som bevis inom arkiv- och informationsvetenskap jämfört med e-Discovery. Målet med undersökningen var också att öka förståelsen för synen på vilka krav som ställs på bevarad information för att den ska kunna användas som bevis, både på kort och lång sikt. De data som samlats in består främst av akademiska artiklar och andra texter, där en kvalitativ innehållsanalys har använts för att tolka den latenta informationen i dessa texter. Den teori som använts som grund för denna analys är Records Continuum-teorin, där bevisaxeln har varit till störst användning. Resultatet visar att synen på bevarande av arkivinformation som bevis skiljer sig en del inom arkiv- och informationsvetenskapen och e-Discovery, men vissa likheter finns också. Det visar vidare också att tidsspannet som information anses värdefull att bevara skiljer sig mellan de två och att detta beror på att man fokuserar på olika saker. Detta påverkar slutligen vilka sammanhang information bevaras i, och vilket bevisvärde den får. / This essay presents a qualitative research undertaken with the purpose of showing similarities and differences in the views on preservation of records as evidence within archival and information sciences compared to the ones within e-Discovery. Further, the goal with the research was also to increase the understanding for how the demands are viewed, that are put on preserved information for it to be usable as evidence, both short and long term. The data which have been gathered are mainly academic articles and other texts, where a qualitative content analysis has been used to interpret the latent information in these texts. The theory used to conduct this analysis is the Records Continuum theory, where the Evidentiality axle has been of the most use. The result shows that the views on preservation pf records as evidence differ between the archival sciences and e-Discovery, but that there are also similarities. It also shows that the period of time in which information is considered worth preserving differs between the two and that this is due to the fact that their areas of focus are different. This ultimately affects in what contexts information is preserved, and also its value as evidence.

Possibilities of Encrypted NFC Implementation : An exploratory study within swedish healthcare

Veljkovic, Andrea January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis investigates the possibilities of using encrypted Near FieldCommunication (NFC) in Swedish healthcare. Issues such as lack of resources,high costs and inefficiency face not only the healthcare system but theSwedish society as a whole. A literature study as well as interviews andobservations on five different public hospitals stand as basis for a prototype of apossible solution implementing the technology. By evaluating and discussing theresults, an assessment of the future of encrypted NFC in Swedish healthcare isdone. It is concluded that the properties of the technology in combination with thegovernmental goals and the optimistic approach of patients and visitors bring fortha promising outset for implementation of encrypted NFC in Swedish healthcare.

