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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Uticaj žučnih kiselina na prodor u ćelije i tkiva i farmakodinamiku doksorubicina / The influence of bile acids on cell and tissue penetration and pharmacodynamics of doxorubicin

Stanimirov Bojan 26 March 2018 (has links)
<p>Zahvaljujući amfifilnoj strukturi i mogućnosti građenja konjugata, žučne kiseline - endogeno sintetisani produkti katabolizma holesterola su prepoznate kao potencijalni nosači lekova i promoteri transporta kroz biolo&scaron;ke membrane. Otkriće da aktivacijom specifičnih nuklearnih receptora reguli&scaron;u ekspresiju gena uključenih u plejadu signalnih puteva uključenih u metabolizam, proliferaciju i diferencijaciju ćelija i onkogenezu, pro&scaron;irilo je ulogu žučnih kiselina u odnosu na inicijalno opisanu ulogu intestinalnih emulgatora. Žučne kiseline se danas ne smatraju samo pasivnim nosačima lekova i promoterima transporta kroz biolo&scaron;ke membrane već i molekulima sa farmakodinamskom funkcijom, koji reguli&scaron;u različite aspekte integrativnog ćelijskog metabolizma. Doksorubicin je jedan od najče&scaron;će kori&scaron;ćenih antineoplastičkih agenasa i sastavna je komponenta mnogih hemoterapijskih protokola u lečenju solidnih i hematolo&scaron;kih maligniteta. Međutim, hepatotoksični i kardiotoksični efekti značajno ograničavaju upotrebu ovog, inače veoma korisnog antitumorskog agensa. Pojava odložene dozno-zavisne kardiotoksičnosti predstavlja značajan zdravstveni problem onkolo&scaron;kih pacijenata sa uspe&scaron;no lečenim malignitetom, naročito pacijenata lečenih u pedijatrijskom uzrastu. Budući da je razvoj novih lekova veoma dug i skup proces sa neizvesnim ishodom, pobolj&scaron;anje farmakodinamskih i farmakokinetskih svojstava već postojećih antitumorskih agenasa sa dokazanom efikasno&scaron;ću, uz smanjenje toksičnih efekata, predstavlja racionalan istraživački pristup u savremenoj medicini. Osnovni cilj ovog rada je ispitivanje uticaja žučnih kiselina ursodeoksiholne, henodeoksiholne i 12-okso-henodeoksiholne kiseline (12-monoketoholne kiseline) na citotoksičnu aktivnost doksorubicina prema MCF-7 ćelijskoj liniji humanog adenokarcinoma dojke i ispitivanje molekularnih mehanizama odgovornih za farmakodinamske efekte. Takođe su navedene žučne kiseline ispitane kao promoteri transporta koji utiči na prodor i kumulaciju doksorubicina u malignim ćelijama. U ovom radu je ispitan uticaj koadministracije navedenih žučnih kiselina sa doksorubicinom na odložene toksodinamske efekte (hepatotoksičnost i kardiotoksičnost) kod pacova, ali i efekti pretretmana žučnim kiselinama na koncentracije doksorubicina u krvi, bilijarnu ekskreciju leka kao i kumulaciju u jetri i miokardu eksperimentalnih životinja. Žučne kiseline su u netoksičnim koncentracijama potencirale in vitro citotoksične efekte doksorubicina na MCF-7 ćelijskoj liniji pri čemu je henodeoksiholna ispoljila sinergistički efekt, dok su ursodeoksiholna u 12-monoketoholna ispoljile aditivni citotoksični efekt sa doksorubicinom. Ispitivanjem molekularnih mehanizama citotoksičnih efekata utvrđeno je da su žučne kiseline u različitom stepenu potencirale apoptozu ćelija mitohondrijalnim putem uticajem na ekspresiju pro- i antiapoptotskih proteina na transkripcionom nivou i povećale stres endoplazmatskog retikuluma, ali i dovele do alteracija ekspresije gena koji kodiraju sintezu antioksidativnih enzima, transmembranskih efluks proteina i enzima uključenih u metaboličku inaktivaciju leka. Žučne kiseline u netoksičnim koncentracijama su takođe značajno povećale prodor i kumulaciju doksorubicina u MCF-7 ćelijskoj liniji. U in vivo sistemu, koadministracija žučnih kiselina nije rezultovala u pobolj&scaron;anju odloženih toksodinamskih efekata visokih doza doksorubicina na biohemijskom i molekularnom nivou. Međutim, nakon pretretmana žučnim kiselinama, vrednosti koncetracija doksorubicina u serumu su bile povi&scaron;ene nakon pretretmana urso- i henodeoksiholnom kiselinom i snižene nakon pretretmana 12-monoketoholnom kiselinom uz povećanje bilijarne sekrecije doksorubicina. Pored promena u farmakokinetskom profilu doksorubicina, pretretman žučnim kiselinama je blago redukovao prodor i kumulaciju doksorubicina u hepatocite i kardiomiocite. Na osnovu rezultata ove studije može se zaključiti da primena ispitivanih žučnih kiselina sa doksorubicinom povećava prodor i pobolj&scaron;ava farmakodinamski profil doksorubicina in vitro, na ćelijskom modelu humanog adenokarcinoma dojke. Pobolj&scaron;anje selektivnog preuzimanja i prodora doksorubicina u maligne ćelije koje nije praćeno povećanom kumulacijom u normalnim tkivima, kao i pobolj&scaron;anje antitumorskog dejstva doksorubicina sa mogućim smanjenjem doze uz smanjenje pojave dozno-zavisnih neželjenih dejstava doksorubicina čini žučne kiseline molekulima kandidatima za dalja ispitivanja u cilju razvoja novih, pobolj&scaron;anih antitumorskih terapijskih strategija.