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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Molecular polymorphisms for phylogeny, pedigree and population structure studies

Wang, Yean January 2007 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / A number of types of molecular polymorphisms can be used for studying genetic relationship and evolutionary history. Microsatellites are hypervariable and can be very useful tools to determine population structure, distinguish sibling species, as well as verifying parental relationships and pedigrees. However, while microsatellite polymorphisms are useful for solving relationships between populations within a species, relations among species or genera will probably be obscured due to a high degree of homoplasy —identity arising from evolutionary convergence not by descent. For long range evolutionary history, such as phylogeny from old world monkey to human, mtDNA markers may be better candidates. The aim of this thesis is to assess molecular polymorphisms of different types and their optimal use in different situations. Two widely separated taxa were used for testing –the green monkey Chlorocebus sabaeus, and the sibling dipteran flies Bactrocera tryoni and B. neohumeralis, known collectively as the Queensland fruit fly. In the present study a complete 16,550 bp mtDNA sequence of the green monkey Chlorocebus sabaeus is reported for the fist time and has been annotated (Chapter 2). Knowledge of the mtDNA genome contributes not only to identification of large scale single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (Chapter 4) or other mtDNA polymorphisms development, but also to primate phylogenetic and evolutionary study (Chapter 3). Microsatellites used for the green monkey paternity and pedigree studies were developed by cross-amplification using human primers (Chapter 5). For studies of population structure and species discrimination in Queensland fruit fly (Chapter 7), microsatellites were isolated from a genomic library of Bactrocera tryoni (Chapter 6) The total length of 16550 bp of complete mtDNA of the green monkey C. sabaeus, which has been sequenced and annotated here, adds a new node to the primate phylogenetic tree, and creates great opportunity for SNP marker development. The heteroplasmic region was cloned and five different sequences from a single individual were obtained; the implication of this are discussed. The phylogenetic tree reconstructed using the complete mtDNA sequence of C. sabaeus and other primates was used to solve controversial taxonomic status of C. sabaeus. Phylogenies of primate evolution using different genes from mtDNA are discussed. Primate evolutionary trees using different substitution types are compared and the phylogenetic trees constructed using transversions for the complete mtDNA were found close to preconceived expectations than those with transversions + transitions. The sequence of C. sabaeus 12SrRNA reported here agrees with the one published by ven der Kuyl et al. (1996), but additional SNPs were identified. SNPs for other regions of mtDNA were explored using dHPLC. Twenty two PCR segments for 96 individuals were tested by dHPLC. Fifty five SNPs were found and 10 haplogroups were established. Microsatellite markers were used to construct a genealogy for a colony of green monkeys (C. sabaeus) in the UCLA Vervet Monkey Research Colony. Sixteen microsatellites cross-amplified from human primers were used to conduct paternity analysis and pedigree construction. Seventy-eight out of 417 offspring were assigned paternity successfully. The low success rate is attributed to a certain proportion of mismatches between mothers and offspring; the fact that not all candidate fathers were sampled, the limitations of microsatellite polymorphisms; and weakness of the exclusion method for paternity assessment. Due to the low success rate, the pedigree is split into a few small ones. In a complicated pedigree composed of 75 animals and up to four generations with multiple links a power male mated with 8 females and contributed 10 offspring to the pedigree. Close inbreeding was avoided. Population structure within two species of Queensland fruit fly Bactrocera tryoni and Bactrocera neohumeralis (Tephritidae: Diptera) is examined using microsatellite polymorphisms. Queensland fruit flies B. tryoni and B. neohumeralis are sympatric sibling species that have similar morphological and ecological features. They even share polymorphism at the molecular level. Mating time difference is the main mechanism by which they maintain separate species. In the present study, 22 polymorphic and scorable microsatellites were isolated from B. tryoni and tested in the two species sampled from sympatric distribution areas. Pairwise genetic distance analysis showed explicit differentiation in allele frequencies between the two species, but very weak differences between conspecific populations. Gene flow is higher within B. tryoni than within B. neohumeralis, and gene exchange between the two species exists. An averaging linkage clustering tree constructed by UPGMA showed two major clusters distinguishing the two species, and it appears that population structure is highly correlated with geographic distance. The relationship between molecular markers, evolution, and selection are discussed using comparative studies within two large taxa: primate and insect. The degree of conservation and polymorphism in microsatellites varies between taxa, over evolutionary time.

