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The objective world of CAD visualisation, animation, daylight and sound : the world of realityHuang, Hsu-Jen January 1998 (has links)
This thesis is based upon the study and analysiso f computerv isualisationa pplicationse ncounteredin architecturapl resentationI.t focuseso n the accuracyo f environmentaple rceptiono f daylighta nds ounda s in computerv isualisations oftware.T he researchh as identifiedp roblemsa ssociatedw ith computers imulation whicha ffectsa rchitecturadle signr epresentatioTn.h el iteraturere viewc arriedo utb yt his researchh ase xplored: the currents tatuso f the "computevr isualisationa nd architecturadl esigna ndp resentationd" ebate;t he basic CADp remisesu nderlyingth e natureo f architecturadle sign;a ndt he problems associatedw itha ttempting to integrate'e nvironmentapl erceptiono f design'a ndc omputerv isualisation. The researchd esignm ethodologyis derivedf rom both the Platonica nd'Aristotelianm odelso f knowledge acquisitionth roughr esearch. Basedo n the Platonicm odelo f knowledgea cquisitionth roughi ntuition,t he studya rguest hat the'intuitiona' ndt he'experienceg' ainedf romc onstructingc omputerm odelsh ase nableda comprehensivken owledgeo f computevr isualisationa nd its applicationisn architecturapl ractice.T he study also adoptst he Aristotelianm odelo f knowledgea cquisitionth roughr eason,a nd followst he 'reasoninga' nd 'laws' of scientificc onsiderationto assesst he performancea nd accuracyo f computerv isualisationfo r the environmentapl erceptiono f daylighta nds ound. Threec ases tudiesd eterminedth e problemsp ertainingto computevr isualisationa,s employedin architectural designr epresentation.C ases tudyo ne explorest he use of CAD visualisationa nd animationa s an aid to researcha rchitecturahl istory. Case study two examinesc omputerv isualisationa nd animationu sage in architecturadl esigne valuationa nd analysis. Cases tudy three investigatesth e problemse ncounteredin developingc omputeriseda rchitecturarle presentationosf the environmentapl erceptiono f sound and light. The applicationo f botht he Platonica ndA ristotelianm odelso f knowledge*acquisititohnro ughr esearcht o the abovec ase studies,h as led to the followingfi ndings: A) Computerisetdh ree-dimensionmal odellingr equiresb othp reciseg eometricaal ndv isuali nformation.T his tool appliedt o architecturahl istoricarl esearchh as necessitateda n accurated ocumentationp rocess,w hich hasr esultedin a deeperu nderstandinogf architecturael lementst,h eirp ositionsa, ndt heir relationshipsw ithin the context. As a result,c omputerv isualisationh as providedm orea ccurates imulationsa nd thus is a useful applicationfo r architecturaul tilisation. B) Int ermso f designe valuationa nda nalysist,h e ObjectB asedM odellinga pproache nablesa morem anageable environmenrte lativet o traditionalp aper-basedm edia. The problemsr emaininga, re those of inputtingt he two or threed imensionavl isuala ndc ontextuadl ata. The accuracyo f computerisedm odellingis an essential premiset hat enhancesC AD visualisationa s a successfutlo ol for desigrie valuationa nd analysis. C) Environmentpael rceptioins notf ullys upportebdy CADv isualisatioann da nimationT. hea ppearancoef lightingc onditionds ependsu pont he visualisatiodne signer'sin terpretatioann dm anipulatioonf naturaol r artificialli ghting.T hea ccuracyo f lightings imulationis subjectivea,n dt herefored oubtful.T he subjective soundp resentation(musmica),y b eo fv aluein o rdertoe stablisahe sthetipcr incipleosf a rchitecturparle sentation whereit canh elpa tangibled esignto bee xpresseadn dc ommunicatethdr ougha n intangiblem edium.T he environmentpael rceptioonf backgrounsdo undI noiseis missingin computerisepdre sentatiobne, causeo f its unavailabiliitny the programmeI.n additiont,h e capabilityo f inputtingd ata,s ucha s lightingin tensitya nd noisele velsis alsol acking.T hisi nformatiosnh ouldb et akeni ntoa ccounitn futurem odellingsy stems. Buildinugp onth isr esearchg,u idelineasr ee stablishethda tw illb eu sefuflo ra rchitectsc,o mputepr rogrammers ando therr esearcherins furtherr esearcahn dd evelopmeonft CADv isualisatioann da nimationI.n response to specificr equiremenotsf differenpt rofessionsth, is studyp roposesa multi-disciplinaarpyp roachto CAD visualisatioann da nimatioinn ordert o developa nda chievere alistica nde ffectiveco mputevr isualisation
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