111 |
Geetha, S
04 1900
(has links)
Graminicola in pearl millet
112 |
Prasad, Devi A G
04 1900
(has links)
Tissue culture in Dalbergia species
113 |
Purushotham, S P
12 1900
(has links)
Influence on paddy seed quality
114 |
Balakrishna, R
06 1900
(has links)
Cytogenetical studies in the Genius Morus L.
115 |
Srikantaswamy, K
08 1900
(has links)
Fusarial diseases of mulberry in karnataka
116 |
Devi, Sumithra S
05 1900
(has links)
wastes for biomethanation
117 |
Sharada, R
06 1900
(has links)
Biological systems
118 |
Bhagyalakshmi, M P
01 1900
(has links)
Reproductive behaviour in grasses
119 |
Shishupala, S
06 1900
(has links)
Pearl millet downy mildew pathogen and the disease management
120 |
Theja, K
12 1900
(has links)
Microbial degradation of cellulosic