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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dimensionnement et réalisation d'un rotateur de polarisation à évolution de mode en optique intégrée sur verre / Design and realization of a mode evolution polarization rotator made by glass integrated optics technology

Jordan, Elodie 29 November 2016 (has links)
La création du premier laser en 1960 puis l’envol des télécommunications par fibres optique a généré le développement des circuits optiques intégrés. Ces derniers sont des solutions efficaces aux problèmes d’encombrement et d’instabilité. Un contrôle accru des signaux passe cependant par l’exploitation de la polarisation qui permet notamment d’augmenter les débits, de fiabiliser les signaux et de protéger les sources par une isolation optique. Cette dernière application fait partie d’un vaste projet mené par l’IMEP-LAHC en collaboration avec le laboratoire Hubert Curien de Saint-Etienne. L’isolateur sur verre comprend l’intégration d’un séparateur de polarisation, d’un rotateur Faraday et d’un rotateur réciproque de polarisation à 45°. L’objectif de ces travaux «était de démontrer la faisabilité de la dernière fonction. La réalisation s’est basée sur l’exploitation d’échanges d’ions assistés par un champ électrique (EAC). Une première étape a consisté à maîtriser les effets de bords inhérents aux EAC, afin de modeler le cœur d’un guide d’onde et incliner les axes neutres de polarisation. Ceci a été obtenu en cascadant deux EAC, le premier créant un guide d’indice de réfraction uniforme, le deuxième modelant son cœur. Le contrôle de la position des axes neutres a ainsi été démontrée pour la première fois dans cette technologie puisqu’une inclinaison à (46,6 ± 0,1)° en entrée et (42,3 ± 0,1)° en sortie a été mesurée. L’étude numérique du procédé de fabrication du rotateur réciproque a également été effectuée et l’adiabaticité du composant a été validé analytiquement. Une première réalisation a mis en évidence un problème de pertes élevées liées au dégazage des sels d’échange. Des pistes d’optimisation sont donc avancées. Une suggestion d’amélioration du rotateur Faraday est également présentée. Elle exploite les progrès obtenus sur les EAC et démontre la faisabilité de guides d’ondes à biréfringence négative. Finalement un procédé de fabrication de l’isolateur complet, compatible avec le budget thermique, est proposé. / The fabrication of the first laser in 1960 and the growth of fiber optics telecommunications have led to the development of integrated optics circuits. Theses lasts are efficient solutions to compacity and misalignment problems. Moreover, polarization management in integrated circuits enables to increase the data rate, to guaranty the signals reliability or to protect optical sources. The work presented here is dedicated to this last application, which is the motive of a long-term collaboration between IMEP-LAHC and the Hubert Curien institute in Saint-Etienne. Indeed, we proposed to fabricate a 45° reciprocal polarization rotator that is part of the optical isolator’s design, along with a polarization splitter and a Faraday rotator. We choose to use a field-assisted ion-exchange technique (FAIE). The implementation of the polarization rotator requires managing the side effects of the electrical field lines occurring during a FAIE. It allows controlling the waveguide core’s shape and thus the eigen axes tilt. It was obtained thanks to two cascaded FAIE. The first one, an Ag+/Na+ ion exchange, creates a high refractive index waveguide while the second one, a Na+/Na+ ion exchange, modifies the shape of the waveguide’s core. Measurements of the experimental polarization behavior are a first proof of a controlled tilt of eigen axes in this technology. Indeed, the waveguide exhibits a tilt of its eigen axes of (46.6 ± 0.1)° at the input and (42.3 ± 0.1)° at the output.The numerical study of the reciprocal rotator’s process has also been proposed and the adiabaticity of the design analytically validated. The first realization highlights high propagation losses that can linked to the degassing of the nitrate salts occurring during the FAIE. Possible improvements are thus suggested in the document.An enhancement of the Faraday rotator’s design is also proposed. It is obtained thanks to the fabrication of a waveguide exhibiting a negative birefringence whose design exploits the progress achieved in term of FAIE control. Eventually, a complete fabrication of the integrated isolator is proposed, taking into account the thermal budget of the various processes.


