Spelling suggestions: "subject:"terms"" "subject:"germs""
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Three dimensional effects of diaphragm wall installation and staged construction sequencesGourvenec, Susan January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Use of compost filter bermsfor sediment trapping: primary focus on water quality and structural stabilityRaut Desai, Aditya Babu 15 November 2004 (has links)
Runoff from road construction and maintenance sites is responsible for erosion and deposition of sediments in the receiving water bodies. In addition to soil particles from erosion, runoff also transports other pollutants such as rubber, toxic metals, automobile fluids, car exhausts (which settle with the rain), pesticides, fertilizers, and other debris. Compost has been used effectively as a valuable soil amendment to aid plant growth. Berms (mounds) of compost placed at the top or bottom of steep slopes can be used to slow the velocity of water and provide additional protection for receiving waters. However, a downside of the application of composted organic material is the potential degradation of runoff water quality. Overloading with nitrogen and phosphorus causes eutrophication, which reduces the suitability of waterways for beneficial uses. A field testing of the berms coupled with a laboratory analysis of the testing water will provide a basis for the impact of the compost berms on the runoff water quality. The study of the impact of compost on the runoff water quality was investigated. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of berms made from various materials such as dairy manure compost, yard waste compost and composted bio-solids mixed with wood chips in a ratio of 50:50 on the runoff water quality, as well as, the sediment removal efficiencies. Field tests were performed on the berms to simulate conventional rainfall runoff and the tested water was collected as time-weighted samples and analyzed in the laboratory. Several variables were investigated during this study. Results of this investigation demonstrated that the effectiveness of this application was hampered by the structural instability of the berm. A 100% failure rate was observed in the berms tested. Optimum performance was observed in yard waste compost berms, which introduced the least amount of contaminants into the water. However, some masking effect could be present due to berm failures. In fact, the actual sediment removal by the berms could not be determined. The study of compost filter berms showed some evidence of the existence of first flush effect.
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Use of compost filter bermsfor sediment trapping: primary focus on water quality and structural stabilityRaut Desai, Aditya Babu 15 November 2004 (has links)
Runoff from road construction and maintenance sites is responsible for erosion and deposition of sediments in the receiving water bodies. In addition to soil particles from erosion, runoff also transports other pollutants such as rubber, toxic metals, automobile fluids, car exhausts (which settle with the rain), pesticides, fertilizers, and other debris. Compost has been used effectively as a valuable soil amendment to aid plant growth. Berms (mounds) of compost placed at the top or bottom of steep slopes can be used to slow the velocity of water and provide additional protection for receiving waters. However, a downside of the application of composted organic material is the potential degradation of runoff water quality. Overloading with nitrogen and phosphorus causes eutrophication, which reduces the suitability of waterways for beneficial uses. A field testing of the berms coupled with a laboratory analysis of the testing water will provide a basis for the impact of the compost berms on the runoff water quality. The study of the impact of compost on the runoff water quality was investigated. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of berms made from various materials such as dairy manure compost, yard waste compost and composted bio-solids mixed with wood chips in a ratio of 50:50 on the runoff water quality, as well as, the sediment removal efficiencies. Field tests were performed on the berms to simulate conventional rainfall runoff and the tested water was collected as time-weighted samples and analyzed in the laboratory. Several variables were investigated during this study. Results of this investigation demonstrated that the effectiveness of this application was hampered by the structural instability of the berm. A 100% failure rate was observed in the berms tested. Optimum performance was observed in yard waste compost berms, which introduced the least amount of contaminants into the water. However, some masking effect could be present due to berm failures. In fact, the actual sediment removal by the berms could not be determined. The study of compost filter berms showed some evidence of the existence of first flush effect.
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Advanced Undersepage Analyses for LeveesBatool, Abeera 27 November 2013 (has links)
The events of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 prompted the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to commission studies to identify the failure mechanisms of levees and I-walls. This involves updating of the current USACE Engineering Manual (EM) 1110-2-1913, "Design and Construction of Levees," which uses Blanket Theory for seepage analysis. Blanket Theory entails analytical methods for calculating seepage pressures and flows beneath levees. The revision of the manual will address the design seepage criteria for levees, with a focus on incorporating new seepage analysis procedures besides Blanket Theory. Finite element analysis is one such method that has more recently become the method of choice for general seepage analyses in geotechnical engineering.
