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Analýza systémů TZB nízkoenergetického domu / Analysis of HVAC systems of a low-energy houseUrban, Erik January 2022 (has links)
In the first part, the diploma thesis addresses the issue of comparing individual HVAC systems for family houses. The second part is an experimental measurement of HVAC systems of a low-energy family house. The third part deals with the current state of heating and air conditioning of the family house, together with a certificate of energy performance of buildings. The diploma thesis is more focused on the experimental part.
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Energeticky úsporná budova penzionu v Chlumětíně / Low-energy building of boarding house in ChlumětínVtípil, Jan January 2022 (has links)
The master thesis deals with the design of environment friendly boarding house, which is located on a hill in a small village called Chlumětín. There are designed renewable energy sources, such as solar collectors or fotovoltaic panels. The first part deals with the design and layout of the boarding house. On the ground floor is solved, the design of the kitchen according to hygienic requirements, the design of the premises for guests with barrier-free toilets. In the attic are designed guest rooms including barrier-free room. The second part deals with the simplified design of building services. It includes rainwater management, mechanical ventilation with heat recovery, lighting, cooling and heating. The third part deals with the detailed design of heating in the building. It includes design of radiator power, pipe dimension, power of wood-gas boiler, storage tanks, pumps, etc.
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Administrativní budova / Office buildingEryshova, Natalia January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this Master´s Thesis is to create project documentation for office building with nearly zero energy consumption. The topic of the Master´s Thesis is Office Building located in Brno Komárov. Thesis is divided in to 3 main parts. In a first part, constructional solution is proposed. Office building is designed for recruitment agency with capacity of 32 personnel that consists of 3 floors, green roof and green facade. Ground plan of designed building is in rectangular shape. On the first floor there is a reception, offices, registry, small kitchen and staff room. Second floor is similar to the first one but it has a conference room. Third floor is designed as staff room with coffee lounge. In second part of Master Thesis design of building services engineering systems is proposed. Building uses forced ventilation with heat recovery. Heating is provided by two condensing gas boilers. Supply of electric energy is partially ensured by photovoltaic power plant. In addition, rain water is effectively used in this building. In the third part evaluation of six designed compositions of floor with Life Cycle Assessment method is done. Software used to elaborate this Master´s Thesis are following: ArchiCad, DekSoft, GaBi, Excel and Lumion.
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Ubytovací zařízení / AccommodationMaryšková, Eva January 2022 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is to design new Guest house in Čeladná. First part is focused on building design and construction. Second part is focused on heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) design and renewable energy sources. Third part is focused on detailed solution of noise and vibration from the environment around building. Guest house is three – storey building but there is one more underground storey for technical facilities. Ground floor contains staff facilities, restaurant, entrance hall with stairs and office. On the second floor we can find four guest rooms with terrace and corridor. On the third floor we can find three guest rooms. Heating in the building is secured by gas condensing boilers. Ventilation is provided by two air condition units. Each guest room has radiators and cooling distribution units and ventilation. Cooling is secured by one cooling unit on the green roof. On the gable roof we can find 75 photovoltaic panels. Third part is focused on detailed solution of noise, vibration from the environment around building and spatial acoustics of guest room. The thesis is carried out in AutoCAD, Sketch up, Lumion and DEKSOFT software. All structures comply with the valid standards and regulation.
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Vytápění objektu hotelového typu / Heating building a hotel-typeDuda, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
Design of heating of hotel type. The first part describes the analysis of the building and heating heat pumps theory and evaluation systems with heat pump. In the second part we find two variants of technical solutions. The third part contains solutions for selected variant and it is heating with gas boiler.
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Komíny s přirozeným tahem a připojování spotřebičů paliv / Chimneys draft and connecting fuel appliancesKupka, Filip January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with problematics of offtake of flue gasses. In experimental part there was measured compound of flue gasses by analyzator of flue gates. Aplication is a project of heating of object of The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in Brno. Project solves design of heating system, flue and of source of heat. Heating area is created by floor convectors,towel rails and radiators. Source of heat is designed in two variants : as a cascade of condensation boilers and as a cascade of low-temperature boilers.
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Vytápění bytového domu / Heating of apartment buildingDufek, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The main concern of this thesis is to design heating system for 5 storey apartment building in two alternatives of heat source - with a heat pump and with traditional gas boiler. Both applications are connected to two-pipes distribution system in building using the low-temperature water and radiators. The proposal takes account of the the production of hot water. The one of aims is to compare both variants also from the economic point of view. The experimental part is divided into two parts. The first part deals with the obligation to control efficiency of boilers, imposed by the Energy efficiency law No. 177/2006 Co. and § 6, sect. 2 - 5 and related regulation No. 276/2007 Co. The second part deals with the assessment of monitored room for proper regulation of the heating system.
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Otopné soustavy a rozúčtování tepla v bytových domech / Heating systems and heat distribution in apartment buildingsRušín, Marek Unknown Date (has links)
Content of this diploma thesis is to describe functioning of heat meters, billing of measured values and aplication of this knowledge on existing building. Apartment building have five storeys and a basement. Every storey have two apartments. Design of a heating system is divided into two separete variants. First variant consist of two gas condensing boilers as source of heat and second variant consist of heat transfer station.
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Energeticky úsporná budova mateřské školy Květinka / Energy-efficient "Floret" kindergarten buildingHajkr, Radek Unknown Date (has links)
The task of the master project is to design a single-storey kindergarten with flat extetensive green roof in Chvalčov. The building contains entrance hall, utility room, locker rooms, toilets, kitchen, school canteen, staff rooms, storage room and play rooms. The Building is divided into two similar parts. The vertical loadbearing structure is designing from ceramic blocks. The horizontal loadbearing structure is designed from reinforced concrete. The building is heated by a ground source heat pump supplying heat to floor heating. Another source of heat for the preparation of hot water and heat exchanger in the air handling unit is a gas condensing boiler. The heat pump in reverse operation cool the building via Fan-coil units. For air distribution is designed galvanized ducts and air handling units. The building uses photovoltaics to produce electricity for safe environment when using a renewable energy source and safe money when they no need buy energy from elektricity distribudion networks. The designs were elaborated in Revit, autocad and thermal assessment in Deksoft and similation 2018
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Simulation von Hilfsrahmen für LKW-Ladekrane und eines Lokomotivdampfkessels mit Altair-SimSolidWittmer, Martin 24 May 2023 (has links)
Ausbildung mit moderner Software für Festigkeitsberechnungen ist im Ingenieursstudium unabdingbar. Die Studierenden sollten hierbei bevorzugt Methodenkompetenz erwerben, um auf spätere Umgebungs- und Generationswechsel bestmöglich vorbereitet zu sein. Einfach zu erlernende und zu bedienende Programme sind hierfür von Vorteil. Langfristiges Ziel ist es, Wissen zu aktuellen Berechnungs- und Nachweismethoden in die Industrie zu transferieren.
Es werden zwei SimSolid-Berechnungsprojekte - Kranhilfsrahmen und Lokomotiv-Dampfkessel – aus Branchen vorgestellt, denen bisher praktikable Möglichkeiten für Festigkeitsberechnungen an großen Baugruppen fehlten. / Training with modern software for strength calculation is essential in engineering studies. The students should preferably acquire methodological competence. In this way, they are best prepared for changes in software version or program environment. Programs that are easy to learn and use are advantageous for this. The goal is to transfer knowledge about current calculation and verification methods to industry.
Two SimSolid calculation projects will be presented - Crane Subframe and Locomotive Boiler. Strength calculations on large assemblies have not been common in these industrie sectors up to now.
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