Hastighetskamerors effekt på trafikolyckor

Frisk, Philip January 2018 (has links)
In 2006, a new ATK-system (Automated traffic enforcement system) was introduced in Sweden with the purpose to reduce average speed and number of accidents on the Swedish roads. In this study, road accidents that occurred close to the speed cameras in the new ATK-system are analyzed with GIS-tools. A total number of 1 104 ATK-cameras and 1 975 road accidents were included in the analysis. All of the included accidents occurred within three years before and three years after the installation of the nearby camera, and also within  a distance of 400 m before and 1 000 m after every camera. The amount of accidents that occurred before the installment date was compared to the amount that occurred after to give an understanding for the effect ATK-cameras have on road accidents. ATK-cameras were included in the analysis regardless of the associated roads road type, speed limit or any other road attribute. The analysis was done in six parts, each focusing on one of the six following attributes; accident type, injuries, vehicle type, road condition, speed limits at the ATK-spot and distance from ATK-camera. The results show that the total decrease of accidents within the camera-areas analyzed in this study (0–400 m in front of and 0–1 000 m behind speed cameras) is 18.5 %. Road exit collision is the accident type with the largest decrease of accidents and a large decrease of accidents with severe injuries and death is shown. On the contrary, an increase of overtake collisions and motorcycle accidents is shown. The largest decrease of accidents occurs in the distance interval of 0 – 500 m behind the cameras. In the intervals 0–400 in before and 500–1 000 m after, the decrease is lower. The analysis also shows that the cameras have a greater positive effect on roads with the speed limit 50 or 80 km/h as compared with other roads. In addition, the cameras have a greater positive effect when the road condition is bad. / År 2006 infördes ett nytt ATK-system (Automatisk trafikkontroll) i Sverige i syfte att sänka medelhastigheten och antalet olyckor på de svenska vägarna. I detta arbete analyseras trafikolyckor som skett i nära geografisk anslutning till ATK-kameror i det nya systemet med hjälp av GIS-verktyg. Totalt ingår 1 104 ATK-kameror och 1 975 trafikolyckor i analysen. Samtliga olyckor har skett under en tidsperiod tre år före eller tre år efter installation av närliggande kamera, samt inom en sträcka på 400 m före och 1 000 m efter varje kamera. Antalet olyckor som skett före installation av närliggande ATK-kamera jämförs med antalet olyckor som skett efter, för att ge en uppfattning om kamerornas effekt på trafikolyckorna. ATK-kameror inkluderades i analysen oavsett den samhörande vägens vägtyp, hastighetsbegränsning eller övriga vägattribut. Analysen genomfördes i sex delanalyser, var och en med avseende på ett av följande sex attribut; olyckstyp, personskador, fordonstyp, väglag, hastighetsbegränsning vid ATK och avstånd från ATK. Resultaten visar att den totala reduceringen av trafikolyckor inom de kameraområden som analyseras i detta arbete (0–400 m framför och 0–1000 m bakom hastighetskameror) är 18,5 %. Avsvängnings-olyckor är den olyckstyp som procentuellt reduceras mest och en stor reducering av olyckor med svårt skadade och avlidna påvisas. Däremot påvisas en ökning av omkörningsolyckor och motorcykelolyckor. Den största olycksreduceringen sker i avståndsintervallet 0–500 m bakom kamerorna. I avstånds-intervallen 0–400 m framför och 500–1 000 m bakom är reduceringen mindre. Analysen visar även att kamerorna har en större positiv effekt vid vägar med  hastighetsbegränsningen 50 eller 80 km/h, jämfört med övriga vägar. Dessutom har kamerorna en större positiv effekt vid dåligt väglag.

Industrial Control System (ICS) Network Asset Identification and Risk Management

Abdulrazzaq, Mohammed, Wei, Yuan January 2018 (has links)
Setting against the significant background of Industrial 4.0, the Industrial Control System (ICS) accelerates and enriches the upgrade the existing production infrastructure. To make the infrastructures “smart”, huge parts of manual operations have been automated in this upgrade and more importantly, the isolated controlled processes have been connected through ICS. This has also raised the issues in asset management and security concerns. Being the starting point of securing the ICS, the asset identification is, nevertheless, first dealt by exploring the definition of assets in the ICS domain due to insufficient documentation and followed by the introduction of ICS constituents and their statuses in the whole network. When the definition is clear, a well-received categorization of assets in the ICS domain is introduced, while mapping out their important attributes and their significance relating the core of service they perform. To effectively tackle the ever-increasing amount of assets, identification approaches are compared and a case study was performed to test the effectiveness of two open source software. Apart from the identification part, this thesis describes a framework for efficient asset management from CRR. The four cyclic modules proposed give an overview on how the asset management should be managed according the dynamics of the assets in the production environment.

Påverkande faktorer på internkommunikation : En fallstudie på en offentlig verksamhet

Ajvazaj, Albina January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Computational modeling of avascular tumours using a hybrid on-lattice framework for cell-population dynamics

Viklund, Lina January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis consists of integrating an advanced model for avascular tumour growth into a multiscale computational framework for cell-population dynamics. In order to demonstrate this framework, the authors of the framework developed a simple model for avascular tumour growth, governed by the Laplace equation and a set of rules relating to the oxygen concentration, that they integrated with the framework. The realisation of this model closely followed previously established growth patterns of tumour cells up until the last phase, where predictions by some authors say the volume of the tumour should plateau. However, an additional phase was observed where asymmetric protrusions appear on the tumour's surface, causing the volume to continue to increase. The authors speculate that this could be due to their model lacking the inclusion of cell-cell adhesion, which restrains the migration of cells. The advanced tumour model implemented in this thesis include several additional mechanisms that the simple model lacks, and thus the driving research question for the thesis is whether integrating this advanced model into the framework will produce results that do not exhibit protrusions. Results suggest that despite this more advanced model, the outcome will still be an asymmetric tumour with unrestricted growth.

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