Spelling suggestions: "subject:"atmel"" "subject:"camel""
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Uživatelská aplikace pro konfiguraci bezdrátového modulu Zigbee / Application for Zigbee Device ConfigurationBrož, Kamil January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis includes the ZigBee networks and compares them with other PAN IEEE 802.15.4 networks. It describes the formation of ZigBee networks. It describes physical, MAC, network and application layer in the form of Bitcloud. Thesis includes practical implementation in the form of ZigBee application BeeCon which allows set network parameters on Iris modules.
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Přístupový bezpečnostní systém mobilního zařízení na principu RFID / Access security system of mobile davice on RFID principlePetrušek, Marek January 2013 (has links)
This thesis discusses the model of security access with the use of microcontroller and RFID reader.The model is designed for utilization in automobiles,in which it will have the properties of a an immobilizer and also the function of saving the time and ID of the chip in use.For application in automobiles the minimalization of consumption of the mobile device is also described.This thesis is a part of project IGA VUT Brno,FSI-S-11-31,Application of artificial intelligence methods.
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Automatizovaný posun pro pořizování časosběrných snímků / Automated device for shift time-lapse captureTrenz, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
Automatic slider for time lapse photography and the creation of a functional sample is described in this diploma work. The individual components and the control program itself are analyzed.
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Pravidla návrhu elektronických přístrojů s jednočipovými mikropočítači ATMEL z hlediska EMC / Design Rules for Electronic Systems with ATMEL Microprocessors from the EMC Point of ViewKaštan, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis is dealing with the basic knowledge of the Electromagnetic compatibility. It’s concretely target on electromagnetic interference flowing from the application of electronic gas control by Honeywell company. Author compile the power control board with including software in language C. The next alternates of power control board with the separated microprocessor were designed for the more extended source detection. On these boards there were explored shielding surface features placed directly under the microprocessor. The application reducing the interference was designed in accordance to the rules finding out during this diploma thesis writing.
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The Development of an FPGA-based Autopilot for Unmanned Aerial VehiclesCheng, Quan 01 January 2006 (has links)
This work is part of an on-going research project at Virginia Commonwealth University in the field of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The purpose of this thesis project is to port the previous generation of UAV autopilot from the Atmel FPSLIC platform to the Xilinx MicroBlaze platform in order to provide a test-bed that will accommodate future research projects. The tasks include porting the software from the AVR processor located on the FPSLIC to the MicroBlaze processor and implementing the hardware peripherals in Xilinx FPGA.The UAV equipped with the new autopilot can autonomously navigate through pre-defined waypoints and transmit the collected data back to the ground base station for analysis.
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Implementering av felpredikteringoch frekvenshopp i ett 2,4 GHzradiosystemBrännlund, Stig January 2008 (has links)
Maxicap AB är ett företag som utvecklar och tillverkar elektronisk utrustning för bland annat olika mätuppgifter. Målet med detta examensjobb var att undersöka och implementera en stabil trådlös dataöverföringsmetod med den utrustning som Maxicap ville använda. Detta skulle åstadkommas/testas genom att sända temperatursensorvärden trådlöst med Nordic Semiconductor’ssändtagare (eng. transceiver) styrda av Atmel’s mikrokontrollers. Arbetet fokuserade på att få till denna stabila trådlösa överföring genom att implementera frekvenshoppning och datapaketskontroll på datatrafiken inom det fria 2,4 GHz ISM-bandet. All den C-kod som utvecklades i detta arbete är skriven för att vara lättanpassad till flera olika modeller av mikrokontrollers inom Atmel’s produktserie samt att kunna användas till andra liknande projekt. Koden är väldokumenterad med kommentarer vid varje funktionsblock som beskriver vad funktionerna gör och hur de skall användas. Arbetet resulterade i två fungerande prototyper. En enhet känner av temperaturen i luften och skickar sedan detta temperaturvärde trådlöst till enhet nummer två. Detta värde samt några inställningsvärden för mottagaren visas sedan på den enhetens display.
