Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ansys maxwell"" "subject:"ansys maxwelle""
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Výpočet elektrodynamických sil jističe 1600A / Calculation of electrodynamic forces in 1600 A circuit breakerMusil, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the calculation of electrodynamic forces that counterwork on moving contacts of compact circuit breaker BL1600 from the company OEZ Letohrad. The thesis is divided into separates chapters that build on themselves. In the introduction the reason why we deal with calculation of dynamic forces and structural arrangement of current carrying path is described. In the following chapter there is a theoretical analysis of electrodynamic forces that conterwork on individual parts of circuit breaker´s element. The third part is devoted to structural arrangement of the circuit breaker BL1600. In this part we can find an example of using the circuit broker Modeion in practice. Two next chaptures deal with adjustment of the model of current carrying path which then serves for the calculation of electrodynamic forces. The rest of the thesis is devoted to my own calculations. These calculations are mainly stationary where we try to find the forces that conterwork on the contacts in a steady current and in a point in time. There are also dynamics calculation when we can watch the forces that counterwork on contacts in a certain time interval. The last chapter is devoted to a stationary calculation of forces that counterwork on the electrical arc which arises while turning the short-circuit current off. The obtained results are evaluated in partial conclusions of this thesis.
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Simulace momentové charakteristiky asynchronního stroje / Modeling of torque-speed characteristics of induction motorMichalík, Marek January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis deals in first part with basic theory of an induction motor and principle of function. It also includes theory about higher harmonics of magnetic field and how asynchronous and synchronous torques are created. Various ways how to decrease effect of these torques are suggested. These findings are later applied in practical analytical calculation in second part, in which all parameters of motor are calculated from given dimensions of motor from technical documentation. This is done for basic and higher harmonics. After that a model of this motor was created in RMxprt program, which also calculated all parameters of this motor and created torque characteristic. This motor was also modelled in ANSYS Maxwell 2D. Additional simulations for finding out influence of harmonics on torque characteristic were also done in this software. Torque characteristic of motor was also practically measured in laboratory. All results were compared and evaluated.
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Automatizované měření asynchronního motoru pomocí LabVIEW / Automatic measurement of induction machine using LabVIEWHalfar, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
The main purpose of the thesis Automatic measurement of induction machine using LabVIEW was to develope an automated measuring system, which is used to perform tests of induction motors. The algorithm of the system is programmed in LabVIEW. In the practical part of this thesis, a measurement of the motor Atas Elektromotory Náchod a.s. T22VT512 is carried out, in order to verificate functions of the algorithm, and to perform tests of the motor to analyse losses. Another part of the work is dedicated to the electromagnetic calculation of the motor T22VT512. For this purpose, two softwares with different principles of calculation have been used. Firstly, the calculation is solved by an analytical based software called RMxprt. Secondly, the software Maxwell 2D is used to make the calculation of electric and magnetic fields by the finite element method.
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Alternativní zdroj elektrické energie na železniční trati / Energy harvesting generator for train track sidePribulla, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
Cieľom tejto práce bolo navrhnúť alternatívny zdroj energie pre riadiacu jednotku, ktorú obsahujú komponenty traťového zabezpečovacieho zariadenia v rámci európskeho systému riadenia železničnej dopravy. V porovnaní s predchádzajúcimi harvestormi bola vďaka použitiu lineárneho elektrického generátora eliminovaná mechanická väzba, ako napr. prevodovka. To by malo zvýšiť životnosť a spoľahlivosť zariadenia. S pomocou analógie magnetických obvodov a softvéru využívajúceho metódu konečných prvkov FEMM a Ansys Maxwell, boli navrhnuté tri rôzne synchrónne generátory s permanentnými magnetmi. Simulácia v prostredí Matlab Simulink dokázala, že výsledný návrh generátora je schopný dodávať priemerný výkon 5 W počas prechodu vlaku zo stlačenia pražca väčšieho ako 2 mm.
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Bilance elektrodynamických sil působících na kontakt elektrického přístroje. / Electrodynamic forces acting on moving contact of electrical apparatusŠic, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
This master’s thesis is focused on calculation, simulation and experimental verification of electrodynamic forces acting upon movable contact piece of MCCB and experimental current carrying path. A short description of low voltage circuit breakers is briefly discussed in first chapter. Second chapter is focused upon contact system analysis of particular MCCB with thermomagnetic trigger. A hardness of contact materials is briefly described. A detailed analytical calculations were used to determine electrodynamic forces in MCCB. A FEM simulation in ANSYS Maxwell was carried out for comparison with analytical results. An experimental apparatus was designed and built for verification of constriction repulsion force, so called Holm’s force. A series of measurements is subsequently performed on proposed apparatus and results are compared with results from previous chapters.
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Analýza ztrát v železe malého asynchronního motoru / Analysis of core loss of a small induction machinePlíšek, Oldřich January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this master´s thesis is to analyze core losses of a small induction motor. Analyzed values are obtained from laboratory measurements, software analysis and 2D finite element method simulation. The theoretical part of this thesis consists of two parts. The analysis of the higher spatial harmonics presents in the induction motor and the analysis of core losses of the motor. Practical part consists of laboratory measurements according to ČSN. Measured values are used to calculate individual losses. The next part consists of creating a model for software analysis (Maxwell RMxprt). The generated model is converted into a 2D simulation environment (Maxwell 2D), where it is adapted to obtain values from the examined parts (rotor and stator teeth and rotor cage). Results of simulations at different loads are compared and analyzed from the point of view of higher harmonics.