</p> / <p>Due to the amphiphilic structure and the significant conjugation potential, bile acids - endogenously synthesized products of cholesterol catabolism have been recognized as potential drug carriers and promoters of transport through biological membranes. The discovery that by activating specific nuclear receptors bile acids regulate the expression of genes involved in various signaling pathways including metabolism, cell proliferation and differentiation as well as carcinogenesis, expanded initially ascribed role of intestinal emulsifiers to the various fields. Bile acids are now considered not to act only as passive carriers of drugs and promoters of transport through biological membranes, but also as the molecules with pharmacodynamic activity, regulating various aspects of integrative cellular metabolism. Doxorubicin is one of the most commonly prescribed antineoplastic agents as an integral component of many chemotherapy protocols in the treatment of both solid and hematologic malignancies. However, hepatotoxic and cardiotoxic effects significantly limit the use of this, otherwise, very useful anti-tumor agent. The development of dose-dependent cardiotoxic side effects represents particular health issue in successfully treated oncological patients, especially among survivors of pediatric malignancies. Since the development of new drugs is very long and expensive process with an uncertain outcome, improving the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties of the existing agents with proven efficacy, while reducing toxic side effects, represents a rational approach to research in modern medicine. The main objective of this work is to examine the role of bile acids: ursodeoxycholic, chenodeoxycholic and 12-oxo-chenodeoxycholic acid (12-monoketocholic acid) on the cytotoxic activity of doxorubicin in the MCF-7 human breast adenocarcinoma cell line, and to get insight on molecular mechanisms responsible for underlying pharmacodynamic effects. The capacity of bile acids to promote the transport and accumulation of doxorubicin in malignant cells was also evaluated. In addition, the effect of co-administration of the bile acids with doxorubicin on delayed toxodynamic effects (hepatotoxicity and cardiotoxicity) in rats, as well as the effects of bile acid pretreatment on the doxorubicin serum concentration and pharmacokinetic profile, biliary excretion of the drug as well as accumulation in the liver and myocardial cells of experimental animals were examined. Bile acids applied in non-toxic concentrations potentiated in vitro cytotoxic effects of doxorubicin in MCF-7 cell line. Chenodeoxycholic acid exhibited a synergistic effect, whereas ursodeoxycholic and 12-monoketocholic acid exhibited an additive cytotoxic effect with doxorubicin. By examining the underlying molecular mechanisms of cytotoxic effects, bile acids have been found to potentiate apoptosis of cells by mitochondrial-dependent pathway by modifying the expression of pro- and anti-apoptotic proteins at the transcriptional level and to increase endoplasmic reticulum stress, but also have altered the expression of genes encoding the synthesis of antioxidant enzymes, transmembrane efflux proteins and enzymes involved in metabolic inactivation of the drug. Non-toxic concentrations of bile acids also significantly increased the penetration and accumulation of doxorubicin in MCF-7 cell line. In the in vivo system, the co-administration of bile acid did not improved delayed toxodynamic effects of high dose of doxorubicin both at the biochemical and molecular levels. However, pretreatment with bile acids resulted in alterations of serum doxorubicin concentrations. Chenodeoxycholic and ursodeoxycholic acid elevated whereas 12-monoketocholic acid decreased serum doxorubicin concentrations. In addition to changing pharmacokinetic profile of doxorubicin on bile acid species-dependent manner, all bile acids have also increased excretion of drug by the biliary route, and slightly reduced penetration and accumulation of doxorubicin in hepatocytes and cardiomyocytes. Based on the results of this study, the administration of the examined bile acids with doxorubicin increases the penetration and improves the pharmacodynamic profile of doxorubicin in vitro on the cell model of human breast adenocarcinoma. The improvement of selective uptake and penetration of doxorubicin into malignant cells that is not accompanied by increased accumulation in normal tissues, as well as the improvement in the anti-tumor effects of doxorubicin with a possibility to reduce the dose and thereby the occurrence of dose-dependent undesirable effects of doxorubicin, render bile acids as the potential candidate molecules in developing novel antitumor therapeutic strategies.</p>