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Förening av trådlösa mesh-nätverk och PLC-miljö för industriella behov / Composition of wireless mesh networks and PLC for industrial needsPolya, Alexander, Lindén, Anders January 2015 (has links)
In conjunction with the possibility of inexpensive wireless communication, many products of tomorrow are developed with the support for wireless communication. The technology enables the possibilty of wireless communication to small plattforms at a realistic price. The cheap connectivity allows for great creativity and gives the developers imagination a wide discretion in the development of new products. This thesis aims to evaluate how the serial communication protocol Modbus RTU - RS232, performs and behaves when transported through meshed networks (Atmel lightweight mesh will be used in this thesis). The work was commissioned by M2M Solutions in J¨onk¨oping. The report will answer the following questions1. How does Modbus RTU behaves when transported through a meshed network. 2. How does Modbus RTU preform when transported through Atmel Lightweight Mesh.The authors have chosen to conduct action research to answer established questions. A test system consisting of both hardware and software was designed and created. With this system, several different tests were conducted and the results were observed and subjected to reflection. The different tests varied the distance, the network’s composition and location of the network infrastructure. Through observation of the test system and evaluation of the recorded data conclusions concering Modbus RTU’s performance and behavior during transport in Atmel lightweigh mesh has been drawn. The test system has been designed with the help of clients and previously made research. Modbus behaves nominally during transportation through Atmel lightweight mesh. Before the network is fully established, an inability to transport data has beend observed. The performance is evaluated by the time it takes to send data, the time is greatly affected by the following factors; Network composition and changes in signal strength (that creates changes in transport routes). For each additional node that traffic is transported through an increase of 5-10ms in the responstime was noted. The network’s ability to change the transport route is also expected to increase performance. The wireless communication provides a longer range than during transportation by standard conventional cable.Considering the results, the authors believe that Modbus RTU has the potential for use in transportation through wireless, meshed networks. One possible scenario is when several Modbus RTU masters are beeing used and data needs to be transported over large distances.
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Optimalizace využití elektrické energie vyrobené domácí solární elektrárnou / Optimization of the electrical energy production of the domestic solar power plantCICHRA, Karel January 2013 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is to design, construct and test the control system based on single-chip microcomputer Atmel AVR for a small solar power plant. The proposed system will enable to optimize the use of electricity generated by solar power installed at the family house. The objective is to minimize the amount of power sent to the distribution network and maximize the reduction of purchase of electricity. The first section provides an overview and analysis of several possible solutions and their economic comparison. The next section describes basic characteristic of the hardware components and the source code of programs with additonal comments. The final section presents the results of test operation a futher potential improvements of the system for future expansion and better operation efficiency.
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Stavebnice a úlohy s jednočipovými počítači Atmel AVR pro základní školy / Building Kit and sample tasks for the primary school with Atmel AVR MCUsBUŠEK, Vojtěch January 2013 (has links)
This thesis describes the design and implementation of a building kit suitable for teaching how to work with Atmel AVR single-chip computer and its peripheral circuits. Included in the thesis are drafts of electrical schematics of each individual module of the building kit, drawings of the PCBs as well as propositions for sample tasks used in teaching this subject. These further encompass methodological and work papers. Due to it's simplicity and clarity the Bascom AVR was chosen as the programming language for all applications.
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MIDI kontroler pro řízení DAW software / MIDI Controller for DAW Software ControlKorytář, Matěj January 2019 (has links)
This thesis focuses on problematics of DAW controllers for sound production software. In this thesis is analysed Mackie Control protocol, one of used communication protocols. There is also an overview of MIDI messages, because Mackie Control protocol is based on MIDI protocol. The thesis contains two own DAW controller designs. First one is based on Mackie Control protocol, second one is based on Generic Remote which offers better customization.
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