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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigating residuals from gravitational wave events GW151012 and GW151226

Fredriksson, Felicia January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Mapping asymmetries of the H-alpha line profile in solar flares

Borgström, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
In this paper we analyze the small C1.5 class solar flare observed on June 30th 2013 by the Swedish Solar Telescope. The evolution of asym- metries in the Hα line profile of the solar flare was studied where it could be seen how the number of red asymmetric regions had a maximum value near the beginning of the flare and then decreases rapidly in the first 4 minutes of the observations. This could be interpreted as a correlation with the HXR and microwave emissions of the impulsive phase of the flare as these emissions also typically have a similar rapid increase and decrease of emission intensity.

Is supernova iPTF15dtg powered by a magnetar?

West, Stuart January 2017 (has links)
iPTF15dtg is a supernova (SN) Type Ic (lacking hydrogen and helium in its spectrum) with a light curve indicating that it is the result of a massive star explosion. Taddia et al. (2016) suggested that the progenitor star was a Wolf-Rayet (WR) star that previously suffered strong mass loss. More recent observations show that the SN light curve did not decline as expected, indicating the existence of an additional power source. One possibility is a magnetar, a hyper-magnetic neutron star capable of injecting its rotational energy into the light curve during relevant time scales. This bachelor thesis adds previously unpublished data to the iPTF15dtg light curve and compares simple semi-analytical models to rule out a radioactive scenario and discuss the possibility of a magnetar as the primary source of luminosity.

Spectroscopy of the Globular Cluster M30

Scheutwinkel, Kilian Hikaru January 2019 (has links)
Globular Clusters contain very old metal-poor stars in different evolutionary stages evolved from the same primordial cloud. Signatures of atomic in stellar interiors are studied in the metal-poor GC M30. Furthermore, traces of cluster internal pollution depleting alpha elements e.g. Mg & O are also found through high precision spectroscopy, which favors the existence of multiple stellar populations within a Globular Cluster. In this work, I use spectroscopic observations of 177 sample stars using the multi object spectrograph GIRAFFE and increasing the initial size of 12 of Scheutwinkel (2018) by 13 new UVES spectrograph sample stars of the Globular Cluster M30 ([Fe/H] = -2.3). The abundances of Fe, Ti, Mg & Ba (GIRAFFE) and Fe, Na, Al & Mg (UVES) are derived through the graphical spectrum analysis program SIU with VI broadband photometric stellar input parameters. The underlying line-formation theory is in LTE and uses 1-dimensional hydrostatic plan-parallel MAFAGS atmospheres with mixing length convection. We confirm an Al-Mg anti-correlation (Spearman ϱs= -0.583) and a correlation (Spearman ϱs= 0.641) between Al-Na in RGB stars as a direct result of being the partner elements of the depleted alpha elements Mg & O caused through NeNa, ON and MgAl cycles. We find similar element ratios [X/Fe] as Carretta et al. (2018) & O‘Malley et al. (2018) favoring the prior existence of multiple stellar populations within M30. Furthermore, we detected a signifcant restoration of abundances in the elements Fe, Mg & Ba towards RGB stars. Fe, Mg and Ti are matching the predictions of the diffusion model T5.8 (Richard et al. 2005) reasonably well. For Ba, we have no current atomic diffusion modeling, so the validation of the results is not possible. The trend of Ti is v-shaped presumably due to stronger radiative accelaration effects for this element. Overall our relative abundance trends are consistent with other Globular Cluster studies by Gruyters et al. (2013&2016), Korn et al. (2007) & Lind (2007).

Reduction Mechanics of The Cosmological Constant

Sandström, Martin January 2018 (has links)
The quantum creation of membranes by a totally antisymmetric tensor and gravitational fields is considered in arbitrary space-time dimensions. The creation process is described by instanton tunneling. As membranes are created, the energy density associated with the antisymmetric field decreases, reducing the effective cosmological constant to a lower value. For a collection of parameters and initial conditions, the creation mechanism goes to a halt as soon as the cosmological constant is near zero. A brief exploration of a canonical gravity representation is also considered, where the system of ADM-composition in arbitrary space-time dimensions is introduced. / Kvantprocessen av membranskapelse via en total anti-symmetrisk tensor och gravitationsfält är betänkt i arbiträra rumstidsdimensioner. Skapelseprocessen är beskriven via instantontunnling. Då membranen är skapade, reduceras värdet på energidensiteten som är associerad med det anti-symmetriska fältet. För en samling av parametrar och begynnelsevärden, stannar skapelseprocessen upp så fort den kosmologiska konstanten har ett värde nära noll. En kort utforskning av kanonisk gravitation är också betänkt, där ett system i termer av ADM-dekomposition i arbiträra rumstidsdimensioner är introducerat.

