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Vyhledávací studie vhodných lokalit pro nové PVE v ČR / Location study of suitable sites for pumped storage power plantsStrnad, David January 2016 (has links)
This theses reports on facts about pumped storage power plants. The first part
of the theses introduces us to the importace of hydropower, consists of a description
of historical development of pumping sets, and also defines limitations for its
potential suitable localization.
The research is processed via ArcGIS software and it´s methodologically divided
into three phases. The first phase is searching for the minimum suitable terrain
gradient on the whole Czech landscape and it defines local insterests for the next
phase of research. The second phase is based on limited factors and assesses the
chosen location of interest. The final phase provides detail on the most potentially
suitable destinations with specific locations of pumped storage power plants.
The study resulted in map outputs of final destinations and locations of interest
across the Czech landscape.
The distinction of source data and the importace of classification of enviromental
factors are included in the discussion.
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Vyhodnocení ohroženosti pozemků vodní erozí na vybraném územíMinařík, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
This thesis on the topic Evaluation of the endangerment of land by water erosion in the selected area describes the determination of endangerment of land by water erosion in the catchment area of creek of Čebín, in the district Brno-venkov. The first literary part of thesis marginally describes the land issues which continues with major issues of soil erosion. The next part of thesis describes the characteristic of selected area. The main part of thesis is based on calculations of factors of the universal equation to determine the long term average soil loss by water erosion according to Wischmeier and Smith. Calculations were made in the programs ArcGIS, USLE2D and LS converter. Based on the evaluation of endangerment of land by water erosion were designed erosion control steps according to the current conditions of farming. The thesis is supported by map documentation which is processed in the program ArcGIS.
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Tvorba digitálního modelu terénu pro návrh revitalizace slepého ramene řeky MoravyNováková, Petra January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Porovnání analýzy erozních a odtokových poměrů povodí toku Podhrádku v softwarech ArcGIS 9.2 a GIS GRASSMorávek, Jan January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Geoinformační analýza poškození lesních porostů větremMikita, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Změny krajinné struktury a jejich příčinyMarečková, Radka January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Přesnost digitálních modelů terénu odvozených z dat leteckého laserového skenování v lesních porostechCibulka, Miloš January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Atlas cestovního ruchu jižních Čech / Atlas of tourism of the South Bohemian regionŽOLNOVÁ, Nikola January 2009 (has links)
The diploma thesis goes into Tourism atlas of South Bohemian Region and its processing into a set of maps. I am describing a selection of tourist attractions as well as processing of map sheets in the beginning of the dissertation. Next part of the dissertation deals with basic characteristics of the defined area. I am also concentrating on the GIS points at issue and I am describing cartographic means of expression and map composition in this part. Before processing the atlas I had made a few designs of map sheets. Then I chose one design which served for making of the atlas. Tourism atlas is a principal part of the dissertation. It is formed out of 32 thematic maps based on tourist attractions. I have included the following thematic areas among selected attractions: nature attractions, protected areas, cultural heritage (castles, châteaux, strongholds, ruins, lookout towers, museums, galeries, UNESCO monuments, natural cultural heritage, urban conservation areas and reserves, rural conservation areas and reserves, and others).
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Estudio de bienes inmuebles en el distrito de Barranco, mediante software ArcgisPérez Pereda, Guillermo Jesús, Vivanco Márquez, David Feliberto January 2015 (has links)
Hoy en día la construcción es un sector con mucho empuje, muy dinámico y con muy buenos resultados económicos. Estos buenos resultados invitan a inversionistas, constructores y, en general, a todo aquel interesado en mejorar sus rendimientos económicos, a ingresar al mundo de la ejecución de viviendas. El distrito de Barranco posee proyectos muy interesantes, enfocados a los sectores A, B y C . En estos momentos existe una ley elaborada por el Ministerio de Vivienda para dinamizar el mercado inmobiliario a través del arrendamiento, que se acaba de enviar hace pocos días al Congreso y podrá entrar en funcionamiento a fines de año. En ella, este nuevo financiamiento favorecería a independientes y beneficiaría a unas 40 mil familias en los primeros dos años.
Lamentablemente, el próximo año 2016 será influenciado por el clima electoral y difícilmente habrá un mayor movimiento inmobiliario, debido a la incertidumbre política. Esto se puede ver en la actualidad, ya que la cantidad de proyectos se ha estancado o ha disminuido.
El constructor, si no es la misma persona que el promotor, competirá con otros constructores ofreciendo sus servicios al menor costo y con los mayores beneficios. En este momento, al no haber mucho movimiento inmobiliario , los constructores luchan por conseguir nuevos contratos de proyectos y asi, mantener su grupo de trabajo estable.
En relación a nuevos proyectos, se observan departamentos pequeños para matrimonios sin hijos o familias jóvenes , que al ser de 40 m2 promedio, su costo es la mitad de un departamento convencional, por lo que son más accesibles para este segmento de la población.
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Integrovaná ochrana území před nepříznivými účinky povrchového odtoku v povodí Prušánky / Integrated soil and water conservation against the adverse effects of surface runoff in the watershed of Prusanka creekPlešek, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Thesis deals with the calculation of erosion and surface runoff in the watershed Prušánky using USLE2D method in ArcGIS and CN method in model DesQ. The results are used to design elements of erosion protection
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