The focus of this research is mainly on underseepage analyses of levees in the lower Mississippi valley using numerical modeling, with a goal of helping engineers in making the transition from current Corps methods to finite element analysis. General guidelines are provided to conduct seepage analysis using finite element analysis for pre-defined Blanket Theory cases as well as for the design of seepage berms. In addition, the 3D finite element modeling is conducted for a full-scale field load test involving complex geometry and stratigraphy, which is useful in better understanding the response of levees and I-walls. / Ph. D.
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Mound Breakwater Design in Depth-Limited Breaking Wave ConditionsHerrera Gamboa, María Piedad 08 June 2017 (has links)
The design of rubble mound breakwaters usually focuses on the main armor layer. A review of the existing literature reveals that different equations are used to design rock armors in non-breaking wave conditions. However, most rubble mound breakwaters are constructed in the depth-induced breaking zone where they are attacked by waves breaking in the foreshore; in these conditions, existing design equations are not valid. Therefore, in this PhD thesis, the hydraulic stability of double-layer rock armors is analyzed through a series of small-scale tests conducted with a bottom slope m=1/50. Based on test results, a new potential relationship is given to design rock armors in depth-limited breaking wave conditions with armor slope cot¿=1.5, stability numbers within the range 0.98¿Hm0/(¿Dn50)¿2.5, and relative water depth at the toe 3.75¿hs/(¿Dn50)¿7.50.
When concrete units are used for the armor layer, mound breakwaters are usually protected by a toe berm. This toe berm is placed on the seafloor or underlayer, providing support for the concrete armor units which are placed later on the structure slope. Toe berm design is commonly related to the armor design; in non-breaking wave conditions, the mass of toe berm rocks is one order of magnitude lower than the units of the layer. In breaking wave conditions, however, the highest waves start breaking on the bottom and impact directly on the toe berm. This is the common case of rocky sea bottoms with m=1/10 or higher slopes and thus, a correct design of the toe berm is crucial to guarantee the armor stability. The present PhD thesis examines the hydraulic stability of rock toe berms placed on a m=1/10 bottom slope and in very shallow waters (0.5<hs/Dn50<5.01). Small-scale tests were conducted with double-layer cube armored breakwaters and rock toe berms with different widths (Bt) and thicknesses (tt). Firstly, a new equation is proposed to design emerged and submerged standard rock toe berms (Bt=3Dn50 and tt=2 Dn50) using three parameters: (1) deep water wave height, Hs0, (2) deep water wave length, L0p, and (3) water depth at the toe, hs. Secondly, the influence of toe berm width (Bt) on toe berm stability is analyzed introducing two new concepts to characterize wide toe berms (Bt>3Dn50): (1) the nominal toe berm or the most shoreward toe berm area which effectively supports the armor layer, and (2) the sacrificial toe berm or the most seaward toe berm area which serves to protect the nominal toe berm. Considering the nominal toe berm damage, a new method is developed to reduce the rock toe berm size (Dn50) by increasing the toe berm width (Bt) if the required rock size is not available at the quarries. Finally, cube armor damage is examined, and the influence of the placement technique on armor stability is also characterized from physical tests conducted with cubes randomly- and uniformly- placed on the armor in two layers. / El manto principal de los diques en talud suele estar formado por escollera natural o elementos prefabricados de hormigón; su función es resistir la acción del oleaje. Una revisión del estado del arte pone de manifiesto que son numerosas las fórmulas existentes para el diseño de mantos derivadas de ensayos físicos a escala reducida con oleaje sin rotura por fondo. Sin embargo, la mayoría de diques en talud se construyen en la zona de rompientes con oleaje limitado por fondo, donde las ecuaciones de diseño habituales no son del todo válidas. En esta tesis doctoral se analiza la estabilidad hidráulica de mantos bicapa de escollera, a partir de ensayos a escala reducida con pendiente de fondo m=1/50. En base a los resultados obtenidos de los ensayos físicos, se propone una nueva relación potencial para el diseño de mantos de escollera en condiciones de oleaje limitado por fondo, válida para taludes con cot¿=1.5, números de estabilidad 0.98¿Hm0/(¿Dn50)¿2.5, y profundidades relativas a pie de dique de 3.75¿hs/(¿Dn50)¿7.50.