Stripped-envelope supernovae discovered by the Palomar Transient Factory

Fremling, Christoffer January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is based on research made by the intermediate Palomar Transient Factory [(i)PTF]. The focus is on stripped-envelope (SE) supernovae (SNe) discovered by (i)PTF, and it is closely tied to the research on the SE SN iPTF13bvn, that occurred in the nearby galaxy NGC 5806. This SN was initially thought to have been the explosion of a very massive Wolf-Rayet star, but we have shown that this is very likely not the case. We suggest instead that iPTF13bvn originated from a binary system where the envelope was stripped off from the SN progenitor by tidal forces from a companion (Paper I). PTF12os exploded in the same galaxy as iPTF13bvn, and our analysis shows that PTF12os and  iPTF13bvn were very similar, and that both were also remarkably similar to the Type IIb SN 2011dh, in terms of their light-curves and spectra. In Paper II, hydrodynamical models were used to constrain the explosion parameters of iPTF13bvn, PTF12os and SN 2011dh; finding 56Ni masses in the range 0.063-0.075 solar masses (Ms), ejecta masses in the range 1.85-1.91 Ms, and kinetic energies in the range 0.54-0.94 x 1051 erg. Furthermore, using nebular models and late-time spectroscopy we were able to constrain the Zero-Age Main Sequence (ZAMS) mass to ~ 12 Ms, for iPTF13bvn and ≤ 15 Ms for PTF12os. In current stellar evolution models, stars with these masses on the ZAMS cannot lose their envelopes and become SE SNe without binary interactions. In Paper III we investigate a peculiar SE SN, iPTF15dtg; this SN lacks both hydrogen and helium and shows a double-peaked LC with a broad main LC peak. Using hydrodynamical modeling we show that iPTF15dtg had a very large ejecta mass (~ 10 Ms), resulting from an explosion of a very massive star (~ 35 Ms). The initial peak in the LC can be explained by the presence of extended material around the star, likely due to an episode of strong mass-loss experienced by the progenitor prior to the explosion. In Paper IV we perform a statistical study of the spectra of all 176 SE SNe (Type IIb, Ib and Ic) discovered by (i)PTF. The spectra of Type Ic SNe show O absorption features that are both stronger and broader (indicating faster expansion velocities) compared to Type IIb and Type Ib SNe. These findings along with very weak He absorption support the traditional picture with Type Ic SNe being heavily stripped of their He envelopes prior to the explosions, and argue against alternative explanations, such as differences in explosive mixing of 56Ni among the SE SN subtypes. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>