Uloga žučnih kiselina u epigenetskoj regulaciji oksidativnog stresa i apoptoze u normalnim i malignim ćelijama / The role of bile acids in epigenetic regulation of oxidative stress and apoptosis in normal and malignant cells

Pavlović Nebojša 09 March 2018 (has links)
<p>Žučne kiseline deluju kao signalni molekuli u organizmu i uključene su u regulaciju brojnih metaboličkih, inflamatornih i imunomodulatornih procesa. Ova endogena jedinjenja ostvaruju svoje efekte najvećim delom putem nuklearnih receptora. Farnezoid X receptor (FXR) je glavni regulator homeostaze žučnih kiselina, a pokazano je da je značajno uključen i u procese inflamacije i kancerogeneze, prevashodno u jetri i intestinalnom traktu. Aktivacija FXR receptora predstavlja značajnu farmakolo&scaron;ku strategiju za terapiju holestatskih bolesti jetre, inflamatorne bolesti creva i karcinoma kolona. Definisana je uloga žučnih kiselina u signalnim putevima koji reguli&scaron;u ćelijski ciklus i doprinose razvoju ili regresiji maligniteta, ali je malo poznat uticaj ovih jedinjenja na epigenetske mehanizme regulacije ključnih ćelijskih procesa. Imajući u vidu da su efekti žučnih kiselina determinisani njihovom polarno&scaron;ću, cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita uticaj sintetski dobijenog keto derivata holne kiseline, 12-monoketoholne kiseline (MKH), u komparaciji sa prirodnim žučnim kiselinama, hidrofobnom henodeoksiholnom kiselinom (HDH) i hidrofilnom ursodeoksiholnom kiselinom (UDH), na ćelijske procese apoptoze, oksidativnog stresa i inflamacije, koji su od značaja za hemoprevenciju i terapiju karcinoma kolona, u in vitro i in vivo sistemima. Cilj istraživanja je takođe obuhvatao i ispitivanje uloge odabranih žučnih kiselina u epigenetskoj regulaciji ovih procesa u ćelijama karcinoma kolona. Na in vivo modelu intrahepatične holestaze kod eksperimentalnih životinja, pokazano je da UDH i MKH ispoljavaju antiapoptotski, antioksidativni i antiinflamatorni efekat u jetri i intestinumu. Utvrđeno je da UDH i MKH sprečavaju mitohondrijalni put aktivacije apoptoze u jetri, dok UDH ispoljava antiapoptotski efekat i u intestinumu eksperimentalnih životinja sa holestazom. Ove dve žučne kiseline su u značajnoj meri modulirale ekspresiju gena uključenih u antioksidativnu za&scaron;titu, kao i aktivnost antioksidativnih enzima, u jetri i intestinumu eksperimentalnih životinja sa holestazom, ka nivoima ekspresije i aktivnosti kod zdravih, netretiranih životinja. Dok su UDH i MKH u dozi od 4 mg/kg ispoljile antiinflamatorno dejstvo u jetri i intestinumu smanjenjem ekspresije gena za proinflamatorni transkripcioni faktor NF-&kappa;B, primena HDH i MKH u dozi od 20 mg/kg je imala suprotan efekat. Na modelu HT-29 ćelijske linije adenokarcinoma kolona, utvrđeno je da polusintetska žučna kiselina MKH ispoljava značajno manju citotoksičnost u odnosu na HDH i ne&scaron;to veću citotoksičnost u odnosu na UDH. Epigenetski lek vorinostat je ispoljio sinergističko citotoksično dejstvo sa sve tri ispitivane žučne kiseline. Vorinostat je ostvario proapoptotski i antiproliferativni efekat u HT-29 ćelijama, koji je bio najizraženiji u kombinaciji sa MKH, s obzirom da je do&scaron;lo do značajnog