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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Raseinių rajono savivaldybės antropogeninės taršos mažėjimo prognozės / Anthropogenic pollution reduction prognosis in Raseiniai district municipality

Pečkaitis, Martynas 08 August 2007 (has links)
Darbo tikslas yra įvertinti Raseinių rajono savivaldybės nuotekų sukeliamą taršą ir priemones jai mažinti. Raseinių rajone gyvena 43,7 tūkst. gyventojų, iš kurių apie 79 % prisijungę prie geriamojo vandens tiekimo ir apie 64 % - prie nuotekų šalinimo sistemos. Kiti individualūs gyventojai turi įsirengę vietinius nuotekų sukauptuvus arba turi vietinius nuotekų valymo įrenginius. Dėl blogos sukauptuvų priežiūros dažnai įvyksta persiliejimai, ir nevalytos nuotekos patenka į aplinką. Prieš 30-40 metų įrengtos centralizuotos nuotekų šalinimo sistemos rajone yra susidėvėjusios, todėl jose neišvengiama avarijų. Siekiant sumažinti avarijų, taršos židinių skaičių, būtina rekonstruoti senus vamzdynus, išplėsti nuotekų surinkimo tinklą, prijungiant kuo daugiau gyventojų prie centrinės nuotekų šalinimo sistemos. Vandentvarkos ūkio renovacija ir plėtra Raseinių rajone vykdoma Europos Sąjungos (ES) fondų, Lietuvos ir savivaldybės biudžetų lėšomis. Darbe nagrinėjama vandentvarkos ūkio būklė, ES fondų, Lietuvos ir Raseinių savivaldybės biudžeto remiamų priemonių įtaka aplinkosaugos būklei. / The purpose of this work is to evaluate the wastewater pollution in Raseiniai district and to sugest means to reduce it. Raseiniai district has a population of 43,7 thousand people. 79% of them are connected to the centralized drinking water system, and 64% of them use wastewater disposal system. The remaining individual householders usually use their own wastewater tanks or their local wastewater treatment equipment. Because of the poor wastewater system condition there are the leaks of wastewater to the environment. Since the wastewater treatment systems are 20 – 30 years old, a lot of happening accidents are inevitable. The old pipeline must be renovated in order to decrease the number of accidents and the sources of waste. In addition, more householders should be connected to the centralized wastewater system. The renovation and expansion of the Water – treatment network is financed from the budget of Raseiniai local administration, the structural funds of European Union(EU), and the Cohesion fund. The work includes the inspection of the current state of water-treatment network in Raseiniai district also the influence of the EU structural funds and other means which are used to improve the state of the environment.

Criminal and Conventional Liability in Environmental Law: Ecological Balance, Pollution and Envrionmental Damage

Diaconu, Luminita 28 November 2023 (has links)
A major problem of mankind is the continuous degradation of the environment. In order to protect the environmental components, it was necessary for the competent authorities to adopt specific legal norms, which could sanction the possible behaviors of the people towards the environment. Legal liability for the environmental law was necessarily established, due to the national ecological situation increasingly affected by the consequences of industrialization and automation, by the irrational exploitation of natural resources. It is necessary to mention certain shortcomings related to the effectiveness of criminal and contraventional law regulations in ensuring the goals of protecting the environment. Thus, examining the new criminal and contraventional law regulations in the chapter Environmental Crimes and Contraventions (ecological), we note certain circumstances that characterize them positively, just same as we note certain circumstances that characterize them negatively. The article tackles the aspects concerning ecological balance, pollution and effects on environmental damage. and refers to the differences in criminal and contravention liability, trying to offer some solutions to the current ecological situation.

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