Molecular polymorphisms for phylogeny, pedigree and population structure studies

Wang, Yean January 2007 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / A number of types of molecular polymorphisms can be used for studying genetic relationship and evolutionary history. Microsatellites are hypervariable and can be very useful tools to determine population structure, distinguish sibling species, as well as verifying parental relationships and pedigrees. However, while microsatellite polymorphisms are useful for solving relationships between populations within a species, relations among species or genera will probably be obscured due to a high degree of homoplasy —identity arising from evolutionary convergence not by descent. For long range evolutionary history, such as phylogeny from old world monkey to human, mtDNA markers may be better candidates. The aim of this thesis is to assess molecular polymorphisms of different types and their optimal use in different situations. Two widely separated taxa were used for testing –the green monkey Chlorocebus sabaeus, and the sibling dipteran flies Bactrocera tryoni and B. neohumeralis, known collectively as the Queensland fruit fly. In the present study a complete 16,550 bp mtDNA sequence of the green monkey Chlorocebus sabaeus is reported for the fist time and has been annotated (Chapter 2). Knowledge of the mtDNA genome contributes not only to identification of large scale single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (Chapter 4) or other mtDNA polymorphisms development, but also to primate phylogenetic and evolutionary study (Chapter 3). Microsatellites used for the green monkey paternity and pedigree studies were developed by cross-amplification using human primers (Chapter 5). For studies of population structure and species discrimination in Queensland fruit fly (Chapter 7), microsatellites were isolated from a genomic library of Bactrocera tryoni (Chapter 6) The total length of 16550 bp of complete mtDNA of the green monkey C. sabaeus, which has been sequenced and annotated here, adds a new node to the primate phylogenetic tree, and creates great opportunity for SNP marker development. The heteroplasmic region was cloned and five different sequences from a single individual were obtained; the implication of this are discussed. The phylogenetic tree reconstructed using the complete mtDNA sequence of C. sabaeus and other primates was used to solve controversial taxonomic status of C. sabaeus. Phylogenies of primate evolution using different genes from mtDNA are discussed. Primate evolutionary trees using different substitution types are compared and the phylogenetic trees constructed using transversions for the complete mtDNA were found close to preconceived expectations than those with transversions + transitions. The sequence of C. sabaeus 12SrRNA reported here agrees with the one published by ven der Kuyl et al. (1996), but additional SNPs were identified. SNPs for other regions of mtDNA were explored using dHPLC. Twenty two PCR segments for 96 individuals were tested by dHPLC. Fifty five SNPs were found and 10 haplogroups were established. Microsatellite markers were used to construct a genealogy for a colony of green monkeys (C. sabaeus) in the UCLA Vervet Monkey Research Colony. Sixteen microsatellites cross-amplified from human primers were used to conduct paternity analysis and pedigree construction. Seventy-eight out of 417 offspring were assigned paternity successfully. The low success rate is attributed to a certain proportion of mismatches between mothers and offspring; the fact that not all candidate fathers were sampled, the limitations of microsatellite polymorphisms; and weakness of the exclusion method for paternity assessment. Due to the low success rate, the pedigree is split into a few small ones. In a complicated pedigree composed of 75 animals and up to four generations with multiple links a power male mated with 8 females and contributed 10 offspring to the pedigree. Close inbreeding was avoided. Population structure within two species of Queensland fruit fly Bactrocera tryoni and Bactrocera neohumeralis (Tephritidae: Diptera) is examined using microsatellite polymorphisms. Queensland fruit flies B. tryoni and B. neohumeralis are sympatric sibling species that have similar morphological and ecological features. They even share polymorphism at the molecular level. Mating time difference is the main mechanism by which they maintain separate species. In the present study, 22 polymorphic and scorable microsatellites were isolated from B. tryoni and tested in the two species sampled from sympatric distribution areas. Pairwise genetic distance analysis showed explicit differentiation in allele frequencies between the two species, but very weak differences between conspecific populations. Gene flow is higher within B. tryoni than within B. neohumeralis, and gene exchange between the two species exists. An averaging linkage clustering tree constructed by UPGMA showed two major clusters distinguishing the two species, and it appears that population structure is highly correlated with geographic distance. The relationship between molecular markers, evolution, and selection are discussed using comparative studies within two large taxa: primate and insect. The degree of conservation and polymorphism in microsatellites varies between taxa, over evolutionary time.