povećanja odnosa ekspresije BAX i BCL2 gena i smanjenja ekspresije gena za marker proliferacije ciklin D1. Vorinostat je, takođe, značajno smanjio antioksidativni kapacitet HT-29 ćelija smanjenjem ekspresije NRF2 gena i sledstvenim smanjenjem ekspresije gena za antioksidativne enzime. HDH je dodatno smanjila, a MKH pobolj&scaron;ala antioksidativni kapacitet HT-29 ćelija modulacijom ekspresije NRF2 gena. U in vitro i in vivo sistemu u okviru ove doktorske disertacije je pokazano da, pored HDH kao poznatog endogenog agoniste FXR receptora, MKH takođe povećava ekspresiju gena za FXR i njegovog ciljnog gena za transkripcioni korepresor SHP, &scaron;to ukazuje da ova polusintetska žučna kiselina može da aktivira FXR. Osim toga, utvrđeno je da žučne kiseline ispoljavaju različite efekte prema ekspresiji gena za histon deacetilaze HDAC1 i HDAC2 u jetri i intestinumu eksperimentalnih životinja, kao i u HT-29 ćelijama karcinoma kolona, a jedino je UDH značajno smanjila ekspresiju gena za oba ispitivana enzima uključena u epigenetsku regulaciju ćelijskih procesa, i u isptivanim tkivima i HT-29 ćelijama. Rezultati na&scaron;eg rada ukazuju da bi se UDH i MKH mogle koristiti u hemoprevenciji karcinoma kolona u niskim dozama, s obzirom na utvrđene efekte u modulaciji ekspresije gena uključenih u procese apoptoze, oksidativnog stresa i inflamacije. Takođe, s obzirom na ostvaren sinergistički efekat žučnih kiselina sa epigenetskim antitumorskim agensom vorinostatom, otvara se mogućnost kombinovane farmakolo&scaron;ke strategije u terapiji solidnih tumora, koji u najvećem procentu pokazuju rezistenciju prema samom vorinostatu.</p> / <p>Bile acids act as signaling molecules in the organism and they are involved in the regulation of numerous metabolic, inflammatory and immunomodulatory processes. These endogenous compounds exert their effects mostly by binding and activation of nuclear receptors. Farnesoid X receptor (FXR) is the main regulator of bile acid homeostasis, and has been shown to be significantly involved in processes of inflammation and carcinogenesis, primarily in the liver and intestinal tract. Activation of FXR receptor represents a significant pharmacological strategy for the treatment of cholestatic liver disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and colon carcinoma. The role of bile acids in signaling pathways regulating the cell cycle and contributing to the development or regression of malignancies is well determined, but the effects of these compounds on epigenetic mechanisms of key cellular processes regulation is yet to be elucidated. Given that the effects of bile acids are mostly determined by their polarity, the aim of our study was to investigate in vitro and in vivo effects of semi-synthetic keto derivative of cholic acid, 12-monoketocholic acid (MKC), in comparison to natural bile acids, hydrophobic chenodeoxycholic acid (CDC) and hydrophilic ursodeoxycholic acid (UDC), on processes of apoptosis, oxidative stress and inflammation, which are significant for both&nbsp; chemoprevention and therapy of colon cancer. Besides, the aim of our study was to examine the role of selected bile acids in the epigenetic regulation of these processes