Spelling suggestions: "subject:"biomasa"" "subject:"biomasas""
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Aplikace obnovitelných zdrojů energie pro vytápění rodinného domu v Bosně a Hercegovině / Application of Renewable Energy Sources for the Family House Heating in Bosnia and HerzegovinaŠtefková, Daniela January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on renewable energy sources and its applications for heating of family house in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project contains two design variants which are described in part B in detail. Alternatives are compared in conclusion and the most suitable one is chosen for given building. The part of experimental solution deals with measurement of solar intensity and air temperature in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the Czech Republic. Obtained data are processed, compared and graphically represented. Experimental part also includes stationary state simulation of floor heating carried out in CalA software. Simulations were made in different variants.
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Budišov-studie kotelny na biomasu / Budisov-Biomass heating plantPetrovský, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation contains a comparison of the real possibilities for heating reconstruction and TUV reheating in three public buildings (located nearby one another) in Budišov township, with resulting recommendations of the best options for local operating conditions. The dissertation contains calculations of heating requirements for particular buildings, a generic theoretical part which summarizes basic data concerning long-term fuels (biomass and natural gas), proposals for technical solutions to heating sourcing concerning these fuels and its prospective distribution from a central boiler house, and its reciprocal comparison from the perspective of the economics of actual realization and operation, and from a perspective of fuel availability and ecology.
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CFD modelování hoření tuhých paliv na roštu / CFD modelling of grate combustion of solid fuelsJuřena, Tomáš January 2008 (has links)
Práce je zaměřena na vytvoření numerického modelu 1D experimentálního reaktoru pro spalování tuhých paliv. Metodou konečných objemů je provedena diskretizace řídících rovnic a takto formulovaná úloha je implementována do programu v prostředí MATLAB. V závěru jsou uvedeny výsledky několika simulací hoření slámy.
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Studie výroby elektrické energie z biomasy / Biomass energy power plantCaha, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
The scope of this diploma thesis is feasibility study of enlargement the current energy source by new technological equipment designed for heat and electric energy production. Technological equipment is designed regarding to capital costs and minimum enviromental effects. In the thesis is described most important aspects for successful design new biomass energy source. The result can be used for investor´s decision making about determination toward investment.
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Parní kotel na spalování kontaminovaného dřeva / Steam boiler for demolition woodMazal, Lubomir January 2010 (has links)
The threat of depletion of fossil fuels is the driving force to diversify energy sources in the Czech Republic respectively in the European Union but also worldwide. One of these potential sources are being biomass boilers. The construction of these boilers has expanded in recent years because of government support for the construction of clean energy sources. Whether it is a burning of clean biomass or just incorporation of biomass to fossil fuels, teh substitution of fossil fuels and biomass boilers are the ideal solution. Their major advantages include significant reductions in emissions, mainly sulfur compounds, organic closure of the cycle of CO2 and disposal costs of spent residue.
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Kogenerační zdroj / Cogeneration UnitJančok, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
V diplomové práci je krok po kroce vypracováno řešení zabezpečení energetického zdroje pro typické město v Sibiřské oblasti. Data, která tvoří zadání, byla získána od zákazníka pomocí dotazníku, protože pro nás oblast v čase vypracování nebyla dostupná. Na základě informací o aktuální energetické situaci, obyvatelstvu a dřevospracujícímu průmyslu je vybrána vhodná technologie pro zabezpečení tepla a elektrické energie. Druh zdroje byl vybrán dle dostupného paliva a následně byl proveden výpočet a design en- ergetického zdoje založeného na Rankine Clausiovém cyklu. Řešení obsahuje technický i ekonomický návrh. Technické řešení ukázalo, že nejdůležitější parametry jsou spolehlivost, bezpečnost a jednoduchost řešení. Design sítí, přídavných zařízení a plánování údržby není obsahem této práce. O dalších projektových krocích pojednává závěr.