Population phenology of the tropical fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae), in Queensland, Australia

Muthuthantri, Weerawickramage Sakuntala Nayanatara January 2008 (has links)
Bactrocera tryoni, the Queensland fruit fly, is established along the entire Australian east coast. It is a major pest of horticulture and arguably the worst horticultural insect pest in Australia. Adult flies lay eggs into fruit and resultant larvae feed on the flesh of the fruit. The population biology of B. tryoni has been well studied in temperate regions, where it has been established that climatic factors, particularly temperature and rainfall, limit population growth. In contrast, in subtropical and tropical regions, the population dynamics of the fly have been little studied. This thesis investigates the fly's phenology and abundance changes across subtropical and tropical Queensland and asks what factors govern the population cycles of B. tryoni in this state. Winter breeding and abundance of the fly, a component of the seasonal cycle which in south-east Queensland is fundamentally different from that observed in temperate Australia, is also investigated. A historical, extensive multi-year and multi-site trapping data set with from across Queensland was analysed to look at the effects of temperature, rainfall and relative humidity on B. tryoni trap catch. Trap data was further compared with the predicted phenology data generated by a DYMEX® based B. tryoni population phenology model. The phenology model used was based on a previously published model, but was also modified to more explicitly look at the effects of host plant availability and the presence or absence of non-reproductive over-wintering flies. Over-wintering field cage studies and a winter-spring field trapping study, both carried out in Brisbane, supplied additional data on B. tryoni's population abundance and capacity to breed during winter in the subtropics. Results show significant variation of monthly fly abundance for nine sites across Queensland. Abundance changed across sites in non-predictable ways. Annual population phenology within a site was, for some sites, highly consistent from year to year, but inconsistent for other sites. All sites in the subtropics showed some form of population depression during the cooler months, but breeding was continuous, albeit reduced at nearly all sites. Some tropical sites, where the climate is regarded as highly favourable for B. tryoni, still showed dramatic peaks and troughs in annual population abundance. There were relatively few significant correlations observed between weather factors and fly populations for any site. Output from the DYMEX population model suggested that fruit availability is a major driver of population dynamics in the tropical north of the state, while weather is more important in the subtropical south. The population dynamics of B. tryoni at sites along the central Queensland coast, where it is assumed that a mix of both weather and host fruit availability drive local populations, were poorly captured by the population model. Field cage results showed that B. tryoni successfully bred during winter in Brisbane, with pupal emergence starting in mid-winter (1st week of August), peaking in early spring (2nd week of September). Trap catch at orchards in Brisbane increased with increasing temperature and fruit availability, but diminished with decreasing temperature and fruit availability. The results suggest that B. tryoni has an optimal climate for population growth in the tropics, but fruit availability for offspring production limits population growth. In the subtropics however, both climate and fruit availability determine the population size. Winter temperatures are marginal for B. tryoni population growth in the subtropics.

Dispersal and mating behaviour of Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni(Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae): Implicationsfor population establishment and control.