Cuando el manto principal está formado por elementos de hormigón, es habitual construir una berma de pie que proporciona apoyo a los elementos del manto y, en su caso, colabora en la protección de la zona inferior del dique contra la socavación. Dicha berma suele construirse con escollera natural y su peso está condicionado al de los elementos del manto en el caso de no haber rotura por fondo. El peso de los elementos de la berma de pie suele ser un orden de magnitud inferior al peso de las unidades del manto; sin embargo, si la pendiente de fondo es fuerte (p.e. m=1/10) y las aguas someras esta regla no se cumple ya que algunas olas rompen sobre el fondo impactando directamente sobre la berma de pie. En estos casos, el peso de la escollera de la berma puede sobrepasar el de las unidades del manto y su correcto diseño es crucial para garantizar la estabilidad del dique. Además de estudiar la estabilidad del manto principal de diques de escollera, la presente tesis doctoral analiza también la estabilidad hidráulica de bermas de pie de escollera ubicadas en fondos con pendiente m=1/10 y aguas someras (0.5<hs/Dn50<5.01), en base a ensayos físicos a escala reducida realizados con mantos bicapa de cubos y bermas de escollera con diferentes dimensiones. En primer lugar, se propone una nueva ecuación para el diseño de bermas escollera estándar (Bt=3Dn50 y tt=2 Dn50), tanto emergidas como sumergidas, a partir de tres parámetros: (1) altura de ola en aguas profundas, Hs0, (2) longitud de onda en aguas profundas, L0p, (3) profundidad a pie de dique, hs. Posteriormente, se analiza la influencia del ancho de la berma (Bt) en su estabilidad hidráulica, introduciendo dos nuevos conceptos para caracterizar bermas de pie anchas (Bt>3Dn50): (1) berma nominal o zona de la berma de pie sobre la que realmente apoya el manto principal, y (2) berma de sacrificio o zona de la berma de pie que protege a la berma nominal. A partir del daño de la berma de pie nominal, se propone un nuevo método para reducir el tamaño de piedra (Dn50) incrementando el ancho de la berma (Bt) cuando no se disponga del tamaño requerido en cantera. Finalmente, se examina el daño del manto de cubos y se analiza la influencia del método de colocación sobre el mismo, a partir de ensayos realizados con mantos bicapa de cubos con colocación aleatoria y uniforme. / El mantell principal dels dics en talús sol estar format per roca o elements prefabricats de formigó, la seva funció és resistir l'acció de l'onatge. Una revisió de l'estat de l'art manifesta que són nombroses les equacions de disseny existents per a condicions d'onatge no trencat. No obstant això, la majoria de dics en talús es construeixen a la zona de rompents amb onatge limitat per fons, on les equacions de disseny existents no són del tot vàlides. En aquesta tesi doctoral s'analitza l'estabilitat hidràulica de mantells bicapa de roca, a partir d'assajos a escala reduïda realitzats amb pendent de fons m = 1/50. En base als resultats obtinguts dels assajos, es proposa una relació potencial per al disseny de mantells de roca en condicions d'onatge limitat per fons vàlida per a talussos amb cot¿ = 1.5, nombres d'estabilitat 0.98¿Hm0/(¿Dn50) ¿2.5, i profunditats relatives a peu de dic de 3.75¿hs/(¿Dn50)¿7.50.