in colon cancer cells. In in vivo model of intrahepatic cholestasis in experimental animals, it has been demonstrated that UDC and MKC exhibit antiapoptotic, antioxidant, and antiinflammatory effects in the liver and intestine. It was shown that UDC and MKC prevent the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis activation in the liver, while UDC exhibits an antiapoptotic effect in the intestine of experimental animals with cholestasis as well. These two bile acids significantly modulated the expression of genes involved in antioxidant protection, as well as the activity of antioxidant enzymes, in the liver and intestine of experimental animals with cholestasis, towards levels of expression and activity in healthy, untreated animals. While UDC and MKC at a low dose of 4 mg/kg exhibited an antiinflammatory effect in the liver and intestine by reducing the expression of the gene encoding the proinflammatory transcription factor NF-&kappa;B, the application of CDC and MKC at a high dose of 20 mg/kg exerted the opposite effect. In HT-29 human adenocarcinoma cell line, it has been demonstrated that semi-synthetic bile acid MKC exhibits significantly lower cytotoxicity than CDC and slightly higher cytotoxicity than UDC. The epigenetic drug vorinostat has exhibited a synergistic cytotoxic effect with all three investigated bile acids. Vorinostat exerted proapoptotic and antiproliferative effects in HT-29 cells, which were most pronounced in combination with MKC, as there was a significant increase in the ratio of BAX and BCL2 genes expression and a decrease of the proliferation marker cyclin D1 gene expression. Vorinostat also significantly reduced the antioxidant capacity of HT-29 cells by reducing the expression of NRF2 gene and consequently decreasing the expression of genes encoding antioxidant enzymes. CDC further reduced, while MKC improved the antioxidant capacity of HT-29 cells by modulating the expression of NRF2 gene. In both in vitro and in vivo systems, it was demonstrated that, in addition to CDC as a known endogenous FXR agonist, MKC also increased the expression of the gene encoding FXR, and FXR target gene encoding transcriptional co-repressor SHP as well, indicating that this semi-synthetic bile acid can also activate FXR. Besides, bile acids have been shown to exert distinct effects on the expression of the histone deacetylases HDAC1 and HDAC2 gene in the liver and intestine of experimental animals, and in HT-29 colon cancer cells. Only UDC significantly reduced the expression of the genes for both studied enzymes involved in the epigenetic regulation of cell processes, in both tissues and HT-29 cells. The results of our work indicate that UDC and MKC could be used in chemoprevention of colon cancer at low doses, considering determined effects in the modulation of expression of the genes involved in processes of apoptosis, oxidative stress and inflammation. Furthermore, synergistic effects of bile acids with the epigenetic antitumor agent vorinostat open up the possibility of a combined pharmacological strategy in the treatment of solid tumors, which are at the high percentage resistant to the effects of vorinostat alone.</p>