Weldon, Christopher William January 2005 (has links)
The Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae), a major pest of horticulture in eastern Australia, is a relatively poor coloniser of new habitat. This thesis examines behavioural properties that might limit the ability of B. tryoni to establish new populations. As the potential for B. tryoni to establish an outbreak population may be most directly limited by mechanisms associated with dispersal and mating behaviour, these two factors were the focus of this research project. The relevance of dispersal and mating behaviour for control of outbreak populations was assessed. Dispersal (i) Dispersal patterns of males and females are not different. Dispersal of post-teneral male B. tryoni from a point within an orchard near Richmond, New South Wales, was monitored following temporally replicated releases. Application of sterile insect technique (SIT) requires knowledge of dispersal from a release point so that effective release rates can be determined. In addition, dispersal following introduction to new habitat can lead to low or negative population growth and an Allee effect. In Spring and Autumn, 2001 � 2003, three different strains of B. tryoni were released: (1) wild flies reared from infested fruit collected in the Sydney Basin; (2) a laboratory-reared strain with a colour mutation (white marks); and (3) sterile flies obtained by gamma-irradiation of a mass-reared strain. Dispersal was monitored using a grid of traps baited with the male attractant, cuelure. During the majority of releases, flies were massmarked using a self-marking technique and fluorescent pigment powder to enable identification of recaptured flies. A preliminary study found that fluorescent pigment marks had no effect on adult survival and marks did not fade significantly in the laboratory over a period of five weeks after eclosion. As cuelure repels inseminated sexually mature female B. tryoni, unbaited, coloured flat sticky traps, and black and yellow sticky sphere traps baited with a food lure (protein autolysate solution) were used to supplement traps baited with cuelure. The effectiveness of these two sticky trap types was assessed, and recaptures used to compare patterns of dispersal from a release point by male and female B. tryoni. Fluorescent yellow (chartreuse), green, and clear unbaited flat sticky traps were relatively ineffective for monitoring dispersal of sterile male and female B. tryoni, recapturing only 0.1% of released sterile flies. Monitoring dispersal with sticky ball traps baited with protein autolysate solution was more successful, with yellow spheres and black spheres recapturing 1.7% and 1.5%, respectively. Trap colour had no effect on recaptures on flat sticky traps or sticky spheres. Equal recapture rates on yellow and black sticky sphere traps suggests that the odour of yeast autolysate solution was more important than colour for attraction of post-teneral flies to traps. Using the results of recaptures on odoriferous black and yellow sticky sphere traps within one week of release, regression equations of male and female recaptures per trap were found to be similar (Figure 4-3). This is the first study to clearly indicate that post-teneral dispersal patterns of male and female B. tryoni released from a point do not differ, enabling the use of existing models to predict density of both sexes of B. tryoni following post-teneral dispersal. (ii) Males disperse further in Spring than in Autumn, but this is not temperature-related. Analysis of replicated recaptures in traps baited with cuelure revealed that dispersal of male B. tryoni in an orchard near Richmond, New South Wales, was higher in Spring than in Autumn (Figure 5-6). As the maximum daily temperature was significantly higher in Spring than in Autumn this result was unexpected, since earlier studies have found that B. tryoni disperse at the onset of cool weather in search of sheltered over-wintering sites. Dispersal of post-teneral B. tryoni may have been affected by habitat suitability; it was found that seasonal trends in dispersal could have been influenced by local habitat variables. Low mean dispersal distances in Autumn may be explained by the presence of fruiting hosts in the orchard, or the availability of resources required by over-wintering flies. There was no significant correlation between temperature and mean dispersal distance, suggesting that higher rates of dispersal cannot be explained by temperature-related increases in activity. Recapture rate per trap was significantly negatively correlated with increasing daily maximum and average temperature. This may have consequences for detection of B. tryoni outbreaks in quarantine areas due to reduced cuelure trap efficiency. (iii) Maturity and source variation affect dispersal and response to cuelure. This research indicated that most male and female B. tryoni do not disperse far from a release point, suggesting that an invading propagule would not spread far in the first generation. However, there is considerable variation in flight capability among individuals. Comparison of wild, laboratory-reared white marks, and gamma-irradiated sterile male B. tryoni indicated that mean dispersal distance and redistribution patterns were not significantly affected by fly origin. Despite no difference in dispersal distance from the release point, recaptures of wild and sterile males per Lynfield trap baited with cuelure were highest within one week after release, whereas recaptures of white marks males per trap increased in the second week. This result may offer evidence to support the hypothesis that sterile male B. tryoni respond to cuelure at an earlier age. Rearing conditions used to produce large quantities of males for sterilisation by gamma-irradiation may select for earlier sexual maturity. Mating Behaviour (i) Density and sex ratio do not affect mating, except at low densities. Demographic stochasticity in the form of sex ratio fluctuations at low population density can lead to an observed Allee effect. The effect of local group density and sex ratio on mating behaviour and male mating success of a laboratory-adapted strain of B. tryoni was examined in laboratory cages. In the laboratory-adapted strain of B. tryoni used in this study, a group of one female and one male was sufficient for a good chance of mating success. The proportion of females mated