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Vliv vlhkosti paliva na parametry regulace kotle / Impact of Fuel Moisture on Parameters of Boiler RegulationKiša, Michal January 2014 (has links)
The work deals with the verification of functionality of moisture content sensors MCT460-WP from the company Process sensors to measure fuel and products from biomass. The sensor is located on one of the Vyncke company boilers. In the first part of thesis are introduced basic issues of biomass. Thesis also generally describes the control and dynamics behaviour of biomass boilers and the effect of input parameters on the output parameters. The last part deals with comparing and analysing measured values with the calculated values and effects of moisture content changes on the output parameters of the boiler. As the last issue is loaded conceptual design based on on-line moisture sensing and inclusion of auxiliary fuel control into the existing system in order to stabilize the processes in the combustion chamber and output parameters. This should result in lower financial demands during boiler operation.
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Návrh kogenerační jednotky s výkonem 200 kWe s dodávkou tepla pro sušárnu / Cogeneration unit with output 200 kWeTuček, Jan January 2014 (has links)
In this diploma thesis "Cogeneration unit with output 200 kWe" the first part describes the properties, drying and combustion of biomass. The next section deals with the description of the combined production of electricity and thermal energy and gas turbines. In the last part of the diploma thesis is devoted to the design and calculations of thermal cycle in order to achieve maximum efficiency.
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Roštový kotel na spalování uhlí a nebo dřevní biomasy o parametrech 200 t / h 9,3 MPa, 520°C / Steam boiler with grate firing , burning coal or wood biomas 200 t/ h, 9,3 MPa 520°CČech, Jaroslav January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the work is the design of a grate boiler of 200 t . h-1 output, which will burn brown coal or wood chips. The work is divided into several parts. First, stoichiometric calculation and the calculations enthalpy of flue gases and air are performed. After calculating the heat balance and loss of the boiler was counted boiler efficiency. The design of individual heating surfaces is proposed and at the end are controlled the overall heat balance of the boiler. The calculation is supplemented by drawings.
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Cereálie - aktivní složky, biologické účinky a vybrané aplikace v potravinářství / Cereals - Active Substances, Biological Effects and Selected Applications in Food IndustryLichnová, Andrea January 2014 (has links)
The presented doctoral thesis is focused on the study of the biological effects of active compounds found in cereals, on the development of methods of analysis these effects, on the determination of the content of active substances and characterization of the relationship between composition and biological effects of cereals and cereal products. For the analysis several kinds of raw cereal samples (flakes, flour, germ, bran), flavored extruded cereal products and also samples of paddy and husked rice were chosen. To major types of analysed active compounds belong mainly phenolic compounds in the form of glycosides and aglycones, and also saccharides. Group parameters such as total polyphenols, flavonoids and total and reducing saccharides were determined spectrophotometrically, individual phenolics and saccharides were determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). TEAC, DPPH and CLAMS methods were used to determine the antioxidant activity. Indirect methods of determination of substances with antioxidant effect were used as well. Results of the total antioxidant activity were compared with values of antimutagenic/genotoxic activity obtained by several microbial test systems. Antimutagenic effect was expressed as a percentage of inhibition of effect of standard mutagen and could be considered as a potential preventive effect of cereals to DNA arising primarily by free radicals effect. The highest values of group and individual phenolics, antioxidant and antimutagenic activity were found in germs, bran, in buckwheat products and in coloured and raw rice. In flavoured cereal products addition of chocolate or fruit positively influences content of active phenolic substances as well as sugars, antixidant and antimutagenic activity. In a representative sample of Czech population, questionnairy study was performed to monitor interest in cereals and consumer preferences. The most of consumers consider cereals with chocolate flavour as less healthy than confirmed results of laboratory analyses. In this study some new food products were developed. Several types of model cereal products containing plant (fruit, vegetables) extracts were proposed. Extracts were added to cereals in freeze-dried and encapsulated form. The highest positive effect exhibited addition of local forrest fruit extract. Within preparation of encapsulated extracts several methods of preparing lipid or saccharides particles were also tested. The encapsulation efficiency of the methods and stability and size of particles were analysed. Optimal type of fortified cereal foods could be suggested based on the acquired results. Selected cereals were used as alternative carbon substrates (processed or raw) for the cultivation of microorganisms to produce enriched biomass usable in the feed industry. We can conclude that cereals in raw as well as processed form belong to universal foods and rich sources of biologically active substances. They can be processed by many ways. They can be used for direct consumption, as a part of new products and also undirectly as a substrate for feedstock.
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