Pechard, Pierre-Yves 07 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Les pièces de formes complexes dans le domaine de l'aéronautique et des machines hydrauliques sont réalisées par usinage grande vitesse 5 axes. Dans ce contexte, les travaux proposés ont conduit à l'élaboration d'une méthode de génération de trajectoires 5 axes UGV par flanc d'outil basée sur le concept de surface l'usinage. La représentation surfacique de la trajectoire permet une minimisation globale des écarts géométriques entre la surface à usiner et la surface enveloppe du mouvement de l'outil. Cependant, en considérant le contexte d'usinage à grande vitesse, la fluidité de la trajectoire générée est essentielle pour assurer un usinage performant. Nous montrons que la fluidité de la trajectoire peut être contrôlée par le calcul de l'énergie de déformation de la surface d'usinage. Un schéma d'optimisation dont l'objectif est un compromis entre la minimisation des écarts géométriques et la fluidité de la trajectoire est ensuite proposée. Notre approche est illustrée au travers d'exemples issus de la littérature et d'autres plus industriels. La méthode de génération de trajectoires ainsi proposée conduit à de meilleures performances en terme de qualité de surfaces usinées et en terme de productivité, grâce à l'intégration au plus tôt de contraintes de diverses natures dans le calcul des trajets.

Lebensdauervorhersage mehrachsig belasteter Elastomerbauteile unter besonderer Berücksichtigung rotierender Beanspruchungsrichtungen

Klauke, Rainer 01 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Die für die Untersuchung des Ermüdungswiderstandes von Elastomerbauteilen verwendeten Formulierungen basieren häufig auf Modellen, die für Anwendungen in der Metalltechnik entwickelt wurden. Die damit verbundenen Eigenschaften wie Isotropie oder Elastizität stehen hingegen im Konflikt mit den Anforderungen, die zu der Wahl eines gefüllten Polymers als Werkstoff geführt haben. Gleichzeitig weisen technische Gummiwerkstoffe ein hochgradig nichtlineares Materialverhalten auf und zeigen vom Polymer und Füllstoffgrad abhängig eine unterschiedlich ausgeprägte belastungsinduzierte Anisotropie. Diese Umstände führen zu dem Bedarf, das Ermüdungsverhalten technischer Gummiwerkstoffe in Abhängigkeit der für Gummi typischen Eigenschaften intensiver zu untersuchen und neue Ansätze für die Auslegung der Lebensdauer von elastomeren Werkstoffen bereitzustellen. Im Rahmen der Arbeit wird eine Auswahl an unterschiedlichen Modellwerkstoffen auf polymerer Basis auf ihre Lebensdauereigenschaften hin analysiert. Den Schwerpunkt bilden hierbei modulierte Belastungsrichtungen, die über eine einfache Scherung mit rotierenden Achsen versuchstechnisch abgebildet werden. Anhand der Versuchsergebnisse werden neue Ansätze zur Vorhersage der Lebensdauer technischer Gummiwerkstoffe formuliert und mit bisherigen Ansätzen verglichen. Neben der Formulierung neuer Berechnungsvorschriften zur Bestimmung des Ermüdungswiderstandes polymerer Werkstoffe werden zudem die einfache Scherung mit rotierenden Achsen sowie das Versuchsprinzip zu deren Umsetzung eingehend untersucht. Dies umfasst auch eine Analyse einer mechanischen Charakterisierung technischer Gummiwerkstoffe anhand einer einfachen Scherung mit rotierenden Achsen.

Conception et réalisation d'un accéléromètre convectif 3-axes en technologie CMOS / Design and manufacturing of a 3-axis convective accelerometer in CMOS technology

Nguyen, Huy Binh 18 December 2013 (has links)
Des capteurs MEMS variés peuvent être fabriqués dans une technologie CMOS standard associée à une ou plusieurs étapes de gravure supplémentaires. Dans ce contexte, le micro-usinage du substrat par la face avant permet la fabrication de capteurs résistifs bas coût, basés sur des effets piezorésistifs ou thermiques, mais non optimaux en terme de bruit et de consommation. Cependant, au lieu d'envisager une optimisation technologique du procédé, ce travail s'est plutôt concentré sur le design du capteur et de son interface électronique afin d'améliorer les performances ci-dessus. L'objet de cette thèse est un accéléromètre convectif 3 axes basé sur une topologie initialement prévue pour des mesures suivant 2 axes, dans le plan de la puce, et utilisant une mesure de température différentielle. La mesure de l'accélération dans la direction perpendiculaire au plan de la puce, sans ajouter de structure supplémentaire, est donc étudiée ainsi que l'interface électronique associée. L'originalité de la mesure suivant ce 3ème axe réside dans la mesure de la température de mode commun de la structure existante. Cette étude est réalisée par l'intermédiaire de modélisations multi-physiques et électriques du capteur, de la conception et de la simulation de l'interface électronique et enfin de la caractérisation d'un prototype complet. / In the field of MEMS, various sensors can be manufactured using a standard CMOS technology and subsequent etching techniques. In this context, The Front-Side Bulk Micromachining (FSBM) approach allows the fabrication of low-cost resistive transducers based on either piezoresistive or thermal effects. Nevertheless, such fabrication method leads to non-optimized devices in terms of noise and power consumption. Instead of constraining fabrication technology, and in order to keep fabrication costs as low as possible, this work focuses on sensor design and electronic interfaces to address both issues. In this thesis, the device under study is a 3-axis CMOS thermal accelerometer. The sensor is based on a topology that was primarily introduced for 2-axis measurements only (in-plane acceleration, xy), using differential voltage across sensing thermistors. This work addresses the overall sensing performance by using dedicated front-end electronic and also investigates an opportunity to measure out-of-plane acceleration without the requirement of an additional device. The third axis (z) is provided by measuring a shift in the common-mode temperature, which is clearly an original approach. The study is carried out by means of both physical and electrical modeling of the transducer, electronic design and simulation, and prototype characterization.