Chemical signatures of the first stars

Bengtz, Oskar January 2017 (has links)
The first stars are something many scientists are curious about. How did they formand how did the universe look like at that time? These stars however probably died along time ago, or are at a distance too far away from us to be observable. If these starsexploded and formed supernovae there might be stars observable today that formed fromthe ejecta of these supernovae. Models of nucleosynthesis in the first stars may potentiallybe used to infer parameters of progenitor supernovae from chemical abundances in old,metal-poor stars. This thesis aim is to find out how precise these abundances need to beto achieve a certain precision in the supernova parameters. This is done by perturbingthe abundances for one element at a time in four different stars and see how the recoveredsupernova parameters change. The first conclusion is that it isn’t necessarily the sameelements that are important for determining the supernova parameters in all stars, andif there is one thing that decides which elements are important it would be the star’smetallicity. The stars HE1327-2326 and HE0107-5240 metallicites are close to each other,with [Fe/H] &lt; -5.0 and [Fe/H] = -5.3 respectively, and behaved similarly, the elementmost important in both stars was nitrogen. The star SMSS0313-6708, [Fe/H] &lt; -7.3, hadmore elements that changed the parameters, the most important beeing C, O and Ca.The star CS 31028-001, [Fe/H] = -2.9, also had many elements that were important, andsome of them are Na, K and Ni. / De första stjärnorna är någonting många forskare är nyfikna på. Hur formades deoch hur såg universum ut vid den tiden? Dessa stjärnor dog antagligen länge sedan,eller så är de på ett avstånd för långt bort från oss för att kunna observeras. Om dessastjärnor exploderade och bildade supernovor är det möjligt att det finns stjärnor som gåratt observera som bildades ur dessa supernovor. Modeller av nukleosyntes i dessa förstastjärnor kan potentiellt användas för att anta parametrar för de föregående supernovorur den kemiska sammansättningen för gamla, metalfattiga stjärnor. Målet för dennauppsats är att ta reda på hur exakta värden som behövs på dessa kemiska sammansättningarför att nå en viss säkerhet på supernovaparametrarna. Det görs genom att ändraämneshalten för ett ämne i taget i fyra olika stjärnor och se hur de beräknade supernovamodellsparametrarnaändras. Den första slutsatsen är att det inte nödvändigtvis ärsamma ämnen som är viktiga för att bestämma supernovaparametrarna i varje stjärna,och om det är en sak som bestämmer vilket ämne som är viktigt skulle det vara stjärnansmetallicitet. Stjärnorna HE1327-2326 och HE0107-5240 har metalliciteter som är näravarandra, med respektive [Fe/H] &lt; -5.0 och [Fe/H] = -5.3, och betedde sig snarlikt, så vardet kväve som var det viktigaste ämnet i dessa två stjärnor. Stjärnan SMSS0313-6708,[Fe/H] &lt; -7.3, hade fler ämnen som ändrade parametrarna och de viktigaste var C, O ochCa. Stjärnan CS 31028-001, [Fe/H] = -2.9, hade också många ämnen som var viktiga ochnågra av dem var Na, K och Ni.

Voids in Chameleon Theories: Field profiles and fifth forces

Schildt, Erik January 2020 (has links)
In this project we study chameleon theories in cosmic voids. We investigate the field profile of the chameleon field as well as the fifth force in voids by numerically solving the equations of motion for chameleon fields. The possibility of an analytical approximation for voids is also studied, the well known thin and thick-shell regimes are studied and both are deemed unsuitable for use in cosmic voids. We develop an alternative approximation which is tested against the numerically solved field profile. The agreement between the numerical solution and the analytical approximation is generally poor and the disagreement is likely due in part to the fact that the chameleon field doesn't reach it's equilibrium value inside the void.

Big Bang nucleosynthesis with a historical touch

Ström, Elisabeth January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Gamma-ray emission and Synchrotron Self-Compton modelling of the macrolensed Quasar PKS 1830-211

Ohlsson, Pierre January 2020 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to retrieve Light Curves, Spectral Models, Spectral Maps, and to geta Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) plot, for the source of PKS1830-211. Finally, also to do amodelling of the whole SED coming from the source with the JetSet software. Which will then becompared to a previous modelling done by A. A. Abdo. First, a light curve is taken over the wholeFermi duration period. The Light Curve is a statistical plot of the overall flux from the source overtime. It will set every photon in a defined energy interval as a datapoint in a defined time bin width. Alight curve will first be taken over the Fermi Duration Period, to get a view of potential flares comingfrom the source. Three periods are then chosen to get a loud, an intermediate, and a loud flaringperiod. Variability is checked on all of these including the longer fermi duration period. A spectralmodel will be fitted for all of these periods. It’s a mathematical formula to the shape of the source’sflux spectrum over energy. By doing this, the electron energy distribution can be understood. SpectralMaps will then give a plot of the number of contributing photons from the source, of a given period.It also shows how well the models are adjusted to other light sources in the field of view. To get thecollected data from relevant catalogs, together with Fermi data from this analysis. A Spectral EnergyDistribution is downloaded from [Sed builder. [Online]. Available: https://tools.ssdc.asi.it/SED/] provided by the Italian space agency. The modelling is done toget an idea of the physical parameters present in the AGN. Such as the physical scales and proportionsof the structure near the core. Data from the SED will be used in the modelling with the best suitedperiod for the Fermi-LAT range.

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