and male mating success was not significantly affected by density or sex ratio, although variability in male mating success was higher at low density. This could indicate that mating success of B. tryoni can be reduced when local group density is low owing to decreased frequency in encounters between males and females. (ii) Mass-reared males exhibit aberrant mating behaviour, but this does not reduce mating success. Strong artificial selection in mass-rearing facilities may lead to decreased competitiveness of sterile males released in SIT programs as a result of alteration or loss of ecological and behavioural traits required in the field. The effects of domestication and irradiation on the mating behaviour of males of B. tryoni were investigated by caging wild, mass-reared and sterile (mass-reared and gammairradiated) males with wild females. Mating behaviour of mass-reared males was different from that of wild males, but behaviour of wild and sterile males was similar. Mass-reared males were found to engage in mounting of other males much more frequently than wild and sterile males, and began calling significantly earlier before darkness. Male calling did not appear to be associated with female choice of mating partners, although this does not exclude the possibility that calling is a cue used by females to discriminate between mating partners. Conditions used to domesticate and rear large quantities of B. tryoni for SIT may select for an alternative male mating strategy, with mass-reared males calling earlier and exercising less discrimination between potential mating partners. Despite differences in behaviour of wild, mass-reared and sterile males, frequency of successful copulations and mating success were similar. (iii) Pheromone-calling by males was increased in larger aggregations but this did not result in significantly more female visits. Finally, large laboratory cages with artificial leks were used to investigate the importance in B. tryoni of male group size for female visitation at lek sites and initiation of male pheromone-calling. Calling propensity of male B. tryoni was increased by the presence of conspecific males. Females visited the largest lek more frequently than single males, but there was no correlation between lek size and female visitation. Female B. tryoni had a limited capacity to perceive a difference between the number of calling males; female visitation at leks was only weakly associated with male calling, suggesting that lek size and the number of pheromone-calling males may not be the only factor important in locating mates in B. tryoni. The weak, but positive correlation between male calling and female visitation may indicate that passive attraction maintains lek-mating in B. tryoni. Further studies are essential on mating behaviour of B. tryoni, including identification of male mating aggregations in the field, measurement of habitat variables associated with male aggregations, the influence of density on wild B. tryoni mating success, and the role of pheromone-calling, in order to optimise use of SIT for control of this pest.

Dispersal and mating behaviour of Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni(Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae): Implicationsfor population establishment and control.

Weldon, Christopher William January 2005 (has links)
The Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae), a major pest of horticulture in eastern Australia, is a relatively poor coloniser of new habitat. This thesis examines behavioural properties that might limit the ability of B. tryoni to establish new populations. As the potential for B. tryoni to establish an outbreak population may be most directly limited by mechanisms associated with dispersal and mating behaviour, these two factors were the focus of this research project. The relevance of dispersal and mating behaviour for control of outbreak populations was assessed. Dispersal (i) Dispersal patterns of males and females are not different. Dispersal of post-teneral male B. tryoni from a point within an orchard near Richmond, New South Wales, was monitored following temporally replicated releases. Application of sterile insect technique (SIT) requires knowledge of dispersal from a release point so that effective release rates can be determined. In addition, dispersal following introduction to new habitat can lead to low or negative population growth and an Allee effect. In Spring and Autumn, 2001 � 2003, three different strains of B. tryoni were released: (1) wild flies reared from infested fruit collected in the Sydney Basin; (2) a laboratory-reared strain with a colour mutation (white marks); and (3) sterile flies obtained by gamma-irradiation of a mass-reared strain. Dispersal was monitored using a grid of traps baited with the male attractant, cuelure. During the majority of releases, flies were massmarked using a self-marking technique and fluorescent pigment powder to enable identification of recaptured flies. A preliminary study found that fluorescent pigment marks had no effect on adult survival and marks did not fade significantly in the laboratory over a period of five weeks after eclosion. As cuelure repels inseminated sexually mature female B. tryoni, unbaited, coloured flat sticky traps, and black and yellow sticky sphere traps baited with a food lure (protein autolysate solution) were used to supplement traps baited with cuelure. The effectiveness of these two sticky trap types was assessed, and recaptures used to compare patterns of dispersal from a release point by male and female B. tryoni. Fluorescent yellow (chartreuse), green, and clear unbaited flat sticky traps were relatively ineffective for monitoring dispersal of sterile male and female B. tryoni, recapturing only 0.1% of released sterile flies. Monitoring dispersal with sticky ball traps baited with protein autolysate solution was more successful, with yellow spheres and black spheres recapturing 1.7% and 1.5%, respectively. Trap colour had no effect on recaptures on flat sticky traps or sticky spheres. Equal recapture rates on yellow and black sticky sphere traps suggests that the odour of yeast autolysate solution was more important than colour for attraction of post-teneral flies to traps. Using the results of recaptures on odoriferous black and yellow sticky sphere traps within one week of release, regression equations