Estudo das lâminas de pedra polidas do Brasil: diversidades regionais e culturais / Study of polished stone blades from Brazil: regional and cultural diversities

Souza, Gustavo Neves de 04 July 2013 (has links)
No presente trabalho realizamos uma análise das lâminas líticas polidas produzidas pelos habitantes pré-históricos no território brasileiro, provenientes de diferentes regiões, grupos e modos de vida. A partir do estudo de coleções arqueológicas e de experimentações pretendemos compreender melhor as diferenças e semelhanças apresentadas por estas lâminas polidas em cada região e sua resistência a testes de impacto em laboratório. Foram analisados 926 artefatos, entre lâminas, fragmentos e alguns percutores. São peças que integram coleções de museus centrais em diferentes regiões do Brasil (Norte, Nordeste, Sudeste e Sul). São principalmente coleções antigas, que apresentam objetos provenientes de diversas partes de cada um dos estados, possibilitando uma cobertura territorial ampla. A despeito dos parcos dados de procedência das peças foi possível caracterizálas regionalmente de forma bastante clara, demonstrando que morfológica e tecnologicamente há variações significativas de uma região para a outra. Em alguns casos foi possível ir ainda mais longe, permitindo propor atribuições culturais a determinados tipos, relacionando-os a algumas Tradições Arqueológicas. No entanto, se tornou evidente também que a partilha dos modos de fazer regionais tem importância capital, que quase sempre vai além das escolhas culturais de um grupo específico. Os trabalhos experimentais (de compressão e impacto) evidenciaram a força necessária para a fragmentação de uma lâmina de basalto de tamanho intermediário, durante seu uso no corte, bem como permitiu estimar a força utilizada por um lenhador mediano, possibilitando compreender melhor algumas relações entre força de impacto, quebras e formas de encabamentos. Finalmente, conseguimos lançar luz sobre a importância das lâminas, tanto para as sociedades do passado, quanto para os arqueólogos do presente, mostrando-as como ferramentas importantes para a compreensão dos modos de vida e dos processos de ocupação do território. / In the present work, we performed an analysis of lithic polished blades produced by the prehistoric inhabitants of the Brazilian territory, from different regions, groups and ways of life. From the study of archaeological assemblages and of experimental archaeology we aim to better understand the differences and similarities presented by these polished blades in each region and their resistance to impact tests. We analyzed 926 artifacts, including blades, fragments and some hammerstones. These items integrate collections of central museums in different regions of Brazil (North, Northeast, Southeast and South). The collections were formed mostly from the middle of the XX century on and present objects from different parts of each of the states, making possible a wide territorial coverage. Despite the scarce data provenance for the pieces it was possible to characterize them regionally quite clearly, showing that morphologically and technologically there are significant variations from one region to another. In some cases it was possible to go even further, allowing the proposition of some cultural attributions to certain types of artifacts, relating them to some Archaeological Traditions. However, it also became clear that sharing the ways of doing things has a major role importance, which often goes beyond the cultural choices of a specific group. The experimental work (of compression and impact) revealed the force required to break a basalt blade of average size during its use in chopping, and allowing us to estimate the force used by an average lumberjack, then enabling a better understanding of some relationships between impact force, breakages and forms of hafting. Finally, we shed light on the importance of the blades, both for past societies, as to the present day archaeologists, showing them as important tools for understanding the ways of life and the processes involved in the human occupation of the territory.