Utilização de recursos  no tratamento do câncer de mama avançado de pacientes  pós menopáusicas com receptores hormonais positivos no cenário do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) / Resource use in the treatment of advanced breast cancer in post menopausal patients with hormone receptor positive in the scenario of health care system

Abdo Filho, Elias 06 March 2013 (has links)
Objetivo: Estimar a utilização de recursos e custos diretos relacionados à terapia endócrina (TE) versus quimioterapia (QT) no tratamento de câncer de mama avançado (CMA) receptores hormonais positivos (RH+) em pacientes pós menopáusicas,depois de pelo menos uma TE anterior. Métodos: Estudo longitudinal retrospectivo analisou pacientes pós menopáusicas com CMA em tratamento com fulvestranto ou QT entre 2006 e 2008, em um serviço público de oncologia ambulatorial. Apenas pacientes sem crise visceral e com pelo menos uma terapia anterior hormonal foram considerados elegíveis. Os prontuários foram revisados e as informações sobre diagnóstico, tratamento, e utilização de recursos foram obtidas. Resultados: As pacientes eram do sexo feminino e a idade média foi de 64,6 ± 12,6 anos. As pacientes estavam bem balanceados entre os grupos, considerando as características basais. Vinte e cinco pacientes foram incluídas no estudo, 13 pacientes receberam QT e 12 pacientes receberam fulvestranto. O esquema de QT mais usado foi o regime com paclitaxel (n = 5, 38%). O número médio de ciclos foi de 7,6 e 5,8 para fulvestranto e QT, respectivamente. O custo médio de tratamento por paciente foi de R$ 16.679 (USD11,914, 2005 índice de paridade de poder de compra 1USD = 1,4BRL) para fulvestranto e BRL 32946 (USD 23, 533) para QT. O custo médio por ciclo foi de R$ 2,199 (US$ 1,571) e BRL 5,710 (USD 4,079) para fulvestranto e QT, respectivamente, resultando em BRL 3,511(USD 2,508) de custo incremental por ciclo. Conclusões: Nossos resultados indicam que TE com fulvestranto pode ser economicamente adequada em pacientes com CMA RH + que falharam a pelo menos uma linha anterior de TE. Futuras pesquisas são necessárias para validar estes resultados em outros contextos, mas consideramos que as nossas estimativas refletem o mundo real da prática clínica no Brasil / OBJECTIVES: To estimate the resource utilization and costs related to endocrine therapy (ET) versus chemotherapy (CT) in the treatment of hormonal receptor positive (HR+), advanced breast cancer (ABC) patients, after at least one previous ET. METHODS: This retrospective longitudinal study analyzed ABC patients treatment with fulvestrant or CT between 2006 and 2008 in a public oncology outpatient service. Only patients without visceral crisis and with at least one previous hormonal therapy were considered eligible. Medical charts were reviewed by two investigators and information about diagnosis, course of treatment, and resource utilization was obtained. RESULTS: Patients were all female and the mean age was 64,6 ± 12,6 years. Patients were well matched between groups considering baseline characteristics. Twenty-five patients were enrolled in the study, 13 patients received CT and 12 patients received fulvestrant. The most common CT regimen was paclitaxel (n = 5, 38%). The mean number of cycles was 7,6 and 5,8 for fulvestrant and CT, respectively. The mean treatment cost per patient was BRL 16,679 (USD 11,914; 2005 purchasing power parity index 1USD = 1.4BRL) for fulvestrant and BRL 32,946 (USD 23,533) for CT. The mean cost per cycle was BRL 2,199 (USD 1,571) and BRL 5,710 (USD 4,079) for fulvestrant and CT, respectively, resulting in BRL 3,511 (USD 2,508) incremental cost per cycle. CONCLUSIONS: Our study results indicate that subsequent ET with fulvestrant can be economically appropriate among HR+ ABC patients. Further researches could validate these findings in other contexts, but we consider that our estimations reflect the real world clinical practice in Brazil

Evaluation of anti-proliferation activities and action mechanisms of the extracts from two species of Ganoderma on tumoral cells / 兩種基原靈芝不同提取物抗腫瘤作用研究

Liu, Yu Wei January 2008 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences

The anticancer effects of Yanhusuo San : mechanism of actions study

Gao, Jian Li January 2009 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences

AKT function and human oncogenesis

Park, Sungman. January 2007 (has links)
Dissertation (Ph.D.)--University of South Florida, 2007. / Includes vita. Includes bibliographical references. Also available online.