of male and female recaptures per trap were found to be similar (Figure 4-3). This is the first study to clearly indicate that post-teneral dispersal patterns of male and female B. tryoni released from a point do not differ, enabling the use of existing models to predict density of both sexes of B. tryoni following post-teneral dispersal. (ii) Males disperse further in Spring than in Autumn, but this is not temperature-related. Analysis of replicated recaptures in traps baited with cuelure revealed that dispersal of male B. tryoni in an orchard near Richmond, New South Wales, was higher in Spring than in Autumn (Figure 5-6). As the maximum daily temperature was significantly higher in Spring than in Autumn this result was unexpected, since earlier studies have found that B. tryoni disperse at the onset of cool weather in search of sheltered over-wintering sites. Dispersal of post-teneral B. tryoni may have been affected by habitat suitability; it was found that seasonal trends in dispersal could have been influenced by local habitat variables. Low mean dispersal distances in Autumn may be explained by the presence of fruiting hosts in the orchard, or the availability of resources required by over-wintering flies. There was no significant correlation between temperature and mean dispersal distance, suggesting that higher rates of dispersal cannot be explained by temperature-related increases in activity. Recapture rate per trap was significantly negatively correlated with increasing daily maximum and average temperature. This may have consequences for detection of B. tryoni outbreaks in quarantine areas due to reduced cuelure trap efficiency. (iii) Maturity and source variation affect dispersal and response to cuelure. This research indicated that most male and female B. tryoni do not disperse far from a release point, suggesting that an invading propagule would not spread far in the first generation. However, there is considerable variation in flight capability among individuals. Comparison of wild, laboratory-reared white marks, and gamma-irradiated sterile male B. tryoni indicated that mean dispersal distance and redistribution patterns were not significantly affected by fly origin. Despite no difference in dispersal distance from the release point, recaptures of wild and sterile males per Lynfield trap baited with cuelure were highest within one week after release, whereas recaptures of white marks males per trap increased in the second week. This result may offer evidence to support the hypothesis that sterile male B. tryoni respond to cuelure at an earlier age. Rearing conditions used to produce large quantities of males for sterilisation by gamma-irradiation may select for earlier sexual maturity. Mating Behaviour (i) Density and sex ratio do not affect mating, except at low densities. Demographic stochasticity in the form of sex ratio fluctuations at low population density can lead to an observed Allee effect. The effect of local group density and sex ratio on mating behaviour and male mating success of a laboratory-adapted strain of B. tryoni was examined in laboratory cages. In the laboratory-adapted strain of B. tryoni used in this study, a group of one female and one male was sufficient for a good chance of mating success. The proportion of females mated and male mating success was not significantly affected by density or sex ratio, although variability in male mating success was higher at low density. This could indicate that mating success of B. tryoni can be reduced when local group density is low owing to decreased frequency in encounters between males and females. (ii) Mass-reared males exhibit aberrant mating behaviour, but this does not reduce mating success. Strong artificial selection in mass-rearing facilities may lead to decreased competitiveness of sterile males released in SIT programs as a result of alteration or loss of ecological and behavioural traits required in the field. The effects of domestication and irradiation on the mating behaviour of males of B. tryoni were investigated by caging wild, mass-reared and sterile (mass-reared and gammairradiated) males with wild females. Mating behaviour of mass-reared males was different from that of wild males, but behaviour of wild and sterile males was similar. Mass-reared males were found to engage in mounting of other males much more frequently than wild and sterile males, and began calling significantly earlier before darkness. Male calling did not appear to be associated with female choice of mating partners, although this does not exclude the possibility that calling is a cue used by females to discriminate between mating partners. Conditions used to domesticate and rear large quantities of B. tryoni for SIT may select for an alternative male mating strategy, with mass-reared males calling earlier and exercising less discrimination between potential mating partners. Despite differences in behaviour of wild, mass-reared and sterile males, frequency of successful copulations and mating success were similar. (iii) Pheromone-calling by males was increased in larger aggregations but this did not result in significantly more female visits. Finally, large laboratory cages with artificial leks were used to investigate the importance in B. tryoni of male group size for female visitation at lek sites and initiation of male pheromone-calling. Calling propensity of male B. tryoni was increased by the presence of conspecific males. Females visited the largest lek more frequently than single males, but there was no correlation between lek size and female visitation. Female B. tryoni had a limited capacity to perceive a difference between the number of calling males; female visitation at leks was only weakly associated with male calling, suggesting that lek size and the number of pheromone-calling males may not be the only factor important in locating mates in B. tryoni. The weak, but positive correlation between male calling and female visitation may indicate that passive attraction maintains lek-mating in B. tryoni. Further studies are essential on mating behaviour of B. tryoni, including identification of male mating aggregations in the field, measurement of habitat variables associated with male aggregations, the influence of density on wild B. tryoni mating success, and the role of pheromone-calling, in order to optimise use of SIT for control of this pest.