Estudo da influência do levantamento de eixos em veículos comerciais no desempenho na frenagem e na estabilidade direcional / Study of commercial vehicles elevated axle influence on braking performance and on directional stability

Vianna, Eduardo Piquera 22 March 2006 (has links)
Os sistemas que elevam os eixos dos veículos comerciais foram inicialmente desenvolvidos com o objetivo de economizar pneus. Até o final da década de 90, o uso destes sistemas era restrito, não causando um efeito estatístico sensível na segurança veicular. Devido a um acordo entre concessionárias rodoviárias e o governo, os veículos comerciais pagam nas praças de pedágio o valor correspondente ao número de eixos em contato com o solo naquele momento, minimizando as tarifas dos veículos que fazem uso deste sistema. Esta prática se difundiu rapidamente e poucos estudos técnicos foram realizados focando sua influência na segurança veicular. A elevação dos eixos altera de forma significativa a margem de estabilidade do veículo e a distribuição ideal das forças de frenagem, podendo elevar os riscos de acidentes. Este trabalho consiste num estudo aprofundado do desempenho dos veículos comerciais com estes sistemas de elevação de eixos, sob o ponto de vista técnico e operacional, focando a segurança veicular. Para tanto, são utilizados como metodologia modelos matemáticos já desenvolvidos na literatura científica em veículos exemplos. Parâmetros como a margem de estabilidade, gradiente de esterçamento, eficiência da frenagem dentre outros são analisados; também os efeitos na resposta direcional durante o período transitório em manobras e nos instantes iniciais da frenagem. As influências da elevação dos eixos são analisadas conforme normas e requisitos estabelecidos pela ABNT e ECE R13, inclusive anexo 10, pois a prática da elevação dos eixos pode estar infringindo requisitos impostos por estas normas. Como conclusão é visto que o levantamento dos eixos é prejudicial ao desempenho dinâmico do veículo. Em virtude disto, o seu uso deveria ser fundamentado tanto nas fases conceitual e de desenvolvimento quanto na legislação vigente no país. / The systems that elevate the axles of the commercial vehicles were initially developed with the objective of saving tires. The use of these systems was restricted, not causing a notable statistical effect in the vehicle safety. Due to an agreement between road concessionaires and the government, the commercial vehicles pay toll value according to the number of axles in contact with the soil on that moment, minimizing the taxes of the vehicles using this system. This practice was diffused quickly and few technical studies were accomplished focusing its influence in the vehicle safety. The elevated axles alters in a significant way the vehicle static margin of stability and the ideal distribution of the braking forces, increasing the accident risks. This work consist in deepened studies of the commercial vehicles with these systems of elevation of axles, of the technical and operational point of view, focusing the vehicle safety. For this is used as methodology mathematical models developed already in the scientific literature in vehicles examples. Parameters as the margin of stability, steer gradient, braking efficiency and others are analyzed. Likewise, the effects in the directional response during the transient maneuvers and in the initial instants of the braking. The influences of the elevation of the axes are analyzed according to norms and established requirements for ABNT and ECE R13, including annex 10, because the practice of the elevation of the axes can be infringing requirements imposed by these norms. As main conclusion these systems are prejudicial to vehicle dynamics and handling and its use could be anticipated in conceptual and design phase and in brazilian transport laws.

Rôle de XDSCR6 et de ses partenaires au cours du développement embryonnaire précoce de Xenopus laevis / XDSCR6 function during early embryonic development of Xenopus laevis