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Analýza synchronního stroje s permanentními magnety o výkonu 1,1 MW / Analysis of 1,1 MW permanent magnet synchronous motorHomolová, Romana January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with the elaboration of The Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor and the calculation of its parameters. In the first part, the construction and used permanent magnets of this motor are listed here. The next part of the thesis contains a short overview of the stator windings, the calculation of the winding factors and calculation of the basic parameters of the stator winding. The calculation of the magnetic induction in the air gap is also illustrated here. The result is recalculated by using the Carter factor and then the value of the first harmonics of air-gap flux density is determined. The result is compared with the analysis in the program FEMM. The next part of the thesis is creating a comprehensive overview of the machine using a replacement circuit diagram and phasor diagrams. Finally, the thesis contains model created in RMxprt and ANSYS Maxwell. The results of the model analysis are compared with the analytical calculation
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Elektromagnetická analýza a modelování asynchronního stroje s plným rotorem / Electromagnetic analysis and modeling of a solid rotor induction machineBílek, Vladimír January 2021 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá elektromagnetickou analýzou a modelováním asynchronního stroje s plným rotorem. Tato práce tedy zahrnuje literární rešerši na téma vysokootáčkových elektrických strojů s porovnáním s klasickými elektrickými stroji s převodovkou a popisem jejich výhod či nevýhod, rozdělení vysokootáčkových elektrických strojů s plnými rotory a srovnání jejich výhod či nevýhod, kde se tato práce nejvíce soustřeďuje na vysokootáčkové asynchronní stroje s plnými rotory a jejich použití v průmyslu. Dále se tato práce zabývá metodami výpočtu elektrických asynchronních strojů s plnými rotory. Proto jsou zde uvedeny a popsány metody výpočtu stroje mezi které patří analytické metody i metoda konečných prvků. Vzhledem k povaze elektrických strojů s plnými rotory je hlavně kladen důraz v této práci na výpočet stroje pomocí metody konečných prvků ve 2D prostoru s využitím korekčních činitelů konců plných rotorů, které jsou zde velmi detailně popsány a rozděleny. Na základě dostupné literatury je vypočítaný elektrický stroj s plným rotorem pomocí MKP analýzy. Elektromagnetický výpočet stroje je automatizován pomocí skriptu vytvořeného v Pythonu. Dalším hlavním cílem této práce je popis tzv. náhradních modelů, uvedení jejich výhod či nevýhod, použití v jiných průmyslových odvětvích a hlavně použití náhradních modelů na elektrický stroj s plným rotorem. S využitím náhradních modelů je dále optimalizovaný vybraný asynchronní stroj s plným rotorem a to pomocí programů SymSpace a Optimizer. Pro samotnou optimalizaci byly uvažovány 3 návrhy stroje, které byly na závěr mezi sebou porovnány a to hlavně z hlediska jejich elektromagnetického výkonu.
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Analýza mechanického namáhání při zkratu ve vzduchem izolovaném rozváděči vn / Analysis of Mechanical Stress during Short Circuit in an Air-Insulated MV SwitchgearBártů, Jan January 2017 (has links)
This Master thesis is based on problems of force effects of the magnetic field of short-circuit current. Firstly, I analysed the force action of the three phase busbars during the three-pole short circuit. The analysis was performed in the Ansys Maxwell program and I verified the correctness of the analysis by numerical calculation. The second practical part was executed for ABB company. The main task was to analyse the force effects of the short-circuit current in the HV switchgear with focusing on the arms and contact system of the circuit breaker. The simulations of the following configurations were performed in more details: three configurations of the simplified VD4 circuit breaker, two types of VD4 circuit-breaker contact systems and a linear circuit breaker configuration model. The objective was to calculate the forces acting on the current path of the arms and contact system of the VD4 circuit breaker during the three-phase short-circuit and to simulate the effects of forces on these current parts. For modelling of individual assemblies, calculations and simulations I used: SolidWorks 2014, Ansys Maxwell 16.0 and Ansys Workbench 14.5 programs. With SolidWorks 2014 3D CAD software were modelled simplified assemblies of circuit breakers and contact systems. These systems were imported into the Ansys Maxwell software, where the force effects of the magnetic field of the short-circuit current were calculated. In Ansys Workbench programme was simulated the effect of forces on the current circuit breakers. Moreover, the final deformations of the materials (with respect to the mechanical properties of the structure) were plotted. The analysis of force effects of the magnetic field was performed for the specified static short - circuit current value.
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Ztráty jednofázového asynchronního motoru s trvale připojeným kondenzátorem / Losses of capacitor run induction motorŠtaffa, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
This project deals with increasing efficiency of one phase induction motor with permanent split capacitor. We can whole thesis divide into two parts, the first one is basic and the second is interested in analysis and measurement. First part handles with construction of single phase induction motor, explanation of function principle, start and run of motor. Calculating of efficiency including type of losses, which reduce efficiency. Second part concerns analysis losses including moment load characteristic, motor measurement while rotor is locked, with no load operation, measuring mechanical and additional losses. Further there will be measured useful values for creation model for simulation (reactance of windings etc.). Than will be the model created in ANSYS Maxwell with module RMxprt. After analytic calculation in RMxprt and using Finite Element Method (FEM) load characteristics will be compared together. This comparison gives us information about accuracy of model for simulation. Simulation and measurement will be carried out on another engine with high quality ferromagnetic material used for magnetic circuit of motor. Further will be done simulation of motor with modifications shown in previous chapter for high efficiency.
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