Topoisomerase II beta negatively modulates retinoic acid receptor alpha function : a novel mechanism of retinoic acid resistance in acute promyelocytic leukemia

McNamara, Suzan. January 2008 (has links)
Interactions between the retinoic acid receptor alpha (RARalpha) and coregulators play a key role in coordinating gene transcription and myeloid differentiation. In acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), RARalpha is fused with the promyelocytic leukemia (PML) gene, resulting in the expression of the fusion protein PML/RARalpha. Here, I report that topoisomerase II beta (topoIIbeta) associates with and negatively modulates PML/RARalpha and RARalpha transcriptional activity, and increased levels and association of topoIIbeta cause resistance to retinoic acid (RA) in APL cell lines. Knock down of topoIIbeta was able to overcome resistance by permitting RA-induced differentiation and increased RA-gene expression. Overexpression of topoIIbeta, in clones from an RA-sensitive cell line, conferred resistance by a reduction in RA-induced expression of target genes and differentiation. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays indicate that topoIIbeta is bound to an RA-response element, and inhibition of topoIIbeta causes hyper-acetylation of histone 3 at lysine 9 and activation of transcription. These results identify a novel mechanism of resistance in APL and provide further insights to the role of topoIIbeta in gene regulation and differentiation. / Studies to determine the mechanism by which topoIIbeta protein is regulated found that levels of protein kinase C delta (PKCdelta) correlated with topoIIbeta protein expression. Moreover, activation of PKCdelta, by RA or PMA, led to an increase of topoIIbeta protein levels. Most notably, in NB4-MR2 cells, we observed increased phosphorylation levels of threonine 505 on PKCdelta, a marker of activation. Inhibition of PKCdelta was able to overcome the topoIIbeta repressive effects on RA-target genes. In addition, the combination of RA and PKCdelta inhibition led to increased expression of the granulocytic marker, CD11c, in NB4 and NB4-MR2 cells. These results suggest that PKCdelta regulates topoIIbeta expression, and a constitutively active PKCdelta in the NB4-MR2 cell line leads to overexpression of topoIIbeta. / In conclusion, these studies demonstrate that topoIIbeta associates with RARalpha, binds to RAREs and plays a critical role in RA dependent transcriptional regulation and granulocytic differentiation. In addition, I show that topoIIbeta overexpression leads to RA resistance and provide evidence that topoIIbeta protein levels are regulated via a mechanism involving the PKCdelta pathway. This work has contributed to an enhanced understanding of the role of topoIIbeta in gene regulation and brings novel perspectives in the treatment of RA-resistance in APL.

Molecular mechanism(s) of prostate cancer progression : potential of therapeutic modalities

Shukeir, Nicholas. January 2009 (has links)
Prostate cancer remains one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in men and is a leading cause of cancer death. While great success has been achieved at curing early stage prostate cancer, limited success has been obtained when treating late-stage hormone independent prostate cancer. This is due to the increased propensity for skeletal and non-skeletal metastases. Thus development of novel effective therapeutic modalities against late stage prostate cancer is of critical importance. / Towards these objectives, I have focused my attention on the role of prostate secretory protein (PSP-94) which is expressed in normal individuals and in patients with early stage prostate cancer. Using our well established in vivo models of prostate cancer, I have evaluated the ability of PSP-94 and its amino acids 31-45 required (PCK3145) to decrease tumor growth and skeletal metastases in vivo and evaluated the potential mechanism(s) associated with PCK3145 anti-cancer actions. / Prostatic cancer can also develop as a result of epigenetic activation of tumor promoting genes. To evaluate the role of methylation in prostate cancer, late stage prostate cancer cells were treated with the universal methylating agent S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) and an anti-sense oligonucleotide directed against MBD2 (AS). Scrambled oligonucleotide was included as a control (S). Both SAM and MBD2-AS resulted in inhibition in uPA, MMP-2 and VEGF production leading to decreased tumor cell invasive capacity. However, SAM and MBD2-AS were not able to either further repress partially methylated genes (GSTP1) or reactivate already methylated genes (AR). Furthermore, SAM and MBD2-AS treatment resulted in significant reduction in tumor growth in vivo . Immunohistochemical and RT-PCR analyses carried out on SAM and MBD2-AS tumors revealed decreased protein and mRNA expression of uPA and MMP-2 which was partially due to increased methylation of the respective promoters even after 10 weeks post in vitro treatment as analyzed by bisulfate sequencing. In addition decreased levels of angiogenesis and tumor survival markers were observed. / Collectively, these studies are aimed at the development of novel reliable approached to diagnose and treat advanced, hormone refractory prostate cancer to reduce tumor associated morbidity and mortality.

