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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Affinity Purification of Bovine Lactoferrin and Bovine Transferrin from Using Immobilized Gangliosides

Nam, Seung-Hee 01 May 2000 (has links)
Bovine lactoferrin (BLF) and bovine transferrin (BTF) are major-iron transport and regulation proteins found in bovine whey. BLF and BTF must interact with the eukaryotic cell surface to mediate their biological function of iron delivery and cellular functions of inflammatory and immunological modulation. As common components of the eukaryotic cell surface, gangliosides were used for affinity purification of BLF and BTF. Bovine gangliosides were isolated from fresh buttermilk and covalently immobilized onto controlled-pore glass beads (66 μg/g beads). After the matrix was loaded with whey protein (WPI or WPC), lactoferrin was eluted with 1 M NaCl and lll identified by N-terminal protein sequencing. Pretreated whey isolate (1 % wt/vol) showed the highest lactoferrin purity with 40% among protein sources, and whey protein isolate (10% wt/vol) showed the highest recovery with 105%. Bovine transferrin was eluted with sodium phosphate buffers at pH 7 after the immobilized matrix was loaded with a 2% (wt/vol) whey solution. The ganglioside column resulted in a 74.2% recovery of BTF from whey, and the BTF was enriched to 61% purity after Mono-Q chromatography. Bovine transferrin was identified by SDS-PAGE analysis, Western analysis, and isoelectrofocusing. In conclusion, immobilized gangliosides can be used to purify BLF and BTF from bovine whey.

Minskar blåljus-filtrerande intraokulära linser risken att utveckla åldersrelaterad makuladegeneration (AMD)?

Taoube, Jasmine, Sayadi, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
Background: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of visualimpairment in the world. AMD is a retinal degenerative condition that affects themacular area of the retina and thus the central vision. Ocular exposure to the bluelight can cause the retina to start produce reactive oxygen species (ROS), whichcauses damage to the retina and can thus increase the risk of developing AMD. Withage, the crystalline lens of the eye becomes more yellow and less transparent. Thetransmittance of the blue light is thus reduced because the lens shows naturalfiltering properties for the blue light. In cataract surgery, the crystalline lens isremoved and usually replaced by a clear intraocular lens (IOL). Blue light-filteringintraocular lenses (BLF-IOLs) have, among other things, been developed with theaim of reducing the risk of developing retinal dysfunction and AMD. Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate whether blue light filteringintraocular lenses (BLF-IOL) could help minimize the risk of developingage-related macular degeneration (AMD). Material and method: This review was based on four studies obtained from thedatabases PubMed and Web of Science. When searching for data, the publicationdates were limited to a period between 2018-2022 and the articles had to beavailable in "free full text". The search terms used were "Blue light IOL and AMD"and "Cataract and IOL and AMD". Articles that were excluded were judged not tobe relevant to the study as they did not include BLF-IOL and AMD. To answer thequestion, we compared studies where patients who received BLF-IOLs and patientswho received conventional IOLs implanted after cataract surgery were analyzed. Results: Three of the studies indicate that there was no significant differencebetween BLF-IOLs and non-BLF-IOLs regarding the risk of developing AMD. Inone of the studies, it was concluded that oxidative stress was reduced in the presenceof BLF-IOL. Conclusion: The question of whether blue-light-filtering intraocular lenses reducethe risk of developing age-related macular degeneration still remains since enoughevidence has not been found that it works. / Bakgrund: Åldersrelaterad makuladegeneration (AMD) är en ledande orsak tillsynnedsättning i världen. AMD är ett retinalt degenerativt tillstånd som påverkarnäthinnans makulära område och således det centrala seendet. Okulär exponering avdet blå ljuset kan leda till att näthinnan börjar producera reaktiva syrearter (ROS),vilket orsakar skador i näthinnan och kan på så vis ge ökad risk för utveckling avAMD. Ögats kristallina lins gulnar och blir mindre transparent med åren.Transmittansen av det blå ljuset minskar därmed eftersom ögats lins visar naturligafiltreringsegenskaper för det blå ljuset. Vid en kataraktoperation avlägsnas denkristallina linsen och ersätts oftast av en klar intraokulär lins (IOL).Blåljus-filtrerande intraokulära linser (BLF-IOL) har bland annat tagits fram i syfteatt minska risken för att utveckla retinal dysfunktion och AMD. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka om blåljus-filtrerandeintraokulära linser (BLF-IOL) kunde minska risken att utveckla åldersrelateradmakuladegeneration (AMD). Material och metod: Denna litteraturstudie baserades på fyra studier som erhöllsfrån databaserna PubMed och Web of Science. Vid sökning av data avgränsadespubliceringsdatumen till en period mellan 2018- 2022 samt att artiklarna skulle varatillgängliga i “free full text”. Sökorden som användes var "Blue light IOL andAMD” och “Cataract and IOL and AMD”. Artiklar som exkluderades bedömdesinte vara av relevans till studien då de inte omfattade BLF-IOL och AMD. För attbesvara frågeställningen analyserades studier där man jämfört patienter som fåttBLF-IOL med patienter som fått konventionella IOL implanterat efter enkataraktoperation. Resultat: Tre av studierna visade att ingen signifikant skillnad fanns mellan BLF-IOL och icke-BLF-IOL vad gäller risken att utveckla AMD. I en av studiernakom man fram till att oxidativ stress minskades vid närvaro av BLF-IOL. Slutsats: Frågan huruvida blåljus-filtrerande intraokulära linser minskar risken föratt utveckla åldersrelaterad makuladegeneration kvarstår fortfarande eftersom manännu inte funnit tillräckligt med bevis på att det fungerar.

Replicating the Effects of a Passive Boundary-Layer Fence via Active Flow Control

Walker, Michael Monroe 14 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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