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Using GIS for optimal locations of automated teller machines (ATMs) : the case of StellenboschWambugu, Jacquelyne N 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Automated teller machines (ATMs) are a very important part of our daily lives. They are
the key to accessing our bank accounts. Where they are located can determine how easy
or difficult it is to access our bank accounts. ATMs are primarily designed to serve
customers and should therefore be accessible and convenient to the customers. Hence, the
question of where the ATMs should be located is a prime issue to both the customer and
the bank.
A geographical information system (GIS) is a tool that can be used to assist in answering
questions about locations. It provides a means of determining optimal locations for any
spatially referenced object. Against this backdrop, this study was undertaken to develop a
method with which GIS can be used to find optimal locations for ATMs, taking
Stellenbosch as a case study.
Firstly, it was necessary to understand current factors affecting ATM locations, both
locally and internationally. An extensive literature survey was conducted to gain an
understanding of problems relating to locating ATMs. Interviews with bank officials
were conducted to help understand more fully the problems and the current procedures
used in locating ATMs. Obtaining the public's perception of ATMs was also paramount
to this study. A household questionnaire survey was conducted in Stellenbosch to
ascertain how customers feel about the current location of ATMs in Stellenbosch.
Secondly, GIS was considered and evaluated as a tool to find optimal locations for
ATMs. This involved discussing the capabilities of GIS and the various options that
banks may have available. Thirdly, the ability of using GIS to find optimal sites was
tested by applying GIS to Stellenbosch. Having done this, GIS was then used to find
additional ATM sites. The results provide a basis for banks to locate ATMs in general.
Keywords: GIS, ATMs, location, optimal locations, location-allocation, models,
MINDISTANCE, MAKCOVER, MAXATTEND, MINDISTPOWER. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Outomatiese tellermasjiene (OTMs) speel 'n baie belangrike rol in ons lewens vandag
aangesien ons die meeste van ons banktransaksies deur middel van 'n OTM doen en ons
bankrekeninge sodoende kontroleer. Die OTMs se primere doel is om 'n diens aan bank
kliente te lewer, dus is dit uiters belangrik om liggings te identifiseer wat gerieflik en
toeganklik is vir die kliënte en die bank.
'n Geografiese inligtingstelsel (GIS) kan gebruik word om vrae in verband met bestaande
en beplande liggings vir OTMs te beantwoord. Die stelsel kan optimale liggings
identifiseer vir spesefieke doeleindes, byvoorbeeld OTMs, ens. Teen hierdie agtergrond
is hierdie studie onderneem om 'n metode te ontwikkel waarmee GIS aangewend kan
word om optimale liggings vir OTMs te vind, met Stelle bosch as 'n gevallestudie.
Ten eerste was dit nodig om die huidige faktore met betrekking tot die liggingskeuse vir
OTMs, beide in die buiteind en die binneland, te ondersoek. "n Uitgebreide
literatuursoektog is geloods om die probleme wat gepaard gaan met die bepaling van die
keuse van "n OTM ligging, te bestudeer. Onderhoude is gevoer met amptenare van
verskillende banke om die probleme rondom die kies van OTM-plasings te verstaan.
Kliënte is ook genader vir hulle idees, benogdighede en probleme oor OTM-liggings in
Tweedens is GIS geëvalueer as 'n moontlike stelselom die beste liggings vir OTM'e te
bepaal. Dit het 'n bespreking van die vermoëns en voordele van GIS behels, sowel as 'n
oorsig van beskikbare opsies vir die bank. Die vermoë om met die gebruik van GIS
addisionele liggings vir OTMs in Stellenbosch te identifiseer, is daarna getoets. Die
resultaat bied aan banke "n keuse van alternatiewe liggings vir die plasing van OTMs.
Sluitelwoorde: GIS, ATMs, ligging, optimale ligging, ligging-toesegging, modelle,
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