Identification of a potent anti-invasive molecule through mixed targeting design

Saade, Khalil. January 2008 (has links)
The altered protein expression and activity of receptor tyrosine kinases (TK) are implicated in the progression of various types of cancers. One such dysfunction is the overexpression of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) that correlates with aggressive tumor progression and poor prognosis. On the other hand, c-Src non-receptor tyrosine kinase is overexpressed and activated in a large number of human malignancies and has been strongly linked to progression to distant metastases. c-Src-induced phosphorylation of EGFR is required for EGF-mediated mitogenesis, tumorigenesis and tumour invasiveness. Thus we surmised that molecules termed "combi-molecules" designed to block both EGFR and c-Src should not only possess significant growth inhibitory potency but also strong anti-invasive properties. In this thesis, we utilized molecular modeling to design molecules containing two moieties: one that straddles the structure of the known Src inhibitor PP2 and the other that mimics the backbone of Iressa, a potent EGFR inhibitor. Of all the molecules synthesized, only SB163 containing the longest spacer between the two moieties was capable of inducing a dose dependent inhibition of both Src and EGFR. More importantly, SB163 blocked cell motility in the wound healing assay and showed significantly greater anti-invasive activity than a PP2+Iressa combination. The observation that SB163 was a less potent EGFR or Src inhibitor than Iressa and PP2 suggests that its superior potency when compared with the PP2+ Iressa combination may be at least partially attributed to mechanisms other than EGFR or Src blockade. This was also corroborated by the fact that SB163, despite its significant bulkiness (>700) could induce dose dependent inhibition of other kinase such PDFGR and Abl. The results in toto suggest that conferring multiple kinase targeting properties to single molecules can lead to highly anti-proliferative and anti-invasive agents. Traditionally, multi-kinase targeted molecules were discovered serendipitously through multi-kinase testing. Here we initiated a more rational approach to the design of single multi-targeted molecules. Cancer being a complex disease driven by tumours characterized by multiple disordered signaling pathways, this approach may well represent a novel avenue in the therapy of refractory malignancies.

Combined effects of vitamin D receptor agonists and histone deacetylase inhibition on vitamin D-resistant squamous carcinoma cells

Dabbas, Basel. January 2007 (has links)
The active form of vitamin D, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25D), is a key calcium (Ca++) regulatory hormone. It is also associated with functions unrelated to Ca++ homeostasis. Here, special attention is paid towards the anticancer properties of 1,25D. 1,25D strongly inhibits the growth of well-differentiated head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) derived cell lines. However, advanced, less differentiated, HNSCC cell lines (e.g. SCC4) are partially resistant to 1,25D. Resistance to nuclear receptor (NR) agonists is a common event that occurs in other NR-related treatments. For example, some leukemias develop resistance to the usually effective retinoic acid (RA) treatment. However, treating RA-resistant cells with HDAC inhibitors (HDACi) sensitizes them to RA. Thus, this study aims to investigate how treatment with TSA, an HDACi, would affect the response of SCC4 cell lines to 1,25D. We found that TSA had a variety of effects on 1,25D-regulated gene expression. Combined treatment with 1,25D and TSA increased the expression of cell-cycle regulating proteins, but also enhanced the downregulation of key target genes. Given the potential of the 1,25D/HDACi combination in combating cancers, two chimeric compounds, each containing parts of 1,25D and an HDACi, were synthesized in collaboration with Dr. James Gleason (Dept. of Chemistry, McGill). These 1,25D analogs have the HDACi-like structure replacing the 1,25D side chain. Both compounds proved to be agonists of the vitamin D receptor. Moreover, the TSA-substituted compound, called triciferol, effectively induced a-tubulin as well as histones acetylation. This study underlines the potential of combining 1,25D and TSA in cancer treatment, and reveals that bi-functional 1,25D analogs can be produced with potentially enhanced therapeutic activity.

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