Insect frugivore interactions : the potential for beneficial and neutral effects on host plants

Wilson, Alexsis Jane January 2008 (has links)
Frugivorous insects, specialised herbivores that consume fruit and seeds, are considered detrimental to host plant fitness. Their direct link to genetic fitness via consumption of plant reproductive tissue, and their negative socioeconomic association with agriculture exacerbates their harmful status. However, empirical testing of insect frugivore effects on host plants, and ecological research on the contribution of insect frugivores to multitrophic frugivory systems, is lacking. In the current study, direct effects of a non-mutualistic, insect frugivore/host plant system were tested and results showed variable effects. Beneficial, detrimental, but predominantly neutral effects on germination and seed production were observed between the Queensland fruit fly (Bactrocera tryoni) and tomato and capsicum plants. Significant effects on seed production were unexpected because infestation occurs after seed set. It was also found that eggplant, although a recorded host of B. tryoni, is inconsistent in its ability to sustain B. tryoni larvae through to its final instar. These results confirmed a simplification and presumption associated with insect frugivore (specifically fruit fly)/host plant interactions. Larval movement, infestation-induced fruit decay, pulp removal and germination were then investigated. For all hosts (tomato, apple and paw paw), treatments infested by B. tryoni decayed significantly quicker and to a greater extent than uninfested treatments, with obvious but variable changes to the texture and appearance. The movement of B. tryoni larvae, pattern of infestation-induced decay and pulp removal was unique and host dependent for all hosts. Only seeds from infested tomato were shown to germinate during the experiment. This indicated that host fruit characteristics are responsible, in part, for variable direct effects on host plant fitness by insect frugivores. Variable direct effects between insect frugivores and host plants, combined with the more rapid decay of infested fruits is likely to have implications for seed dispersal and seed predation by a third trophic level. The characteristics of fruit that are changed by infestation by an insect frugivore were then tested for their effect on a vertebrate frugivore, to illustrate the importance of recognising multitrophic interactions and indirect effects in frugivory. Specifically, seed predating rodents were incorporated into the study and their response to infested and uninfested fruits were recorded, as well as their reaction to the changes in fruit caused by insect frugivores (i.e. texture, smell, larvae presence and sound). Apple and pear infested with B. tryoni larvae were found to attract rodents, while infested tomato and paw paw had a neutral effect on the native rats. This differed from the predominant finding in the literature, which was a deterrent effect on avian seed dispersers. Vertebrate response to fruit infested with insect frugivores therefore, is variable. Assessing the indirect effect of insect frugivores on host plant fitness by attracting or deterring another trophic level requires knowledge of the direct effect between the introduced trophic level and the host plant. For example, the attraction of a seed predator may be as detrimental to host plant fitness as the deterrence of a seed disperser. This illustrates the complexity associated with assessing insect frugivore effects on host plant fitness. Results also indicated that differences in pulp texture, caused by infestation, have a significant effect on rodent preference for infested or uninfested treatments. Pulp texture is likely to effect rodent foraging efficiency, whereas the presence of B. tryoni larvae was observed to be inconsequential to rodent response to fruits. For rodents, and indeed any trophic level motivated by foraging efficiency, this finding raises the issue that for long lived fruiting plants, outside factors such as food abundance and competition for food, may cause a variable response to fruits infested by insect frugivores. From these investigations it has become apparent that insect frugivores are not consistently harmful to host plant fitness, as suggested by their negative stigma, but are likely to contribute variable effects, directly and indirectly, on multiple components of plant fitness and multitrophic frugivory systems.

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