Quan mantell principal està format per elements de formigó , és habitual construir una berma de peu que proporciona suport als elements del mantell i, si escau, col¿labora en la protecció de la zona inferior del dic contra la soscavació. Aquesta berma sol construir amb roca i el seu pes està condicionat al dels elements del mantell en el cas de no haver trencament per fons. El pes dels elements de la berma de peu sol ser un ordre de magnitud inferior al pes de les unitats del mantell; però, si el pendent de fons és fort ( p.e. m = 1 /10) i les aigües someres aquesta regla no es compleix ja que algunes onades trenquen sobre el fons impactant directament sobre la berma de peu. En aquests casos, el pes de la roca de la berma pot sobrepassar el de les unitats del mantell, i el seu correcte disseny és crucial per garantir l'estabilitat del dic. A més d'estudiar l'estabilitat del mantell principal de dics de roca, la present tesi doctoral analitza també l'estabilitat hidràulica de bermes de roca ubicades en fons amb pendents m = 1/10 i aigües someres (0.5<hs/Dn50<5.01), utilitzant assajos a escala reduïda realitzats amb mantells de doble capa de cubs i bermes de roca amb diferents dimensions. En primer lloc, es proposa una nova equació per al disseny de bermes de roca estàndard (Bt = 3 Dn50 i tt = 2 Dn50), tant emergides com submergides, a partir de tres paràmetres: (1) alçada d'ona significant en aigües profundes, Hs0, (2) longitud d'ona en aigües profundes, L0p, i (3) profunditat a peu de dic, hs. Posteriorment, s'analitza la influència de l'amplada de la berma (Bt) en la seua estabilitat hidràulica, introduint dos nous conceptes per caracteritzar bermes de peu amples (Bt > 3 Dn50): (1) berma nominal o zona de la berma de peu sobre la qual recolza el mantell principal, i (2) berma de sacrifici o zona de la berma de peu que protegeix la berma nominal. A partir del dany de la berma de peu nominal, es proposa un nou mètode per reduir el tamany de roca (Dn50) incrementant l'amplada de la berma (Bt) quan no es disposi de la mida requerit en pedrera. Finalment, s'examina el dany del mantell de cubs i s'analitza la influència del mètode de col¿locació sobre el mateix , a partir d'assajos realitzats amb mantells bicapa de cubs amb col¿locació aleatòria i uniforme. / Herrera Gamboa, MP. (2017). Mound Breakwater Design in Depth-Limited Breaking Wave Conditions [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/82553
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Numerical analyses of stability of a gradually raised tailings damZardari, Muhammad Auchar January 2013 (has links)
Numerical analyses are presented in this thesis to address potential stability problems that may occur during gradual raisings and under seismic loading conditions of Aitik tailings dam in northern Sweden. The dam is mainly raised using upstream construction method. It is planned to raise the dam gradually in several stages. Two dam parts were studied. The first dam part is a straight dam portion, and the second dam part is a corner. The main concerns associated with future raisings of the straight dam part were: (i) the stability of the dam could be affected by an increase in excess pore pressures during sequential raisings, (ii) how to gradually strengthen the dam by using rockfill berms as supports in such a way that required slope stability can be achieved with a minimum volume of rockfill berms, and (iii) if the dam is subjected to seismic loading, whether or not an increase in excess pore pressures could lead to extensive liquefaction which may cause a failure. The problems related to the dam corner were that tension zones and/or low compression zones could develop because of the horizontal pressure of the stored tailings on the inside of the curvature of the dam corner.Numerical analyses were conducted on both the dam parts using finite element method. Two dimensional (2D) plane strain finite element model was utilized to analyse the straight dam. The dam corner was analysed with both the three dimensional (3D) finite element model, and the 2D axisymmetric finite element model. Coupled deformation and consolidation analyses, and slope stability analyses were performed on both the dam parts to simulate gradual raisings, and to compute safety factors. In addition to this, dynamic analyses were carried out on the straight dam part to evaluate the potential for liquefaction, and seismic stability of the dam. The seismic behaviour of the dam was analysed for two cases: (i) a normal case (earthquake of 3.6 Swedish local magnitude), and (ii) an extreme case (earthquake of 5.8 moment magnitude).The results of the straight dam part, with only previously existing rockfill berms, indicate that stability of the dam was reduced due to an increase in excess pore pressures during raisings. Rockfill berms were utilized as supports to raise the dam with enough safety. An optimization technique was utilized to minimize the volume of rockfill berms. This technique could result in significant saving of cost of rockfill berms.The results of the dam corner show that tension zones and/or low compression zones were located on the surface of the dam corner, mainly above the phreatic level. It is interpreted that there is no risk of internal erosion through the embankments because no seepage path occurs above the phreatic level, and a filter zone exists along the slope of the dam. It is suggested to gradually strengthen the dam corner with rockfill berms. The results of the 2D axisymmetric analyses of the dam corner were in a fairly good agreement with those of the 3D analyses. This implies that the 2D axisymmetric analyses are valid for this dam corner. This is an important finding as 2D axisymmetric analyses require