161 |
Rama, M V
02 1900
(has links)
potatoes during storage
162 |
10 September 1990
(has links)
Incognita infesting mulberry
163 |
Mathews, Helena V
January 1984
(has links)
Tissue and organ cultures
164 |
Susheelamma, B N
29 September 1987
(has links)
Drought resistant mulberry varieties
165 |
Prabhu, Lekha V
02 September 1992
(has links)
Ergot of pearl millet
166 |
Prakash, Jai B
04 1900
(has links)
Medicinal plants used in Ayurveda
167 |
Raghunath, M K
07 July 2001
(has links)
Variation in mulberry
168 |
Choubey, Kailash
01 1900
(has links)
Environment and nutritional deficiency diseases
169 |
George, Leena
28 November 1996
(has links)
Ginger economy
170 |
Manoharan, V M
08 1900
(has links)
Cochin export processing zone