Loreti, Mafalda 26 September 2017 (has links)
La formation des trois feuillets embryonnaires primordiaux et leur régionalisation selon les axes embryonnaires sont des étapes cruciales au cours du développement précoce. Dans ce contexte, nous avons montré que XDSCR6, un inducteur du mésoderme et des axes embryonnaires qui présente des propriétés dorsalisantes, interagit physiquement et fonctionnellement avec le facteur de transcription XSTAT3. Au cours des étapes précoces du développement, XSTAT3 est active pendant la gastrulation et l'activation anormale de cette protéine dans la région dorsale induit la ventralisation des tissus embryonnaires. Par ailleurs, nous avons montré que XDSCR6 et XSTAT3 présentent des rôles antagonistes in vivo au cours de la mise en place des axes embryonnaires. Cet antagonisme peut être expliqué par le fait que XDSCR6 régule négativement l'activité transcriptionnelle de XSTAT3 en modulant sa méthylation sur les résidus lysine. L'ensemble de nos résultats a permis de déterminer l'importance cruciale de cette modification post-traductionnelle dans les propriétés ventralisantes de XSTAT3. Par ailleurs, nous avons montré que la méthyltransférase XEZH2 méthyle et active XSTAT3 in vivo. Des travaux antérieurs de l'équipe avaient montré que les propriétés dorsalisantes de XDSCR6 reposent sur sa capacité à inhiber l'activité épigénétique répressive de XEZH2 sur les gènes du mésoderme dorsal. Ainsi, nos travaux suggèrent que XDSCR6 est un modulateur transcriptionnel situé à l'interface entre certains régulateurs chromatiniens et des facteurs de transcription pendant la mise en place des axes embryonnaires. / One of the most challenging questions in developmental biology is to understand how a totipotent zygote differentiates into an organism containing all cell lineages. The formation of the three germ layers and the establishment of embryonic axis are fundamental events during early development. In this context, we demonstrated that XDSCR6, a mesoderm and embryonic axis inducer that exhibits dorsalizing properties, physically and functionally interacts with the transcriptional factor XSTAT3. During early development, XSTAT3 is active throughout gastrulation step and its abnormal activation in dorsal region leads to embryonic tissues ventralization. Furthermore, we showed that XDSCR6 and XSTAT3 have antagonistic roles in vivo during axis formation. This antagonism can be explained by the fact that XDSCR6 negatively regulates the transcriptional activity of XSTAT3 by interfering with its methylation on lysine residues. Moreover, this post-translational modification plays a crucial role in the ventralization abilities of XSTAT3. In a previous study, it has been shown that XDSCR6 negatively regulates the XEZH2 repressive epigenetic activity on dorsal mesoderm genes. Thus, we propose that XDSCR6 is a transcriptional modulator acting between epigenetic regulators and transcriptional factors during embryonic axis formation.

Conception et réalisation de pièces prototypes fonctionnelles en usinage sur machines-outils à commande numérique 5 axes

Salloum, Tammam 21 October 2009 (has links) (PDF)
A ce jour, les pièces prototypes réalisées à partir de poudre ou de liquide n'ont pas forcement des propriétés mécaniques suffisantes ni la précision requise pour être placées dans des mécanismes fonctionnels. L'objectif de ce travail est de réaliser des mécanismes prototypes fonctionnels, c'est-à-dire capables de fonctionner sur un banc d'essais ou en service dans son milieu d'utilisation (sur un véhicule par exemple). L'approche URP "Usinage Rapide de Prototype" proposée consiste à décomposer une pièce complexe de type carter par exemple, en plusieurs strates épaisses usinées sur machine outil à commande numérique 5 axes et assemblées. Le tranchage en strates est déterminé de sorte que les entités fonctionnelles ne soient pas découpées et que l'usinage soit réalisable, y compris pour les entités à obtenir dans l'épaisseur de la pièce. Le type et la position des dispositifs de centrage et de fixation des strates sont ensuite choisis. Deux montages d'usinage originaux et une gamme d'usinage ont été conçus pour réaliser chaque strate en deux phases. Un protocole de vérification de l'usinabilité a été proposé. Un carter a été réalisé sur la machine MIKRON UCP 710 du laboratoire avec une analyse des précisions obtenues. Une pièce d'essai a été définie pour permettre l'évaluation des capabilités de la méthode.

Estudo e desenvolvimento de um transdutor de torque para eixos rotativos por meio de sensores de efeito hall / Study and development of torque measurement on rotating shafts system using hall effect