much less computational time compared to 3D analyses.The results of the dynamic analyses performed on the straight dam (including additional rockfill berms) suggest that, for the extreme case, liquefaction could occur in a limited zone that is located below the surface near the embankments. For both the normal and the extreme case, (i) seismically induced displacements seem to be tolerable, and (ii) the post seismic stability of the dam is considered to be sufficient.The findings of this study have been practically applied to the Aitik tailings dam. In general, the modelling procedure and the optimization technique to minimize volume of rockfill berms, presented in this study, could be applied to other tailings dams. / Godkänd; 2013; 20130513 (muhauc); Tillkännagivande disputation 2013-05-20 Nedanstående person kommer att disputera för avläggande av teknologie doktorsexamen. Namn: Muhammad Auchar Zardari Ämne: Geoteknik/Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Avhandling: Numerical Analyses of Stability of a Gradually Raised Tailings Dam Opponent: Professor Daichao Sheng, School of Engineering, The University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia Ordförande: Professor Sven Knutsson, Institutionen för samhällsbyggnad och naturresurser, Luleå tekniska universitet Tid: Torsdag den 13 juni 2013, kl 10.00 Plats: F1031, Luleå tekniska universitet
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Evaluation de la performance acoustique des protections antibruit innovantes utilisant des moyens naturels : application aux transports terrestresKoussa, Faouzi 28 September 2012 (has links)
Le bruit dû aux infrastructures de transports terrestres fait partie des premières préoccupations environnementales de ce début de 21e siècle. Un moyen utilisé pour réduire ce bruit est de placer des protections acoustiques le long des grands axes routiers et ferroviaires. Actuellement, les choix de ces protections antibruit se portent généralement sur des solutions traditionnelles : écran droit, merlon, écran incliné, écran avec un couronnement. Le but de ce travail est de proposer des protections acoustiques innovantes utilisant des moyens naturels et d’en étudier la performance acoustique en utilisant des approches numériques et expérimentales. L’approche numérique peut être couplée en outre à un outil d’optimisation, développé dans cette thèse, pour chercher des formes améliorées de tels dispositifs antibruit novateurs. Après une présentation des principaux phénomènes mis en jeu dans la propagation des ondes acoustiques en milieu extérieur complexe, un état de l’art des principaux écrans acoustiques dédiés aux transports terrestres a été établi, permettant de choisir trois protections antibruit innovantes pour en étudier la performance acoustique. Une analyse des principales méthodes de simulation numérique, de mesure et d’optimisation des protections antibruit a permis de choisir les méthodes adaptées à notre problématique des écrans acoustiques utilisant des moyens naturels. Les méthodes choisies ont été utilisées dans ce travail pour évaluer la performance acoustique de ces écrans innovants. Pour le premier écran choisi, dit écran en gabions, nous avons effectué des mesures in-situ et sur modèles réduits, ainsi que des simulations numériques montrant une efficacité satisfaisante. Pour le deuxième écran, utilisant des cristaux soniques, et pour le troisième écran, de type merlon acoustique de forme complexe, nous avons réalisé une étude numérique paramétrique suivie d’une étude d’optimisation. Les résultats des calculs ont montré l’intérêt de tels dispositifs antibruit pour réduire le bruit de circulation routière et ferroviaire en milieu urbain et ils ont abouti à des formes améliorées des protections acoustiques utilisant des moyens naturels. / Noise due to ground transportation infrastructures is among the first environmental concerns of this beginning of 21th century. Building noise protections along motorways and railways is usually the chosen solution to reduce this noise. Currently, noise abatement systems used are mainly conventional ones: straight barriers, earth berms, tilted barriers, capped barriers. The purpose of this work is to propose innovative noise barriers using natural means and to study their acoustic performance by using numerical and experimental approaches. The numerical approach can also be coupled with an optimization tool, developed in this thesis, to obtain improved shapes of such devices using natural means. First, the main phenomena that appear during acoustic wave propagation in a complex outdoor medium are described. Then, a state of the art of the main noise barriers dedicated to ground transportation noise is achieved. It drives the choice of three innovative noise barriers using natural means. An analysis of the main numerical, experimental and optimization methods is carried out which allows to choose the methods adapted to our problem of noise barriers using natural means. The chosen methods are used in this work to assess the acoustic performance of the three innovative noise barriers. For the first chosen noise barrier called “gabions barrier”, we perform in-situ and scale model measurements and numerical simulations. The results show a satisfactory efficiency of such noise devices. For the second and the third chosen noise barriers called respectively “sonic crystal assisted barrier” and “complex shaped earth berm”, we perform a parametric numerical and an optimization studies. The results show the capacity of such noise devices to reduce motorways and railways noises in urban areas and they lead to improved shapes of innovative noise barriers using natural means.
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