Borges, Jacques Cousteau da Silva 27 November 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Viviane Lima da Cunha (viviane@biblioteca.ufpb.br) on 2016-09-12T14:59:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 6611064 bytes, checksum: 227009006d1b549d0d1127f1094bb17d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-12T14:59:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 6611064 bytes, checksum: 227009006d1b549d0d1127f1094bb17d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-11-27 / This work aimed to develop a torque transducer in rotating shafts through a new approach, using neodymium magnets and Hall effect sensor. Measuring and controlling the torque in rotating systems is essential to prevent disruptions, damage, wear and other kinds of damage that the machine may suffer due to overexertion in particular axis. However, make this measurement in full operation of the machine / system is not a simple task, mainly because of the needing of extract information under rotating shaft. Currently they are used measurements with elements attached to the shaft that require electrical power and also transmit data, either through slip rings, transformers or telemetry systems. Thus, this work proposes the use of magnets coupled to the shaft and a magnetic field measuring system with hall effect sensors. The relative movement between the magnets resulting from deformation due to twisting will increase or reduce the intensity of the magnetic field. By measuring the intensity of resultant field, it is possible to determine the radial deflection of the shaft. The acquisition system has computer interface developed in Labview. Static and dynamic tests were carried out in the laboratory in order to validate the technique developed and compare the instrument developed with techniques already widespread in the industrial environment. The results showed the efficiency of the technique and point to the applications of this dynamic torque wrench by Hall effect. / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um transdutor de torque em eixos girantes através de uma nova abordagem, usando ímãs de neodímio e sensor de efeito Hall. Medir e controlar o torque em sistemas rotativos é essencial, para prevenir rupturas, danos, desgastes e demais avarias que a máquina possa sofrer devido ao esforço excessivo em determinado eixo. Contudo, realizar essa medição em plena operação da máquina/sistema não é uma tarefa simples, devido principalmente à necessidade de se extrair informações sob eixo em rotação. Atualmente são utilizados sistemas de medição com elementos fixados ao eixo que necessitam de alimentação elétrica e também transmitir dados, seja por meio de anéis coletores, transformadores ou sistemas de telemetria. Assim, neste trabalho é proposto o uso de ímãs acoplados ao eixo e um sistema de medição de campo magnético com sensores de efeito hall. O movimento relativo entre os ímãs devido a deformação decorrente da torção, irão aumentar ou reduzir a intensidade do campo magnético. Ao medir a intensidade desse campo resultante, será possível determinar a deformação radial do eixo. O sistema de aquisição conta com interface computacional desenvolvida em Labview. Foram realizados ensaios estáticos e dinâmicos, em laboratório com o intuito de se validar a técnica desenvolvida e comparar o instrumento desenvolvido com técnicas já difundidas no ambiente industrial. Os resultados mostraram a eficiência da técnica e apontam para as aplicações deste torquímetro dinâmico por efeito Hall.

Consolidação de eixos de desenvolvimento econômico no Estado de São Paulo : dinâmica industrial, transporte e logística /

Oliveira, Cássio Antunes de. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Eliseu Savério Sposito / Banca: Márcio Rogério Silveira / Banca: Roberto França da Silva Junior / Resumo: Na segunda metade do século XX ocorreram transformações na organização produtiva e nas diferenciações espaciais. Os processos da reestruturação produtiva, a desconcentração industrial de São Paulo, as melhorias das infra-estruturas de transportes e de comunicações no interior favoreceram a formação de eixos de desenvolvimento econômico. Nos eixos há significativa atividade industrial, comercial e de serviços, principalmente nos municípios de porte médio. Assim, é possível compreender que há, com a relação desses processos, o aprofundamento das desigualdades espaciais e territoriais que são, de certa forma, fomentadas pelo poder público, uma vez que com a globalização econômica e as idéias neoliberais o Estado se torna submisso aos interesses dos agentes produtivos que atuam ou pretendem atuar no território. Como resultado dessas relações econômicas e políticas, o Estado busca sempre adequar o território e os sistemas de normas para o pleno funcionamento das atividades produtivas em detrimento dos interesses da população menos favorecida economicamente. Em suma, num sistema econômico-produtivo em que o Estado depende de recursos cuja fonte principal são impostos e outras receitas oriundas das atividades produtivas, principalmente das grandes corporações nacionais e multinacionais (que com a abertura econômica ocorrida na década de 1990 aumentaram sua participação na economia brasileira) o Estado tem diminuída sua autonomia de decisão / Abstract: In the second half of the twentieth century changes occurred in the productive organization and in the spatial differentiations. The processes of productive restructuring, the industrial deconcentration of São Paulo and the improvement of the transports and communications infrastructures in the country favored the formation of economic development axes. Along the axes there are significant industrial, commercial and service activities, particularly in midsize cities. So one can understand that there exists, due to the relationship between these processes, the deepening of spatial and territorial inequalities, which are, somewhat, fomented by the government, since with economic globalization and neoliberal ideas the state is subordinated to the interests of productive agents working or intending to work in the territory. As a result of these economic and political relations the state always seeks to adapt the territory and the norms systems for the fully functioning of productive activities against the interests of the economically underprivileged population. Briefly, an economic-productive system in which the State relies on resources whose main source are taxes and other revenues from the production activities of large multinational corporations which with the economic liberalization occurred in the 1990s increased their participation in the Brazilian economy, the State loses its support mechanisms / Mestre

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